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LOVE this movie
27 May 2024
I think it is hilarious and I have watched it at least 4 times. The acting and lines are so good. I have lived in France and at least understand most of the French, but not that Ch'tis dialect. The part when the director learns and speaks Ch'tis with the shouting of "EH!" at the end of his sentences is so funny. The two main characters play their parts so well, and had me snickering or laughing out loud many times, even on the 4th viewing. The beginning with his friend and then the part in the wheelchair, and his despair at being assigned to the "North" (WORSE than being fired?) is just great. I will definitely return to this movie periodically for a laugh.
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27 May 2024
There was one small element of surprise in this movie but it didn't make up for the predictable plot. The daughter with her stupid instagram influencer wedding was so annoying. I thought Brooke Shields did a decent job in her role although at times overacted (the crying scene??) She looks very good and obviously works out a lot, although it's hard not to compare with how gorgeous she looked when much younger. I found almost everyone else irritating except her best friend. What was with the insistence on them running around naked together suddenly, really? Just embarrassing and not believable. Some of the dialog was just so ridiculous or corny I had to mute it. Overall the movie was ok, for once there was nothing too graphic and it was a beautiful setting. But I thought Ticket to Paradise with Julia Roberts and George Clooney was so much funnier and better.
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One Day (2024)
Heart-wrenching and gripping
26 February 2024
It starts off slowly so I wasn't sure I would like it. The first encounter at the university party seemed strangely improbable. Why was he suddenly so interested in Emma? Emma comes off as reserved and kind of nerdy, while Dexter is a handsome rich spoiled playboy, who had attracted and dated a huge number of girls already. But I liked the way Dexter revealed his heart over time, and despite his confident bravado, showed his many weaknesses too. Honestly, the actor playing Dexter is just too good-looking for words, he just captures the screen. You can't stand him sometimes, but there is that vulnerability and sadness too under his shallow self-indulgence. The actress playing Emma is very good too.

The story is tragic, funny, touching, and beautiful. It was a bit too graphic in a couple of scenes, not feeling it was needed, but it at least went with the storyline. Wonderful lead actors, also the actors playing Alison, Tilly, Ian, and Sylvie, plus some beautiful scenery too. Binge-worthy!
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Marriage (2022)
Very realistic portrayal of long-term marriage
2 June 2023
I loved this series as I felt every emotion the two leads were portraying with just their slight changes of facial expression or movements. The chemistry and relationship between the husband and wife was great and spot-on, the shared laughs, jokes, closeness alternating with irritation, bickering, little fights, jealousy, the shared sadness, how they helped each other. Nicola Walker is always great although her acting mannerisms seem always somewhat the same, the way she speaks reminded me of her in Last Tango in Halifax. I didn't know Sean Bean but thought he was amazing in his portrayal of the insecure lost husband in mid-life, dependent on his wife, contemplating an affair or maybe was just attracted to the young woman (who wasn't interested), being shunned at interviews, struggling to find his place in a changed world while somewhat younger wife still busy working. Her boss was interestingly bizarre and reminded me of some that I knew especially back in the 80's with their cocaine habits, sleeping with young employees, slimy passes, drunken episodes. Some things were just not that good to me, I thought the daughter was a very good actress but the whole relationship with her parents was so strange, they clearly adored her but then why the weird awkward interactions? The boyfriend was a jerk at times, but why, what drove him? Why was he so set on marriage? The old father - why was he such a jerk to his daughter? What had happened to his wife/her mother, not a word about her. Why/how was he so close to the granddaughter and why so against the husband? At times it did drag on somewhat and I would be thinking OK what are you thinking, say something, have a fight, yell, explain! I wondered at the rawness of their grief after so many years but definitely brought tears to my eyes. Strangest law office I've ever seen and never was explained much either, why in that dumpy building, why 3-4 people crammed into one room, did the boss just inherit it? What was Nicola Walker's job exactly? Loved the small London (?) house with the tiny rooms, steep stairs, one bathroom! Very typical of some I've seen. Well done overall and one that will stick with me.
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Rocketman (I) (2019)
Great film and music
30 April 2023
I loved the film and it made me dive into watching loads of real life Elton John videos on you tube. He may have been on drugs but his early concerts were amazing. However, it seemed the way the film depicted (and I guess EJ approved of this) the cold nature and cruelty of his mother was not all true to life as the real videos showed his mother attended concerts, applauded him, sang his songs. Well who knows behind closed doors exactly how it was. Overall I found the film fascinating and entertaining and went to see it twice in the theater. Taron did a wonderful job singing and acting. EJ is a musical genius and has had an incredibly long and successful career. I'm glad he found stability and happiness later with his own family after nearly dying several times from his drug abuse.
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The Staircase (2022)
Drags but still watchable
8 June 2022
I got up to episode 7 and thought it was the end but apparently there is one last episode. I had seen the true crime version of this murder already. This series drags in parts and could have been shorter. I didn't like the main character at all, Michael Peterson, he isn't likeable. I didn't like the graphic nature of some of the scenes, was it really necessary to show so much detail of the photos and his relations with men? Now watching the Netflix documentary to compare it. I do think Colin Firth captured this guy's voice perfectly, especially amazing for an Englishman to do this was remarkable. He lied so much in the past it is hard to believe he didn't do anything.
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Grace and Frankie (2015–2022)
Loved the earlier seasons, last season not so much
12 May 2022
I think every series has its ending time and this one played itself out. I will enjoy rewatching the earlier seasons again. This last one, well what can I say, Jane Fonda has gone from very attractive 'for her age' to 'too much plastic surgery, bizarre looking'. On the other hand Lily Tomlin seems to look younger than in the first seasons! The interplay between Grace and Frankie remains the highlight of the series, while the two ex-husbands (arggg the 'kiss-aversery' etc plus all of the 4 children and their spouses/signif others are supremely annoying, unfunny and arrrgg just unnecessary to the series. Ok MAYBE Brianna is ok BUT the scenes of her showing her privates in photos - really I didn't need that, also the mixup of the engagement ring with the "x" - just yuck yuck yuck. Too many over the top jokes - writers please keep it witty and not stupid and gross. Not sure how they picked the actors for the children and the chemistry for the male couple just was NOT THERE. However, I did love the Grace and Frankie odd couple exchanges enough to stick it out for all the seasons. And I give it kudos for showing spunky older people who haven't just given it all up to sit watching tv all day. Loved a lot of the adventures of Grace and Frankie. Lily Tomlin was the best character, even though completely nutty and over the top at times. Grace was great too especially the parts about the "Rise up" toilet - what a great idea honestly. Loved the parts where she can't get up from the toilet. I could have skipped the constant graphic sexual references but well that's tv now in 2022.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Love hate relationship
23 March 2022
I started off the show thinking 'whaaaat?' and then realized it was half in spoof or fantasy. Got over my dislike of episode one with that scene in the first 15 mins - and tried it again. I do love the clothes, hair styles, balls, stately homes. Some interesting characters and plot developments -but it started to be downright silly after awhile. Totally unbelievable and nothing like real period dramas I normally love. Too much thrown in there of the "love" scenes, after several of those scenes and each more detailed than the last, more and more nudity and the lovers getting it on everywhere, and anywhere, was seriously was thinking how embarrassing for the lead actors, but they signed up and obviously were ok to do it, and many viewers seem to like this show. I gave up finally, not sure I will go back to it. The whole story is starting to seem too stupid and trashy to finish out season 1.
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Much better than the American version
23 March 2022
Not only did the people act in a much classier way (such as not swearing, not talking about their sex lives, wearing more modest clothes) but they acted nicer to each other and it showed in the friendships formed in the female/male groups. I felt I learned a lot about Japanese culture and how it has changed over the last decades. For example I was surprised that these couples easily wanted to live together immediately as I thought that was still kind of taboo in Japan. I really felt the emotions were very real in this show, especially when the men would cry / be upset. It made me sad when one of them was crying, man or woman and I felt sorry for the couples who broke up early on, but was glad it wasn't up at the alter like the American version. That made it also seem more realistic. And the couples that made it through were so adorable. I really hope there will be a season 2 of this version. My favorite part in each show is the wedding gown try ons and the wedding scenes, the women look so beautiful.
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Love Is Blind (2020– )
Best part is the wedding dresses
2 March 2022
All the conversations in and out of the pods were pretty stupid and repetitive, some couples who ended up getting married will likely get divorced soon, I still watched all of the two seasons but fast forwarded through at least half. I was hoping for some more drama in Season 2 but it really toned down to boring stuff. I was glad some of the couples didn't work out as there was no way they were compatible. Lovely wedding dresses - that was my favorite part - the women all looked beautiful. Most of the date dresses were just so tight or low-cut it was unreal, I guess yes they looked then 'hot' to the men but I thought it was supposed to be about an emotional connection. When one guy kept grabbing a girl's rear on a first meeting uggg it made me sick. Some of the people were so pompous and full of themselves. Several of the people were just annoying either with their constant swearing, idiotic conversation, hyena laughing or snorting...a few of them were nice/charming and I was rooting for them and then they were usually the ones getting dumped - but yet I did watch all of it so I guess I didn't hate the show!
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The Inbetweeners (2008–2010)
One side to the jokes
9 January 2022
I watched some of this show for the strong points, as I generally like British comedies. Greg Davies as headmaster was good, as usual. I liked the character of Will from the first scenes, and the interaction of the different friends at that age, but it was just too much after awhile with the non-stop gross humor and one-sided focus of the boys, every scene had something to do with trying to get any female to have sex or masturbation. The way they talked in general and especially about Will's mother was really disgusting, and then a low point was the scene at the old folks home. You had to laugh at times just because it was just so gross what was being said or done but it was too much for me, and the characters had no depth and nothing is developed as far as their other interests or challenges. The jokes also were based a lot on making fun of people being old, disabled, fat, or homosexual etc. Which I found offensive. I had to stop watching. I guess this kind of really crude humor appeals to many people, because the show was highly rated as British comedy of the year.
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Cuckoo (II) (2012– )
Seasons 1-3 were great or good Season 4 so so and Season 5 bad
9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Greg Davies kept me watching this show to the end even though some episodes were pretty bad and they kept losing main characters. At first I was not going to watch Season 2 with the strange loss or change of main actors but it grew on me and I did find Taylor Lautner oddly appealing although sometimes irritating, with his innocent stupidity, yet the use of the "Mom!" phrase over and over made that relationship very weird. Season 4 was not that funny, it started going downhill and then Season 5 was pretty bad. I thought the character of Ivy was not very funny, too out of place with the rest of the seasons, also we lost a major character, and the story lines ranged from dumb to disgusting. I didn't like the way animals were used for humor in this show, the sex videos were not funny and a low point of those episodes too. Greg Davies however was a comedic star from the first to last episode and the woman playing his wife Lorna was so cute and a wonderful comedic actress too.
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Diana (I) (2021)
Loved the songs and lead singers
29 October 2021
I thought it was a very well done musical. We all know the story from real life, books, and The Crown. So the music had to be key here and I thought Jeanne de Wal was a wonderful singer and actress. She brought to life Diana's personality. The lead playing Charles was excellent too.
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The Chair (2021)
Hilarious, please bring on a season 2
30 August 2021
I found the show surprisingly funny, as well as touching. Yes there were some exaggerated characters, but that's what made it funny. I loved most of the main characters, and also the university settings during a snowy winter. Sometimes the language was over the top especially when used around the little girl, and no wonder she had an attitude! I hope they have a season 2 where the characters can be more developed. Having taken many English classes at university but none since then, I enjoyed the moments in class of reading poems or literature discussions.
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Medici (2016–2019)
Enthralling - history, drama, scenery, costumes
18 May 2020
Lived in Florence one summer not long ago in an apartment just on the Piazza dei Signoria, walked those ancient streets near the Duomo, so I am thrilled to see this series and be thrown back into the time of the Medici family's rise to power. The recreation of Florence in the early 1400s is just fascinating, seeing the way people lived, how the Medici ran their banking empire, no phones, only writing messages on scrolls, no transportation other than horseback or basic wagon, just amazing. Some of those scenes of men galloping between cities along country roads in Italy! So interesting seeing the type of houses, routines, eating habits, furniture, clothing, hair styles that existed back then. Some scenes are a bit too graphic for my taste but that's how it is now. No more PG types of series, producers think we want to see every detail whether it is the sex or violence. Love both Richard Madden and Annabel Scholey's acting and gorgeous beauty. That scene where she rides the horse, wow! I hope this series continues beyond a 3rd season.
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Moving and thought provoking
25 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I cried several times during this film, just imagining the pain and suffering of these children not only during the camps but then often realizing their entire families were just gone forever and they were on their own. I can't even grasp and understand enough how this happened, the horrible cruelty inflicted on so many people during WWII. The scenery in the area was stunning and a welcome relief to the sadness. Really disliked some of those English people in the village. I had never known this happened. How in the world did these children survive and how did they go from this start in life to becoming successful and owning businesses? I thought it was a wonderful film because I never knew about this event although I have watched many WWII films. No it wasn't always a perfect film, and maybe could have given more background of their lives, or shown more of the life beyond Windermere, but the point of the movie was to show that 4 months that gave them some small comforts, hope and a new start.
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Tiger King (2020–2021)
How do you rate this??
7 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Joe Exotic was repelling and fascinating at the same time. The man himself - what a combo personality, vulnerable, crazy, mean, nuts, smart?? What's with the horrible teeth of his one husband - why not use a little of that money coming in to fix them. Most of the workers appeared to be at rock bottom and living in squalor, still on drugs and ill-fed, yet very hard-working. Carol seemed nutty but I also felt sorry for her at times, just as I did for Joe. By the end I felt any of those people was capable of violence. Joe appeared to be set up, and yet was he? He was scary too. I felt sorry for him but also felt he was better off in restraint. Was he bipolar? What was he doing with that money spent campaigning?? Several of the men had such giant egos. Frightening what goes on in our country. The best aspect of the show was to highlight what is going on with the wild cat trade in the USA. I had no idea.
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Cheer (2020–2022)
Fascinating but frightening
15 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Incredible what these kids are able to do, I couldn't stop watching. But...the potentially permanent injuries that these kids might sustain were a big worry for me. I felt it was cruel for the hyper-competitive coach to force that injured guy TT to do the practice routine, including picking up the girls over and over, when he had a pulled back muscle and was sobbing in pain. That was really awful to watch and made me feel like the coach was a nasty woman. She could have just made him sit out and potentially lose his "mat" place. I thought if he permanently screwed up his back then he could sue her for that, even if he was wrong to compete on the weekend. As for the girls falling many times onto their heads or backs on what looked like a very thin mat, one could imagine some permanent damage from that too. The competition makes the stunts get every more dangerous just like with figure skating or gymnastics.
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Knives Out (2019)
Just saw it and do not understand the hype
7 January 2020
I'm a mystery lover and have seen and read every Agatha Christie tale. I found this movie very slow for the first half. Second half picked up but again there was no deep mystery of whodunit, nor the charm and period atmosphere of a Poirot episode (which I can watch over and over - thank you David Suchet and the other main actors). The lead actress was very attractive, but the vomiting was definitely disgusting to watch, as well as ridiculously unbelievable (I guess that was the funny part?). Some of the characters had been under the sunlamp too many times or smoked way too often and looked weather-beaten. Did not like the sucking on cigars constantly. The last part was more entertaining and finally there was the rapid-fire conclusion thank the Lord. Agree that Daniel Craig with that southern accent was just super annoying. Great grandmother bored me after first moments of her being silent in an odd hat. Over and over. It moved pretty slowly for me at times. I guess I'm in a minority on this one. I'm not saying it was terrible but it was not a great movie for me.
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Baby Ballroom (2017– )
Beautiful dancing of the very young dancers
25 December 2019
I thought the series was very interesting because I had no idea such young children could dance so beautifully, and had these competitions that they really love. The girls' dresses are out of this world, so gorgeous! My only critique is that I wish they showed longer segments of the dancing and had less interruptions with people talking to the camera. Sometimes the camera moves around between the couples so fast you can't quite see enough of the dance moves. I'd like the camera to show an entire dance of one couple sometimes. Very impressed with the dancing skills of these young couples! I was amazed at the dedication of the students and the parents - driving hundreds of miles for practices and competitions. Warren and Jane appear very warm and encouraging and are also quite funny. I liked the show very much and please continue!
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Thou Shalt Not Kill (2015– )
Interesting enough to keep me binge watching
5 December 2019
Overall I really liked this crime series, having watched many others from the UK, Sweden, and France. Some of the stories are better than others, and the switch off to background drama between Valeria and her mother got a bit boring after awhile, for some reason. I think it is because the mother is so passive and calm that you can't imagine she was ever fired up enough to kill someone, and the switching around just interrupts the flow of the crime investigation. Valeria herself can get tiresome with her inability to ever relax or smile, and her refusal to take more realistic caution (such as having her partner with her to investigate someone dangerous in remote locations- really?) And why is she "sort of" with that much older guy, and living at home, when she could be with her obviously smitten partner or someone like him? But these are minor points of an intriguing series showing me interesting aspects of life in Turin, Italy (and do their grown children always live with their parents?) Looking forward to the second series being on PBS soon!
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The Good Liar (2019)
Kept me interested but unbelievable in parts
23 November 2019
My biggest beef with this movie is that the timeline doesn't work. The main characters are too young for the events that happen in the flashbacks. Some good acting by the lead guy but I didn't like the violent scenes, too graphic for a what could have been a fairly light-hearted thriller. However kept me interested except at the very end which was dragged out about 10 minutes too long.
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Zumbo's Just Desserts (2016–2020)
Annoying and not much fun
17 November 2019
Bring back more British Baking Competition Seasons and forget this one. Agree completely that the presenting Zumbo and Rachel? are totally fake and dull, and Gigi - well everyone said it - super annoying voice and personality, had to mute the show to watch a little more. Beautiful desserts but you hardly got to see what they were before they were whisked away. Overall, just a poorly done boring stupid show. Can't watch anymore episodes.
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Professor T. (2015–2018)
Addictive although uneven
17 October 2019
Several of the characters are so intriguing that I could not stop watching this show, particularly the lead character Professor T. While he reminds me somewhat Doc Martin without the humor, he is more interesting and more troubled. Some of the material is quite disturbing to watch. I am not thrilled by the character of Annelise - somehow her voice and manner grates on my nerves. I have to mute it when she speaks. I do not find her believable as an Inspector, due to her age and manner. She's very beautiful but so irritating the way she shouts and rushes around wildly. However, I just binge watched the whole first season on PBS video and now impatiently waiting for the next season to appear to find out what happens with the main characters. Love the interaction between the secretary Ms. Snyder, the Dean, and Professor T. But I do not find the Professor's mother appealing at all - what is with that weird turban??? This is not the 1920s. And why is she so possessive and demanding of her middle-aged son? They never explained his germ phobia.
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Captivating despite it all
11 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this movie for the 10th time (approximately). I remain irritated at the strangely callous and bewildering behavior of "Carrie" who seems to enjoy sleeping around quite a lot without a regret despite her perfect lady image, and even after becoming engaged. And why did she become engaged to that older man if not just as a gold digger although she pretends to love him? It doesn't bode well for a future with her. The rest of the characters are sheer perfection, bumbling but sweet Charles, the wealthy brother-sister, the quirky short-hair girl roommate, Gareth chortling loudly and dancing wildly etc. etc. Interestingly I saw more funny moments this time that I had missed before, including the elderly lady passed out on the church steps after one of the weddings. There are a few classic scenes that I never stop laughing at. My favorite is the tear down the highway to the first wedding, with them swearing constantly then backing up in the mini to make the exit. Another is where Charles has to wait in the sink cupboard for Lydia and Bernard to stop wildly making love. Another one, the scene where Charles and his friend run madly once again to another wedding and the short-haired gal puts on the fake hair piece and then walks up the aisle with her knickers on display through the ripped dress....utterly hilarious. Along the way are some poignant moments as when Charles talks to his friend about why they are never the ones getting married and the wealthy friend says he just hopes to find a nice girl who doesn't get sick at the look of him and settle down together, "worked for my parents, aside from the divorce and all". Funny but sad at the same time. The silly antics of Carrie annoyed me throughout, from her heartless flirting and trampling on Charles' heart, to her showing off in the wedding dress scene, but despite some dumb lines I thought Andie did well in the final scene to show her heart finally to Charles.
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