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The Walking Dead: Here's Negan (2021)
Season 10, Episode 22
The flashback episodes are the most amazing to me personally.
15 December 2021
It's something special to meet these people in the apocalypse and then finally see where they came from and who they were before the apocalypse occurred. Connecting those two things is truly fascinating and with Negan it might be the best ever. Seeing Negan as pretty great person overall with a few flaws and then lose his way for survival after he lost so much, really advances his character so much further. This was just a masterpiece episode.
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Beerfest (2006)
In my opinion, the funniest movie ever made. Ya I said it.
13 December 2021
They basically invent an entire language in this film, and it created an actual phenomena of Beerfest parties in the US following it's release. I'll be frank, if this movie doesn't make you laugh, then you simply aren't a person I want to hang around. It's THAT funny to me. Sorry not sorry. Should be 8.3/10 cumulative. Ridiculous.
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The Walking Dead: On the Inside (2021)
Season 11, Episode 6
This episode scared the hell out of me!
2 December 2021
I don't even think it was the jump scares either, I think it was the insanely unique idea of having that low hum of quiet as if we are Connie and deaf. It just made her scenes frightening. This is one of the best Walking Dead episodes ever and felt like more movie quality than tv show, which hasn't been the case mostly.
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A Perfect Planet: The Sun (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Make sure you watch the making of for this one!
27 May 2021
Getting to see the wildlife camera man Rolf get to see his dream up close in personal made me cry. That making of was the best I've ever seen.
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In Living Color (1990–1994)
For me personally, the funniest skit show ever created!
29 March 2021
It went soooo much further than SNL could dream of and it's exactly what I personally wanted with my humor. And what an eye for talent did Keenan have! I mean Carrey, Foxx, and even Jlo! Carrey still kept the show together. I mean he's obviously a God of comedy. He did the most variety of characters and nailed every single skit to hilarity. It's kind of sad that Keenan especially, and Marlon didn't find a ton of major success later. I mean considering Keenan put together this masterpiece, it's extra puzzling that his other endeavors flopped so badly. And Marlon was every bit as funny as Carrey on the show, even probably having the funniest repeating skit with Homey Da Clown.
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Rise of Empires: Ottoman (2020–2022)
I absolutely LOVE these new Docuseries where you have drama with actual Professors giving extra info in between!
28 March 2021
Please give us more of these!!! And most of the main actors and actresses here are very high quality! Even the children! The Ottoman's though HUGE in history have gotten almost 0 entertainment screen time, so it's so welcome to finally learn more about their empire and their conquests.
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Seaspiracy (2021)
It's sad that films like this aren't nominated for Best Documentary Oscars! Oh I know why......
25 March 2021 talks, just like in the film. If you can seriously eat fish without trying to moderate your consumption after watching this documentary, then you have no heart.
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This show was by far the shocker of 2020.
20 March 2021
Zac Efron traveling around the world probably didn't have a lot of push behind it, but wow was I mistaken. Firstly, the locales they went and how they are shot and the people they hang out with is sooooo well done. Better that 90% of travel shows. Usually we just see the host and that's about it, but people from each region get their screen time and ample voice in each episode. I absolutely loved this series and I'm desperately hoping there is a new season with brand new locations! Bring it!!!
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The Walking Dead: Stalker (2020)
Season 10, Episode 10
This episode was really quality.
29 December 2020
Possibly the best episode in over a season and a half back. I'm hoping this quality stays. The Beta dude really is scary af, and he was a great casting choice. A lot of incredible fight and action sequences that didn't come off cheesy at all.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 14: The Tragedy (2020)
Season 2, Episode 6
Another phenomenal piece of entertainment.
6 December 2020
I teared up seeing Temuera playing Fett again. We are getting more and more Grogu scenes which I actually love. The amount of detail in his movements and expressions should win awards. I think I'm most impressed with how they will try things we might actually do in reality that I don't see in other shows. For instance at the very beginning Mando says 'Grogu' and Grogu looks up, but it's the laugh from Mando that felt so real, like something we'd all do. I just LOVE those touches that I've never seen in Star Wars shows before. Brilliant work mates.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 13: The Jedi (2020)
Season 2, Episode 5
Not only the best Mandalorian episode ever, but one of the best singular tv show episodes ever.
27 November 2020
We get more information in this episode than all the other ones combined. Rosario Dawson once again shows why she is one of the best in the business as she seamlessly plays Ahsona Tano. And lastly, the special effects have reached a new level of amazement, tv show or movie. The rotating LED screen just helps actors become a part of the environment to a new level that doesn't come off cheesy in fantasy in sci-fi that we've seen before. This is the best show on tv in my opinion.
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The Walking Dead: We Are the End of the World (2019)
Season 10, Episode 2
I thought it was very interesting to see where Alpha, Beta and Lydia came from.
23 November 2020
I don't know how you can get invested in these characters, good or evil, if you don't know their entire story arc and that includes where they came from. Some of you just want to see people die and could care less about anything else. But that's not how a good story works. Try finding an attention span.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 10: The Passenger (2020)
Season 2, Episode 2
Probably my least favorite episode so far of the show. But the unreal graphics save it.
8 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Some really surprising plot holes and a lukewarm storyline make this episode rather disappointing. I mean Peli doesn't even mention once that he destroyed her speeder? I mean REALLY!? And it's the first time they made Baby Yoda a bit annoying as he doesn't listen 3 times, which I guess is fine as he's a toddler now. As well the ship appears almost completely totaled, but Mando does a couple plugs and they are able to fly off? And why in the world would a bandit put down his protection (Baby Yoda) from getting blasted, to get a rocket pack (ok that's fine), and then turn it's back on the Mandalorian Ugh. it's the first time I rolled my eyes in the show, so I'm a little concerned. Luckily, the graphics in every single season are just astonishing. The dogfight flight through the snow canyons and the spider chase scene are just outrageous. Hopefully, the next episode is a bit tighter.
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Primal: Slave of the Scorpion (2020)
Season 1, Episode 10
Amazing episode that makes the 2nd season an excruciatingly long wait!
3 November 2020
This episode REALLY sparks my interest to a completely other level because we are introducing some major storytelling nuggets with the more advanced humans. The other episodes are fun but all kind of center around survival vs various hellbent creatures. But you've really left me wanting to see A LOT more now with this episode. Regardless, I loved the show overall!
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Has to be the shock quality show of 2020 period
15 July 2020
I didn't know what to expect but this show has kind of floored me honestly. It's basically Bourdain: Parts Unknown, but with a heavy focus on health which we all know Zac is perfect for as he's always been obviously a health freakazoid. But this is far more wholesome that probably what he did for 'health' in Cali for his movies. The cinematography is to die for and there is a real nice friendly camaraderie between Zac and Darrin (the co-host superfoods guru). Most surprising to me is the show hasn't gotten boring or felt forced in any parts and I'm 5 episodes in now. And it's not just food healths of the world but mobility health as the two race often, sand surf, churn food, etc. It's an all around holistic adventure with some laughs and inner philosophy sprinkled in. A huge recommendation for those looking to travel some day and are healthy conscious!
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Very thorough and well thought out Doc on the Chicken industry
11 July 2020
The last 1/4 part of the movie with the opening of the store is brilliant. It's kind of sad that the film didn't get much press because of the metoo stuff on Spurlock, but it is absolutely a movie worthy of viewing. Any advancement in society when it comes to nutrition and health is a good thing. Though I don't eat chicken myself, I'm pescatarian and crazy healthy. I look forward to Morgan's Super Size Me 3 some day in the future: I hope it's even crazier, something like Vegan or Mediterranean and Organic, because there needs to be a restaurant named Morganic some day. :)
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
I guess I'll be the weird one, as I loved it and love The Orville too. Shrug!
26 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not exactly sure what is pissing off so many people honestly. How else do you get Picard to come out of retirement than something along this story line? There almost had to be a droid threat of some sort to life in the universe. Otherwise, there would be no motivation for Picard. I personally enjoyed the cameos and have no inkling at why that upset so many here. I feel like people seriously want to hate anything from their youth or some crap. I guess my only qualm would be some of the casting choices and quality of the actors. But with so many shows on tv now, it's got to be harder and harder to find the top talent for your series. Regardless, I really enjoyed the series and look forward to Season 2. I guess I'll never understand internet hate. I'll almost always embrace new ventures into space. Shrug
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Rick and Morty: Never Ricking Morty (2020)
Season 4, Episode 6
This episode was a pure middle finger on those stupid fringe fans that want the simplest of storylines for Rick and Morty
6 May 2020
It's not ever going to be exactly what you want, nor should any amazing show for that matter. This is why Rick and Morty is a masterpiece. They do hold on to that Citadel/Evil Morty small storyline 1 episode out of each season, but otherwise it's going to be a free for all on fun, philosophies, the cosmos, stupidity/brilliance and everything in between each episode. And that's why I love it.
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Workaholics (2011–2017)
In my opinion, the funniest tv show ever made.
30 April 2020
But this type of comedy has to be your thing and it is DEFINITELY my thing. A part of me died when they ended it. I wish they would make a movie or another season some day.
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The Terror (2018–2025)
This is REALLY hard to review because the 1st season is a masterpiece, and the 2nd isn't even close
28 April 2020
The first season, woooooooow, if you love history timepieces, old English, amazing costumes and boats, the highest level of acting skills, game of thrones and chernobyl actors, and unreal suspense, this is your show. Sadly, the 2nd season doesn't even feel close to the same quality of craftsmasnship. The Terror was rated 9.1 on imdb before before the 2nd season hit, and now it's barely hanging on to 8.0. It's unfortunate because that will drive away people that could have seen one of the best seasons of a tv show in a long while.
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All the episodes are so good, it's hard to even believe...including this Cassini one
28 April 2020
I absolutely loved the soothing music and montage of the black and white pictures the Cassini satellite took over it's life's duration. It's also great to see Ukrainians and Russians getting some air time for their contributions in spaceflight and science. You kind of forget their importance and the names are lost because they aren't American or European. So so much kudos for that. Again, the show is simply a marvel of epic proportions.
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Simon Schama's Power of Art: Van Gogh (2006)
Season 1, Episode 6
Andy Serkis and Schama are both extraordinary in this Biop
19 April 2020
Wow, this show is ridiculously well done. It's really sad that so few people probably know about it. Never before did I understand the true power and tranformative revelation that Van Gogh brought to the world of art. Bravo to this show.
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Simon Schama's Power of Art: Caravaggio (2006)
Season 1, Episode 1
This was exceptionally well done!
13 April 2020
I simply decided one night that I wanted to watch a show about artists and their art (well I'm an Art Professor after all). After looking into several top rated serials, I found this one had by far the highest ratings, and I definitely would have to concur that this was incredible. The way Schama weaves the life of Caravaggio with the paintings was magnetic and informative on a level I had never witnessed with an artist and their respective before. This episode actually saddens me on how it could have only lasted one season. What the hell?!
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This show is truly like no other, and this episode proves it
13 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
They could have easily delved into the cosmos and talked about aliens. Something there is mutiple shows on. But instead went a completely different direction and focused on trees and foliage talking to each other across the planet, bees (I loved this!) working in tandem, using language, mathematics to work as a team without prejudice. I expected to see aliens with 8 eyes and got bees doing a shimmy dance, and I couldn't be more pleased. As well, I think most humans have heard by now that bees 'are so important to humans'. But I doubt many people realized why until this episode.
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Cosmos: Possible Worlds: Vavilov (2020)
Season 1, Episode 4
This is VERY possibly the greatest singular episode about anything humans have ever made.
23 March 2020
Yes, I just wrote that. I watched it with 3 Professors in our Covid-19 quarantine and we all cried. It should be required viewing for all chemists of the world.
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