
31 Reviews
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The Night Agent (2023– )
It Could Have Been So Much Better
29 May 2023
For the life of me, I will never understand why they put Hong Chau in that ridiculous gray wig. What were they thinking? In her every scene that was all I could focus on.

I have never read any of these author's books, so I am unable to compare the book with the movie.

The performances were fine, but the script...the script. All I can say is that as we watched it, I was predicting many of the lines to my husband before the characters even said them, that is how predictable it was. When certain new characters would appear, I would say to my husband, "oh, this one will be killed next." Every single time, I was correct. That is how predictable it was.

All in all, we actually did enjoy it simply because we were trying to figure out which roles would turn out to be the bad guys. I love being outsmarted by the creators. I just wish the scriptwriters were more talented.

And Gabriel Basso is fine, though he still looks like the handsome teenager he was in The Big C. I am glad he got this gig and wish him lots of success.
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Reasonable Doubt (2022– )
Good Acting, Writing and Production
29 September 2022
I've been a big Michael Ealy fan ever since Sleeper Cell, so I looked forward to this series. I've been impressed by the cast, both the leads and the other characters, some of whom I had been unfamiliar with. The plotting and writing are sharp and the story moves. The production shines. The first episode did a good job introducing the characters and setting up the conflicts and mystery. I'm looking forward to the rest of the season and hope there will be a season 2.

I've been pleased to see more Black actors cast than in the past and the development of streaming seems to have contributed to that. Good news all around.
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Deep Water (I) (2022)
Excellent take on a Highsmith Novel
18 March 2022
Affleck is perfect in this excellent interpretation of the Patricia Highsmith novel. It was intriguing enough to keep my impatient husband watching. Differs from the original story in significant ways, but is updated skillfully. Kudos to all for a real "movie movie". Pass the popcorn.
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After Life: Episode #3.6 (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
19 January 2022
An absolutely perfect ending to this series. I was afraid it would be a cheesy, sentimental ending, but it was not at all. Touching, but realistic. You made me cry, Ricky! Not easy...
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Stay Close (2021)
Totally absorbing
31 December 2021
Excellent cast, stunning setting, totally absorbing plot. Once I started watching, I couldn't stop. A thriller worthy of the label. Cush Jumbo is outstanding as always - Her performances always grab me.
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Absolutely Ignore Those Negative Reviews
3 December 2021
This movie is based on a book and is wonderfully true to it.

It is essentially a character study. If you are bored without lots of car chases, shootings, and other kinds of "action", then don't bother.

If you enjoy excellent acting, amazing scenery/cinematography and the gradually unfolding of complex personalities, it's for you. One of the best movies I have seen this year. Thank you Jane Campion and Netflix!
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The Box (I) (2009)
21 November 2021
I read the original Richard Matheson short story (Button, Button) that this movie is based on when it was first published in the June 1970 Playboy Magazine. The short story was a relatively simple morality tale. Usually I am not one to compare source material with movies. They are totally separate animals and frequently the movie version is a big improvement on the original material.

In this case, the two cannot even be compared - even the plot is barely recognizable in the movie version. That would be fine if the movie plot were an improvement. Instead we have a mush mash of hints, bloody noses and awkward special effects.

I guess it is still a morality tale, but an overly complicated one. The performers do the best they can.
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Euphoria (I) (2017)
Beautiful Film about Family, Love and Reconciliation
20 November 2021
I had no idea of the plot of this film when I began watching it. The production values, performances, cinematography, all of it - excellent. I found it beautiful to watch as well as thought-provoking about my own life, especially my family.
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An Absolute Gem
2 September 2021
This is terrific moviemaking. The cast, the script, the production - all of it. Ordinarily I would have given this an 8, but I wanted to offset some of the very low scores. Anyone who cannot appreciate this movie really doesn't appreciate or even understand moviemaking.
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Clickbait (2021)
Some Basic Problems
27 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Some basic problems... That kept me from totally enjoying this.... The cast was excellent, every one of them (including those terrific Aussie actors who have excellent American accents), as were the production values. As well, the script was ALMOST totally compelling and kept me wanting to binge it non-stop (unfortunately, real life interfered and it took me two days).

I am a movie lover and we have to suspend disbelief to enjoy many of the best movies ever made. What bothered me most about this series were the police procedural details. It bothered me that the detective who so wants to move from Missing Persons to Homicide, and who appears to be a devoted father and Muslim (no alcohol and attending mosque), would allow himself to be even partially "seduced" by the unstable, aggressive and unpredictable character of Nick's sister Pia. I found her to be a totally unsympathetic character and it seemed incredible to me that we were expected to believe that Amiri would so compromise the investigation by confiding details to her.

Still, it is compelling and a good watch. Great intro to a lot of excellent actors you may not know.
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Little Woods (2018)
Excellent first Film by Nia DaCosta
26 August 2021
Painful subject, excellent cast and script, good production values. Ignore those reviewers who try to put a political spin on this. They evidently have not had much experience with how tough life can be for some of us. This is a good look at a tough way of living.
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Fatal Affair (2020)
Such Good Actors Wasted
14 May 2021
All this is is another "woman in jeopardy" Lifetime movie. The kind where a brilliant woman makes mistake after mistake and gets multiple people around her killed by a stalker. Such a waste of genuinely talented actors - such a disappointment. Truly, moviemakers, your audience is better than this. Really.
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Very good!
29 April 2021
I didn't read the book, but I will. I am certain it differs quite a bit, but as a movie standing by itself, it does great. The performances are excellent and the production itself is very well done. The cast is outstanding, with F Murray Abraham and Rhea Seehorn as standouts, in addition to the main leads. For me, this was a good balance of thriller, a bit of horror, and realism, all outstanding.
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The Fields (2011)
Excellent movie!
18 April 2021
Please ignore the low rating. I watched this movie because Cloris Leachman died recently and I have always enjoyed her performances. Well, every cast member was excellent, as was the production itself. As soon as I saw a bit of Carnival of Souls on Grandma's tv, I knew this director had a sensibility I could appreciate. I was so very pleasantly surprised by this film and glad I ignored the rating. I suspect that a lot of horror movie fans want more scares and gore than this movie has. It was a beautifully done film.
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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
Tremendous Disappointment
21 December 2020
The acting is great, but the plot is so genuinely ridiculous - each episode is more absurd than the last. I will happily suspend my disbelief for superheroes and science fiction, but this is beyond the pale. Coincidence after coincidence, a judge whose lack of reasoning is not to be believed, really, this is one of the worst crime dramas I have ever seen. I would love to see the original version that was made to see if anything in it was more plausible than this mishmash.
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Fast Color (2018)
Quietly Beautiful Movie
4 September 2020
This is my kind of movie - beautiful cinematography, excellent direction, great storytelling, superb acting. I suspect that if you love action superhero movies and expect something similar here, you will be disappointed. I understand Amazon has plans to make a series out of this. I hope I so - I think it could be expanded and the story developed.
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Chambers (2019)
Netflix not Renewing
24 August 2020
There will be no season two for Chambers. I am not sure how I feel about this. It was too slow for me, and I found the lack of support for a teenage donor recipient to be difficult to believe. Still, I would have appreciated a second season to see some resolution. Also, I appreciated the talented young cast.
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South of Suez (1940)
Do you wonder where American racism comes from?
6 July 2020
Here you have it. The racism that I was raised on in the 1950's and 1960's when the old movies were shown on Saturday afternoons. Tarzan movies were the worst, but this is one of the runner-ups. It is so difficult to divorce the movie-making from the bias that it projected ( and we won't even discuss the animal abuse and misogyny reflected in these productions, I'll just say I am so glad we live in a different time. Worth watching only as an explanation of where we old geezers came from.
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The Twilight Zone: The Who of You (2020)
Season 2, Episode 3
"Fallen" Connection?
30 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Did the character finally become "Reece" after the Denzel Washington character in "Fallen"? In that movie, the same technique was used - the evil spirit jumped from person to person, though through touch, not eye contact.

I thought this was the best episode so far for both seasons. Great acting, great story. Thanks, Jordan!
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Icarus (2017)
Absolutely Amazing
11 February 2020
I love documentaries, for the most part, but this one is stunning. Such revelations about sports doping - I thought I knew pretty much all about it - wow. So well done, totally absorbing, scary. Don't miss it. It is on Netflix.
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Jason Bourne (I) (2016)
I am so s
6 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
They killed Nicky. And they didn't just kill Nicky, they killed her in the first 15 minutes. I have tried to watch it three times, and I just cannot.
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Wine Country (2019)
Entertaining, Good Performances
11 May 2019
Very much enjoyed this. The Napa Valley location was fantastic, the cast was excellent. The criticisms that I have read here seem way off the mark to me. Maybe expectations were too high? It's a lighthearted comedy without sting or corniness. It was a good showpiece for these performers. Good directing debut by Amy.
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The Twilight Zone: Replay (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
Excellent episode
11 April 2019
I enjoyed this episode very much. I love that Twilight Zone technique of giving an object magical properties, in this case, an old camcorder that goes back in time as you rewind it. Excellent choice of Glenn Fleshler as the intimidating cop - he was the lawn-mowing serial killer in True Detective and he is always terrific. Jordan Peele has a great way of using art to explore contemporary issues. This episode was both topical and moving with a great ending.
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Darcey Bell: Luckiest Woman Alive
1 October 2018
Darcey Bell's book that this movie was based on is one of the worst books I have ever read. Which is why I titled my review this way: the movie is excellent. Stylish, witty, well-acted, well shot- I was so pleasantly surprised. People who read these crappy books and can see past the drivel and imagine a brilliant finished project - bless them.

I only went because I saw a clip on Stephen Colbert when Anna Kendrick was a guest. That short clip revealed the satire that was absolutely missing from the book. Anna is a gem; Blake was gorgeous. The production was just so well done; it was a pure pleasure to watch. Thank you, Jessica Sharzer for that screenplay, and Paul Feig for the direction, and thanks especially to the genius who was able see that you could mine gold from the book.
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A Quiet Place (2018)
So Very Disappointing
20 July 2018
The acting was fine, as was the premise. The production values were fine also. It was the holes in the plot that were such a disappointment. I can suspend disbelief as well as the next moviegoer, but the story has to make sense within its own world. Otherwise, the moviegoer is distracted repeatedly thinking, "Wait, what?" and trying to understand. So I guess I would say my gripe is with the script. Overall, very disappointing, despite such promise.
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