
2 Reviews
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Lost Horizon (1937)
"I believe it because I *want* to believe it.."
17 June 2005
"I believe it because I want to believe it". This one line speaks volumes about what the movie (and the original novel) was trying to say. The concept of Shangri-La, a place where people work and live in peaceful harmony, is as relevant today as it was in the post-World War I era that James Hilton wrote 'Lost Horizon', where the world was still in turmoil following a devastating war and another was on its way.

In these days of war, humanitarian devastation and disease, how many people are there who dream of getting away from it all and living out their lives in a remote paradise just like Shangri-La? The High Lama's words to Conway resonate strongly even today.

"Look at the world today. Is there anything more pitiful? What madness there is! What blindness! What unintelligent leadership! A scurrying mass of bewildered humanity, crashing headlong against each other, propelled by an orgy of greed and brutality." On a more cinematographic note, the movie is visually stunning in an age before CGI and astronomical budgets. The beauty of Shangri-La, the stunning mountain landscapes and the overall settings of the movie make us believe that such a wonderful place can exist. All the actors are commendable in their portrayals (though some characters are different to those in the original novel) and their interaction with each other add a real sparkle to the movie.

'Lost Horizon' is a beautiful adaptation of James Hilton's masterpiece and captures the very feeling of the novel and I would highly recommend it to anyone who has ever dreamed of escaping from the hectic world in which we live.
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Pretty People With Guns!
12 June 2005
'Mr & Mrs Smith' is the funniest and sexiest action movie to come out in many years and just watching two very beautiful people on-screen is a delight in itself.

While definitely not destined for the Oscars or any other prestigious movie awards, the movie is entertaining with its dry humour, spectacular fight and gun scenes (the fight to the death between Pitt and Jolie in the house is an instant classic, especially to the beat of 'Express Yourself' and with a completely no holds barred attitude), and, of course, the sparkling chemistry between the two leads.

Pitt and Jolie have such a great chemistry on-screen that it completely overshadows any slow or dull moments in the movie (which was a little long for an action movie). It is not hard to see why there has been such a media interest in the Brad-Angelina 'relationship' off-screen when watching these two giving each other sultry glances and their charisma bouncing off the other. And of course there are the sexy scenes which makes one wonder how much these two got into their roles.

Despite whatever's been happening off-screen, it's refreshing to watch a movie where it's clear that the main cast had great fun making it. Angelina taps into her 'Lara Croft' persona quite a bit in this movie while Brad delves a little into his persona from 'Ocean's Eleven'. Most of the supporting cast also deserve some praise; Vince Vaughn was great in his role of a hit-man who still lives at home with his mum (the only woman he can trust), while it was fun to see Adam Brody of 'The OC' fame having a telephone smashed into his face by Angelina.

All in all, a fun movie and definitely a must-see for fans of Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie.
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