
18 Reviews
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Soof (2013)
Entertaining, relable and witty - and actually how people interact
4 June 2024
One of the first times I 'm not afraid to say I'm Dutch while reviewing a Dutch movie. Was it amazing, mindblowing or lifechanging? No. But is was entertaining, relatable, witty.

This is actually how Dutch people talk, how they interact with one another, how people are in general. Not perfect, not one dimensional. The character flaws were not too predictable and supportive of the story. Sometimes a little over the top, but that was okay in this type of movie.

There was some good acting going on with the main characters and even the supporting characters. Knowing there are a lot of cameos you don't expect too much on the acting skills part from them, but that was okay, because their parts were small enough to just enjoy seeing them. Nothing pretentious.

Especially the dialogues were surprisingly good. Not every detail needed to be explained through dialogue which is a breath of fresh air in a Dutch movie. The dialogues were mostly quick, witty and quite original.

The children's characters even were a good addition. They really added to the story and weren't just supposed to be cute.

So I enjoyed watching this movie more than expected.
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Anne with an E (2017–2019)
Anne with an E was really nice to watch and dream away with. But Anne of Green Gables captivated me more.
24 March 2024
It took me a while to open up to this version of Anne. I grew up with Megan Follows' version. I was about the same age as Anne of Green Gables was when I first saw it on television and I kind of fell in love with her and all the other people in Avonlea. Even though our lives didn't look alike I could relate to her and I even wanted to be like her.

Anne with an E is different. I am different. I am at a different stage of life obviously. And Anne is also portrayed differently. For me personally I liked the way Megan's version was written better. She was quite a character, funny, emotional, fighting for justice, full of ambitions, but not too extreme. Fiery and rational.

The way Anne's character is portrayed in this version is a little bit too much for me, although it grew on me. I certainly do have to admit that Amybeth is a wonderful actress. She truly was this version of Anne. She gave it all and that's the only way this role could be played.

Marilla and Matthew grew on me as well. I started out comparing too much, but fortunately I managed to put that to the background. Especially Marilla was amazing. And Diana was just perfect in both versions.

I found the casting of Gilbert a bit off. To me he was too much of a boy and not enough of a young man. His ability to convey a range of emotions wasn't convincing to me.

Story wise it was more of a conventional series than a coming of age series as Anne of Green Gables was. Anne with an E combines so many storylines. I'm usually quite into that, but I missed the bigger picture, the big life choices and events that I liked so much in Anne of Green Gables. Some of the story lines seemed quite farfetched. Especially Gilbert's adventures at see and the whole storyline around the boggs just seemed to be out of place.

The scenery was amazing in both versions as was the staging. In some ways it makes me want to go back to those times where some things were more harsh, but also simpler and purer.

Anne with an E was really nice to watch and dream away with. But Anne of Green Gables captivated me more.
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Happy Single (2023)
For Dutch standards it was quite entertaining, somewhat funny and enjoyable
15 March 2024
This is one of the first Dutch romcoms that I actually like. Still trying to find out what makes this one kind of stand out.

It might be that the conversations aren't too predictable or trying to explain everything. Or that the characters are slightly more developed and not so flat or perfect. Or that they've actually used actors instead of somewhat famous and hugely overused people who think that saying a few lines without making horrible mistakes make them an actor. Or that there are too many storylines that have no depth. I suppose it is all of the above.

Is it the best romcom I've ever seen? Certainly not. But for Dutch standards it was quite entertaining, somewhat funny and enjoyable.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Still don't really know what to think of this movie
1 January 2024
I watched this movie a couple of days ago. I didn't really know what to think of it and even after a few days of gentle reflection I haven't been able to draw a definite conclusion.

It is quite silly, over the top, laughable, ridiculous, cute and charming on the one hand. On the other hand it does have a deeper message and a good one as well.

Because it the story is so over the top and quite hysterical, it really shows you well how conservative en patriarchic standards are still dictating our society. Maybe it needs to be portrayed in such a maner to wake us up. The mirror is funny, but harsh at the same time.

Some friends are a huge fan ans some are definitely not. I am somewhat in the middle, but am still ruminating.
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Music has to do the job, because there's little to watch
28 December 2023
Well, this was a waste of time. I was quite excited to watch this, but was mostly disappointed.

It was supposed to be thrilling, ominous. It never got to me.

The acting was okay, I even liked Mahershala Ali and Myha'la, but the script was just rubbish. There were too many plot holes, it was repititious and quite boring for a movie with a doom theme.

The music was a main character. It really did it's best to provide some tension, some siniter atmosphere. But it was too obvious and predictable.

The plot holes bothered me the most, I think. I have so many questions that were left unanswered and not in a good, fantasy stimulating way.

The end was a perfect example of that. I was flabbergasted and irritated and I feel like I want my time back.
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Heart Street (2014)
Hooray for casting the not so obvious
28 August 2023
What a refreshing casting when it's the male lead concerned. Marwan Kenzari as the romantic lead is a great find. He's handsome, lovable and can actually act. It sounds quite ridiculous when I write that down, but unfortunately that isn't the standard when you usually watch Dutch romcoms.

The female lead I normally quite like, but especially in the first part of the movie she was horrible. I don't know if it was just the script or also the acting. The main character, Katje, was totally unrealistic and very one dimensional. Therefor the character development had to go way too fast and was totally unbelievable.

The supporting roles were okay. Again, refreshing to cast actual actors (for most parts). Of course, their storylines were quite flat and the characters a bit over the top, but that didn't bother me too much. The young actress who played daughter Saar is quite talented.

The last ten minutes of the movie weren't the best. It was the laziest part of the script, besides the introduction of Katje. That leaves the middle part as the best part.

Give us more Marwan Kenzari, please. And keep casting real actors. Hooray.
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Don't even bother - they surely didn't
11 June 2023
Yet another boring, unnecessary and poorly written Dutch movie.

Like so many others the cast consists of mediocre actors or people who aren't even actors to begin with. The mere fact that a person is casted a million times, because of the lack of imagination of casting agencies, doesn't make anyone an actor. Apparently "good" looks will do the trick when you live in the Netherlands.

That said, the material they have to work with makes it very hard to succeed whatsoever, so don´t put all the blame on the actors. The dialogues and characters are just awful. Every single scene is predictable. No surprises, no humour, no emotions.

Don't even bother - they surely didn't.
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Hart of Dixie (2011–2015)
Charming, funny, moving and more
11 April 2023
So far I haven't found another series that has this charm unfortunately. The characters are strong, a little over the top (in a good way to my likings), but mostly very loveable. Even the unloveable ones somehow. The dialogues are very well written, funny and moving. The storyline is quite original and it feels like it could happen to you at the same time. You even want it to happen to you. The acting is convincing, sometimes even strong and moving. The actors all have a great sense of comedy and have huge chemistry together. The surroundings are lovely. If I had to live in the US, I'd want to live there. Southern living at its finest.

Personally I liked seasons 1 and 2 the best. Season 3 seems a bit more forced and season 4 more rushed, but still I'd love to watch it all again. And again.

It is unfortunate that it is hard to buy the complete four seasons anywhere unless you want to pay a month's salary and it's unvailable to watch it at some streaming service if you live in the Netherlands. I'd subscribe to any service without hesitation, just for this series.
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Rushed and superficial
3 April 2023
Even though the main story line is a serious and maybe even important one, all the other story lines are very superficial. They are rushed and it had major plot holes. It feels like they want a season of some kind of soap series put in one movie.

The characters and dialogues are neither deep nor witty with a few exceptions. It feels like they're making fun of people with autism (a bad copy of the real Kees, a Dutch person with autism who's portrayed in a documentary) and transgenders.

I really do like actors Tjitske Reidinga and Elise Schaap in general, but they need to say no to these kinds of below average projects. They are worth better material to work with.
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Love Map (2021 TV Movie)
Romantic scenery is not enough for a romantic vibe
26 July 2022
No matter how much cliche romantic scenery you use, that doesn't mean the movie itself has a romantic vibe.

Some of that scenery was very fake and even amateurish by the way (green screen), like the scene where the leads were sitting on the beach. There was a strange white glow visible around them.

For me the male lead just didn't work. Sure, he is tall, dark and somewhat handsome, but not attractive in any way. He has no romantic energy or even hardly any energy at all.

And, though this might sound superficial, the thick dark hair plus the dark beard plus the strict eyebrows is a bit much for me in this kind of movie. I can hardly see his face, so I was kept at a distance.

Not worth the trouble, unless you want to have a laugh, because of the ridiculous clothing choices (leather jacket, boots) and very bad acting (hot sand?) during the pier scene.
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Summer Villa (2016 TV Movie)
Enjoyable and definitely above average for a romcom
21 July 2022
Is it super original? No. But it's quite good in the romcom genre en therefor very enjoyable. The actors can actually act, they feel relatable even though the male lead is muscular and the female very skinny (too skinny for my taste).

Their characters are not over the top, not clownish, as we quite often see in this kind of movies. The writer and cook scenario is most unoriginal, but it didn't bother me too much this time. I can't really put my finger on it, but I liked them. They weren't too smooth, they felt quite real.

I am usually not charmed with a child character. They are always too wise, too cute and perfect. But in this movie the teenage daughter really added something, eventhough in the beginning she was too flat and predictable.

So: enjoyable and definitely above average for a romcom.
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Love Upstream (2021 TV Movie)
The benefit of the doubt, just because I like love stories in general: a very meager 6/10
13 July 2022
Quite an average love story. Nothing more, nothing less. Fortunately the lead actress wasn't too dolled up and after a rough start she was quite likeable. The lead actor didn't look like an outdoorsy type to me at all though (it takes a little more than a beard). Not very believable. Support cast was okay, nice scenery.

The benefit of the doubt, just because I like love stories in general: a very meager 6 out of 10.
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A Taste of Summer (2019 TV Movie)
Couldn't get into it because of the unlikeable female lead
5 July 2022
The female lead, Gabby, just didn't do it for me. She didn't have a likeable vibe, a lack of warmth in her facial expressions, even harsh sometimes, and not relatable at all. Too glamourous and distant for my taste. The actress who played her sister Christina would've been a much better choice in my opinion.

The male lead, Caleb, was definitely better casted. More down to earth vibe, more charming, more believable. The supporting cast was also okay.

The story was predictable and on the safe side. I am usually quite easily pleased when it comes to romance movies. But I couldn't get into this one because of the poor casting.
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F*ck Love Too (2022)
Flat characters, poor writing, hardly any actual actors
22 May 2022
Well, of course it is filled with every possible cliche imaginable. If you don't like the romcom genre, you probably wouldn't try watching this movie anyway.

But within the predictable, but sometimes charming genre this is a very bad example. The characters are some of the flattest I've ever seen. Everyone is pretty much a copy of the other one, just disguised with different storylines.

The dialogues are just as bad. Nothing surprises, no original lines. And, quite typically Dutch, everything had to be said out loud, instead of using some actual acting speak for itself or using symbolism. There are so many storylines, even for an ensemble movie, that it's expected to be rushed and with many plot holes.

Maybe two or three actors are decent, but they can't lift up the absolutely poor writing. Please stop using "famous people" in movies, just because they're famous and cast people because of their talent. There is an refreshing idea.
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Pretty Woman (1990)
a romantic comedy with a serious undertone and it makes me hopeful
29 July 2021
This movie just doesn't get boring. I've seen it quite a few times and it still amuses me. And maybe even more so every time I watch it.

Yes, there is some good acting going on. Yes, there are some beautiful actors who can deliver a line. It is commercial, it is smooth. The conversations are clever.

But mostly: it touches so many different topics. From the obvious ones like this very romantic (and slightly unbelievable) love story about an incredibly rich business man who is out of touch with his emotional side and the smart and socially skilful prostitute. But it is also very much about respect and believing in yourself, with which you sometimes need a little hand. It is about prejudice, about being happy if you can do good things for other people, about setting boundaries.

So it's a romantic comedy with a serious undertone and it makes me hopeful. Even after watching it for the umpteenth time. With themes that still work and need addressing in 2021.
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A Honeymoon to Remember (2021 TV Movie)
Not worth your time, unless you want to get annoyed.
27 July 2021
Romantic TV movies don't need to be pretentious or deep, but they do have to amuse you and make you feel better at the end. This one doesn't do either.

The lead actress is plain awful. Her character (Ava) is annoying from the very first minute. Not quirky, not relatable, just annoying. Self-obsessed, judgemental, dominant, childish, superficial, neurotic.

The supporting characters aren't much better. Really no idea why the two guys (Brett and Kyle) are fighting over her except for stupid masculine pride or testosterone maybe. Run, boys, run!

Examples of the very poor writing: she falls asleep on a airbed in the swimmingpool. She falls over and doesn't seem to wake up or try to get out of the pool. Not believable at all. Both male leads are trying to build the highest pile of sand in a contest and the winner gets to take her out. Really? And due to a misunderstanding Ava and Brett broke up when they were in high school, but apparently he didn't bother to clear that up when they got back together and got engaged.

It's filled with cliches. Usually that's quite acceptable - there are only so many ways to tell a love story - but somehow that irritated me in this movie.

Not worth your time, unless you want to get annoyed.
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Just Say Yes (2021)
Bad, even for Dutch standards
4 April 2021
Filled with romcom clichés all the way. And not the good ones. If you wanna try to find any orginal or surprising detail in it: don't bother. You won't find any.

The acting is plain bad. The characters are not interesting at all. Very flat and, once again, cliché. It doesn't help that the actress that plays the main character, Lotte, is someone who is in real life known for what they're mocking teh whole movie: superficial behaviour, being all about beauty, money and luxury. So to me, it's all very unbelievable. There's no subtlety in the acting. It's either boring or over the top yelling. The actors are casted either for their looks or fame, not for their talent.

I gave it 2 stars instead of 1, just because I like the genre and I'd like to see more romscoms in the future. But please, no more like this one. Not even in Dutch.
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Mixed feelings, but mostly positive
21 August 2019
I don't know enough about Russian history, so I was very happy to find this title on Netflix. It taught me quite a bit about this underexposed era and country and seen from a Russian point of view as well instead of our western view. Refreshing. The actors made the best of the lines and possibilities they were given. I am especially taken with the appearance and performance of Leonid Bichevin. The scenery was gorgeous and all details seemed quite authentic. That said, it was sometimes quite hard to follow who was on which side. I didn't understand the motives of people choosing for one side or the other or why they changed sides.That also apllied for the choices the main characters made in their personal lives. The steps they took seemed to be too big and a bit random and I wasn't taken along enough in their thought processes and struggles. It seemed like the director wanted to show too much in too few episodes. Also the characters were a bit one dimensional for my taste: they were either good or bad. No layering. So in the end I was left with mixed feelings about this production, but mostly I look fondly back at an educational and entertaining Russian production. I'm open for more.
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