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From: Lullaby (2023)
Season 2, Episode 5
Season one was so wonderful....
29 May 2023
And season 2 EPISODE 1 was a nail biter and a 10/10 for me. I rightfully presumed that season 2 would be incredible after that opening.

Sadly, it has just felt like filler, going through the motions so to speak.

Nothing of note has been happening in the last 4 episodes in a row now. No excitement. No tension. No suspense. I dare say it, but it's been boring.

If the writers continue on this path, the show will be cancelled, and the premise and original season are just TOO good to let that happen.

All I can hope is that the people in control get the magic back, but it's not looking great that they have seemingly lost it in such a still very young show.

I hope they prove me wrong, and if we get a season 3, I hope it is better than season 2 has been thus far overall. But I also hope that the final 5 episodes of season 2 pick up the pace and add some thrills.
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Outer Banks (2020– )
Cannot handle the sheer stupidity anymore
5 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It really does have all the makings of an exciting show, and it started off promising, however, we very quickly learn that every single person in this fictional area are dumber than........

First I just want to express my discomfort with a near 30 year old playing a 16 year old main character. When I saw him, my first instinct was "he looks about 30, ok, this will be show about young adults rather than high school kids for once".

Um.... no. He plays a 16yo. SIXTEEN! I looked him up and sure enough, at time of first season he was 28. We are all used to actors older than their depicted age.. but this one is just ridiculous to say the least. They couldn't do 21? Or heck even 18. But 16? It's just too much to watch a man with wrinkles playing a 16yo.

Secondly, I would have been smarter than those kids when I was 8. No one would talk so loudly about 400 million dollars of gold - they are their own worst enemy and totally deserve Ward finding it and stealing it from under their noses.

Thirdly, and what was the nail in the coffin - the end of Season 1 and John B being on the run for homicide. All it takes is one phone call from anywhere for 30 seconds to say "I am innocent, Rafe did it, you can check his hands for gunshot residue, and one you have done that, I will come in and you can check mine".

Would his girlfriend REALLY let him go down for murder to protect a psychotic brother? I don't know a single soul who would do that in the real world, let an innocent man's name be dragged through the mud, not even for a single second. She could end it all instantly. It's just ridiculous.

EDIT - I just saw more of episode 1-10, and she says the truth.. finally. However, it seems the police are more stupid than everyone else in the show combined, which is just more unbelievability. Wow. I can't deal with this and am pressing the stop button now. Enough.

This is just the tip of the iceberg and what came to me when writing the review. There is more stupidity & dumb actions from all the cast and the script is beyond silly. I don't mind suspension of disbelief for a show, I mean you pretty much have to do that for almost any show these days.. But this isn't a show about vampires or ghosts or the supernatural in any way, it's a show about human idiots, and I find it hard to watch a show about idiots.

PS What about the lady that told the sheriff that Ward was a murderer that started all the events in motion to get the sheriff shot anyway? She can't tell any of the many other police and FBI? She's TOO going to let an innocent boy fry? Just incredible.
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Impulse (2018–2019)
Protagonist simply unlikeable for two whole seasons
1 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
You know the feeling when you are watching a show that has something good underneath dying to come out? That's how I feel about Impulse, as a tv show about teleportation is actually a pretty cool idea. Instead, it seems that all I wish for every episode is for a spear to come flying out of nowhere through Henry's head and just kill her off once and for all. All the characters with actual layers and somewhat likeable, like Lucas, get the least screen time. Henry is constantly a torture to everyone, even her stepsister which has done *everything* she possibly can for her every step of the way. The other issue is that it's SOOOOOOOO slow. Nothing wrong with a bit of a slow burn but I am up to season 2, episode 5, and we are at the point we should have been at about 4 episodes into season 1! I genuinely struggle to get through an entire episode in one sitting of this try hard, boring zero action drama.
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Supernatural: Moriah (2019)
Season 14, Episode 20
Very unhappy with the way the show has gone, major spoilers throughout the review
4 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Basically, they have set up God as the major endgame villain for the final season, and Sam tried to kill him. Yes, Sam tried to kill Chuck in this episode.

In a nutshell, they have set it up to make Lucifer's son Jack, the Empty, and the reaper Billie, united as heroes for season 15, and God as the enemy. ? God has never, ever been evil in this show.. He's been absent, but we knew he had love for his creations and gave them free will. The God we saw tonight, did not even have a smidgen in common with the God we saw in Season 11 (who was clearly described as being a pure force of light in the yin/yang balance). It's like a complete 180..

We have found out that we are just entertainment to God, and he loves watching his stories play out, and he doesn't *really* care about any of us.. In Season 11 he was loving, compassionate, saved the town and more. You could clearly see his inherent goodness and warmth. You could clearly see the sincerity and love, as well as pain, he felt for his creations. They also had a rough stab at POTUS this episode which I thought was really nasty.

I used to think of myself as the show's biggest fan and even marathon the entire show from season 1 episode 1, every year when a new season comes out. I have spent a lot of money on purchasing the show, both hard copy and digital. Never in my wildest dreams did I think they would go down this horrible path. I will force myself to watch a little of the final season to see if there is more to it.. What I am hoping is that somehow the darkness corrupted him during all his time spent with her travelling, and there is an explanation for the sudden shift in Chuck's character.. and that of course he becomes good again.

However, if Chuck is indeed the main villain in season 15, I will watch the season 11 ending again up to when Amara and Chuck leave and are happy together, and have that as my all time ending. Appalled, and completely shocked at the direction this finale took. I am absolutely devastated with a show I have previously adored for 14 years.
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Stargate SG-1: Between Two Fires (2001)
Season 5, Episode 9
Spolers Galore and semi rant
2 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes, something so stupid happens in a show, that it is incomprehensible.

Tanith is now working for a new secret Goa'uld leader that suddenly has a mothership with technology more advanced than the Tollans, that can withstand their ion cannons. LOL. OK that's semi plausible.

But this is where it falls apart. He threatens to wipe them all out if they don't build HIM a new weapon that is capable of penetrating absolutely any shield by using tollan phasing technology, so he can of course use it against Earth's Iris and the other Goa'uld motherships.

The Tollans make him such weapons. Stargate team with help of Narim blows them up, so the Goa'uld can never get a hold of them. Tanith then destroys and kills all Tollans. The end.

There are other parts to the story where SG-1 team is offered a trade of Tollan tech for trinium so they can make Tanith's weapons. This of course leads to the discovery that the tech they are willing to give to Earth (ion cannons) are useless now anyway, and so forth.

Has anyone reading this caught on yet? I am trying to work out whether the writers wanted to try and make some sort of "profound" point here that the Tollans, through all their constant boasting of superior advancement and intellect, were ultimately too stupid to actually save themselves.

Or were the writers simply THAT dumb themselves that they totally missed the massive plot hole they created that made the entire episode completely pointless? Yes people, the Tollans have just built weapons that can penetrate absolutely anything, yet don't simply turn one of those ready to fire weapons that are still in their control, not Tanith's, on Tanith's mothership themselves. Not even one person in the SG1 team thought to try it. No, they just blow all the weapons up instead, and the Tollan race ceases to be.

Honestly, I could never adequately describe in words just how poor this episode was. But i've given it a shot anyway. Worst episode of the season for me by far, although season 5 is pretty bad overall anyway.. I am currently watching the entire series for the first time from the very start, and i have enjoyed the show overall don't get me wrong, but episodes like this are both inexplicable and inexcusable. Lowest rating possible.
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