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I liked it better then the first!!!!
10 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Dead Mans Chest far surpassed my wildest expectations. I don't think I have ever had so much fun at the movies. It may start off slow but once it picks up it rarely slows down. It is one wild ride.

First and foremost this movie is a lot darker then the first. The themes are darker, the tone is darker, the environment is more mysterious and suspenseful. This in my opinion really is what makes it superior to the first film. The first film in my opinion was more lighthearted and kid friendly. This on the other hand has a lot more mature elements.

Second the fighting and action sequences are more violent and intense. They are also a lot longer (This is not a bad thing in my opinion.) The best fight of the entire movie is near the end when Will, Jack and the former Commodore Norrington are fighting on the water wheel. Not only is it just fun to watch there are also more fights going on at the same time (Mainly Elizabeth and the two pirates whose names I do not recall are fighting Davy Jones crew.) The entire scene is simply amazing. Next would probably be the crew of the Black Pearl fighting the Kracken. It is a very intense fight and also an awesome fight. I really liked it a lot.

Third the humor in this one is a lot funnier and there is more of it. The funniest part of the whole movie is probably on the island full of cannibals. It is an awesome and hilarious part of the movie. Jack vs. the fruit throwing Moms is hilarious. Then him falling threw every single bridge. I tell you there really is nothing funnier then that entire scene and the sequence of events that take place.

Fourth the special effects are amazing. They are easily the best so far this year and are likely the best since ROTK and COBP. Davy Jones is simply stunning. You won't even be able to tell when the make up stops and the effects begin. It looks that real. The only scene where it looks a little more animated is when Jack is getting ready to go head on into the kracken.

Fifth the acting is even better then the first. Depp does an excellent job and deserves an award. Knightely is simply beautiful. Bloom also does a decent job. Nighy really steals the show though. He does an excellent as Davy Jones and he at the very least deserves an award for best supporting actor. I mean he really did a fantastic job.

All in all this movie is far better then anyone could have hoped or dreamed of. It is easily the best movie of the summer. I hope it does extremely well at the box office because it deserves every penny.
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United 93 (2006)
The most powerful film in years!!!!
30 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
United 93 is a tribute to the men and women who died that day. It is easily the most powerful film in years and it is also deeply moving. Never in all my years have I seen a movie that literally made me feel the way I felt during this movie. I found myself praying that they would make it but I knew the end and I knew there was no stopping it. It was hard to watch the final 20 minutes of the movie. Seeing the passengers call their loved ones and wish them goodbye had everyone in the theatre in tears and some people had to leave the theatre for a few minutes to compose themselves because it was simply to much. The attack on the terrorists is excellently shown and done. The last shot will probably keep you in your seat for a few minutes because your just shocked.

At the end of the movie most people stayed in the theatre for a few minutes longer to compose themselves. I was one of them. Then we all just stood up and gave the movie a standing ovation. Something I have never seen happen before at the movies. People left the theatre feeling the same way they did on that day. I sure did. I also felt this way during the movie. I wanted revenge, I wanted to avenge these people and yet I knew there was nothing in my power I could do to save them.

All in all Greengrass has done an outstanding job. I believe all Americans need to see this movie out of respect. These people gave their lives and possibly saved thousands more. To not see this movie is in my opinion saying their sacrifice was not worth it. The least we can do is see a movie honoring that sacrifice. God Bless America!
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Awesome movie!!!!!
13 April 2006
This is truly one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. It is funny, stylish, has great acting, great plot, script and twists. It is the perfect thriller. Even when you think you have it all figured out you're proved wrong. The movie pieces together so smoothly it is unbelievable and here you think you got it figured but you don't. Brice Willis of course never fails to deliver a great performance and he masterfully does here. Easily one of his best movies in a long time. Freeman does a fantastic job. nd surprisingly Hartnett really steals the show. His acting is top notch and he is perfect for the character. All in all a fantastic movie. If your into thrillers with plenty of twists check this one out.
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Chilling performance
3 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was pretty good. The tone and mood is set soon as the credits start with an eery lullaby. It starts off farely normal Guy and Rosemary Woodhouse are looking for a new place and find it. The residents seem like nice elderly people. It is after the rape by Satan nightmare however that things begin to get chilling. Rosemary switches doctor by recommendation by her elderly neighbors (who have befriended her husband more then her) She begins to experience complications such as pain, and nautiosness. Her friend Hutch realises something is amiss right off the bat and points it out to her. That friend goes into acoma the next day and dies later on. However it is because of this friend that Rosemary unravels the plot set against her. She is ultimately betrayed by those she trust. It's at this point that Farrow shines beyond all belief.

All in all the movie is chilling mainly because of the performance by Farrow. I am not so sure it lived up to the hype but reguardless it was worth the two hours.
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Titanic (1997)
2 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Titanic is not without serious flaws such as bad dialouge and stuff. I see many people just love to bash the movie. Well they seem to forget that for six months this movie was all anyone could talk about. It was a phenomenon that took the world by storm. I remember I saw it with my parents and there was not a dry eye in the theater not one by the end of the movie. The first hour and half is slow but works it is a good love story which is obviously half the reason why the film succeeded because women loved it. I mean it is a very tragic story. By the second half however we see some of the best scenes in movie history. The audience literally feels what it was like to be on that ship while it was sinking. It is a terrifying hour as we watch people drown, die, we see kids being separated from their fathers. We see the sheer ruthless ness of the officers as they try to keep order on the ship. We see the third class get locked down below the ship like animanls not even given a chance to survive. The effects were excellent. The scenes that were effect shots were so perfect that you could not tell they were effect shots.

To bash this film and say it is horrible is flat wrong. The movie works and I will be the first to say gender does not matter because I am a guy and I think the movie was pretty good.
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A cinematic masterpiece.
2 January 2006
Peter Jackson is by far the best direction of our time. He has proved this through four movies. He knows how to captitivate the audience and leave them feeling contemplating what they just saw. The effects are top notch. WETA has made ILM look like school boys drawing pictures. The acting, story and direction is awesome. I really am surprised none of the cast revieved an Oscar nom besides McCellan. Over all though I don't think anyone else could have pulled this off the way Jackson did. Jackson is a master of his work and shown us this as I said through four excellent movies (he also proved this in some early films like Heavenly Creatures) All in all the whole trilogy is a cinematic achievement and masterpiece. Not since Star Wars has a trioly been able to take the world by storm like Lord of the Rings did.
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King Kong (1933)
A classic
2 January 2006
In my opinion King Kong redefined cinema and how you make movies. The effects were lightyears ahead of the time. They may be cheesy by todays standards but they still work. The story is original and is simple. The movie works in every way aside from the way we connect with Kong. That is where the new movie succeeds and the original fails in my opinion. I was not sad when Kong died because Ann hated Kong and Kong was just ruthless. He killed without remorse unlike the new one in which Ann falls in love with Kong and you can see it. I just feel that the emotional aspect of the original was not there. I never felt that connection the way I felt it in the remake. Anyways it is still an excellent movie (it is pretty graphic though much like the new one so for parents I advise pre-viewing before letting your kids watch it)
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2 January 2006
There are so many memorable moments from this instant classic that I can not even begin to list them all. It is a very original film and really most comedies really do not compare to this movie in anyway. It is just a great movie.

I agree with another reviewer who said to say the Coen brothers are overrated or bad is wrong and it truly is. I have never seen two guys makes so many instant classics that all work and all different and original ever. From Blood Simple to Fargo the Coen Brothers are geniuses in every way. They add the right amount of comedy, emotion and in cases suspense to keep you laughing and having a great time the whole movie.
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Fargo (1996)
A masterpiece
2 January 2006
This is an amazing movie. It has a great plot, story, as well acting and directing. The Coen brothers have made hit after hit after hit and most of their movies are simply masterpieces. Fargo is no different. With a great blend of thrills and comedy Fargo in my opinion offers something most movies fail to offer and it succeeds on every level. The film is perfectly cast. McDormand as the police office was hilarious. Just the way the talk and the lines the characters say makes this movie worth it. It's as if they don't take what they're doing seriously but you know they do. This is right up there with Raising Arizona, Blood Simple, The Big Lebowski and O Brother Where Art Thou as a Coen Brothers classic. Over all the film is awesome.
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Great movie.
28 December 2005
Brought me back to two years ago when I saw Lord of the Ring Return of the King. Although this movie is not nearly as good as that it is still a great movie. I think over all the movie works but there are some minor problems with it. Such as acting. The acting for the most part was OK there was not really a stand out performance. Just a bunch of kids doing poorly. The effects though were awesome as was the great battle at the end (which I really enjoyed.) It is a great family movie (more so then the new Harry Potter or King Kong) and I think that is one main factor as to why this will ultimately do good at the box office. All in all an enjoyable movie min a year full of dumb movies.
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King Kong (2005)
Fantastic movie
28 December 2005
I notice a lot of people do not like this movie and I can't help but wonder why. I mean the movie is awesome in every way. People complain about the legnth but fail to understand that by extending the legnth they draw you closer to the characters. Which ultimately proves effective because we feel more for the characters. Over all I think the movie was great. It was above average compared to the crap released these days. I think it is a lot better then the original. Do not get me wrong the original is great but I just enjoyed this movie. the effects in this movie are mind blowing. The story a bit choppy but good. The direction and acting are fantastic. Peter Jackson has once again proved he is a step above the rest. He has most certainly made a name for himself and is one of the best directors in recent history. Over all best film of the year by far.
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A great movie!!
28 December 2005
I found the movie a couple years back on a recorded video tape. I watched it and found I was missing around 15-20 minutes of the movie. So for the longest time I had been wanting to buy the DVD and never found the time to do it. I put it on my Christmas list and sure enough got it. I remember growing up with the Flintstones back when Cartoon Network and the Disney channel actually played good classic cartoons and shows (now you have to get Boomerang or Toon Disney in order to see the classics) and I loved the show. I was thrilled to see they would be releasing each season on DVD and have since bought all four seasons that are currently out as well as this DVD. Now back to the movie. It is over all an excellent cartoon. I have always loved it and have found that I can watch it over and over again and never get tired of it (same with the show) One of the few where I can honestly say that. All in all it is a classic and I can't wait until they release the other Flintstone cartoon movies (like a Flintstones Christmas etc.)
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