
142 Reviews
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The Simpsons: The Tipping Point (2024)
Season 35, Episode 17
The First Half Was Great, But the Second Half.....Eh
14 May 2024
The Tipping Point was a good episode. There's been only around 90 rating for this episode and 4 reviews ( well, not counting this one ), but those rating average to a horrible rating of 5.5, which right now, is the worst rated episode of the season ( I truly wish I could say last 2 seasons ). In the last 5 episodes cases the earlier scores of the episode were 7 and over, which ( sadly ) for modern Simpsons, that's a really good thing. Now let's look at the reviews. Out of all 5 reviews before this review was posted, all 3 of them are negative reviews, with the highest being 6 stars, and the lowest being, yes you're reading that right, 1 star. When the rating was 5.9, which is better than the rating right now but still pretty bad, I assumed the ratings for this episode would go a little higher in the future, but I also assumed the ratings for this epispde were going to end up in the low 6's in the future. However, right now the episode is sitting at an abysmal rating of 5.5. This episode is the seventh lowest rated episode of the WHOLE series. That's right, the WHOLE series. For almost 800 episodes, that is impressively bad. I can see why this episode got negatively received through. A lot of reviews were pointing out how ridiculous and confusing it was to them, and I have to admit the message this episode was trying to tell me was confusing, but I still thought this episode was a hilarious episode, until the second half.

The first half was really funny, and in that half I like how the writer of this episode really over exaggerated about giving tips. It might not make a very realistic premise, but it does make a pretty enjoyable premise, and this episode as a whole sn't aiming for a powerful dramatic story like some of the other episodes, it's just aiming for a enjoyable and funny episode. Many reviews are missing the point of that. However, the second half just wasn't very enjoyable. First of all they played this anoying song. It was about some country having no tips. The song wasn't even funny. It sounded more like an add then an actual song in a comedy. At this point the episode stopped being enjoyable for me. After that it just stopped being funny. It reminded me of like a series 17 episode. It was okay, but just wasn't funny. If the episode didn't transition to that song and took the wrong turn I would have gave it a pretty high rating of 8.1, and maybe even the ratings for this episode would be a bit higher, I don't know though.

Even though I'm not going to give this episode a that high rating, I'm excited for the next episode. I read the description and it said it was about Bart making a new friend. That friend is probably going to sound like an adult, but hey, every guest star who acts as a kid in the Simpsons doesn't sound like a kid. In all, I give this episode a 7.1 out of 10.
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The Simpsons: The Tell-Tale Pants (2024)
Season 35, Episode 16
Finally, A Couch Gag. Home's Sweatpants Are A Good Luck Charm
6 May 2024
The Tell-Tale Pants was an amazing episode. First of all, there was a couch gag!!! Thank goodness!!! There hasn't been a couch gag ever since the Thanksgiving episode, It's a Blunderful Life, which is the best episode of the season so far, and I am soooo happy that there's a couch gag after a lot of these episodes. The couch gag was quick and was much less creative and pretty then a lot of the other couch gag in the modern age ( S20-S32 ), but since there hasn't been many couch gags this season at all, I was really happy for this couch gag to be in the beginning of the episode, even if it was short. Actually, this whole season has had only 2 couch gag, and so far, there has been 16 episodes and this season is (sadly) almost over. At first it was pretty clear, or at least to me, why they didn't make any couch gags. In the first few, say, 11 episodes, I thought the creators of the episodes needed more time with the episode and not the couch gag. The reason I thought so was because there was extra bits of the episode in the credits, which to me meant that the creators of the episode needed more time for ths episode. At the 12th episode and beyond thought, this wasn't true. In those episode, like the ones before ( expect for It's a Blunderful Life and of course this episode ), there was no couch gag, but at the end of those episodes, there wasn't any scenes in the credits. When I saw there was no scenes in the credits, I was confused. The creators could have easily added a couch gag right at the beginning of the episode and then stuffed a chunk of the episode in the credits. Now though, I have a different theory. Maybe the creators of the last 3 episodes before this one wanted to have more time to develop a good story and funny joke then to have use up some of that time with making the couch gag. That's just a theory though, so that might not be true.

Okay now I need to start talking about the episode so that this review isn't only about why there are barely any couch gags in this season. Even though I would rate this episode around an 8 out of 10 ( my full rating at the end of the review ), I really don't like when Homer and Marge argue. I just don't find it entertaining and I really wish that Homer and Marge were just happy with each other. For the Nickelodeon Pilot project that I am working on with my dad I watched the pilot ( well, really the second episode because the first episode wasn't on Paramount+) of about the best reviewed Nick show of 2002, Jimmy Neotron, and while I found it okay, I really loved how much Jimmy's parents loved each other so much. I really wish Homer and Marge could love each other as much as Jimmy's parents did. It's just a pain in the butt to see Homer and Marge argue these days. I know the next episode is about Homer, so I hope that in that episode Marge supports Homer or Homer support Marge. Earlier in even this season we see Marge and Homer loving each other, but ever since episode 8 of this season Marge and Home's relationship has just been right back where it started. Practically dead.

Okay now more about the actual episode. I found this episode pretty funny really. Really almost every episode in this season has been absolutely hilarious. It featured a lot of pretty funny scenes, and it also featured a funny musical number too. I know, you probably hate simpsons musical numbers, but it was a parody musical number. A PARODY musical number. Okay fine I know your still complaining but for some reason I still liked it. Anyway I really liked when Homer started wearing sweatpants. Oh come on I'm not spoiling anything. It's literally in the picture for the episode. It felt like Homer was just happier wearing sweatpants . He just felt more cheerful and joyful. I really hope Homer wears sweatpants in the next episode to because maybe more sweatpants comes more couch gags. I mean, he sang a whole musical number about it. Yes there was another musical number, and I liked it.

In this episode the guilt that Marge feels feels really human. Many people do feel like that when the hide a secret or tell a lie. I just find that that makes Marge develop her character even further after, yes, 35 seasons.

In all, I give this episode a 7.8 out of 10.
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The Simpsons: Night of the Living Wage (2024)
Season 35, Episode 14
Felt Like the Golden Age
9 April 2024
Night of the Living Wage is an amazing Season 35 Simpsons episode. With the last 3 episodes being a bit disappointing, I was pleasantly surprised that this one was really good. First off, this episode was really really funny. It had some amazing jokes that really just reminded me of the sharp writing of the Golden Age of the show. This episode just had this great jokes that really blew me away with how intelligent and hilarious they were. Unlike all the other Marge episodes, this is a more light hearted episode instead of an episode that really expands Marge's character. I like when the Simpsons expands on there characters, mostly when that character is slightly more into the background than others, but it's fun to watch a hilariously funny Simpsons episode, even if it doesn't expand anyone's character. Well, I guess it expanded Marge's character, but it felt a little too lighthearted to really expand her character. I felt like Marge felt very connected to the Union, and the Union felt very connected to her, and that's what I like about them. They just make the episode better, because throughout the episode I know that the union will always be on her back, no matter what, and that just gives me a sense of comfort. You could see that the union cares about her and will make sure she is part of it. I like how instead of just backing down, everyworker in this episode just stood up to the Yipee Chow company, whatever it's called, and made sure they were treated equally. That's what I like about all unions and protects. That those people aren't afraid to back down. Also, I loved the ending. I think it expanded on Homer's and Marge character just a little bit. It might have not expanded on Homer's character, but who knows? Homer officialy stopped strangling Bart ( Thank Goodness 😙😙) this season so maybe his character can evolve to become an even better father and a person. Anyway, since this episode was so good, I'm really excited for the next episode, the Cremains of the Day, on April 21st. I'll make sure I write a review for it shortly after the episode is aired and I've watched it, so if you want to you can check that out in a couple weeks. In all though, I give this episode a 8.5 out of 10.
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Zokie of Planet Ruby: The Beginning Times (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
This Episode Just Doesn't Take Enough Risks
7 April 2024
The Beginning Times is an kinda bad pilot of Zokie of Planet Ruby. First of all, I really like Ruby as a character so far. I love how see's energetic and kind, and she just seems like a really fun person to be with in general. I really wish the episode only focused on Ruby on Earth instead of the alien Zokie. Characters like Ruby are characters I really like, happy and positive, but 3-dimensional and realistic. I wish the series just showed Ruby maybe warming up to a new neighbor instead or making a new friend on Earth. In my eyes, if the episode just focused only on Ruby then I would give it a much higher rating. I mean, if it did, the episode would be amazing. I mean just look at this animation! It's beautiful! If it did it would also be much stronger character wise. When the episode starts focusing on the other planet is when it starts to fall apart. When it starts focusing on Zokie's planet it just feels a little pointless. The king of the planet, whatever he is, is a kinda meh villain. He's not very developed and he can rarely be funny, but he feels just less evil than he's supposed to be. He's more of a parody than a villain, but he normally doesn't make me laugh. Zokie just feels like he's only there to make me laugh, but he never made me laugh. I know Zokie is supposed to be a good character, but his silliness just balances out any depth that he ever had. This show just doesn't take enough risks, that's what really makes it wrong. Everything this show is offering is something I have already seen before in movies and TV, and it just doesn't have that special touch to it. In all, I give this a 5.4 out of 10.
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Iwájú: Tunde (2024)
Season 1, Episode 4
Mostly Focused on Tola and Kole, But Still Added Depth to Tunde
31 March 2024
Tunde was an amazing fourth episode of Iwájú. I usually watch a new episode of this show every Friday, and I usually review the episode I watch before I watch the next episode a week later. Since me and my dad are working on a project about ranking every pilot of the best rated Nickelodeon show on IMDb of every year from 1979 to 2024, and I've been lazy and didn't want to go into depth about Tola, Kole, Tunde, and Bode's characters, I'm writing this review on Sunday, Easter day, a week and 3 days after I watched this episode. Now I'm right here, writing this review, and filling up the required characters already just in my intro of my review. Anyway, this episode did give more depth to Tunde, but they mostly only gave him about 6 minutes of screentime at the beginning of the episode. I think that when an episode is named after a character in the show then it gives that character around 5 to 7 minutes of screen time at the beginning of the episode and then continues the story. When I watched this episode I really thought that they would have Tunde as basically the main character and merge him into the main story instead of a side story. I think Tunde will be introduced into the main story soon, but I expected it to be in this episode. Also I wish Tunde had a little more screen time, I still loved the parts with Tola, Kole, and Bode. I like how in this episode Tola isn't scared or frightened of Bode. She seemed like she actually liked Bode. I also liked how Bode acted like he liked Tola to. To me those scenes gave depth to both Tola and Bode because it proves to me that Bore isn't just a sterotypical villain and actually has a heart for Tola. In the series itself I never found Bode that evil, expect in the first episode. To some that could be a bad thing, but it shows that Bode is more of a layered character and less than just someone who's just evil. In this episode Tola feels very brave to me, although that's not what the series itself suggests, to me she feels brave. In this episode and the last episode, this struggle for Kole about what he should do feels very human and relatable. In life, everyone has had to make hard decisions on what to do and if it is the right choice. While I prefer Tola as a character more than Kole, I really like both of them. They're both layered character who feel like real people to me and feel very relatable. I loved this episode, and even thought I loved the premiere, I have to say, I liked this episode a little bit more than it. In all, I give this episode a 8.6 out of 10.
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Not much Trick Shots
27 March 2024
The Luke Bryan Archery Cart Battle was a kinda bad episode of the Dude Perfect Show. For me, the only complaint I have with this episode is, well, the whole first half. To me, the first half was pretty boring. You see, The Dude Perfect YouTube channel is known for making really cool trickshots, but in the first half there's basically no trick shots at all. None that they make at least. There was one trick shot at the beginning if you could call it that but it wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be. For most of the first half the members of Dude Perfect were just talking about when Luke Bryan was coming. It wasn't that boring but there just wasn't enough action I would expect for a Dude Perfect Show. The second half did still have some more talking and preping but it was much more interesting because more happened in it even if most of it was the same thing. The only really exciting thing was finally when Luke Bryan came to the Dude Perfect place. That's really when the episode got exciting. It still was very quick and I wish that it lasted longer. Literally Luke Bryan was in the episode for only about 4 minutes. That's it. I wish in this episode there was more action and trick shots involved too. From what I've wrote so far it might sound like I've watched the Dude Perfect channel for years, but I've only really been watching it for about a week. In fact, I actually started watching this show before the channel. I have to say Dude Perfect is better in 4 minute skits than 21 minutes episodes, but hey, that's just what I think. I'm sure some people prefer 21 minute episodes better than 4 minutes skits of Dude Perfect. I don't know if I will but if I do watch the next episode I would hope for much more trick shots and less talking. In all, I give this a 5.9 out of 10.
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The Simpsons: Clan of the Cave Mom (2024)
Season 35, Episode 13
This Episode Was Good, But to Be Honest, I'm a Little Disappointed
25 March 2024
Clan of the Cave Mom was a good Simpsons episode. I know, I said it was good, but to be honest, I'm a bit disappointed. So far this season has been really good, but for the last three episodes, including this one, the quality has declined a little bit. Basically what I mean to say is the last three episodes have been a bit disappointing. I think that the Simpsons are now going back to where they were two and a half years ago. I think there comback, is over. And that's okay. I mean who could ever believe a show that has lost all it's respect in resent years could bounce back on it's 33rd season and stay like that until the middle of it's 35th. 33rd!! It's pretty impressive to have 11 and a half really good seasons of a show. Most shows can barely take half of that without starting to be mediocre. Still though, this episode contains a lot of laughs. The thing I didn't !like about this episode was that all the characters felt very over the top and felt very flanderazationed ( if that's even a word ). I can't believe the layered Marge that we saw in the beginning of the season turned into what we see now. Sure, Marge is trying to protect Bart but really she's not protecting him from anything. I guess she had a change of heart but that was the end and that felt very rushed. I'm just not interested in Luanne and Marge bickering about each others son. It would be cool if they settled it out with like a parody of a sword fight with two baguette sticks or something like that, because that would be hilarious! But they just bicker to each other for the whole episode, which I don't really like. In between this thought, there were beautiful caveman sequences in between. The caveman sequences were an imagining of the Simpsons as caveman and cavewoman, mainly focusing on Marge. For just those this episode gets a 10\10. Those sequences felt very strong and powerful to me, and in it all the characters felt very layered. Those sequences didn't shy away from bloody and scary, and that's why this episode was rated TV-14. The Marge we got in the caveman sequences was brave and powerful and was ready to fight for her family, it makes the real Marge that was in this episode pales in comparison. Bart is also acting kind of obnoxious too. In the middle of the episode he's taking advantage over Marge's anger instead of trying to make it stop. I know Marge told him too, but Bart felt very happy of taking away Milhouse's friends from the concert. In the episode there's not much Homer and a little bit of Lisa too. Though Lisa felt very chill about the situation, I don't really mind Chill Lisa. It's much better than what a big jerk Lisa was in episode 3 of this season. Jez, that wasn't pleasant. Even though this episode might of not been strong on humor, I'm really excited for the next episode on April 7, and while I think it'll be mediocre, I'm still excited to check it out. In all, I give this episode a 7.3 out of 10.
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Krapopolis: Eclipse (2024)
Season 1, Episode 16
I Hate This Episode
22 March 2024
Eclipse was a horrible Krapopolis episode. I usually like Krapopolis ( I know, unpopular opinion ) because it over exaggerates over really silly things. I know it sounds stupid, but the show is cleverly stupid. Here's why. Krapopolis isn't set in modern day, it's set in Olympus from a very long time ago. That setting makes the jokes clever because everyone doesn't know what those things are, and that shows that the writers didn't just paste together stupid jokes, they actually were aware of how people lived and what they knew in a hilarious way. I guess this episode has it but it only comes from some of the most obnoxious people ever. The gods. Oh my, gods!! The only thing they really did in the whole episode was just harass all the characters. Even the main characters felt obnoxious too. The character I felt was the most obnoxious was Apollo. In my opinion, Apollo is an obnoxious slimy whiney idiot. I just really don't like him. Another thing that happens is the constant swearing. There's about ten swears every minute. Does this show want to be adult and cool now too? It would have been better if the characters quietly said the swears, not just said them out loud, or they used the swears in a creative and funny way, like the son of a b**ch joke in The Simpsons Bart's Dog Gets an F. I wish this episode was not swearing all the time. And the episodes isn't funny. None of the jokes were even funny! In fact, I couldn't find any jokes at all! I hope that if I tone in for the next episode, it's much better than this abomination. In all, I give this a 2.8 out of 10.
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Iwájú: Kole (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
Gave Even More Layers to Kole
20 March 2024
Kole is an amazing episode. Like all of the Iwájú episodes, I loved this one. I found this episode, Kole, to be worse than the premiere, but a slight improvement over the last episode. This series has still slipped under the cracks for popularity, but that's probably for the better. I mean look at The Simpsons! I like to review Simpsons episodes, but most of the episodes I've reviewed are mediocre. That show literally has 35 seasons,and in most of those seasons the writers ran out of ideas. The only reason the Simpsons is going on anymore is just to be the longest running animated series ever. That's it. While the show has been improving over the last three years, most of the series's episodes are mediocre at best. Most of them aren't really bad, just okay, but the series has definitely fallen from it's earlier years. Now look at the Skibidi Toilet web series!! This less than stellar YouTube web series has become one of the most popular web series to date, although slightly less popular than the Amazing Digital Circus Pilot. People just LOVE this series. Millions of people are obsessed with this and mostly watch the new episode the day it comes out. I've only watched 11 episodes, and I'm not that interested at all. I get that the YouTuber who made it had a very low budget, but I'm really not that interested. However, there are millions of people who are obsessed, and the creator has to keep fishing out episodes. I think Iwájú is actually best left off without much attention, because it's been a stellar series for me so far and I don't want it to get ruined by popularity like Skibidi Toilet and the Simpsons did. Anyway I love how this show chooses a character to focus on and focuses on them for the whole episode. I personally find that really cool, and it a new way to look at other characters challenges and perspectives. I like how this episode gave lots and lots of great depth to Kole, giving us a taste of his mind and what type of challenges he faces. Although my favorite character is definitely Tola, whenever I see her on screen she puts a smile on her face, I think that developing Kole is a very good idea because after all he is one of the main characters and from the first episode I could see he had a lot of depth in his character and he was very three dimensional and layered. Seeing Kole's journey about trying to pick the right choice and protecting his friend at the same time just feels so powerful and griping to me. I like how not just this episode but this series tries to explain the very dark topic of kidnapping to kids as old as my sister to adults and grandparents who are around 90 years old. I think this series crosses age barriers, I don't know because I'm still a kid, but I could definitely see how most adults could like this. In this episode when Kole and Tola interacted Kole is definitely acted like Tola's father. Both of them are very protective of Tola, and want to make sure she is completely absolutely safe. Even though Tola's father has a lot of depth, but Kole has much more depth, and is a more complex character in my opinion. The next episode is going to focus on Tola's dad though, so maybe Tool's dad will get even more depth in the next episode and as the series goes by. I personally loved this episode, and in all, I give Kole a 8.5.
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The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror XX (2009)
Season 21, Episode 4
A Good Treehouse of Horror
15 March 2024
Treehouse of Horror XX was a good Simpsons episode. Even though this Treehouse of Horror was worse than the last one, Treehouse of Horror IXX ( Treehouse of Horror 19 ) this Treehouse of Horror was better than Treehouse of Horror XVI through Treehouse of Horror XVIII. Basically this was better than the three Treehouse of Horrors after Treehouse of Horror 20. Also this is better than Treehouse of Horror 11-12. Either way, this Treehouse of Horror was funny and just fun to watch. What I like to do for Treehouse of Horror episodes is to have an introduction, which is what I'm typing right now, and then write mini reviews for each segment. I also like to do this for anthology episodes to. Anyway, let's get started

Segment #1, Dial M for Murder or Press # to Return to the Main Menu. This segment was a good segment. Segment #1 ( there's no way I'm writing that name again ) was a really funny segment, but I just wish that the writers added more of a horror element to it too. I know that Treehouse of Horrors haven't been scary in ages, but this segment had the opportunity to be at least a little scary, but it took a completely comedy route.

Segment #2, Don't Have a Cow Mankind. This is probably my favorite segment! It has tons of hilarious moments, such as the " You can shoot her in H*ll " scene. This segment also had a chance to be kinda scary, but this wasn't at all, and I gotta say, this was the funniest segment of the bunch

Segment #3, There's No Business Like Moe.
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The Simpsons: The Great Wife Hope (2009)
Season 21, Episode 3
This Actually Isn't THAT Bad
13 March 2024
The Great Wife Hope was a kinda bad episode. So far to me in this season there has been one really good episode, one just good episode, and one kinda bad episode. Unfortunately, this is the kinda bad episode. To me in this episode a lot of the Simpsons family feels like they've gone through flanderazation. Marge feels like just an obsessed and overly clingy mother stereotype and nothing more. To me her she just feels so one dimension in this episode. In other words, she's very hollow. Lisa just felt bored and uninteresting with anything Marge was doing, even if it was really crazy. I wish Lisa cared a little more about what Marge was doing because that could have lead to some pretty heartfelt scenes. Homer just felt like the only thing he liked was food and violence, which is not all he likes. The only character that really felt alive was Bart. Instead of Lisa, Bart was the one that wanted his mom to be safe, and I really liked that. It's shows a Mother and Son relationship between Bart and Marge. Even though a lot of the Simpsons Family felt flanderazated, I still thought some of the jokes were funny. There weren't many jokes, but most of them they had were pretty funny. Oh well. I guess this is the start of when the Simpsons become bad ( I thought the shows was okay in Season 11-20 ). Well, even thought the Simpsons isn't officially good anymore , I would rather watch this than some of my sister's YouTube channels ( She never made any YouTube channels before, I mean the YouTube channels that she watches ). Even though the episodes after this might be bad, I can't wait to see how the characters and the series evolves, for better or worse. In all, I give this episode a 5.9 out of 10.
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Bob's Burgers: Jade in the Shade (2024)
Season 14, Episode 12
Long Live the Bootleg Flabby Babbies
12 March 2024
Jade in the Shade was an amazing Bob's Burgers episode. I don't usually watch much Bob's Burgers, in fact I've only watched the first two episodes ( Human Flesh, Crawl Space ). I watched them with my dad, and we both said they were really good. So last Sunday, since no new Simpsons episode was airing ( and we like to watch the Simpsons on Fox together ), we decided to watch the newest Bob's Burgers episode, which is this one, Jade in the Shade. I have to say I loved this episode!! In the first two episodes the characters felt layered, but they felt like they were still developing and growing. In this episode it feels like rhe characters, or at least the Belcher family, were very layered and almost completely if not completely developed. That's a good thing. This means that throughout the series that I missed, which is 14 seasons, this characters have been growing and developing all the way, which is a good thing. Anyway, this episode was hilarious!! Great A**. It had lots of hilarious jokes and moments, and mostly every joke hit. I loved the A-plot, but that B-plot was so random and boring. What was that B-plot even supposed to be? It wasn't funny in anyway. It really just felt like filler content, that's all. Even though I hated the B-plot I loved the A-plot. The A-plot was a great mixture of heartfelt and hilarious. I love that!! This episode was amazing and to me this is better than the other two episodes I watched. In all, I give this episode a 8.5 out of 10.
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Iwájú: Bode (2024)
Season 1, Episode 2
Really Good, But the Premiere was a Bit Better
10 March 2024
Bode is an awesome second episode of Iwájú. Even though this episode is amazing, the premiere was a but better. This episode just lacks a little substance when the other episode didn't. I definitely didn't enjoy watching this episode as much as a enjoyed watching the other one, but it still had lots of depth and developed and layered characters though. Anyway, this series still doesn't have much attention. I can't believe this seris is still slipping under the cracks here. Iwájú has barely got any more attenton from the last time I reviewed it. Now any series that doesn't have all the episodes released at once or isn't an adaption of a book or a reboot isn't popular anymore. Unfortunalty for this series's popularity it isn't a reboot or an adaption and all the episode got released at the same time, so this series isn't popular. This series is probably best off not being based off of any existing media because really to me making a successful piece of media and turning it into another piece of media is just silly. Companies should be remaking the mistakes rather than the successes. I also like how all of the episodes are available at the same time because you can watch them whenever you want instead of waiting for a week for the next episode. I really hope this series gets more attention soon because it's really good. Anyway earlier in this review I was talking about character depth and development. Well in this episode there was some character development to the bad guy Bode. Well, the whole episode is named after him so he should be developed a lot. Well, Body's only developed only a little, but it's good that the show at least developed him a little. Most villains in really any show, movie, or book is usually underdeveloped with not much layers or depth. But Bode has some development if not that much, and for a villain that's pretty spectacular. Besides Bode there was a lot of development with Tola, her father, and Kole. It really just showed more how her father was trying to take care of her but he wanted to focus on his work at the same time. Tola wants to be responsible but it's hard for her to be responsible. Kole wants to hang out with Tola, but not tell her that he's Bode's next victim. I really like that everyone has a motivation for what they do and everyone is very complex. I'm excited to watch the next episode of the show. I'll make sure to do it soon. In all, I give this episode a 8.1 out of 10.
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The Simpsons: Bart Gets a 'Z' (2009)
Season 21, Episode 2
This is Actually Good!!
7 March 2024
Bart Gets a 'Z' is a good episode of season 21. I can't believe this episode was actually good!! Most Simpsons fans say that Season 11 is where the Simpsons became bad, and then once the modern age came along it became even worse. Well this is when the modern age starts, Season 21. So far Season 21 has been as good as Season 20. In fact, the first two episodes of this season ( Homer the Whopper, Bart Gets a 'Z' ) are better than the first two episodes of season 20 ( Sex, Pies, and Idiot Scrapes, Lost Horizon ). And I actually like Season 20. I would consider it the 3rd best season in the middle age ( Season 11-20) after Season 12 and 15. I expected this episode to be okay, and it exceeded my expectations!! The next episode doesn't look that good, but I'm happy to have one really good episode and one good episode before it. The thing that makes this episode so good isn't the humor. It's the depth. It might just be me, but I feel like there hasn't been an Edna Krabopil episode in a long time. The last Mrs. Krabopil episode I remember was called My Big Fat Geek Wedding, and it was the last episode of Season 15. To me, this episode gave Edna even more depth than in the awesome Season 3 episode Bart the Lover ( My favorite Krabopil episode ). This episode shows me why Edna is so depressed and also gives a realistic view on depression. Edna feel like a real person and not just a cartoon character who was made 21 years ago. I wish more episodes had the amount of depth this episode had. Besides the drunk line joke, this episode didn't have much humor. It wasn't unfunny, it just didn't have a lot of jokes. I love how this episode gives lots of depth to Bart too. Bart always had a lot of depth, but I liked how they made a layered story about Bart too. Even the new "cool" teacher had a little depth. That guy probably struggles with teaching kids, so he just gives up and doesn't. If this episode had depth and sharp humor too, I would probably rank this like 8.6 out of 10. Since this episode doesn't have that sharp humor, I would rank it a 7.4 out of 10, which is what my final score is. Even though it doesn't look good I'm excited to watch the next episode of the season, The Great Wife Hope. I'll make sure to post my review on here in about 4 days at least. I can't wait to see if the next episode is really going to be bad.
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The Simpsons: Homer the Whopper (2009)
Season 21, Episode 1
Everyman is Flying S21 High in the Sky, " Borrowing " Powers from Superman
5 March 2024
Homer the Whopper is an amazing episode. Out of all the movie related episodes in this series that I have watched ranked worst to best, this would be in the middle. Although most movie related episodes are about different genres of movies and actors, this episode was similar to an episode that was made around Season 7. It was called Radioactive Man: The Movie. I think it was from episode 2 of season seven, I don't know I'm not sure. Anyway both of the episodes were about starring in a superhero movie, but once you go in a little more depth to the plot line it's actually a bit different. Radioactive Man: The Movie is about Milhouse not wanting to be in the movie. This episode, Homer the Whopper, is about Homer being too fat to star in a movie. Besides that, this episode dives into other aspects of movies. It dives into having bad editing, going over budget, making a book into a movie, briefly even sequels, and basically just every single superhero movie ever made in Hollywood. As a result to this, well, this episode is hilarious. In the beginning of the episode I really like how Bart, Milhouse and Comic Book Guy were working together. Bart and Milhouse have always had a negative relationship with Comic Book Guy. This negative relationship was made because our friend Jeff Albertson here is usually a bit mean and to his costumers, and the people who come to his store often are Bart and Milhouse. In this episode I like how Bart and Milhouse made Comic Book Guy feel better about himself, because until he got marrid, he was definitely depressed. I think Bart and Milhouse made Comic Book Guy just a little less depressed. That's why I love the main picture for this episode is a picture from that Comic Book Guy scene. I also loved the Bongo comics reference. I've actually never read any of the Simpsons comics before but they look interesting. I liked this fun and funny kick off to the twenty first season of the Simpsons, and while I assume the next episode will be just okay, I'm excited to watch it, even if it might be okay. In all, I give this episode a 7.6 out of 10.
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Iwájú: Iwájú (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Exiciting Premiere with Lots of Potential
2 March 2024
Iwájú was an amazing premiere. Even though this series has started off strong, I feel like Iwájú still has potential. I hope this series starts to get more attention because a lot of people would like this series. Not all of those people are Disney fans. A lot of the people would like this might like like series and movies set in the future. A lot of people also might like this series because they like shows and movies that dive into different cultures and people that aren't American. Either way, this series is beautiful! The animation is really sharp and pretty. I have to say even thought 3-D animation cost much more money than 2-D, I like 2-D better than 3-D. But for this series so far 3-D just works better for me. I couldn't imagine this series being 2-D at all. For me, this is the first Disney original series that I'm watching made on 2024. I've watched the Percy Jackson show and the first season did end in 2024, but the series still started in 2023 so I wouldn't count it being from 2024. Anyway, besides the animation, this series is still very beautiful. Most of the characters have lots of depth already, and they are getting even more depth in the process. The main character is energetic, determined, and kind. I just like her soo much and I can relate to her too. Her dad is loving and caring but he's also a bit too passionate about his work and too overprotective. This series has great animation and likeable and relatable characters with a lot of depth. This series also has a sense of wonder. When I started I didn't know what was even happening, which gave this a sense of wonder and adventure. I loved piecing together what was happening. I also loved the futuristic atmosphere. It makes this an inventive, creative, exciting experience. Iwájú also feels like it has acurrate predictions on the future. I could imagine a lot of the things in this show existing in about 20 or 30 years. Maybe even sooner. Watching this show so far just feels like a treat or a present. In all, I give this episode a 8.6 out of 10.
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Spaceballs (1987)
"May the Swartz Be With You"!! Spaceballs: The
1 March 2024
Spaceballs is a hilarious movie. This is actually my first Mel Brooks movie that I have ever watched. Probably by my rating you could tell that I LOVE it. The humor is just so sharp, satirical, and witty. A few movies like Alien and Planet of the Apes were hilariously parodied, just like Star Wars. Star Wars was the main parody, but there were many other parodies in between Star Wars. Spaceballs really dives into this movies and pulls out absurd and hilarous versions of thsm. Most of the characters were also parodies of Star Wars characters. Lone Ranger was a mix of Luke Skywalker and Hans Solo. Barf was a parody of Chewbacca. Dot Matrix was a parody of C-3PO. Yogurt was a parody of Yoda. Pizza the Hut was a parody of, you guessed it, Janna the Hut. Princess Vespa was a parody of Princess Leila ( and also a Disney princess ). The A**holes were parodies of the Stormtroopers. A lot of the characters were parodies of something else too. The Prince that Princess Vespa was going to marry is a parody of Prince Charming, and just princes in general. Princess Vespas father was a parody of a stereotipical king. Most of the characters are a parody of something or someone. These characters all also hilarous too. My favorite character is either Dark Helmet or Yogurt. They both have some of the best moments in the movie. I would say I like Dark Helmet more because Yogurt only has humor that breaks the fourth wall. Dark Helmet has a wider varity of humor. I love how this movie just embraces itself and it's existence too. I'm basically saying that I love when this movie constantly breaks the fourth wall. All of the characters know more than they're supposed too, and that's what makes it funny. This movie knows that it's a movie. When breaking the fourth wall, Spaceballs parodies movies that make and sell tons of merchandise based off of it, and takes it to the extreme. Basically every product the characters use, from toys to toiletpaper, has the word Spaceballs on it. In one scene the behind the scenes people were literally right there. If you want a supenseful tense drama that has lots of emotions, this movie isn't for you. In all, I give this movie a 9.5 out of 10.
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Sprinkling in Action, Comedy, and Character Depth
28 February 2024
The Avatar Returns is a spectacular episode. Don't get me wrong, I really liked the first episode, but this episode is just a lot better. To me it has much more depth and emotion. The last episode didn't have this much emotion, but this one is full of it. I personally think a lot of the characters had to face difficult challenges such as like who to trust . This choices make and expand this characters and help them learn and grow. This episode just adds lots of depth to all of these characters and makes them seem more realistic and reliable. From the start, even the villian feels like he was depth. I've only watched this episode and the first episode of this show, and I already feel that these characters will still be developing all along the way. It doesn't just take two episodes of a TV show to fully develop a character in it. It takes a long time for the show to figure out who and what type of person that character is. I hope that Avatar keeps developing this awesome characters and help them learn and grow. I also loved the beautiful action scenes. They were beautiful animated, swift, and fast, but not too flashy and fast that they make you just tired looking at them. You could tell that these scenes were very carefully and well planned. I also loved the brief elements of humor in this episode. This episode only has brief moments of comedy, but whenever the comedy happens it's hilarious. In the first episode there was more slapstick comedy, but now there's just regular comedy. I like regular comedy better than slapstick because slapstick relies on actions while regular comedy relies on words. The best slapstick comedian is definitely Charlie Chaplin though. I guess this is the start of the group's adventure. I'm excited to see what happens on this adventure and what type of things and dilemmas they have. I can't wait to watch and review the next episode soon. In all, I give this episode a 9.1 out of 10.
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WALL·E (2008)
27 February 2024
WWALL. E is an amazing pixar movie. This movie isn't the best pixar movie, but it's definitely one of the best. WALL. E is a very wonder inducing and beautiful movie, and it does this with barely any dialogue. Believe it or not, this is a love movie. Yes, it's a love movie. But this movie just makes the love sequences not over sentimental and it still has a bit of a more darker edge to it. And that darker edge really makes this movie shine. The romance feels very realistic and true to itself. To me, WALL. E is much deeper than Finding Nemo. Even though Finding Nemo has lots of emotions, I think WALL. E has much more emotion because I feel like Finding Nemo has much more comedic element and focuses more on comedy then WALL. E. To me, this movie presents itself in a powerful and meaningful way that at the end of WALL. E you feel so... inspired. Also all of the characters have lots of depth. WALL. E is a robot who is very kind, observant, and dedicated with a gentle soul. EVE is a robot who is brave, and bold. The captain of the ship is a character who is curious, brave, and selfless At the beginning EVE didn't really pay much attention to WALL. E, but at the end EVE realized how much WALL. E loved her and she appreciated him more. At the beginning WALL. E was a lonely robot who wouldn't hurt a fly Or a coachroach. When EVE came WALL. E loved her and tried hard for her to pay attention to him. At the end all of WALL. E's hard work paid off and EVE loved WALL. E for that. In the beginning the captain was a brain dead guy who was just like every else on the ship. However at the end of the movie he was a guy who was curious and wanted the best for everyone else around him. All of these characters have a consistent character ark, and that's what I like from this movie. The characters can change and grow in only an only 1 hour and 44 minutes. In all, I give this movie a 8.7 out of 10.
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The Simpsons: Lisa Gets an F1 (2024)
Season 35, Episode 12
It's Okay, But for Season 35 I'm Not That Impressed
26 February 2024
Lisa Gets an F1 is an okay episode. So far in my opinion there has been 7 really good episodes, 2 just good episode ,2 okay episode, and 1 bad episode. As you can tell, I think this is just okay. I missed out on the 10th episode of the season, but that's only because that episode was airing on Christmas Eve. In my opinion, I think this season's episodes started to decline when the long hiatus happened. First we got Frinkenstein's Monster, hilarious, but a little disappointing. Now we have this, Lisa Gets an F1. I think that this episode was a bit disappointing to. The reason why is probably because I had high expectations, but even then this episode is still just ay. It had a good message, and it was interesting, however, it didn't have enough humor. This wasn't painfully unfunny, like that Season 32 episode called Screenless, because Screenless attempted much more jokes then this episode. Even though there were some funny jokes, some of them fell flat. The A-plot was pretty good, but the B-plot was pretty dumb and stupid, and you know what. That B-plot was just put in for filler content. Oh my goodness, why don't they do the couch gag?! Seriously!! If this episode is getting in filler content why don't they just have a couch gag?! This episode had enough time for a couch gag unlike some of the other episodes, and it would be really cool to get the couch gag back. I would definitely score this higher if there was a couch gag, and this episode only had an A-plot. The B-plot was really dull and man it's jokes stinked. Some of them were funny, like that principals office joke, but most of them weren't funny, like that both speaking Italian joke. The A-plot felt much better because it contained more hits and much less misses. Like with McMansion and Wife, I would expect this episode in Season 18, but not Season 35. I think this comeback stretch might end soon and not reach the 3 year mark. Maybe this is just a little dud ( well, compared to this season ) and the next episode, whatever it's called, will reach my standard Season 35 standards. I hope that soon someone knows what this episode is called and when it's airing because I'm excited to figure out what's about and when it's coming out, because I have no idea when I am reviewing another Season 35 episode. In all, I give this episode a 6.8 out of 10.
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The Simpsons: Coming to Homerica (2009)
Season 20, Episode 21
The Finale Episode of the Middle Age
24 February 2024
Coming to Homerica is a really good episode. This is the finale episode of Season 20, so let me tell you some of my final thoughts about this season. For me, Season 11-20 would be the middle age of the Simpsons, so next season would start the modern age, and that would be from Season 21-30. After that would be the post modern age, ranging from Season 31-present. Out of all of the middle age seasons, this would be at the bottom of the top 3. The first half of the season feels so different from the second half because of the new HD animation. In fact, any episode with the old animation in this season feels like it was from Season 15. Once this animation change started, the episodes started to get slightly worse. Barely any worse though. If I could mark the end of Season 20 and the start of Season 21, I would say that the end of Season 20 is the last episode of the original animation and the start of Season 21 is the episode with the new HD animation. Even when the HD animation was permanent, this season was still good. The humor was a bit sharper and the episodes themselves were a bit more interesting. I give this season a 7.0 out of 10. Now since I talked about the season as a whole I will talk about this episode. For this season, this is one of the highest rated episodes, and it's really good. The Middle Age was definitely less than perfect, but still okay, but I personally think that this is a perfect conclusion. It's not perfect, but so is the Middle Age itself. This episode has humor flying 300 miles at hour at you. There's jokes every half a second an average. Sometimes, though, those jokes fly a little too fast. In this episode one of the characters might say something funny, and then they rush to the next joke. The speeding bullet jokes is a bit much for me, and I wish that the jokes were a bit slower. Not laugh track slow, but normal Simpsons slow. That's my only problem about this episode though. Besides that, it dives into the topic of immigration, and I like that. The plot is fun and interesting, and I'm sure a lot of people could relate to this episode. It kind of reminds me of an episode all the way back in Season 7. I forget the name, but it was an Apu episode ( we need more of those ) and it also dealt with the topic of immigration. If you want a better version of this episode watch that one. These two episodes are almost the same, but their side are flipped. That episode is on the side of the immigrants, but this one is on the side of the people who are already there. I like how this episode reflects and put perspective on an episode that aired 13 years before this. You could say that the writers couldn't think of anymore ideas so they thought of an old one, which is probably right, but I think of this episode as putting light on two sides and not just one. In all, I give this episode a 7.8 out of 10.
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Three Amigos! (1986)
An Underrated Comedy Classic
24 February 2024
Three Amigos! Is an underrated classic. I watched this just last night and I love it!! At the beginning it was funny, but it only had a few amount of laughs. Even then, the movie and the visuals were just fun and entertaining and even if this film had no humor at all I would still be smiling at the sight of the Amigos. Lucky, Dusty, and Ned are all very likeable characters. They have these quirks and flaws that make them who they are. They kind of remind me of Homer Simpsons. Stupid, but likeable. They're just so likeable because of their silly costumes and antics combined with how much of a simple but fun persona they have. Their fun personas make me have as much fun watching them as the actors had playing them. Oh come on. These actors are having a blast as Lucky Day, Dusty Bottom, and Ned Nedernander ( Whenever I think of that name I think of old " Needlehead Ned ). Whenever Steve Martin, Chevy Chase, and Martin Short come on screen in this movie they're grinning like idiots, and that means that they are clearly enjoying their roles. Another character in this movie that I also really liked was El Guabo. Before around the half point mark, before Guabo met the Amigos for the second time, he just felt like a slightly boring villain. Then, after he met the Amigos for the second time, he felt much different. Even though he was a bad guy, to me he felt like he wanted to enjoy life as much as possible. By killing people. The guy, like the Three Amigos, is very likeable, but for a different reason. El Guabo is likeable because he doesn't just want to mindlessly kill people. He's actually a really nice man who just doesn't warm up to other people. To me he has a hidden depth attached to him when all the other characters don't. Besides having likeable characters this movie has a very funny sense of humor. It has a similar type of humor as the Simpsons and Mad Magazine. Satirical humor. There's one point where the movie became extremely zany, but it only became that way because it wanted to mock Hollywood even more. The Amigos silly costumes mocks the ridiculous costumes from other Hollywood productions like the Garbage Pail Kids Movie and even The Wizard of Oz. The part that the Three Amigos are silent movie stars mocks silent movies like The General, The Kid, and Duck Soup. The invisible swordsman part mocks movies with "ridiculous" fantasy plots like Cinderella and Harry Potter. The cardboard background mocks movies like The Wizard of Oz. The talking animals mock movies like Babe and Charlotte's Web. The songs mock movies like Mary Poppins and the Sound of Music. Particularly the Buttercup song is directly a reference to the Princess Bride. Last but not least, the western atmosphere mocks movies like The Good, The Sad, And the Ugly and Oklahoma. Even though this movie was made in 1986, it still mocks and parodies movies that are being released today. I'm surprised Mel Brooks didn't make this movie, because it's basically a big parody of almost all of the movies made in Hollywood. In all, I give this a 9.2 out of 10.
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The Simpsons: Four Great Women and a Manicure (2009)
Season 20, Episode 20
Funny, But Mean Spirited
22 February 2024
Four Great Women and a Manicure is an okay episode. This is an anthology episode, so I will be writing a mini review for all four segments. Yes, I said four. Most anthology Simpsons episodes have three segments, but this episode has four. And other four segment anthology episodes have come out after that. I'm talking to you The Fight Before Christmas. Anyway because of this all of the oter segments felt rushed just to make way for the fourth one. For me The Wettest Stories Ever Told marked when these anthology episode started to decline. Now, I'll start the review!!

Segment #1 Queen Elizabeth. First off all, this segment depicted Queen Elizabeth as a snooby rich idiot. I don't know why Marge was saying how good of a person she was when in fact her story depicts her as a bad person. Besides that the segment is a little boring and isn't that funny. Also the segmentfelt very rushed. If it was a little less rushed it would be a bit more, let's say meaningful. I give this segment a 4.9 out of 10.

Segment #2, Snow White. This was probably my favorite segment. It had clever fairy tale references and I personally think it is very funny. Snow White felt very spoiled though. Well, at least they didn't say that she was a good person when Lisa was telling the story. Also the story felt very rushed. It could have benefited from some more run time. I give this segment a 7.7 out of 10.

Segment #3, Macbeth. This is my second favorite segment. Well, it's also my second least favorite segment. Marge said that Macbeth was a great women held back by bad husband. Well, Macbeth is always pushing Macbeth to kill other cast members. Besides that, this segment is a pretty funny segment. Although it's the most non rushed segment, this segment still felt that it needed more time. Maybe instead of 5 minutes 8 minutes? That's around the same time as a Treehouse of Horror segment runs. I give this segment a 7.1 out of 10.

Segment #4, Maggie Simpson. This segment isn't based off of Maggie Simpson, but this segment is about Maggie Simpson. To me this segment is just mean spirited. That daycare center guy just acted like it was a crime to be smart. Seriously!! I can't tell if this is Family Guy or the Simpsons. I give this segment a 4.9 out of 10.

This anthology episode was funny, but it was also mean spirited too. This also felt a little rushed. In all, I give this a 6.5 out of 10.
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Krapopolis: Contagion (2024)
Season 1, Episode 13
Round 2/18, Krapopolis vs. Simpsons. Krapopolis Wins
19 February 2024
Contagion is a really good Krapopolis episode. I don't usually watch Krapopolis on Fox because I like to go to bed early and I only really watch the Simpsons. Since it's February vacation I decided to watch the newest Krapopolis episode. Oh man was it good. I gotta say this episode of Krapopolis was better than the Simpsons episode that aired only thirty minutes earlier. Compared to the Simpsons this has much fresher and funnier humor. It has much more possibilities for ideas because 1. The show just began and 2. It takes place at the beginning of time. The idea might be very ridiculous, but I like that. It makes the episode much more funnier. Basically, the humor is the plot. Krapopolis wasn't meant to have any type of depth. It's supposed to be light hearted, ridiculous, and funny. This episode is just comedically brilliant. The jokes aren't really stupid and they feel well thought out. I really like how this episode took empathy to the next level. If you are a very healthy person, if you show empathy a lot then that doesn't mean you're a good person. You're just sick!! I haven't watched many Krapopolis episodes, but this is by far the best episode of the series that I have watched before. This series started out bad, but if they keep making episodes like this than Krapopolis could become as good as the Simpsons golden age. I'm glad that they have renewed two more season for this season and I'm excited to watch them. What a good episode. I give this one a 8.1 out of 10.
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The Simpsons: Frinkenstein's Monster (2024)
Season 35, Episode 11
Wait, This Doesn't Have Anything to Do With Halloween
19 February 2024
Frinkenstein's Monster is a good episode. I have watched 1 bad, 1 okay, 1 good, and 8 really good episodes. This episode was one of the really good episodes. Even though this is a really good episode, it has a few flaws. For one, how does this episode have nothing even related to Halloween? This episode title is a play on words to the famous Frankenstein's Monster movie!! And it has Professor Frink in it!! And guess what? On the Simpsons Fandom Wiki, this is considered a non canon episode!! They literally could've made Frink turn Homer into " Homerstein "!! Also the Simpsons have been on hiatus for so long. This is their first episode in 2024, and 2024 has almost been going on for 3 months!! Why do they have so many hiatuses? Oh right, because the season is supposed to end at a certain time. They could have just split this hiatus into a few 2 week hiatuses. This episode could have been airing at Jan 14, while the next episode Lisa gets an F1 could have been airing at Jan 28. The episode could've also had Frink's dad in it. In Treehouse of Horror 14, one of the segments called Frinkenstein showed a parody of Frankenstein with Frink's dad acting as Frankenstein. I never expected this to happen, but maybe Frinkenstein could've showed up again in this long running series. Maybe just maybe. Even though this episode was actually a really good episode, I am reducing points for this episode because of the long hiatus and the title. Now let's look at the positives. I loved how this episode featured Frink as one of the main characters. The show never really spotlighted on Frink and he never really got his episode. Otto, Sarah Wiggum, Comic Book Guy,Nelson, and even Branden have all gotten at least one episode. But for characters like Hans Moleman, Bumblebee Man, Disco Stu, The Sea Captain, and Professor Frink have never gotten there own episode. Until now. Well, at least for Frink. Out of the characters I listed that didn't get there own episode, all of those characters feel like they were only there for a gag and nothing more. I feel like Frink is different. Frink is one of the better secondary characters and for me he is probably one of the best. He just feels very alive and he feels like he's there not for a gag, but to be a character. Seeing as he hasn't gotten his own episode before this is weird, but I like that now he has his own episode. Another thing I liked is how this episode mocks the series as a whole. It really pokes fun of how many jobs Homer has had and how many he will have. This episode is a really funny episode and I love how the Simpsons are now even poking fun at themselves. It's pretty bold but man is it funny. Besides that this episode has a lot of cool jokes. The plot may be a bit repetitive, but that's what it was aiming for to make the whole environment funnier. Thank goodness the Simpsons doesn't have any other hiatus and that Lisa gets an F1 is in a week. Thank goodness. I'm excited to see that episode and my review for it will be here in a week. In all, I give this episode a 7.3 out of 10.
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