
19 Reviews
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Forsaken (2018)
12 December 2023
First off, I am a fan of Russian cinema. Films like Solaris and Salyut 7 are great! So I started watching this some time back, but saw it as a blatant rip-off of The Martian and turned it off after maybe 15-20 minutes. Then I saw a quick blurb online and decided the watch the entire thing.

Pretty disappointing. As others have said here, it's an obvious knock off of several other movies. The mouthy, flamboyant TV guy is exactly the same as in The Fifth Element, and every bit as annoying. About halfway through the movie, I'm starting to think that this is all a parody (satire) and not intended to be serious. Sadly, it is not. This is meant to be a serious movie, and in that it fails.

It tries to be political, and fails. It tries to make a statement... and fails. It succeeds in visuals, which are quite good. The leading characters are good, but they can't carry the whole movie. The sad part is, this had all the elements to make a very good movie.. but just doesn't know to "do" with them. If you are desperate for a sci fi fix.. it'll do. Just don't expect too much..
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WAY better that I expected
21 October 2023
First things first.. It's sub titled. And over dubbed. If you don't like that, don't watch. I have nothing against dub titles. Keep in mind all these were added AFTER the film was shot. The film maker had nothing to do with that. This is not a "war" movie or an action "thriller". But it does tell a very engaging story about the mind set of the Japanese people and their military after WWI. It's a deep look into the back room and under belly of politics, military, and industry that is rampant even today.

I started watching it casually and somehow, along the way, it sucked me into it. I stayed up to the end (longer than I intended). I will watch more Japanese cinema. I've been watching Russian movies for a few years now, and find them in so many ways, better than their American counter parts.
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Recon (2019)
Weak. Very weak
14 November 2022
Movie tries so hard to say something. To have some high moral message. And fails miserably. It doesn't seem to know what it is. Others have compared it to Blair Witch Project and I guess that's pretty close. Is it a "war" movie? Is it a "thriller"? "Is it a religious movie"? I sure don't know! It's pretty obvious whoever filmed this has NO idea of what war actually is. The "actors" certainly were never around soldiers or veterans. They know nothing about weapons. Or tactics. Or RECON. Boring, uninteresting, and not one character I could care about. I won't disclose the ending. If you're that driven to watch it though, well the jokes on you.
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Do Yourself a Favor. BAIL!
10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So I was having a tough time falling asleep and started looking for something to watch. Came across this and started watching. I didn't bother to read the reviews first. (BIG mistake) After 1/2 hour or so, I was ready to turn it off, but it had sucked me in. And against my better judgment, I finished it. None of this, and I mean NONE of this made any sense at all! So many plot holes! Basically every 9 years (When the moon is in the 7th house and Jupiter aligns with Mars) a magical mystical "pathway" exists to allow time travel? The lead's unborn grand daughter travels back every nine years to kill a bunch of people with "strange isotopes?" which can be triggered remotely (evidently for the future) to melt their brains. In the process, she cripples his partner (and best friend) and next time around, she shoots him in the face with a shotgun. Killing him. Also evidently she's one helluva motorcycle rider and pilot as well. Oh, and a martial arts expert with super-human speed. On a dark and stormy night, she kicks grampa out of any airplane from several thousand feet, but he's just fine cuz he lands in a lake? Ultimately he tracks her back thru a magical mystery sewer pipe to her time machine. (Seriously!) He then waits yet another 9 years fir her to come back. (Evidently 3 trips isn't enough to kill enough people) Big reveal, She's his half black grand daughter from the future. TaDa! And she comes back to kill anyone with ties to a radical right wing group to "protect?" the future from another civil war?

The list looks to be maybe 50-60 people long, but it's OK to murder them. And all their descendants as well. Gee, not a chance of disturbing a time line or anything eh? As others have said, this is a left wing diatribe against anyone with an opposing point of view. Mass murder is just fine, if they oppose YOU!

Acting is truly childish. Cops are portrayed as mindless "good ol' boys".

This feels like it was written as a group project by a bunch of middle-schoolers. With every child getting to write a chapter. None of it works. Ex: why do we need a time travelling assassin to inject isotopes which are remotely detonated to kill people? Seems like a bullet (or knife) would be a lot more effective.

The BEST scene to me anyway, was the pigs! Through a series of flashbacks (flash forwards?) we see them perfecting their murder scheme on pigs! Injecting them with "isotopes" then pushing computer buttons to melt their brains.. Plus we're treated to watching the pigs tumble around inside a crashing van!

I wish I'd have shut it off when first tempted. Remote controlled self detonating pork is the only redeemable feature. Hence the 2 rating instead of a 1.
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I've seen worse
6 August 2022
I don't understand all the HATE for this film. Sure, it's not a "great" movie, but better than a LOT of big budget Hollywood fare. Visuals are very good considering the budget the makers had to work with.

Now, as to the wooden acting comments? I've seen enough foreign films to realize that THIS movie probably had very GOOD acting in it. The problem is when they try to overdub the lines in English. There's something just "off" about it. It would have been far far better if they had left it in Russian and used subtitles. Watch Salyut 7. It's subtitled and it just works. But of course, when you watch a subtitled movie, you have to pay attention to it.

Again, not a "great" movie, but decent enough. I expected very little.. but was pleasantly surprised.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
Very Good Film.. for some
22 July 2022
I hadn't even heard of this movie when it showed up on Prime. I like Statham so though I'd give it a shot. I was NOT disappointed! It takes a while to "get into" it. It's a complex, non-linear story. And those can be bad or very good. I suspect the majority of the poor reviews in here were by folks looking for a "shoot 'em up" type thriller. There IS a lot of shooting, but this is a complex movie. I just finished it and I'm going to watch it. It's the first movie I've watched in a long, long time that challenges me. One has to pay close attention to everything going on, at all times. The lines between good guys and bad shift. As I say, it's complex.

If you're looking for a big budget super hero type movie, you'll be sorely disappointed. If you enjoy deep, twists and turns, here it is! It's very simply and plainly filmed. It "explains?" almost nothing. That's up to the viewer to figure out. It's well worth the time invested. It's pretty deep.
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Garnet's Gold (2014)
Boring, pointless, and depressing
20 June 2022
Let me start by saying this: I love "quirky" small movies. I don't go in for Hollyweird blockbusters... however?

This is one of the most pointless.. and worse, boring stories I have ever come across. As near as I can tell, it's a pointless story, about an irrelevant man, leading a totally irrelevant life. With no meaning or purpose. The only person I found myself caring about was his invalid mother...
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War Bride (2001)
A Very Well Made Solid Movie
13 March 2022
I don't understand the low ratings some have given this. Granted, it is NOT a Hollywood "block buster". It's not and action/ adventure thing either. It is a quite realistic portrayal of what some folks on the home front lived through. And there is some truly excellent acting in it. I guess you have to appreciate simple honest film making. Sets are very well done. Costuming is spot on. Scripting proves that very often, less can be more. A very emotional ride. Sad, but ultimately uplifting. The kind of movies that are all too rare today.
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A Decent Movie. Better Than Most
18 October 2021
Is it Great? Nope, but way better than average. A very pleasant surprise to be sure. Above average plot. Decent enough acting. But the cinematography is first rate! It is quite gritty. Some of the panorama scenes are definitely less than stellar, but more than adequate. I enjoyed it thoroughly, and have watched it several times. T reminds meof an "old fashioned" adventure from the golden era of movie-making.
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The Thing (I) (2011)
Pretty Decent Worth Watching
4 October 2021
They had a hard act to follow. Carpenter's movie is one of the best ever made. So of course, we already know how this one is going to end. That's quite a hurdle to overcome... So right off, this isn't as good. It doesn't have the strong character of Carpenter's. But it's not bad.

What really didn't work was over use and abuse of CGI! It was just too much, and as such, turned this into a effects movie without the true horror of the 1982 film It's very GOOD CGI... but just "looks" CGI. Fake. Would have been a lot better with far less. The whole saucer scene was un- needed. It was like they used every possible excuse to toss in the CGI. The 1982 film was far more suspenseful. Still, standing on it's own, it's a far better movie than Aliens 3, Prometheus, and the Predator knock offs. Imho, this is the lesser of the 3 Thing movies. The original was very good in it's day. Carpenter's ? I consider one of the few "perfect" movies. If I paid 10 bucks to see this in a theater, I would have been very satisfied! Try not to compare it, and I think you'll enjoy it.
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The Snake Pit (1948)
Just Amazing
17 August 2021
This will be a very short review. I watched this movie as a young boy, of perhaps 12? It was on one of those mid-afternoon hosted movie show on television. It sucked me in and it STILL is the most traumatizing movie I have ever scene! It pretty much touched my innermost fears..
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Fantastic Movie, Definitely NOT a Typical War Movie
1 November 2020
I'll keep this brief. Watch this! An unusual picture of was that doesn't involve the US. Very realistic. I suspect that this is how the Russian foot soldier would view out war in Viet Nam. One of the very best treatises on war ever made. And that is not an exaggeration.
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Fails on SO Many Levels.
20 June 2020
I don't write a lot of reviews, but feel I owe this one. I like small quirky movies. I don't need CGI/ effects. Just give me a decent story line and competent acting. This truly has neither. Nothing about this movie is remotely understandable, let alone making sense. Acting? is non existent. Directing? the same. Evidently this small town holds a big secret, but you'll never know what it is. I was suffering from a bout of insomnia, or I'd have turned it off in the first 10 minutes or so. This movie "tries" to be important, And fails. I looked in here hoping to find some meaning, or at least a clue about what's going on. No such luck. All I can think of is that it looks like a bunch of mediocre film students got together, and said "Hey! Let's make a movie!" "Great idea, but first let's do a few shots and smoke a LOT of weed!" "Cool! We'll go the old motel, and shoot. Then smoke some more weed! "Dude! I know where they keep the props for that haunted house they do every year!" "Oh man (taking another toke) I got a laser pointer we can play with too!" "DUDE! This is gonna be EPIC!"
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Pioneer One: The Man from Mars (2010)
Season 1, Episode 2
Best TV SciFi in a LONG time!
20 May 2020
Stumbled across this on Prime last week Sounded like an interesting (and original) premise so gave it a shot. It is surprisingly good! Indeed, it plays out like the very best of the X-files. It is very low budget, but that sure doesn't affect the story line. Very minimal effects, but then, this is not a huge budget CGI extravaganza. Very though provoking "What if?" It amazes me what a handful of talented people can do without a lot of cash. I am so sick and tired of the Hollywood Blockbuster! (think Star Wars, Avatar, Comic Books, Transformers, etc) Which spend 100's of millions on CGI, big name actors, and promotions, yet neglect any semblance of plot, story line, etc. This is ALL plot and story line, with competent acting. I like it a LOT!
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Yes, it IS that bad.
26 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Believe the others. It really is THAT bad! I tried watching this some months ago, but bailed out after the giant spinning "cube?" of mystery. Looking over my previously viewed movies (and reading reviews in here) I decided to try it again. Simply? Its bad. REALLY bad. The AI "headbutts" someone to death. Somewhere along the way, 6 Swat team members, with full body armor, and machine guns appear out of nowhere. Evidently they were on the ship for months, but she didn't know it? And of course, machine guns on a spaceship.. because reasons. Giant ship, but you only see one room. Seriously, this could have been a ONE person stage play, with only ONE set! None of it makes sense on any level. PS. They all die. We all die! Everyone on Earth dies. because? reasons.
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T-34 (2018)
Very Well Done!
19 September 2019
Of late, I've become a big fan of Russian movies! Seems they can work wonders on such low budgets. No big name actors yet somehow they can pull it off. Salyut 7 was a masterpiece as was White Tiger. This is right up there. I only found one criticism with it. The dubbing was just awful. They ALL sounded like what the world thinks Americans sound like. And it just didn't work. Please. Just let them speak their native tongues and caption it! It makes for a much more believable story.
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Bright (I) (2017)
So glad I didn't read the reviews first!
29 December 2017
I like sci-fi but really dislike the whole "fantasy, supernatural" thing. If I'd read the reviews or synopsis before watching, I wouldn't have given it a chance. As it was, I started watching it, heard "orc" and almost turned it off. Instead, it pulled me in, trying to make sense of it. Somewhere along the way, I realized that this is a well written, intriguing movie. Perhaps a bit much with the action, but a wonderful combination. Will Smith is doing his typical Will Smith role. And better than usual. Edgerton is perhaps even better, a very pleasant surprise. Granted it borrows/steals from a number of other movies, but charts its own course too. Accept it for what it is. Its a good movie. Perhaps not great, but IS original. And a new concept is awfully hard to come by today. I can quite easily see this turning into a franchise. I'm sick of the whole super heroes thing.
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41 (I) (2012)
One of the Very Best.
2 April 2016
Stumbled across this the other day, and thought I'd give a quick look. And I couldn't turn away. First off, I have a soft spot for "small" sci fi movies. (Such as Primer, Love and Teleportation, Moon, etc) This is a very small, indie film, made on a shoestring. If you're looking for big stars, great effects, aliens?, turn away. You won't like this. Nonetheless, what the makers accomplish is amazing! It draws one into it. It feels like you're actually becoming a part of it.

Another reviewer faulted the hospital and police station sets. I thought they were perfect! In fact, I was never sure that those guys even WERE the police. I wondered if they had some inside info on what he was doing and were govt agents, posing as police.

The actors/ actresses didn't seem like they were "acting" at all. More like you were just listening in on conversations. And it never explained everything. Make no mistake, the answers are there, but you'll have to listen and pay attention to get them. It treats the viewer as intelligent. Far too rare today.

And the best soundtrack I've ever heard in a small movie! Haunting all the way through.

It just amazes me that major studios spend hundreds of millions to make blockbusters, and turn out rubbish. And yet a few people come along, spend a few thousand, and turn out gems such as this.
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A very small, very GOOD movie!
10 February 2015
What a surprise. An actual intelligent movie. Lately it seems the bigger the movie's budget, the lesser the quality. CGI, and FX have pretty much taken over the sci fi movie biz. Every now and then, a "good" movie comes along. And this is one of them. I had it book marked on Amazon for months, but it just didn't sound interesting. Then late last night, I turned it on. It took me a while to get the feel of it. And I was hooked. I won't go into all the technical stuff; others have done that here.

Some of the best dialogue ever. Smartly written and superbly acted. If you're looking for action, adventure, and excitement, move along. On the other hand, if you enjoyed films like Primer, Moon, Astronaut ((the last push) Give it a watch.
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