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An American in Austen (2024 TV Movie)
Reminds me of "Lost in Austen"
4 May 2024
I love the premise of someone from the modern world, who has read the book, finding themselves in the midst of their favourite book. I first saw the same premise in a BBC miniseries Lost in Austen, which did a superb job with it. This movie starts off similarly, but unfortunately makes too many choices for the characters in the book that are pretty out of character. I particularly did not like what they did with the two main characters (Liz and Darcy). It just didn't seem like the writers really understood these characters at all.

But if you want a better version of a similar premise, navigate to Lost in Austen. I can't recommend that enough.

All in all, if you don't already know the original books, you might enjoy this. If you do, I'd suggest watching something else.
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It's different...and that's not bad
2 March 2024
Disclaimer that I first watched the "the making of" documentary as I do love how movies (or in this case, a semi autobiographical movie/musical/show) is made. Watching the background did give me some expectations, but mostly in a way that lowered my initial expectations. JLo really does not need to do anything like this, and it seemed like it was going to be a very self obsessed and potentially weird experience. Yet I still was intrigued enough to watch the movie.

In some ways, I was right: it is pretty different than most things you'll see out there. Is it an autobiographical account of JLo's actual experiences? Not a direct one, but yes, heavily influenced by it and very personal. Is it a movie? Kind of... there is a a story and a theme there and our hero does get a good ending (without spoiling what the actual theme is, the fact that it is very personal makes it pretty good too). The music is not bad either, you'll probably enjoy at least 2 or 3 songs in there (I particularly loved the ballad).

So, treat it as what it is supposed to be: something different than most things out there, not quite a movie but also maybe it is, and an intriguing watch of self exploration. Honestly, get into it with absolutely no expectations because there is not much to base this experience on. You might enjoy yourself. Among the many movies and shows that are just a repetition of oh-so-many others we've already seen, this is different...and that's not bad.
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Timeless (2016–2018)
Awesome watch if you're willing to take a leap of faith
5 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Prefacing by saying that I enjoyed this show a lot. Going back to historical moments, seeing all these impressive events and people, and having action and romance sequences in between! Sign me up, and never sign me off.

So, I forgo the fact that the show simply does not make sense and introduces a lot of paradoxes.

1) they go back in time to prevent something from changing. That thing does change. They come back, and everyone remembers events as having changed. But in this new timeline, what justifies them having gone to the past (given that what they were supposed to protect has already been altered, they wouldn't have a reason to be sent to a mission in this new timeline)?

2) while they go to the past, how come things don't automatically change in the present? Like, you send someone 50 years back, but nothing immediately changes in the current times as we await their entire story to end (in the meantime, the same amount of time passing in the present while the crew waits for them to come back)

Same thing for when rittenhouse send people back in time as sleeper agents. By the time they "find out" the notion that sleeper agents have been sent back and decide they should prevent rittenhouse, shouldn't things have already changed in the present? I don't get any of these paradoxes.

Still, though, if you can manage to shut your brain off on these incredibly major issues, it is a blast to watch. I still would continue watching episodes right now if there were new ones.
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Old Enough! (1990– )
One of the funniest (and most bizarre) reality shows
30 April 2022
This show is first shocking (I've never seen two year old kids perform actual tasks such as going to the grocery store before). But then, you get into it and accept it as part of the culture. And hilarity ensues. Especially when the chores go awry. Seeing how someone tries to deal with problems they are facing for the first time is quite hilarious at times, and also nostalgic.

Definite guilty pleasure watch.
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Enemy (2013)
What the heck was that?
26 April 2022
Things that you can do instead of watching this movie and have a better time include: watching paint dry, reading a phone book in its entirety, and staying in bed with 104 fever.

The worst waste of time I have come across since... I don't even know.

The actors are good, and the cinematography is good, which makes you stay invested and try to follow it to the end.

And...the ending was even worse than the entirety of this boring and weird movie.

To 'art' movie makers: just because sth is difficult to understand/non sensical/open to interpretation doesn't mean it's good. I'm sure they actually love it that many people don't get it. Makes it even artier.
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The Golden Girls (1985–1992)
Great show with string writing and funny characters
31 January 2022
I resisted watching this show for years. Finally, at the end of a long lasting pandemic, I found myself with nothing to binge on and a full day of being completely available for a tv show. What a waste it was to resist this amazing show. So many laugh out loud moments, incredibly well written and well acted show. All the characters are great. It also made me realize that Hot in Cleveland is just a very weak reboot of golden girls. Anyways, if you are looking to watch a well written show with string and funny women, this show is a must!
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The Lost Room: The Key and the Clock (2006)
Season 1, Episode 1
Amazing intro
30 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Great introduction to an amazing premise. One negative is what happened at the end of the episode. Is it just me or did the doctor (the guy who was investigating the objects outside of the core team) immediately become Gollum upon seeing the key? I mean the pace of his transformation was quite breathtaking. Otherwise, I am enthralled!
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Best Christmas episode I've ever seen
23 December 2021
The title says it all. The funniest and most twisted Christmas episode I have ever seen. Many laugh out loud moments. It builds slowly but it is worth it. If you want to see one of the craziest episodes of sunny, this is the place to start.
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11.22.63 (2016)
Few plot holes kind of ruin a potential 10
16 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm watching the first episode right now, and two things really did not make sense to me:

1 - Why would the main character (played by Franco) not just kill Oswald the first chance he gets? If Oswald is the killer, would it not immediately change things in the present? And if Oswald isn't the killer, then nothing would change in the present and therefore he can go back and try to find the real killer. Could have saved a few years of doing nothing but waiting around.

2 - it is said that "if you try to change something important in the past, the past will 'kick back'" (ie prevent it from happening). If true, and assuming that stopping the assassination of the president of the United States is, you know, somewhat of a major event, would he be able carry out this 'mission' to begin with? I mean, for supposedly smart characters, they seem to have glazed over a pretty important question that absolutely requires to be asked.

Otherwise, I'm a huge fan of the time travel concept ever since I watched Back to the Future. So, always interested in more shows/movies that build on the concept!
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Pooch Perfect (2020– )
Deliciously bad
23 July 2021
Every joke is so fake and bad but that makes it good somehow. Also, seeing the dog transformations is pretty neat. All in all, this is a guilty pleasure watch.
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The Simpsons: Barthood (2015)
Season 27, Episode 9
Get ready to cry hard
10 June 2021
Season 27 of The Simpsons has been a breath of fresh air, but this episode is the best among them. It is a feely one: get ready to cry hard, especially if you have a sibling with whom you shared some rivalry for your parents' affection.

This episode is about what it means to have a brother/sister that, unfortunately for you, is more impressive than you in many ways. Simply having this person in your house while growing up can impact how you feel about yourself, and how your parents see you and treat you. You can find yourself pushed towards the role of the 'trouble maker' not by your own choice, but by how your environment changes because of one additional person you now have to live with (not your choice).

This episode touched me in so many ways, because you can see that Bart is good, or at least he really really wants to be, but finds it so tough to achieve that in the absence of parental love and affection that is being poured into his sister. He only has one person in his corner: his grandpa. This dynamic leads to a lot of tear jerker moments, particularly when we reach the second act. I could not stop crying.

On a personal note, I have a brother that has experienced very similar things (not my choice) because I was academically gifted and he was not. But he was always the best person ever (even tough I thought he was a trouble maker when I was younger). This episode made me think how who we are can be shaped by how our parents approach us.

All in all, amazing episode that captures something real, deep, and sad. Caught me off guard.
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Mythic Quest: Breaking Brad (2021)
Season 2, Episode 4
Life is more complex than we give it credit for
30 May 2021
I must say I disagree with some of the reviews here, which focused on the B plot of this episode (conversations between the two bosses and the two employees who happen to be in a relationship). The B plot was not about putting women down, or straight white men down. It accepts that men generally had more opportunities, but also offers nuances: some of these men may have grabbed their opportunity by the balls, so to speak. It also acknowledges that women's need to be given more opportunities, but gives a cautionary note: when you have your chance, you better be prepared. Don't be so focused on whatever else is going on in your life that you can't see an opportunity when it hits you on the head.

Life is complicated and messy. There is no one answer to where things go right or wrong for you. Hopefully, you'll be able to have your eyes open to the opportunities so that when they come by, you're not in a position to not even realize the opportunity came and went and you were none the wiser. My two cents about the B plot of the episode.

The A plot was phenomenal on my opinion, and had a similar ring to it with the B plot. People thy appear bad or look like a one note character may be much more complex and compassionate than we give them credit for. Also makes you think about the old adage: is it better to stick with the devil you know?

Overall, phenomenal episode that really makes you dig deep and think about the complexities of life, while still being pretty funny.
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It's an experience
21 April 2021
A short summary is that this is an experience rather than a movie. The director seemingly concerns himself with more the set and scenery than he does the actual script. This is apparent in his choice of actors as well, who also behave more like a set piece than a legitimate actor who makes you feel the intensity of the situation.

That said, am I sad/upset to have spent two and a half hours watching this? Absolutely not. It was a great experience. But I wanted more of the story-and be more ingrained in it. Rather, we got looooooong shots of the set and the interesting aspects of space travel. Great, but could have benefitted from more things going on other than the set.
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Not my Peter
17 April 2021
This movie (along with the first movie) truly destroyed what makes Peter Parker special. Peter Parker is not a whiner who will ruminate about whether he should help save the world or whether he should go to Eiffel Tower to potentially kiss a girl. Peter Parker is savvy and smart. They made him into a wimp who keeps on saying "please grown-ups, include me in your grown up superhero stuff." In the previous movies (ones under Sony), his character is at least preserved to some extent that you can root for him. Definitely not this movie's Spider-Man.

Best part of the movie: mid credits scene. Save your time and money and just watch that. Anything else was like watching a Hannah Montana episode.
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Futurama: Jurassic Bark (2002)
Season 5, Episode 2
Get your handkerchiefs ready
3 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is my first time watching futurama. Today, I had to drop my dog off to the vet for a minor surgery. It was going to take a few hours. So, when I came home to wait for the surgery to be done, I decided to take my mind off it by watching a couple episodes of futurama. By some cosmic joke, this episode was the next one on my list. I start watching it, thinking I am going to see a cute story about a dog. And for the most part, yeah, I did. But that ending.... oh, that ending. It caught me off guard. All of a sudden, I found myself crying my eyes out... no tv episode made me cry like that.

Ps. My moment of crying is when the vet decided to call with an update. It was an emotional call to say the least

Pps. My dog is completely fine. She is sleeping it off as we speak.
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WALL·E (2008)
Doesn't stand the test of time
18 February 2021
This movie was so revolutionary in all the themes it explored and the way it was animated that we fell in love with it. Watching it again now (in 2021) was not a pleasure, though. It was more of a "childhood ruined" moment. So, do yourself a favour and don't watch the movie again if you've already seen it. Much better left to our fond memories.

I'm keeping my 9 stars here (rather than the 6 stars I would give it now) to honour the original beauty of the movie
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Amazing surprise from Netflix
13 May 2020
What a surprise this was! Here is me, sitting at home in quarantine, hoping to find something that could entertain me. And all of a sudden, there it was: Kimmy vs the reverend. This 'movie' holds the charm that made Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt the sweet funny story that it was, and meshes it with the 'create your own story' technique that made Black Mirror: Bandersnatch one of the rare hits of Netflix in the last year. Amazing stuff! And having no clue that this was even in production made it all the more delicious. Watch this, you will not regret it
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Californication: In Utero (2008)
Season 2, Episode 10
Flashbacks to young Hank
16 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As much as I love this show and think that DD looks good for his age, having these actors, who were pushing 50 at the time, play their 20/25 year old selves was a ridiculous decision. No matter how much the camera tries to be foggy and out of focus during these flashback scenes, these 'tricks' cannot really de-age a person 25 years (not with the technology at the time anyways). I assume the actors felt ridiculous as well, but we will never know. Otherwise, Hank is always a riot!
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: Artificial Fruit (2020)
Season 10, Episode 3
4 February 2020
All the elements of what makes curb your enthusiasm was there, but it failed to be funny. The entire episode, I couldn't help but think there is problems with the script/outline, but there is bigger problems with direction. Then I found out that the director was Cheryl Hines. My suggestion (not that anyone is asking): Cheryl should stick to acting, and leave directing to others. It takes a lot from a director to translate a script into a funny episode, and she definitely did not deliver on that.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Bat Mitzvah (2007)
Season 6, Episode 10
The finale cye deserved
30 January 2020
Should have been the actual series finale. Comes to a very satisfying, albeit quick, happy conclusion for Larry David. I would have been content with this episode being the last episode ever (not that I don't love cye and it's later seasons).
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Dadi (2001–2002)
Dadı from retrespective
18 February 2010
As I'm watching the reruns of the show right now , I reminisce about my childhood. "Dadı" was my favorite show as a I grew up and while watching it right now I can understand why. It's humorous, it's catchy and it is entertaining. However, I now understand why non of the adults liked the show, the acting is bad. It is the exact replica of "The nanny", which I watched long after I watched "Dadı", and the main difference is the quality of its actors; as well as the jokes about Jewish life. Although I still enjoy the jokes "Dadı" contains, the deliverance of those jokes lacks of talent. Even Haldun Dormen who used to be counted as one of the greatest actors of his time, now fades away, and can't deliver a speech. All and all, it was important for Turkish channels to have one of its first successful sit-coms to make an example out of and to advance towards such shows like "Avrupa Yakası".
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Belali Baldiz (2005–2006)
Another failed remake in Turkish TV
18 February 2010
The remake of a less than average sitcom Hope and Faith, Belalı Baldız didn't stand a chance even at the beginning. Even though the plot didn't have a shot, the celebrities that starred in it had. Nurgül Yesilcay, who is considered as the Sultan of Turkish movies and TV shows, Berna Lacin, a beloved actress, as well as Kenan Isik, who had a recent success in the sitcom area while filming yet another remake of US sitcom "The Nanny"; carried the show on their shoulders. However, with a weak plot, their chance was slim. The show went on as long as it could, but they couldn't make it to the second season. Maybe the lesson learned from this could be to not make the remakes of average US sitcoms, but to come up with funny shows that suit the values of Turkish society.
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