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The Worst Hanna-Barbera Show Ever!
3 June 2021
I normally don't refer to things as "The Worst (Such-and-Such) Ever", but with this, I can honestly say that this truly is.... The Worst Hanna-Barbera Show Ever!

This was made 4 years ago, and it still haven't been broadcasted in the USA, but when you watch it, you'll understand why.

Nothing about this show is redeemable.

The animation is embarrassingly cheap (even by Hanna-Barbera standards), it is unforgivable that anyone thought this was worth animating. It looks like something a 12 year old made on flash animation, whilst the character designs look like something a 4 year old made at day care.

The jokes are cringe-worthy, I didn't laugh once at any of these jokes.

The characters are reduced to bland stereotypes. Fred and Barney are lazy idiots who are bad husbands as well as bad fathers, Wilma and Betty are bland wifes, Dino is downgraded to a cheap joke and Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm are uninteresting as main characters.

Don't bother watching this, even if you're curious. It's not worth your time. If I was Warner Bros, I'd destroy every copy and pretend let it be forgotten.
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Scoob! (2020)
My Childhood Hero deserved better.
27 May 2021
This movie is a horrible example to what happens when a studio interferes and is more focused on making a cinemantic universe, than an actual movie.

The entire movie was a jumbled mess where everything is overly complicated than it should have been. The over saturation lead to the movie with an obnoxious fast pace for a movie with and hour and a half time.

Though certain moments did get a chuckle out of me, the movie had such cringe-worthy modern pop culture references that made the movie feel even more dated.

Though the animation was better decent, it didn't feel like something from Hanna-Barbera.

It doesn't help that the characters are off point. With Blue Falcon and Dynomutt's role reversal, Fred, Velma and Daphne's reduced screen time and the butchered version of Captain Caveman. (Seriously, who thought it was a good idea to make him speak perfect English?)

Even with the complicated story, it still has the clichéd best friends falling out which is very repetitive and dull.

It is clearly obvious that the studio is not interested making a good movie, but has to rely on the cinematic universe concept to be successful and it needs to stop. All we wanted was an animated Scooby-Doo movie you could watch at the cinema, but now it's just a lacklustre, generic product to appeal to the "modern" trends.

Over all, it fails as a Hanna-Barbera movie and it fails even more as a Scooby-Doo movie, as it has everything removed that made me fall in love with the franchise in the first place.
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The Movie that United a Fandom.
18 March 2021
Never has there ever been a movie to leave such an impact. Most movies like this would be forgotten and left to fade away, but the fans didn't want to give up on a director's vision.

But was it worth the wait and effort? Definitely! Zack Snyder's Justice League is everything that makes a fandom great!

A passionate director with a vision, beautiful cinematography, every member of the League has a solid purpose and meaningful arc that forwards the story, and the villain has a character instead of being a two dimensional bad guy.

I felt all the heroes were redeemed in this version; Batman was a beast, Wonder Woman was a great warrior, Aquaman was a badass and Superman was a powerful force. But Flash and Cyborg were the greatest part of the movie. Both had great chemistry and worked so well together. Flash still had the comedic quips without it doing too silly and Cyborg's pain felt genuine.
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Music (I) (2021)
This movie is disgusting!
11 March 2021
In all my life, I have never watched a movie that angered me as much this.

The story is bland, the characters feel two-dimensional, the acting is lower than basic, the dialogue is cringe-worthy, the cinematography is obnoxious, the directing feels like a TV movie and is down right insulting.

It paints the autistic community in a light that makes us feel like a burden to our loved ones. With the character being a stereotype of this disability and making out that there's a normal person inside us that wants to be fixed. Shameful... It makes it worse that Maddie Ziegler was ashamed to be doing this, but was obviously forced.

Overall, Sia appeared to be making a movie that would be representative for people suffering from autism, but ends up doing more damage as well as being a fanfare to feed her own ego.
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DC Super Hero Girls (2019–2021)
17 November 2019
This is what you get when you cross a beloved Comicbook franchise with a show about technicolored horses.

A vast improvement from the original version of DC Super Hero Girls, as it focuses more on the main characters, storytelling and comedy rather than being a marketing scheme to sell dolls.

Lauren Faust comes in and fixes the problems of its predecessor with diverse character designs, comical timing and a great cast of voices.
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
Isolation of the Fandom
17 November 2019
This show is everything I wouldn't want in a Superhero show. Isolating the fans.

There are a lot of female heroes I love, as well as heroes in the LGBT community, but Batwoman makes me feel sick. With a bad habit of walking down to its audience, lackluster stories, cringe-worthy dialogue, horrendous acting, one-dimensional characters and a main character so unlikable, she might as well be the villain.

If you want to make a show about a lesbian superheronie, this is not the way to do it. As the political messages are about as subtle as a bulldozer riding along a country road.
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Child's Play (2019)
As Far As Remakes Go, I'm left Impressed.
14 July 2019
I will admit, I'm not overly keen on remakes, especially cult classics. But the 2019 remake of Child's Play is one I will admit, left me satisfied.

Avoiding the shot-by-shot remake cliche, this ends up doing it's own thing. New Origin on Chucky, New Story, Original Kills and characters we cared for and some we couldn't wait to see get killed.

Though I will always get loyal and faithful to the Original Movies (even the bad ones), Child's Play 2019 is a Really Good Horror with scares and laughs and some surprising touching moments.
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Bumblebee (I) (2018)
Best Transformers Movie since 2007
1 June 2019
This movie succeeds in what the previous live action movies failed at. No recycled format, and no two dimensional characters. This is the also the first film not to be directed by Michael Bay, and it really shows. Nice and simple direction without any weird artsy angles.

Charlie is a well written character and has a purpose within the story. You feel the connection between her and Bumblebee. I just wish it didn't have to end.

John Cena's character is surprisingly well done as well. Gives a good performance and funny one liners.

My only complaint is that the two Decepticons are sadly forgettable. I would've preferred Cons we all know and love, but at least they aren't slotted in there just for the sake of selling toys.

This movie feels like a love letter to all the classic fans of Transformers and lovers of the 80s as it includes hidden Easter Eggs and many loved songs.
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Congrations Emoji Movie, you are actually worse than Foodfight...
4 August 2017
Out of all the animated movies, this is without a doubt the worst of them all.

When it comes bad animated movies like Foodfight, at least you can enjoy how bad it is. With the Emoji Movie, there's nothing enjoyable about this, all it shows is that it's ripped from films like Wreck-It-Ralph, Inside Out, The Smurfs, The Lego Movie, etc.

All the amount of product placement in this is amazing.

Its incredible of how much that I didn't laugh once during this movie. The jokes are shocking, the characters are either bland or mean-spirited, the animation is so poor, the voice work is sluggish and dull, the character designs are lazy, the story and its sub-plots are lazily stolen from other movies, and worst of all... they sacrificed so many good movie ideas to make this shameless money-grabbing ploy.

I do not recommend this movie at all, your kids deserve better than a movie like this, even if you rent it, its not worth wasting your money, I wouldn't even take it if it was free. Kids deserve better than this trash...

I wanted to give it a lower score, but sadly it only goes down to "one", but trust me, it deserves a much lower score...
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K9 (2009–2010)
Unbearable and Cringeworthy
27 May 2017
This show is boring, embarrassing, makes no sense and full of so much cringe.

I wish I could say K-9 (the character) was the best part of the show, but he really isn't... they have him human emotions, which makes no sense... K-9 is just a Computer, in Doctor Who, K-9 was liked for being robot-like, this is not K-9...

Even though the show is so forgettable, I could not finish the show, because of how bad this is...

There is nothing redeemable about this at all. The Characters are blamed and uninteresting cardboard-cut outs, the redesign of K-9 looks appalling, the acting is more wooden than an Oak Tree, the script are terrible and its made by Australians, but set in the UK...

If you want to watch a good spin-off of Doctor Who, then Sarah Jane Adventures or Torchwood are the best options... and maybe Class...
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Teen Titans Go! (2013– )
Teen Titans Blow
3 September 2016
I am one of those people who, loved the original series and hates this series. But I have perfectly good reasons to hate it.

1. The Animation is cheap, its too choppy and looks like a flash animation. The colours are way too bright and are a real eye-sore.

2. The stories are too awful. There's no morals, and kids don't learn anything from this. It's like junk food for a child's brain.

3. The humour is too childish even for a kid's show. The humour is just toilet and pop-culture references. If you just keep adding poop jokes, its just making the kids show even more childish. And most of the kids won't get the pop culture references, as they would be too young to know about them, and they will become dated very quickly.

4. The Characters are not only out of character from the original show. They are annoying...just when you think they are going to have a break, they keep going. The boys are just too boisterous (rude, loud, never shut up and annoying).

5. The creators of this spin-off have never watched the original show, they are parodying, that's not how a parody works. And they see negative feedback as hate-comments instead of constructive criticism, and go out of their way to actually mock the fans out of of spite. They, even mock and insult children's intelligence by adding jokes about real estates and college. And teaching kids its okay to be rude...well done guys, you've made children more stupid than ever.

This is the Worst DC Comics Cartoon Series I've ever watched in my life. Don't lets your kids watch this junk, they will get more dumper per episode. Stay clear from it...
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Meh...it could've been better. Not as bad, as the trailer made it out.
22 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Some parts were good, but it a lot of parts made it fall apart.

Abby and Erin aren't really as interesting as the Peter and Ray. The back-story of how they became friends was nice, but there wasn't anything else.

Abby was using the same joke over and over again about a take-away food. Melissa can be funny, in some parts, but I just saw the same characters she plays in Bridesmaids, Tammy and Spy.

Erin is trying way too hard to be funny. That's all I can say, she's too boring.

Holtzmann was the best character of the film, she's cool, awesome and bad-ass.

Paddy is just an African-American racist stereotype, always shouting and getting mad.

Kevin is worst part of the film. Too unrealistically stupid. Chris Hemsworth is a great actor, but his acting was appalling.

Most of the male characters are either dumb or jerks. The main villain is boring, and also a cliché.

Ecto–1 and the Proton-Packs are probably the best part of the film. I love the weapons so much.

The cameos was just a shoe-horned in there.

It isn't an awful movie, but it was bit too tame. I think they should've done more risks in this movie. I wanted to more about Abby and Erin.

The CGI is awful!! It looks too fake.

If you're going to make a sequel. You will need to make it some improvements.
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Admission (2013)
Embarrassing, Dumb and Not Even Funny
2 June 2016
When I first watched this for the first time, I saw it 15 minutes after it started, then half an hour later, I just thought what the hell am I watching...?

So I decided to watch the whole film, and after that...I really regretted it. I have never known a film that has gotten me so angry in my life. Every character is clichéd, over the top and many of them are so mean...

Tina Fey is a good actress, but her character i annoying, stupid and way too silly.

Paul Rudd can be funny, but he wasn't in this...

Its a film that really angers me to the point of exploding, because of its mean-spirit and cringe-worthy characters and story.
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No...just no
24 January 2016
Cartoon Network...I want to ask you something. What on Earth did you think was going to happen when you gave the Annoying Orange his own show?

Did you really think it was a good idea, and would be a cult classic? You gave us amazing creations like Powerpuff Girls, Courage and Adventure Time, and you allowed this to be made?

There's nothing creative about it, you could've chosen a more suitable choice that everyone loves off of YouTube, but you chose Annoying Orange?

What, was "How It Should've Ended" too clever for the kids? Was Homestar Runner not funny enough?

I'm so glad they cancelled it, because Cartoon Network was so embarrassed of this. And I am glad that they kept their image in- tact.
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Out of Jimmy's Head (2007–2008)
Whatelse can I say about this?
24 January 2016
This show was awful, and I mean awful. It really makes my blood-boil and is a total spit in the face of everything Cartoon Network stands for...

It's not just because that its a live action show on a channel dedicated to Cartoons (Well, that is main reason), but it's because the show no one acts like real people. We got a boring kid who has a brain of a dead animator...(it happens...), an adopted sister from another planet, a astronaut Mother, and a Father who is the biggest man- child and somehow the principal of a school and is a jerk to his son.

Nothing in this world makes sense what-so-ever too. Unlike Adventure Time, that world is weird, but has a reason. With "THIS" its just pointless nonsense without anything to explain it. We had a Duck in a classroom...WHY IS THERE A DUCK IN A CLASSROOM!?!? THERE'S NO REASON FOR THAT DUCK TO BE THERE! IT'S NOT FUNNY, IT'S NOT CLEVER, IT'S JUST STUPID!!

The cartoons don't redeem it either. They're rude, loud, annoying and not even funny in the slightest...the animation isn't even good, it's looks way too much like Flash-Animation. Golly Gopher is like a hybrid of Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny, only annoying, rude and comes across as a total jerk...Dolly is a Minnie ripoff, Crocco is just Goofy with the funny taken-out and Tux is "NOT FUNNY"!!!

Don't watch this show, it is not worth your time...
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Sanjay and Craig (2013–2016)
Disgusting and Poison to Kids...
13 January 2016
This show is way too disgusting...even for Nick's standards.

There's no thought put into it, or any effort put into it.

The show is about a kid "who acts more childish than he should" who buys a talking pet snake, who...is a master of disguise...? They both go on gross adventures, And that's it...there nothing else to say.

It's stupid, unfunny, unoriginal and only focuses on gross-out humour, all the time...and I mean ALL THE TIME!!

It doesn't take a rest from the disgusting images and humor, there's always farting, there's always burping, there's always puking! THAT'S IT! That's what the whole show is about...

I don't know how this manages to stay on for 3 seasons and STILL GOING!!! But it needs to be cancelled straight away, because it is not worth half a season...
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The Force is Strong with this one!!
13 January 2016
What a Shocker...I think this one is everyone's favourite as nearly every single fan will say "This is the Best Star Wars Movie of All Time" and I agree with them, but that's not the main reason why I love it.

It's always hard to make a sequel better than the first installment, and this was more successful. Unlike the first one, they made it darker and they explored the series.

We got to see more worlds and we got to know more about the Jedi and how the Force works, the Lightsaber duel in this is really intense, much quicker and precise.

Another reason why I love this one is because the Bad Guys win, which is surprisingly rare, we get Han Solo captured by Boba Fett the Bounty Hunter, Vader wins the fight and the heroes still don't want to give up.

And also this was the film that gave us the greatest plot twist of all.

Also, Yoda is awesome.
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The Start of a Cult Classic :)
13 January 2016
It's the first one and everyone loves it. I have to admit, it is cheesy and has its faults, but that's why it's perfect, and doesn't need improving *cough* George Lucas!

The practical effects in this are amazing for its time, the story is literally out of this world and no one had scene anything like it. The characters are brilliant, we get a young boy who wants more in life, an old man who use to be a Knight, a Charming Smuggler, a Princess who can kick ass, two surprisingly comic relief robots and a really tall villain which represents a Dictator and feared by all.

You can't get any better than that. The Death Star Assault has to be my favourite scene in the whole film, as the Starfighters look amazing in space and you just want to be in those cockpits. And the fact that George Lucas thought it would never work, and yet it has a cult following and such a huge fan service, they have declared the 4th of May to be Star Wars Day. As in May the Force Be With You.

If it wasn't for this film, we wouldn't have the inspiration as it gave us.
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Camp, Silly, but everything a fan wants :)
13 January 2016
It may be the weakest out of the Original Trilogy and I'm afraid I have to agree, but I still liked some parts. Like the final battle between Luke and his Father, the Speeder Bike chase scene and the Starfighter scene, not to mention Leia in a gold bikini (Wow, what a body). But everything else, bleh… Boba Fett was wasted in this Movie, he say look cool and bad-ass, he was just rubbish in battle and was defeated much too easily without even trying.

The Emperor's acting was corny in a funny way, but went way too panto at some points and the fact that the Empire was overthrown by a tribe of Ewoks? What?!?!?! You mean, the Empire say Stormtroopers Armour that couldn't protect them from sticks and pebbles? Bullshit!

But Anakin redeeming himself was a tearjerker, even when we finally got to see him unmasked. Also, I think I can imagine how stupid Luke must have felt after realizing Leia was his sister..."STAR WARS! THE ONLY UNIVERSE WHERE INCEST IS LEGAL!! 8D"...Eww...
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13 January 2016
Without a doubt, the most hated in the Series. Fan were so excited to see this, but felt the Cinema feeling empty inside.

I have to be honest; this is what got me into Star Wars in the first place. I loved this movie a lot, I thought it was amazing, but then after watching the Original Trilogy, I realized how much this sucked and that is wasn't the masterpiece I thought it was.

Crappy acting, bad special effects, Yoda looks more like a Muppet than ever before and also...Jar Jar Binks...the only redeeming factor of this film is the Duel of Fates, which is probably the best part in film, since all we get is fart jokes from a certain Gungan.

Darth Maul was so cool and looked so evil and intimidating, until he got killed off, but thank Lucas for "The Clone Wars".
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Too Much Hate than it's being given!!!
13 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I think this movie gets way too much hate from fans. They say it's too similar to the original Star Wars film.

This film has everything that a Star Wars fan could want. We have more than one female characters, more practical effects, the Stormtroopers are far better, the actors are far better and the directing is brilliant.

The only reason why fans hate this film so much is because it has the same premise as A New Hope. And that's all. The fact that they say it's worse than The Phantom Menace is total bull...

The new four heroes are brilliant, a redeemed stormtrooper, who is such a looser and managed to wield a lightsaber, a strong female character who finds out she's strong with the force, a cool pilot with a sense of humor and the cutest little robot since Wall-E.

The villains are great too, we have a new threat known as Supreme Leader Snoke, with his apprentice 'Kylo Ren' who is the son of Han and Leia.

and also we got to see fan favourites return like "C-3PO and R2-D2"

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Best Movie of the Star Wars Prequels.
13 January 2016
This one is the most strongest within the Prequel Trilogy and that's saying a lot as it's the worst Trilogy in the Franchise.

It has its flaws, but I still like this one all the same as it felt like a Star Wars film, as soon as the beginning started, which is described in the first film by Obi-Wan.

Hayden Christensen has improved slightly and is bad-ass and looks intimidating when fallen to the Darkside of the Force (while he keeps his gob shut), the Emperor is funny when he goes psycho, and my two favourite scenes are where Palpatine tells Anakin the story of Darth Plageus and the battle scene on Mustafar. And it's amazing that James Earl Jones reprised his role for the movie as well.

If I had to pick some faults in this movie, it would be the dialogue, General Grievous's fight (which was way too short) and the fact that three powerful Jedi Masters went down much too easily by Palpatine. I guess he is a powerful Sith Lord, but you guys were trained to fight off the Sith, you just went down like a sack of spuds, which left me a little disappointed. But overall, it was very good and (may not be perfect) was a big improvement from the last two films.
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The Worst Star Wars Movie of ALL TIME!!
13 January 2016
I think out of all the Episodes within the Star Wars Series, this in my opinion is the worst. There's nothing memorable about the film to make it stand out, and since not many fans talk about this one, it's no surprise, it was boring.

The story and plot is boring as hell, the acting are shocking, the dialogue is horrendous, the CGI is insultingly fake and probably the most weakest and boring Lightsaber Duel I've ever seen in my life (even more than Obi-Wan vs. Vader in A New Hope).

After seeing Anakin vs. Dooku on the trailer, I was excited, but after that I was disappointed, it looked like they were just waving the sabers around which look pretty boring for duel.

The only parts I liked were Christopher Lee as Count Dooku, Jango Fett, the Slave I scene and Yoda's battle scene, but they still couldn't save the movie. The Force is not strong with this Movie.
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This is not the Christmas Classic people give it Credit for...
19 December 2015
The Animation is okay for its time, but there are parts that look very dodgy and slow. I can understand, since it's stop-motion and it has limits and that's the problem. It would have been better as an 2D animated special.

The main reason why I hate this Special, so much is the characters are so mean spirited (which is ironic, since they live in Christmas Town).

We've got Donner (Rudolph's Father) is totally embarrassed and ashamed to call Rudolph his son and is a sexist pig to his wife, Mrs Claus wants her husband fat, the Elves call Hermey a misfit for wanting to be a dentist, the Boss Elf is nasty, Fireball rejects Rudolph's friendship after discovering his red nose, Coach Comet kicks Rudolph off the team, and worst of all...

Santa Claus is such a douche bag. He's rude, grumpy and has no interest in Christmas at all. He was even nasty to Rudolph as well.

I know, it's for little kids, but that's no excuse. This is an awful story which is incredibly overrated and should not be given so much praise.

If you want to watch something magical for Christmas, Don't watch this junk... watch The Polar Express​, A Christmas Story​ or Any of the Christmas Carols. Even Die Hard has more Christmas Spirit than this.
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Uncle Grandpa (2010–2017)
So Messy and Stupid, its Perfect?
9 November 2015
This show is by far the most random show ever I have ever seen, with it's ultimate weirdness and bizarre randomness you can't take the show seriously, but it is surprisingly good to watch.

The stories and morals don't make any sense, but that's what the show is. It's basically a random mess, and that's what the show is suppose to be. Unlike shows like "Pickle & Peanut", this is intentionally random and ridiculous.

This is the Marmite of cartoons, you either love it or hate it, and I love it. You can't help, but want an Uncle or Grandpa like Uncle Grandpa.

Unlike Pickle & Peanut and Breadwinners, the stock footage and photo shop pictures are necessary.
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