
6 Reviews
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Transformers (2007)
Nostalgia done right
28 July 2007
OK so we have had spider man, x men, Jesus H we have ad every major comic adaptation going so far.

what do we have to show moderately average movies Transformers is the first adaption that makes me thing hell yeah I'm going watch that again, and it will be the first film i ever watch twice i guarantee that.

Micheal bay may (deleted Expeletive) up on some things but obviously he watched transformers as a kid or he would never have been so accurate this film should have an award for best adaptation this year fuxing


Optimus voiced by they guy we all know and love, touch of genius and the auto bots were classic as always, sequel and there will be a sequel and i hope trilogy, Unicron, Galvatron, Dinobots, Metroplex, Constucticons, Stunticons, Arialbots, Protectabots, Skylynx, Christ i could go on for years bring on on mike.
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The Incredible Hulk (1978–1982)
Resonable for the time
10 April 2007
the series came out in the seventies and i was a huge hulk fan, we would run home on Saturday to watch te next episode, there were never any supervillans but what did u expect for the budget, it was funny and occasionally the hulk would smash stuff.

problem was i had a black and white TV so i never saw the green hulk he was always grey, this was after my mum and dad split up o we weren't that well off at the time..

but my father had to be the first to have everything so he had already bought a colour TV come watch the hulk at my house he said, he has pink gums and everything for a kid growing up it was a cool show other than that the shows only use anymore is for nostalgia
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Excellent I'm glad to see the film move out of the comic book Shadow
26 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Well i was expecting a crap film based on the comics, with all the hero's being turned into films there has been one small mistake, the X men is a story about many individuals and in a 90 min film you cant give the characters depth like you would in the comics.

OK so how do you combat this, kill off some hero's. Cyclops gets whacked and then Professor X, Mystique gets taken out of the picture and even at the end of the film Magneto is finally silenced.

This gives the other characters a chance to shine with Ice Man Finally getting some action when he squares up against Pyro (Yeah we didn't see that coming) excellent battle at the end of the film and even though it seems like this might be the last film there is always something which says nah were goina see another one, Thanks to the writers for getting rid of magneto i mean hes a good bad guy an all that but what about apocalypse and Mr sinister there is a whole host of bad guys out there Bit disappointed with the casting though i felt Vinnie Jones as the Jugernaught is a bit Stupid and why wasn't Collosus Russian Also Angel/Warren was a bit of a no show he didn't do anything except save one person, i know it was his dad but come on he flew all that way least he could have done was get some drinks or something Kelsey Grammar as Beast thought Kinda worked there is hope yet Overall this is a good film unless you are an absolute fool who goes on about it not following the comics or the cartoon But lets introduce some more characters now, Apocalypse as the new bad guy and lets get Gambit in the picture we all like him right
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Silent Hill (2006)
Such a disappointment
9 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK just to clarify i hated this film its just a complete shambles of what silent hill is, why do great ideas always get destroyed by American filmmakers first we have a girl who is from silent hill who had had a lot of problems and continually says silent hill. My first impression is if its been happening for a while how come it took them so long to figure out silent hill was a town mother goes a bit crazy and decides to take daughter to silent hill against dads wishes, why would this happen oh wait don't take our daughter to silent hill it could be bad for her lets send her to someone who will lock her up cos shes got problems thats sure to make things better isn't it dad why did the mother drive away from the copper what was she going to do arrest her she was the girls mother and the car was also in her name she wasn't breaking the law even if dad had rung police what was he going to say please arrest my wife she taking my daughter to her birth town as you can see we are 30 Min's into film and I'm bored already the rest of the film is pandering to the audience few scary moments that really aren't scary characters appear that really aren't explained at all, oh lets put him in cos he's iconic to silent hill its Guy with a pyramid on his head he appeared in one game and he was well easy to beat and of course there are the usual gobshites that get there just deserts later on in the film and then the mother says why did she leave me and there is that crap line that was mentioned earlier in the film mother is god to a child i mean that was so predictable and such a cliché i truly truly hate this film an the ending is non existent it just ends did she escape is she still in silent hill how come the dad could smell his wife what was to become of that is there a sequel i hope to god there isn't but nothing is explained the director the writers anyone who was a part of this atrocity should be punished for this abomination
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The Wizard (1989)
Being a kid when this came out is the only way to enjoy this film
11 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Now ill be the first to say that this film is not the best, but when i was young and had bugged my parent to get me a Nintendo i thought it was just great, the Nintendo by todays standards is awful its slow graphics are terrible and the games are dated but god damn it i would love to go back to that time and play them all again i played them so much i could finish most of the games i had all except snake rattle and roll i could never do that last level. But back to the point when the wizard came out i couldn't wait to watch it and to be fair it was what it seemed to be a 90 min advertisement for Nintendo with the story if your good at video games people wont think your slow, well it had me convinced and so fred savage and co went on there little journey and played video games along the way they meet the little git who is the nemesis with his gay ass power glove i never had one but i heard from a reliable resource that they were pants what was good however was the joystick they used in the final game which was the game that we all wanted to play super mario 3 which at the time was the most amazing game around on an 8 bit system

and to make it even more fun they pointed out little tricks you could do in the game before it even came out the magic flute they got in the castle, interesting though that no one had played this game but they knew what everything did but it was a kids film and i was a kid who was captivated by this,

but looking back the film was awful but i can still sit through it and i just cant bear to get rid of it its still got a hold on me in a weird nostalgic way i guess we cant let go of some parts of our childhood
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The Goonies (1985)
11 July 2005
i love this film i loved it when i first watched it and whenever i watch it again it takes me back to being a kid in the 80s what a great decade to be a kid i think everyone had there own goonie clan where they just went out exploring i know i did but our exploring didn't go as far at the films did but it was fun none the less. of course the film is dated now but can any of you tell me that you don't wish you were that age again. only one other film makes me remember the 80s fondly and thats gremlins but thats a Christmas movie goonies is for summer and another point can any of you watch that data kid without laughing even having seen the film umpteen times
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