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5 June 2024
This is my favourite Godzilla movie so far and so much more than just a monster movie.

The scenes with Godzilla are superbly done and the CGI is so well done it has realistic look about it. As with any Godzilla movie there is plenty of destructions and defensive manoeuvres to satisfy action movie fans.

However what sets this apart are the scenes in between. Tackling themes of war, nuclear proliferation, survivors guilt, redemption, urban renewal and family all cleverly interwoven amongst the carnage. Overall it is a smart movie and for westerners at least an education into Japanese culture.

My only criticism is that the acting is inconsistent. The same characters are portrayed believably and then at other times quite amateurish. I know this isn't typical of Japanese productions and it is a minor gripe.

Overall it is just a very good film.
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A Jaw Dropper
28 May 2024
Right from off this seems so completely unbelievable. Yet as the story is unfolded you don't know who to believe but aren't really prepared for how it all worked out in the end.

I was left with a whole host of differing emotions everything from fear rage to a sense of joy and relief with everything in between.

Netflix doesn't get everything right but where they consistently hit the mark is with true crime documentaries. The old saying of fact often being stranger than fiction never felt more apt.

When one of the victims lawyers describe the case as totally crazy and then it gets even stranger you're hooked.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Saved the finale.
27 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
For the most part this is incoherent mess and in Ezra Miller surely one of the most irritating of superheroes made worse by there being two of him on screen for a large part the story. Some of the CGI is less than convincing in comparison to other bid budget movies of the genre.

Hiwever, it's not all bad. Sasha Calle and Michael Shannon as Supergirl and General Zod are great but the return of Michael Keaton is the standout from the whole enterprise.

Fortunately the final act is excellent and so different to what went before it's almost as though the they have stitched together two different movies and hope we wouldn't notice.. That final act shows what could have been which is a shame.
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Misses the target.
25 May 2024
The original Orphan Black is one of my all time favourite series. I was delighted when this was announced but it is a terrible disappointment.

The basic storyline is sound. However, the connection to the original Orphan Black is tenuous and in my opinion this is not am Orphan Black story. Using Kira as the main character with an occasional nod to the original clones who never appear is a cop out.

That's not the main issue with this though. The main is issue is the terrible dialogue, which at best is clunky and at worst is cliche ridden nonsense. It's easy to say the acting is terrible but when reliable talent like Keeley Hawes has to try and deliver it and fails what chance does everybody else have? What have the writers got against Felix? In the original series he was an outrageous and fun character. They have turned him into a crushing bore who now affects a stilted posh English accent. Don't even get me started on the fake beard that any amateur dramatic troupe would be ashamed of.

Orphan Black had a bit of everything. This has taken the name, removed all the drama and fun of that series and left us with this drab affair.

If like me you loved Orphan Black and haven't watched this my advice is don't.
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
25 May 2024
An almost flawless drama with so many great elements. The set and production design provides a convincing background for a multi layered drama. The story unfolds with perfect pacing and benefits from a mostly Japanese or Japanese speaking cast adding to the authenticity. This works particularly well when John Blackthorne (Cosmo Jarvis) is at the centre of the scene with his lack of understanding of Japanese requiring interpretation. Anna Sawai is excellent as Toda Mariko with one of the most nuanced performances you will ever see. Having to play the dutiful part of a woman in a time were woman were little more than a chatel, while being able to portray every inner thought and at the same time adopting a facial expression that shouldn't give anything away is astounding. However, as good as she is the entire cast deliver exceptional performances, there are no weaknesses even amongst the bit part characters.

There is no shirking from the brutality of feudal Japan and is not for the squeamish, but it doesn't cross a line into unnecessary voyeurism. A shout out too to the special effects team for the earthquake sequence that is brilliantly done.

This is so close to being a 10/10. Having not read the book I don't know if the ending is accurate but it does feel like it was ended with an eye on a follow up. Leaving a sense that there was something left unsaid but it does make sense in regard to the whole series. Also the exception to the great acting on show is sadly Cosmo Jarvis whose bizarre low grunting while literally stumbling around as though he has just put his back out grates throughout.

As it turns out it has now been announced that there will be a further series and that the Clavell estate will have oversight, so fingers crossed we will get a worthy follow up.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
Solid fun entertainment
3 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Some films have deep meaning and tell important stories. Some exist just to put a smile on your face and this is the latter. Yes it's a live action tribute to all the stunt performers in movies and the plot is thin but who cares. Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt exude on screen chemistry and it's obvious they had a blast making this. Ably supported by the rest of the cast this slowly cranks up the pace to an increasingly action packed finale.

Of course there are stunts a plenty, each more outrageous than the last. Just sit back with your favourite snacks and drinks and let the film fill you with a feel good factor. The director and cast do not take this too seriously and neither should you. It's fun and sometimes that's all that is needed.

Spoiler Alert - do not leave when the credits start rolling.
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Furies (2024– )
Flawed but entertaining
1 May 2024
I enjoyed this despite it being very frustrating at times. The basic premise is good and the main storyline is also very good. However, it is let down by too many plot holes and some of the acting is very amateurish. Nevertheless if you approach this in the same way as you would something like Die Hard or anything with the likes of Jason Statham or Jean Claude Van Damme then you will get enjoyment from it.

Like most action movies the action sequences in this become ever more preposterous to the point where I started wondering whether it was a parody. Entertaining but in a trashy way. You know the drill, the enemies have all the firepower of a small army but can't hit anything remotely close to a target while the protagonists can bring down said army with a small handgun and only two bullets.
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Dull and uninspired
13 April 2024
Like sci-fi? This isn't for you.

Like dystopian drama? This isn't for you.

Like post-apocalyptic thrillers? This isn't for you.

Unfortunately this falls short in every way as it doesn't know what it's supposed to be. Lacking in any tension or drama the cast struggle with a woeful script. It's so slow I could barely keep my eyes open sticking with it only because there may be some dramatic payoff. There isn't. The whole thing sleepwalks to its uninspiring conclusion.

The premise will draw in sci-if fans and will only disappoint. It probably looked good on the page but it is a massive let down.
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Renegade Nell (2024– )
7 April 2024
A fantastical tale not to be taken too seriously, loosely structured around a real historical story. However, this is entirely fiction and should be seen as such, unlike some reviews on here. The scripts are tight and the acting consistently high from all with some wonderfully over the top incidental characters to lighten the tone.

Every episode tells a story within a story and keeps moving along at a good pace to keep you entertained and wanting more, with no weak episodes. The whole series wraps up nicely which is a refreshing change these days when most series end with a part of the story untold.

Recommended for when you want a little bit of escapism for your entertainment.
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Gran Turismo (2023)
Dull and contrived
28 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It takes a special skill to take an interesting real life story and make it this dull. Everything is just so contrived so that every critical moment in the film goes right to the wire while miraculously managing to avoid creating any tension or drama. It is almost laughably bad in how it portrays the end of every critical race in a way that any motorsport fan knows is very rare at any level of the sport.

It is also astonishing that for a game based around the most accurate racing simulator on the market it is less real than the game.

The dialogue is clunky and the acting, David Harbour aside, is pitiful.

As player of the sim and a fan of motor sport this misses everything good about either.
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The Gentlemen (2024)
Overlong, unoriginal and predictable
19 March 2024
I've seen this a hundred times before and usually in a Guy Ritchie effort. They all follow the same template and the characters are identikit replicas of previous films. Stoner imbecile f...s up - check, gang of scousers - check, Vinnie Jones playing caricature of Vinnie Jones - check, east European gangsters - Check. The list goes on and by half way through episode three I felt as though I was trying to walk waist deep through treacle. There just isn't any tension or excitement when you know that with each scheme/job/task it's going to go wrong and that will lead to an escalation.

It's okay to dip in and out of but it does t really hold your attention . You could read a book at the same time and not miss anything.
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2 March 2024
This is simply stunning in every way. Gorgeous cinematography, exceptional sound, great performances, phenomenal battle scenes, political intrigue and manipulation, religious symbolism, you name it it's there, and all done brilliantly. I enjoyed Part one but this is on entirely different level.

You don't need to have seen part one to enjoy this, it can be viewed as a standalone film in its own right. Of course if you have seen part one some elements will be that much easier to grasp. It's a testament to Villeneuve that he has pulled that off without any flashbacks retelling of anything in part one and make it completely understandable to a new viewer.

Some of the set pieces are astounding, and my internal cheerleader was whooping silently in my head on a number of occasions. On a couple of occasions I resisted the temptation, to stand up and cheer. It's extremely rare for any film to make me feel that way no matter how good.

Timothy Chalamet has never been better, his performance totally befitting the part of Paul.

The studio were right to delay release so the cast could promote it. It deserves to be seen by a wide audience and not just sci-fi fans and the cast and crew should be rightly proud of the achievement, a sold out theatre in the middle of a weekday afternoon tells you everything. If you make a movie as good as this the cinema is the best place to see it. Don't wait see it now.

I believe that we will look back on this in years to come and it will be regularly included in lists of all-time classics.
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Causeway (2022)
A slow burn but worth it.
6 February 2024
This a a beautiful study of two people finding and helping each other learn to overcome and live with past traumas. To begin with we first meet Lynsey (Jennifer Lawrence) being picked up by a carer to help her begin to rebuild her life. We aren't told what the trauma is as the script gently allows it to be revealed with those she interacts with. She meets James (Brian Tyree Henry) with whom she begins to form a bond and gradually we learn that he too is recovering from a trauma.

The whole story and the friendship is allowed to grow organically and is portrayed in a very realistic and truthful way. There are no overly dramatic or melodramatic moments, with the story unfolding at the same slow pace throughout. This is the films great strength though. With both Lawrence and Henry giving outstanding performances you feel as though you are intruding on real life rather than watching a movie. Nothing is forced or contrived. Sometimes less really is more and this is proof.
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Now looks a bit dated.
29 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Recently watched this as I had in my head it was some sort of mystery thriller with a twist at the end. Despite realising very quickly it wasn't i watched it anyway, the full version not the cut down version.

In part it was excellent, the dynamic between Anthony Hopkins and Brad Pitt is great, the plot elements around business , the family dynamic are all well done and well payed out by all. I read that most if not all the business elements now get cut out on TV broadcasts and that is a shame because for me they are strongest parts and still stood up well 25 years later. There are also some gentle and subtle comedic moments such as when hearing the phrase "irons in the fire" Brad Pitt quickly glances to look at the fire, but he is not the main shot so it's not overplayed.

Where the film doesn't hold up is the romance between Brad Pitt and Claire Forlani (Susan) when he comes into her life as Joe Black rather than John Doe in the coffee shop. It looks dated and if made now I doubt that it would be written the same way, it's still a throwback to women being some sort of simpering lightweight who will will fall in love from the stroke of a finger. Yet Susan is shown as a doctor, and an intelligent women while Joe Black is, in those moments particularly, depicted as a fish out of water and a bit dim. It is just not believable that Susan would fall for him so easily, especially when he is clearly so confused about how to even kiss her. Movies and TV have thankfully moved on from that and if we were seeing a modern take I would expect that to be written differently to make that relationship stronger from the outset.

Despite that it does remain a very watchable film.for the most part, and Anthony Hopkins is very good.

If I had watched this when it originally came out I probably would have rated it a bit higher but now with hindsight it just okay. This isn't a criticism, times move on and writers and directors move on too so when you look back at old films you get a sense of differing prevailing attitudes.
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Saltburn (2023)
Rosamund Pike just about saves the day.
6 January 2024
This is not a great film by any stretch. An unoriginal plot that defies explanation. The main character is scheming and manipulative but there is never any explanation of why he is that way or what his motivation is. I've seen much praise for Barry Keoghan in this but I'm at a loss as to why. His accent changes in every scene veering between Irish and vaguely Liverpudlian. As a native of the area his attempt at a Liverpudlian accent not very good.

However, it's not all a complete disaster. All the best lines are delivered by Rosamund Pike and the only scenes she is in are veering on the humourous. There is no real depth to any characters so it is difficult to root for anyone, thank goodness for Ms. Pike who at least brings temporary relief.

Another redeeming feature is the soundtrack but other than that, and it does look sumptuous, there is little to recommend this.
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An incoherent mess
26 December 2023
It was against my own judgement that I watched this. I have yet to see any film by Zach Snyder that is remotely watchable. However, I decided to give it a go and was barely ten minutes in when I was already regretting it.

The biggest problem is it doesn't know what it's supposed to be. With far too many elements that are a direct rip off of a New Hope, bits of Game of Thrones, the Seven Samurai and The Matrix sprinkled on top it just doesn't make any sense. Consequently the action sequences appear to be thrown in to just to try and keep you from spotting the absence of a coherent plot. Zach Snyder should have taken the hint when the makers of Star Wars rejected this, they had good reason too, it is dire.

None of the characters grab you and make you root for them as they are all so one dimensional. Why Charlie Hunnam delivers his dialogue in a poor Northern Irish accent is a mystery too.

It's just awful on every level. I fell for the hype with Justice League and again with this. Never again will I fall for the dross that Zack Snyder turns out. Netflix have managed to deliver a massive turkey this Christmas.
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6 December 2023
Some shows exist only to make you feel good and this is one, a story with real heart. Beautifully written and played by the whole cast with Brie Larson excelling as the main character Elizabeth Zott. A show about cooking, about life, about love and relationships all pulled together through chemistry it runs the full gamut of emotions. It will challenge you, it will make you laugh at times and at times it will pull on your heartstrings. The show does not miss a beat with each episode consistently good as more is revealed and Elizabeth Zott grows through her experiences.

Sometimes with shows like this it can become overly sentimental but this show avoids that pitfall. All the characters and situations are believable and honourable mention to Alice Halsey that plays the gifted daughter Madeleine. Too often children are written as saccharine cute or so smart and precocious as to be annoying. This is another aspect that the show gets right. Madeleine is gifted, and Elizabeth has to find her a school that will challenge her enough to prevent her from becoming bored. The relationship between mother and daughter is played so beautifully and naturally it was one of the highlights for me.

Plus, as an added bonus we get a lovable dog that's ever present. In one episode we get a narration from the dogs point of view that also avoids falling into any traps and is just as important to the story as the other episodes, acting only to add more layers onto the 'lasagne'. The writing and direction is excellent.

I really enjoyed this and was left with a warm feeling of satisfaction at its conclusion.
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A decent prequel
20 November 2023
I enjoyed the original trilogy, that were very good adaptations of the source novels. With this being an entirely new story I approached with some trepidation not having read the novel and was pleasantly surprised. I saw on the credits that Suzanne Collins was on board as Executive Producer and it shows, as we get a story much in keeping with the look and feel of the originals.

Without wishing to give away the plot suffice to say that the actual hunger games play a lesser part in the story. Instead we concentrate on a young morally ambiguous Snow, played excellently by Tom Blyth. Viola Davis is excellent as the chief game maker, with a good supporting turn from Peter Dinklage. Although I would have liked a bit more of his character. It is a good origin story that stands on its own two feet and allows for a further story to be told before we get to the original and on this showing I would welcome it if the producers are inclined to go for it.

I want to make special mention of Rachel Zegler. At the time of writing she seems to be getting a lot of hate online. I don't know why, and I'm not inclined to bother looking into it. What I will say is that this is the first time I have seen her in anything and she is also very good as Lucy Gray. Lucy is not a Katniss clone so don't expect a fierce warrior as portrayed by Jennifer Lawrence. Lucy is a musician, much more vulnerable and placid in the hunger games arena. However, she is important in the development of the Snow we come to see in the original trilogy. Lucy as a musician gives Rachel the opportunity to belt out some songs and wow can she sing, what a voice.

This isn't going to go down as a classic movies, but neither did any of the originals. It is a very very good movie though and well worth the price of admission.
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Who Is Erin Carter? (2023– )
Stretches credulity beyond breaking point.
19 November 2023
If like me you like your crime or police dramas to at least appear realistic then this isn't for you. This has a good plot and plenty of promise but it just fails to deliver. The plot has so many contrived and unbelievable situations it really starts to grate by episode 3. Despite fine performances from some of the cast, they are matched by some dreadful performances by others.

However, if you are not bothered by plot holes, ludicrous escapes from danger, the main character doing everything to avoid detection while at the same time regularly rushing headlong into the situations she is trying to avoid, all while on her lunch break. Then passing off the regular injuries as normal everyday occurrences that the people around her don't seem to question then this is for you.

Not worth the hype.
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Lupin (2021– )
Consistently entertaining
10 October 2023
I admit I love a good heist story. In Lupin we have a little more than a single heist but a succession of daring robberies and masterful escapes all pulled together by a main story line that I won't spoil here as it runs through all three series.

Each series proceeds at a cracking pace which does mean that there are a few plot holes but it doesn't matter because you just hang on for the ride. It's great fun and you root for the protagonist throughout. You can watch each series as a stand-alone but are better watched as a three series arc. With each series only being a handful episodes you don't need to invest a mountain of time.

I have one minor criticism in that the main protagonists is a very big man and very recognisable and so I had to suspend disbelief that he could disappear so easily so often. Yet in a way that just adds to the fun of it all.

While other series such as Money Heist have in the past generated a huge buzz, this is a much better series all round and have no hesitation in recommending it.
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The Creator (2023)
The trailer is as good as it gets.
5 October 2023
This isn't a bad film but it promises much more than it delivers. The main premise of a battle between humans and AI is not original but it does at least try to put a new spin on it and to begin with it does it fairly well.

Unfortunately the end game is telegraphed very early on meaning that the story is without tension or intrigue. What we are left with is a standard man finds child, man bonds with child, man saves child tale we have seen a thousand times before. Add in the the usual movies trope of the US Military only having the one tactic of blowing s..t up by the end you don't really care about how it turns out.

A shout out though to tje young actress who plays Alphie though, who at least briefly towards the denouement gets a very brief chance to shine with a very emotional scene. Other than that though it's a paint by numbers script..
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Sex Education (2019–2023)
Superb until S4.
1 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was one the best series on Netflix for 3 seasons, with consistently excellent story lines striking the right balance between serious themes and fantastic humour. Throughout those series the mostly young and, until then unknown, cast were superbly supported by a smattering of more familiar older faces. Gillian Anderson being a particular standout as a star turn.

The premise was original and allowed many opportunities for humorous episodes, while subtly introducing otherwise taboo themes into mainstream TV. It came as no surprise that the themes of sexual identity became a big talking point as the series treated them as perfectly normal and thereby giving a 'voice' to previously unrepresented groups, and doing it with a smile.

In the long run that desire to represent minority groups became a millstone around the writers necks in Season 4. Season four is still good but falls short of the excellence of the first three seasons. Characters were introduced that we the viewers had no connection to, and seemed to be there to cross a few more groups off the checklist. Consequently, not enough time was given to wrap up the story lines of the remaining characters we did care about, and resulted in a headlong rush over a cliff to bring each to some sort of conclusion.

Spoiler alert: None of the relationships come to a definite and absolute conclusion with the viewer left with enough clues as to how their lives will progress. That isn't the issue and the writers should be applauded for not taking the easy way out as would happen in a romcom. It's more that an opportunity to explore those relationships and how they were resolved/unresolved/partially resolved in more detail was missed. It gives a feel of a slightly unstructured final series and last episode in particular. By this time we really cared about Otis, Maeve, Aimee, Eric, Jean, Jackson and Ruby and we deserved more from them than shoe horning in half a dozen new characters. I will make an exception of the radio station chief who offered a few fun cameo scenes with Jean.

We lost a handful of other great characters from the first three series without any knowledge of what happened to them, with some brief mentions or appearances for a few. The worst part though is the new school felt unrealistic in so many ways, the main one being that it gave the impression that every pupil with the exception of series regulars was somehow within the LBGTQ+ community. I don't have any problem with that representation but with the proportionality of it in this series. It was handled well in S1-3 but in S4 they seemed to forget that straight people are still the majority making the final series seem preachy in a way that was skilfully avoided before that.

Despite the shortcomings, Season 4 still has plenty of great scenes and a regular smattering of laugh out loud moments. But by the standards of what went before I couldn't help but feel disappointed with it.

However, taking all four series together as a whole S1-3 are 10/10 but S4 is 7/10. Still very good just not as good.

It is just another reminder that when you hit on a great idea the trick is avoid going on too long. They just about managed to hold on with this and I'm glad that it is ending while we can still remember it with affection.
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Sexify (2021– )
Sexy and Fun
7 September 2023
This a great series that within a couple of episodes hooks you in to binge watching. Every episode guaranteed to give at least a couple of big belly laughs and to keep you smiling throughout.

At its heart it's a story of sexual awakening, of sexual hangouts and overcoming them while also about women empowering themselves. But it never gets heavy and avoids preaching to the audience. It keeps a lightness of touch throughout both series and although the three main protagonists have their flaws and hang ups, you root for them right from the off. The three actresses in the main parts work great together all lighting up the screen whether they are in scenes themselves or playing off each other.

The first series reached a clear conclusion and consequently it worried me that the 2nd series wouldn't live up to the first but it does, even though there is a more dramatic main story line. The light touch remains very much at the forefront.

A smattering of fun supporting characters all help to keep the sense of joy going in pretty much every scene.

Series 2 again comes to a very definite conclusion but the personalities of the three main characters provide scope for a further story if they decide to make a third series. I would welcome a continuation even though I am always wary of any good thing outstaying it's welcome.

I recommend this to anyone who enjoys series such as Sex Education, it has the same heart and sensibility while being sufficiently different. Congratulations to the writers to have come up with a series that can easily cross cultural boundaries that can be enjoyed by everyone.
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The Idol (2023)
Universal Criticism is well deserved 0/10
3 September 2023
There is absolutely nothing positive to say about this series. I stuck with it to the end thinking it can't be so bad throughout but I was wrong. Instead what you got is a fine example of how not to make a tv series. Euphoria is outstanding and so I had high hopes for this but they were dashed right from the off.

Everybody involved in the making of it should hang their heads in shame that it ever saw the light of day. But in a tsunami of dross special mention has to go to the Weekend. Whatever his merits as a musician he can cross off acting as a skill. His performance is as bad and as unconvincing as you can possibly imagine, so bad it can't all be blamed on the laughably poor script. HBO have done everyone a favour by cancelling it.

Sometimes, shows are so bad you can have a lot of fun laughing at its awfulness. This doesn't even have that to redeem it. Just don't even bother with it.
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Best Sellers (2021)
Warm hearted delight
2 September 2023
Every now again an expected gem comes along out of the blue. While this isn't going to win any prizes for script or direction you can't help but be drawn along for the ride. The first half is fun giving way to a more dramatic 2nd half.

The joy comes from the relationship between Harris (Caine) and Lucy (Plaza) as mistrust and frustration slowly gives way to affection and loyalty. It is never forced and is beautifully played by both. Performances such as these are expected from the experienced Caine but Plaza here plays a more traditional part that is so different from the weird or cynical roles she is often required for.

This deserves a wider audience.
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