
7 Reviews
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This is the prequel we're all looking for
15 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
From visual to storyline to soundtrack, this is overall a much better experience than The Force Awakens Visually, this movie uses the same color blend as A New Hope, making the assimilate of old unused footage to be as natural as possible, it also stay true to the effects of old, from Death Star's lasers to explosions by blasters. Furthermore, the use of incredibly advance CGI, reviving Grand Moff Tarkin and PRINCESS LEIA, is so perfect that you wouldn't even be able to notice the difference without a trained eyes. Combine all that with tons of awesome action sequence that showcase the true power of the Empire and the Dark Side, enhancing the sense of horror and hopelessness of the Rebels cause Soundtrack, bringing back the sound effects and timing of 80s movies, but not just that, they also uses all of the original soundtrack by John Williams, but with minor tweak here and there, from Major to Minor scale, different tunings, different notes, different pacing, etc. according to the scenes. However, I'm most impressed with the dark storyline. It showcase the complexity of good and evil, instead of the old " Rebels are good, the Empire are bad", this movie actually shows that for a good cause, man can be led astray and do horrible things. Moreover, it doesn't shy away from death ( like oh so many Disney movies ), spending each moments, each seconds to build up each characters so when they sacrifice for others to live, audiences will actually care and wept for them. Overall: A magical movie for trve fan, a satisfying prequel for a cultural phenomenon that is Star Wars
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Absolutely blown away
14 December 2016
When I first walk into theater, I was not expecting much of this. Yeah, the first moments were so cliché I thought this would just be a mediocre movie at best. But after the movie, everything changed, and this became one of the best movies I've seen in years The director use beautifully rendered CGI to deliver the emotions of a struggling young boy coping with reality. It was already a hard concept that few movie successfully delivered, and yet he make so many people I know broke down in tears. Moreover, he also make use of the visual to express the incredibly complicated yet meaningful plot of the movie, constantly changing between fantasy and reality, truth and lies, acceptance and the growing of a boy into adulthood. The main actor while only a young man has already show signs of greatness, you can only wonder if he had already gone through all of this. He also actually took the time to developed each character, making the audiences attach to each and everyone of them. Which is why the ending was even more dramatic and sad for many of us And the soundtrack, oh man, the soundtrack just hit me where it really feels, this is probably the best part of this movie. Whether it's total silence for contemplation of characters or full- on orchestral work for the climax or the sad violin, man, they totally nailed it.
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Easily on par with The Winter Soldier, and just shy of being as good as GoTG
2 November 2016
Visually : Stunningly and trippy. The looks of the film is beautiful and the CGO are really impressive and contribute a lot to the magical effects, surrealist theme of the movie. The director is good, every action, every camera move, every object placed has a symbolism meaning behind it. However, they used overused CGI a little bit in my opinion, every magic scene is undoubtedly beautiful, yes, but also disoriented, everyone who came out of that movie has a dizziness of some kind. To make matters worse, the antagonists doesn't stood out so the blurry, shaky fighting sequence is even harder to discern than your average Action Movie. Soundtrack: Just your typical forgettable songs backing the scene it's playing. However, I think most of the songs are in Minor, plus that with the serious theme, making the mood of the movie to be creepier and darker than most Marvel's movie. And that's a good thing. Plot: Every superhero movie now has a plot so predictable you don't even need a trailer to guess what the overall movie plot is about. However, unlike the others, this one is pretty tight with few significant plot holes. The greatest thing about the plot, however, is the detailed, the director focused so much on every detailed about the in-fighting of Stephen Strange between his egotistic old lifestyle and a life of sacrifice for the good of others. Thanks to Benedict Cumberbatch great acting, his vision is fulfilled. Overall: 8.3/10, but 8 since this is IMDb
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Don't Breathe (2016)
Absolutely stunning
30 August 2016
The overall plot is pretty simple and the sub plot while only are review after one-third of the movie, is still predictable. However, this absolute masterpiece is based on masterful suspension with a dark theme. It will keep you tense through the whole movie. However, the director is skillful in controlling the paced, not falling into the chasm of movies such as BvS since the story is so simple you won't have to wonder why. Moreover, viewers never know what, when and where the villain may strike thanks to the way every shot is calculated and placed at near perfection. The only thing I felt out of tune is the ending scene, while somewhat satisfying, is far too bland for a movie this dark and messed up The intensity of the film is so overwhelming that while the soundtrack does not reach the desirable bar, nobody even notices it. Every character developed their personality mostly through action rather then words ( which is rare in this movie ) and yet still make the audience feel related and make the movie darker at the same time. A thriller, yet is probably one of those few classic that crosses over to the territory of Horror genre with this kind of fast-paced tension.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Terrific start but slowly turned into a bland and terrible movie
10 August 2016

Basic superhero plot with literally nothing special. Started out pretty decent with the character's introduction sequence but then dragged it out for 1 hour making it terribly boring.

Not to mention, you don't make a movie with a "SUICIDE" in the title but ends up making it comedic and not one moment of tension. Furthermore, the editor screws it up, showing the plot twist way before its moment, and it's not even a hard to guess one.



Best part of the movie with classics ranging from The Rolling Stones to Queen to Slim Shady to Radiohead

However, really bad timing and editing, you don't put "Without Me" and then cut the rapping, you don't put on "Bohemian Rhapsody" then cut abruptly 30 seconds after the intro. And so on

9/10 for bad timing


While the fighting scenes have some decent CGI and Killer Croc is pretty real, it felt like they've used up all the money so everything else like the background city or the practical effects are very simple and basic, making 40% of the movie look fake as hell, which in the kind of movies like this, doesn't show the seriousness of the situation.

Usually use medium shot to close up to get a feel of the character yet only focus on Harley Quinn, which is annoying



Good acting, however, the screen writing sucks, Joker is a sociopath who don't care for anything except making the Bat suffers, Harley Quinn barely can fight, Deadshot is the head of the squad, not just some guy who can shoot and so on. And there are no team chemistry + Not just that, they made characters act so suddenly that it doesn't even coincide with their feelings in the same film


Overall: 6.0/10. Suicide Squad but doesn't have the "Suicide" part or even the "Squad" part.
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Surprisingly not bad
20 April 2016
Visually said, it is arguably the best part about this movie, the surroundings were quite realistic you can't even tell if it's CGI. The animals in close shot were very detailed, the fur, the emotions were very real, however, from mid to long shots, the CGI went from good to bad, might as well be a bunch of silhouettes. But, the lighting was possibly the best part visually, brilliantly arranged and changed to decide the mood for the scene. The soundtrack was basically the same as the original 1967 Disney movie but with different tunes, instruments and quite a nice change of genre. Some singing was a little off-tuned and off-beat, but all well considering it's a child actor. However, the plot was possibly the worst part, basically the same as the book and the 1967 cartoon but with dozens more of plot holes and dialogue errors. The ending was something you'd called anti-climatic. Nonetheless, the narrative was quite great with a few small interesting twists you wouldn't think would make it in a PG-13 movie. Nonetheless, the strong character development are more than make up for it. Mowgli's actor still has a way to go. But despite that, all the voice actor were perfectly cast, truly bringing the animals back to life. It's a good movie, worth watching
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A decent way to end a very entertaining trilogy
22 March 2016
Visually, the art was beautifully done, the best plus in this movie. The artists really focus on the details, even the background. However, they still use the same style and no breakthrough. A shame 9/10 The audio was good, background music is awesome. Voice actors also nailed their roles, especially Bryan Cranston, J.K.Simmons and Jack Black, they were able to make the characters as if they are alive. Making the character development the more deep 8.5/10 The plot was so bad though, it's basically the same as the 1st one but with hundreds more of plot holes. They were good enough to squeezed in comic relief in intense scenes which is both good and bad because it gets annoying after a while. 5/10 Overall : 7.8/10
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