
23 Reviews
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Hazbin Hotel (2019– )
Deviant Art garbage. Painful on the eyes and painfully unfunny
20 February 2024
I tried a couple of times to watch this but it's excruciating to watch in both the animation style and colour palette. Furthermore, the jokes (?) fall flat. Given that intellectually and stylistically, it's geared towards teens, I don't really think the language suits the audience. Throwing in swearwords and adult contexts doesn't automatically make a show for an adult audience. Honestly, I'm not sure who this is even for - except maybe those awkward DeviantArt lurkers. If this is where adult animation is heading, it's a shame because this is a juvenile and unfunny offering that smacks of trying to be edgy but failing in every way. Sorry I couldn't be more positive but I couldn't even sit through the show let alone find a good angle to come from. Poor!
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Unashamed and hilarious parody
15 October 2023
I absolutely love this film. It's a completely unapologetic funfair ride of tropes and gore and it is GOOD. From the moment the title card flashes up, you know just know this is going to parody all those lame, exploitation slasher flicks but there are plenty more surprises by the end of the film. If you've read Haunted Forest Tour (Jurassic Park with monsters) you will get the vibe there are going for. It's fun and it's not meant to be taken seriously. The few negative reviews are clearly coming from those who don't understand parody and genre mixing. Please don't discount this film, it's utter joy and so funny too.
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Disappointment comes at night
13 October 2023
A beautifully shot, lovely scored and well-acted film. Shame it is dull and disappointing. I'm all for psychological horror but I really think this film has been misrepresented as genres it just cannot live up to. A few nightmare sequences does not a horror make! Honestly, I feel like it is a great film in its own right but my expectations left me feeling as through it was three quarters of what it could have been. I feel so guilty saying this, but temper your expectations. I wish I had too. If that doesn't turn you off, then go for it - it really is a well-made movie and does do a good job of creating tensions, despite the lack of payoff.
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Uninspired cash grab
25 February 2023
Boring, uninspired and clearly for children. I found Afterlife full of cliched characters and predictable dialogue. Instead of bringing a sense of nostalgia, it fell flat and annoyed me with the many references to the first two films. Even the score felt repetitive and forced in places. I really enjoyed the irreverent film subtitled "Answer The Call". Afterlife just wasn't what I was hoping for compared to that. Plus, I didn't realise the target audience was so young. Maybe nostalgia is just hard to pull off. That said, the acting was absolutely fine. In fact, the young actors playing the grandkids did remarkably well.
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Clichéd Cinderella romance or long-form tourism commercial?
14 December 2022
Did Singapore's tourist board partial fund this film (?) because it feels like an extended advertisement rather than an actual film with heart. The story had no substance, no real message and the amount of displays of wealth and classism were unpleasant to witness without a real character payoff in the end. I didn't feel like I peeked behind the curtains to another way of living, except for maybe the sets it was all very unrealistic. I don't know who this film was for exactly. The cast were good but wasted on cliched roles and the writing felt like what it was: pared down from a book. I've traveled to Singapore a few times and I do genuinely like the place but this film, with its clumsy exposition and location notes in giant font, really did feel like too much of a cringy tourism plug.
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A good addition to the franchise but missing the charm of the short form show
13 July 2022
Good film, solid plot. Very good voice work. Smooth animation, birding on too much movement sometimes (if you're used to the show). I honestly prefer the TV series because it looks more natural. Dancing scenes were clearly modelled over choreography and it shows in how dynamic the movement is. Obviously this works better on the "big screen" and does look impressive. It certainly doesn't take away from the storyline but it feels like THIS IS THE MOVIE, WE HAVE A BUDGET!

Songs are lyrically excellent as usual but I found them a bit tedious in long form to be honest. I wouldn't be able to really recall any, apart from Lucky Ducks which is a great earworm. I certainly wouldn't bother buying the album. The pleasure of the short blast of brilliance from the snippets of songs in the series don't really translate to reprises all through a film in my opinion.

Overall, the film felt very long to me and focussed on characters I didn't really like. I do appreciate the development of Louise's character throughout the movie, she is very hard on herself and quite a complex character. Also, Tina dealing with her romantic angst. Gene had a little development in the area of self-believe too. But I felt I missed the rapid back-and-forth you get with characters like Teddy, Gayle, Zeke and the teachers.

I believe it could even stand alone if you hadn't watched the series, possibly due to a whole host of characters being overlooked (until the end credits where they dance for some reason). Perhaps omitting them allows for the audience to focus on the main plot but honestly they are such a part of the show that I missed them all terribly. No Marshmallow. No Gayle with her cats. No restaurant for that matter - the whole thing takes place outside the home/restaurant. I understand the long form format needed to branch out and be different from the show - I think I just love the show so much that it can't be improved in my eyes.
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Tuca & Bertie (2019–2022)
Has heart, slow pace and some men dislike it on principle
17 February 2022
Definitely give this show a chance, it's really well put together and made with love. It can be a bit self-indulgent with its pacing but with its subject matter eg anxiety, addiction, sexuality and surviving abuse etc. Are real and all too easy to identify with. I did see some negative stuff early on from the same neckbeards than hated female ghostbusters by default but they're dying out now thankfully.
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BoJack Horseman (2014–2020)
Clever series becomes grating over time
17 February 2022
Such a great show, in so many ways - script, animation, cast. Unfortunately, the self-indulge naval-gazing loses its appeal over time and watching becomes a chore. The end wraps up nicely but there's a while there that the show became tedious and boring in its constant depressive rants.
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Great first few seasons!
17 February 2022
Despite going on far too long, the first few seasons were *magic*. MJH did a fabulous job of maintaining great chemistry with the other characters - especially frienemy Libby. The aunts absolutely made the show! Sadly, they, and the rest of the other actors, dropped away over time and MJH didn't know when to call it quits. Once Sabrina is at college and working, it just loses all its charm and becomes yet another boring sitcom.
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What happened after season two?
17 February 2022
Talk about wasted potential. I felt insulted after sitting through the third season and furious after the forth. It was just handled so poorly. How embarrassing.
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Disenchantment (2018–2023)
To be taken as a whole and with patience.
17 February 2022
Don't compare this to the other cartoons by the creator, it's not the same thing. Instead of stand-alone episodes or shorter arcs, it's meant to be taken as one long saga - and it's good that way. I watch each season in one or two settings and I find it much easier to concentrate that way. When I am watching one episode, it's less satisfying on its own. There are some hurdles though - the characters can be dull and grating and the script can feel forced. Some comments have been made about the main character's voice actor's disinterested line delivery but I think that's a style choice and suits the character fine. Overall, it's a slow burner but has heart - so stick with it.
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Teen Titans Go! (2013– )
A lot less funny that it thinks it is...
17 February 2022
My kid likes this solely due to age. The humour is too cheap and lowbrow for it to be tolerable for long for me though. There's elements that are okay but it just doesn't stand up for anyone with a double-digit age. In a time when parents are always hovering around, it's pretty necessary to make kid programs easier to endure.
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Not completely terrible but also, not great
17 February 2022
Very meh show but I can't really find a reason to dislike it all that much. My kid watches it occasionally and because I keep an eye on what he watches, I get a dose of whatever is on :-/ This isn't the worst thing but it's not super inspiring either. The positives are the young cast of voice actors do a nice job and the animation is pretty expressive. The script is typical and same old tired scenarios leave it in the dust when you compare it to Home or even The Croods series. Anyone complaining that these companies just turn EVERYTHING into an animated tv series to squeeze cash should know that when I was a kid, we had animated tv series of not only EVERY Disney movie but also adult films like the Mask and Dumb and Dumber. And they're never in the film canon. They had a pet beaver in Dumb and Dumber. These companies ALWAYS grabbed for cash. At least they don't make toys of the series as much now.
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Over the top animation is migraine-inducing, plot is tired.
16 January 2022
I have a soft-spot for the first three films but the fourth has really dropped the ball. The animation is frustratingly busy. All the technical stuff that was such a delight previously has been cranked up to 11 which makes the whole thing visually overwhelming. It's so stimulating that it looks like the animation of a game cut-scene. Frantic movements make it look like it's made for 3D. Is this what kids are used to now? I was trying to adjust the TV thinking it was on some sports mode (streaming from Amazon Prime on a Samsung Frame TV). It was... hard to watch, hard to focus on. Apart from that, the storyline was tired and predictable and just not interesting. I laughed once and that was because Drac rolled his ankle, so it was just a laugh of recognition really because ankles do roll easily... I can see why this drove Adam Sandler away. They should have stopped at three films.
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Way more enjoyable that it should be
30 December 2021
I liked this film much, much more that I should have. Groundhog Day for kids, very fun. Nicely paced and the acting was okay too. Absolutely watchable.
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The Grinch Musical! (2020 TV Movie)
Who was this made for?
30 December 2021
This came on free-to-air telly and I still want a refund. Dreadful acting, had to switch it off. Just resort back to the 2000s Jim Carey film, at least it has camera angles.
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Very watchable
30 December 2021
Apparently Carey had to receive the same training that security agents have to endure torture sessions (to get through the 6-hour daily makeup). So think about that before you complain about having to watch this film.
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Strangeland (1998)
Cringeworthy passion project
30 December 2021
A film made solely for Dee Snider and no one else. Think what Maleficent is for Jolie. Watching Snider prance around is painfully embarrassing. That aside, the whole thing is rather fun, if only for the nostalgia factor.
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Dreadful but brilliant in parts
27 May 2021
I understand that this is a terrible movie but it's also incredibly hilarious and so quotable. I usually avoid these types of films until someone forces me to watch them - but Tom Green is an absolute genius. The sausages, honestly. The psychologist's office. The cheese sandwiches. The horse. I've laughed so hard at moments in this movie. Much more than I've cringed at the parts that fell flat. Please don't think you're too good to laugh at Tom Green until you have given him a go. He isn't for everyone but he might surprise you.
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Vivarium (2019)
Deeply disturbing for 30-somethings
27 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Watching Vivarium was a deeply unsettling experience for me. The elements all came together to bring a terrible sense of being trapped in a never-ending cookie-cutter suburban nightmare, raising a child you're not ready for only to have it literally drain the life out of you and ending up in a sexless, spiteful relationship. It basically takes an optimist young couple and destroys them by dropping them into the American Dream - perfect home and yard, marriage, baby, the nuclear family. But what do you do then? They are completely isolated, the food is packaged and tasteless, and the child becomes more demanding and terrifying and they are unable to connect with or understand it. They glimpse the realities around them, with every other couple trapped in the same nightmare but no way to communicate it or break the cycle. Absolutely loved this film and it definitely left an impression on me. But then, maybe it's my age and lifestyle that makes me view it through this lens and project my opinions. Others may interpret it in a totally different way but there's so many great things going on it this film that it is definitely worth a watch.
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Suspenseful film isn't particularly good or bad
26 May 2021
Formulaic thriller features the usual "wife is mentality ill and not to be believed" storyline but when viewed through the lens of domestic violence and reproductive freedom, this film can be quite chilling. Alien infection storyline aside, there's a lot to unpack with how the main character is systematically isolated and depicted as mentally unstable and how this is then used to control her and stop her from seeking help. Acting ranged from terrible (Depp) to pretty engaging (Theron). Storyline hold very few surprises and uses familiar tropes but is definitely worth a watch and not nearly as dull as reviews make it seem. Minimal CG hasn't aged terribly but the fashion sure has. Nice-paced suspense and Theron's acting lifts this one to a 6.
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Run (I) (2020)
Tense thriller is well acted, engaging
25 May 2021
While much of the story was (inevitably) predictable, the excellent acting and camera work delivered one tense film. There are a few moments the script felt over the top but without them we wouldn't have thriller/horror, we'd have drama. Really solid popcorn movie with top notch acting has me recommending.
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
Quality cast but missed opportunity
25 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Despite a solid cast and premise, this film missed the mark. The concept of an intentional stowaway was engaging but it soon becomes apparent that it was accidental and therefore, there is less human conflict than originally thought from the trailer. This removes a lot of potential suspense. Other issues include plot holes (not that noticeable if you don't know much about space science though) and issues with pacing, which lead to some lengthy dull parts. However, I found the spacewalk scene very tense without going into the ridiculous. Definitely one of the highlights of the film. While I appreciated very much half the cast were female characters, I felt one existed to be too self-sacrificing and supportive (I don't like it when female character feel like they exist solely for this purpose). I felt that the foreshadowing of her final act was heavy handed too. Great to see a racially diverse cast of excellent actors though, credit for casting so well. Since the cast is likeable and the acting is engaging, I would bump this to a 6 regardless of missed potential.
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