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Amazing story!
30 April 2010
I grew up hearing about some of Ben Carson's amazing surgeries and remember reading about him when I was a teenager, probably, so I was excited when I heard about this movie. I just watched it for the first time, and it's one of the best movies I've ever seen. I can't believe it was a made-for-TV movie! This movie tells the story of how Ben Carson went from being a kid who was a failure in school and had a very low self-esteem to a famous, gifted surgeon. It tells some about his family life and about two of his famous surgeries. This movie kept me glued to it all the way through--it was like a good book you can't put down!
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Great movie for the whole family!
18 July 2009
When I was a kid, I read the book this movie was based on, and I was excited to find out that it was being made into a movie. Knowing that it was made mostly by college students, I wasn't sure what the quality would be like, but I was sure I'd like it well enough that I bought it without watching it first. I was a little disappointed that the movie didn't stay closer to the original story--for example, the story took place in Scotland and the girl in the movie was actually a boy in the original story--but the movie is still very good. I was pleasantly surprised to see the professional quality of this movie, and of course the music and scenery were awesome. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who's looking for a good clean movie that's still fun and interesting.
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Good movie, but so horribly sad!
14 March 2009
My sister recommended this movie to me, but by the time I checked it out from the library, I had totally forgotten anything she might have told me about it. The DVD case bills it as a romantic comedy, and the description on the back barely tells anything about it. So I was expecting a lighthearted romantic comedy and ended up with a movie that was so sad I couldn't stop crying. And movies hardly ever make me cry!

Don't get me wrong--this is definitely a good movie, and it reminds you that you need to live your life and really make the most of it. Not only that, but it's got some beautiful scenery and music in it. So go ahead and watch this, but be prepared to cry!
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Good movie--if you haven't seen the 1995 Colin Firth version!
26 February 2009
I saw most of this movie a few years ago, and from what I remember it was pretty well done. It was enjoyable to watch, but since I've read the book and seen the 1995 Pride & Prejudice miniseries several times, this movie wasn't as enjoyable as it might have been. I guess this movie is more like a "highlights of" summary than a whole story. Sure, it does tell the story, but it feels too rushed. If you've read the book, you know that the story takes place over a period of at least a year, so it naturally moves somewhat slowly. The 1995 miniseries did an extremely good job of portraying the slow pace of the story, so anything shorter than those 5 hours really doesn't do the story justice in my eyes. I'm not saying this is a bad movie, because it is good, but if you've read the book or seen the 1995 miniseries, you probably won't like it that well. My recommendation is to just go read the book and then watch the 1995 miniseries.
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Northanger Abbey (2007 TV Movie)
Good movie, but a few too many changes from the book
26 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was very good, and I loved the music. I thought the actors all played their parts well, although the lady who played Eleanor seemed a bit too old for the part. If you haven't read Northanger Abbey, you'll probably like this movie just fine, but I watched this movie a day after finishing the book for the second time, so I noticed a few differences. (If you haven't seen the movie or read the book, go do so before reading the rest of this review!) Some of the differences aren't a huge deal, such as some events happening in a bit different setting than in the book. But others take away from the story some. For example, in this movie Henry just mentions a few things, like skeletons in closets, to freak out Catherine when they're on their way to the Abbey. When she's in her room, she opens an old trunk and finds a few scattered papers inside. But in the book, Henry gives Catherine a very detailed description of her looking into a tall cabinet and finding a secret passageway and finding mysterious papers, and when she's in her room, she finds just such a tall cabinet with a secret compartment that contains mysterious papers. Playing down that whole scene took out a lot of great drama from the movie, and I was a bit disappointed with that.

Another thing I didn't care for was that the movie tells us things early on that the book doesn't tell until the end, like what John Thorpe was telling General Tilney at the theater, and introducing the guy that Eleanor later married--he wasn't even mentioned until the end of the book! The third difference that I really have a problem with is the way things happened at the Abbey. Some of it is fine--just a little condensed, but I don't like the fact that the movie has Henry leave without telling Catherine he forgives her for her terrible suspicions. In the book, he assured her that they were OK before he went away, and Catherine talked to both him and Eleanor (not just Eleanor like in the movie) about the letter from James and what he said about Captain Tilney. I think it's important to show that even after Henry learned of Catherine's ridiculously horrible suspicions about the General, they were almost immediately able to be on good terms and were able to discuss the issues surrounding Captain Tilney and Isabella. Also, the movie shows the General leaving before the group went to Woodston, whereas in the book, he was one of the party.

So basically, this is a good and enjoyable movie, but I wish they wouldn't have changed some of those key points in the story. It wouldn't have taken much extra time (if any) to leave those things in, and it would've really added to the movie. I think the biggest problem is that they tried to condense the book into such a short movie. Movie adaptations of Jane Austen's books work the best if they're several hours long, like the Colin Firth version of Pride & Prejudice. Now, if you're still reading this and haven't read the book, go read it! It's a very interesting and entertaining book!
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Mr. Wizard's World (1983–1989)
Great show!
29 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't seen this in years, but it was one of my absolute favorite TV shows when I was a kid. I have so many memories of different experiments, like the one where a kid stood on their head to eat something so the food would go up when they swallowed it, or the time when a kid ate food while holding her nose and couldn't taste it, or the time the rubber ball broke into pieces when Mr. Wizard dropped it on the floor. It was from this show that I learned how airplanes fly--by the air flowing OVER the wings, which lifts them up. I learned so much about science from this show that I still remember 20-something years later!
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The Three Kings (1987 TV Movie)
One of my favorite Christmas movies!
21 December 2008
This is one of my favorite Christmas movies ever! My parents recorded it when I was a kid, and we used to watch it every year. It's a really good story about three patients from a mental hospital who dress up as the three kings for a Christmas pageant and end up going to look for Baby Jesus. This movie is a good reminder of what Christmas is really all about, and I really wish they'd put it out on DVD. I saw it for sale on DVD on some foreign website, but I was naturally skeptical about how trustworthy the place was, and of course not all DVDs are viewable in all regions anyway. I was hoping that since it was for sale in a foreign country, they'd put it on DVD in the US not long after that, but no such luck. If you have the chance to watch this movie sometime, do it--you won't regret it!
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Lassie (2005)
Good movie, but should've stayed true to the book
23 November 2008
I've read the book Lassie Come-Home probably more times than I've read any other book, so I know the story well. I've also seen the original Lassie Come-Home movie several times, and it stayed pretty true to the book. This movie is good too, and I enjoyed watching it. The scenery is great, and the music is awesome. But I think it should've stayed closer to the original story. Some things were added, and others were left out. I think a lot of the things that were added fit, but others totally changed the story and kinda messed it up. I felt like Lassie's journey seemed way too short, and she didn't even meet half the people that she did in the book. It just didn't make the journey seem totally real. Also, Joe is way too young. The boy who played him was only 9 when the movie was made, and the Joe in the book was 12. The kid is cute, but I still think Roddy McDowall did a better job of playing Joe and looked about the right age.

If you enjoy animal movies and have never read the book, I'm sure you'll enjoy this movie. If you have read the book, you'll probably still enjoy it, but don't expect it to be real close to the book. If you want to watch a movie that stays true to the original story, watch Lassie Come-Home from 1943.
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The Paleface (1948)
Similar to Shakiest Gun in the West
4 November 2007
The first thing I noticed about this movie is that the plot is similar to that of The Shakiest Gun in the West, starring Don Knotts, which was made 20 years later. This worried me a little at first, because although I love The Shakiest Gun in the West, I didn't want to watch a movie that was almost exactly the same except that it starred a different person. However, I didn't let this stop me from watching the entire movie, and I was pleasantly surprised. Enough of the story was different that it didn't get boring, and of course Bob Hope lended his own acting style and sense of humor, so I ended up really enjoying it. In fact, in some ways I liked this movie better than The Shakiest Gun in the West. If you like Bob Hope movies, you'll probably enjoy this one. I know I sure did!
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Big Daddy (1999)
Makes me wish I had kids!
27 October 2007
I found this movie in the $5 bin at Wal-Mart recently and decided to buy it. My older sister had told me it was pretty good, and being a fan of The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, I thought I'd enjoy seeing the boys when they were little. After watching the movie, I think $5 is pretty cheap for such a great movie--I would've been willing to pay more! I really enjoyed seeing Adam Sandler's character dealing with the major responsibility of taking care of a kid, and Cole and Dylan were really cute and funny as Julian.

Even though I love this movie, I'm giving it a 9 because there are a couple objectionable parts. I probably wouldn't show it to really young kids, partly because of those things and partly because I wouldn't want them to imitate some of Julian's behavior. With that said, I highly recommend this movie to anyone else, because the good in this movie far outweighs anything objectionable. If you love kids and enjoy seeing people learning good values and responsibility, you'll probably enjoy this movie.
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Funny family movie
27 October 2007
I don't know why so many other people hate this movie so much. Some of them said outright that they didn't like the first one, so why would they watch the sequel? I enjoyed the first one, so naturally I wanted to see the sequel. Sure, it was a bit hokey, but a lot of family movies are. This movie was funny, and it had some serious moments too.

If you haven't seen this movie yet, here's my recommendation: a. If you didn't like the first movie, you probably won't like this one either, so don't waste your time watching it and then complain about it on this website.

b. If you liked the first movie, you'll probably enjoy this one as well, so go ahead and enjoy it, no matter what the complainers say.

c. If you haven't seen the first movie, watch it first, because it's a good movie and gives you the background on the story. Then watch this movie.
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