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The Ark (2023– )
The show is the victim of really terrible writing and some overacting but not all is bad.
1 September 2023
The writing is the biggest problem with this show. And in that respect it reminds me of the first seasons of shows such as Lost in Space and Another Life. Far to many plotlines crammed into the first season and trying to hard to delineate the character of the various people in the show. A great example is the character of Naomi and her extreme awkward verbosity and another is Lt Lane. The obvious telegraphing is a distinct mark of a junior writers hired on a trim budget.

Equally at fault is the director and showrunners for allowing this to happen. Its there job to put a stop to it and inject some pace and maturity. Again I think we are witnessing inexperience.

The final aspect that will grate on anyone with even a modicum of scientific knowledge is the many, many, many mistakes in basic science, which result in some gaping plotholes.

But there are positives. I am in the final 3 episodes of the season and there is a glimmer that the rush to cram every episode is ever so slightly dissipating. The sets and special effects are all first rate. There remains a tendency tendency to put the very lovely Tiana Upcheva (Eva the chief engineer) in skimpy tops but despite that I do believe we have seen some modest improvements in fleshing out the characters (very modest). The acting is actually generally reasonably good given how poor some of the material has been. They are not wooden and I think there is actually good talent in the actors. The weakest link in the acting crew might actually be Christie Burke who really does not seem to have much dimension or range as an actor but perhaps it is the material.

I am currently about to commence episode 9 of the first season (of 12). Given the improvements I have seen (very gradual but there are some) I am going to watch the final 3 and hope for the best.

My words to the writers and showrunners - not every moment has to be a crisis. There can be victories in positive stories as well as crisis stories. An episode does not need to be jammed to the hilt to be dramatic. One or two major themes per episode is fine - it does not have to be twenty. Refrain from introducing wildcards every episode. Sometimes it is ok to focus on the grand journey and their moments in it instead of making every moment the journey.
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The Lincoln Lawyer (2022– )
I started watching on a whim and could not stop...
18 March 2023
It was late one evening recently and I was idly scrolling through the Netflix offerings attempting to find something. Nothing was looking interesting until I hit the auto preview for this show. That enticed me enough to have a look at the actors and episode descriptions. I was unfamiliar with any of the actors other than Neve Campbell and while I know her name I never actually watched any of her prior work.

Anyways I decided that night at 11:30pm I would give one episode a shot. 3 episodes later I finally decided to call it a night. The show did a very good job of holding my attention: good characterization, good acting and as the episodes progressed a slow boil simmered and developed. I particularly like the lead actor for the show.

I am looking forward to Season 2 which is now in filming.

The show floats in the range of 8 to 9 in respect of overall quality. I settled on a 9 as it appears some inordinately low ratings have been deliberately cast.
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A Maple Valley Christmas (2022 TV Movie)
I felt this Christmas movie was a cut above most of the recent offerings.
5 February 2023
My family and I found the movie held our attention, which many of the Christmas movies of the last 2 yrs failed to do. There are good dozen over the season we attempted to watch and we were unable to get through any of them, even including some with past stalwarts of the Hallmark lineup.

We recognized Andrew from past movies and he was a good fit for this role. We had no familiarity with Peyton List, but she is extremely beautiful and really holds the screen in her moments well. We don't agree with the review that Erica was an unpleasant character and made it a hard watch but a variety of opinions is the spice of life. The character was deliberately a closed and stead in her way type of individual and the movie was about that rigidity being challenged (at least that was one of our takes).

The script was not bad, and I felt the actors made the best of the material they were given. The chemistry was very good between Peyton and Andrew and that gave the movie a good boost. The supporting cast was also good and contributed rather then detracted to the movie. Some sideplots were a bit rushed (that is the writing) but I suppose budget and time were the usual foils for these factors.

We feel most adults will relate to more then a few of the themes in the movie. We rate it a watch. The score of 8 is context of how we feel it stands vs other recent Christmas fare in this niche of Christmas movies.
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Wayward Pines (2015–2016)
This was a good rewatch and I enjoyed S2 more 2nd time around
19 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Part of the issue for S2 is that the series was "rescued" due to a fan outcry after Season 1 and an announced cancellation. Some actors had other commitments as well as we can see a bit of on-the-fly writing in some of the S2 episodes. For example the exits in the first few episodes of Ben Burke, Theresa Burke and Kate Hewson were all examples of this. They were around just long enough to provide a modicum of continuity in the initial S2 episodes but their storylines were rather dismal, and you probably won't like the way any of them exited.

It does not do well to dwell on certain technical details and aspects of going forward 2000 yrs. The focus of the show should be the fact that the people are essentially a fish out of water, and their worst enemy is themselves.

There are actors we love to hate and part of the reason S2 is not liked is some actors do a great job of having us hate them. Megan Fisher (actress Hope Davis) and. Jason Higgens (actor Tom Stevens) both do a fantastic job in that regards.

Overall Season 1 was really superb. Fantastic cast, generally very good writing and if anything the season felt short. Everything worked and clicked in this season with few missteps (as long as you don't think to much about science, mechanics, food production, or any of that type of stuff).

Most reviews are very hard on Season 2. 2nd time around in a rewatch this week on Disney+ it settled in a bit better. I could recognize some of the shortcomings and still be satisfied. It was a tough role for Jason Patric to step into but he did with it what he could. One of the stand outs in Season 2 was Kacey Rohl in her character of. Kerry Campbell - she was superb in a very tragic storyline - I hope I can be as brave as she was when the time comes and the my deeds really count. Kacey has great presence and brought some of the best acting of the ensemble. Another who deserves mention is Rochelle Okoye who plays "Margaret" - the Abby leader/queen.

I would recommend this show - it does have a riveting storyline and qualities. Its TV, you have to take the bad with the good and understand some of the Season 2 precedents and you can get over them and enjoy it all.
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Snowkissed (2021 TV Movie)
This would have been a much better movie had the lead female roles been reversed.
11 January 2022
This would have been a much better movie had Amy Groening been the lead instead of Jen Lilly. Far more energy and charisma. I thought the male leads were fine but their parts were written a bit stilted.

What shocked me is that Hallmark actually let characters be from some place in Canada, a first in my experience.

Banff was the real winner here as people glimpsed at least a very small taste of why it is so popular.

Give Amy some lead roles. Jen looked pale and a shadow of herself and maybe she is just done for this format of movies.
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Coyote Creek Christmas (2021 TV Movie)
Good leads, unnecessary secondary plot line
7 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Janel Parrish is very watchable - Janel is naturally very pretty and at ease in front of the camera and I feel the overall acting quality with good leads helped the movie. Ryan Paevey, along with Niall Matter, Wes Brown and Trevor Donovan are the best male actors in the Hallmark et al regular castings and help whomever they are across and usually elevate the movie experience.

The unfortunate aspect was the writing was not "strong", and they threw into the mix a completely unnecessary side plot of two young gay women who could not get up the courage to ask each other out. There is nothing wrong with the idea but it was just poorly written and came across as a totally unnecessary plot device in the movie, and so detracted from it rather then adding to it. It more likely should have been a movie on its own for those that might be an audience for this plotline.

The young actor playing Dylan Bailey was also very good - he centered some of the plot and as he had real acting ability it worked and my gut check is that his role was likely expanded, deservedly so.

At the time of writing the movie has a 5.7 rating and I think that does not accurately reflect the positive aspects. Having sat through many a Christmas movie with family I am more inclined to rate 7. While it is not quite a 7 it is better then the current 5.7 so hopefully I am balancing the overall equation a bit. Certainly the leads were good enough to warrant some positivity.
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Avengement (I) (2019)
Really Brutal Fightscenes for the Scott Fans
25 May 2019
This movie will keep your attention. Its very much the opposite of say the stylized mayhem of John Wick - the fight scenes in this movie are visceral, brutal and bloody - and they comprise a good chunk of the movie. Scott gets all the good lines and exercises that sardonic sense of humor he is well known for in his movies.

I do wonder sometimes why he is cranking out movies like this at the pace of 3-4 a year. He is prime material for more A list movies and has great screen presence. Love his martial arts & action movies but hope to see him in more high quality big release movies sooner rather then later.
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Polar (I) (2019)
Very enjoyable!
3 April 2019
This movie is really in the genre of The Equalizer and John Wick and its equal to the task The acting, direction and cinematography were all first rate.. We have a lot of cast that goes against typecast here and that is one of the things that is so enjoyable about the movie. Great opportunity role for Vanessa Hudgins versus her typical light pop queen stuff. MM just kills it - I know he has some dark roles before but nothing that I recall this voilent.

The movie has sequel written all over it, and I would pay to see one if it comes to fruition.
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Triple Threat (2019)
A solid martial arts action film featuring Scott Adkins
30 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This appears to be a chinese produced martial arts film with a sizeable budget - I am going to guess in the $15MM-$20MM range. I think it is mostly aimed at an Asian audience as it features 3 well known asian martial arts stars (Tony, Iko and Tiger) who are really the focus of most scenes in the movie, along with Celina Jade as the lovely lady in distress about which the plot revolves. Some of their conversations are in Chinese and another language (I think Thai but not certain). All 3 do a lot of fighting in the movie and really get to display their fighting skills.

Scott Adkins is the "star" power and draw for worldwide audiences along with Micheal Jai White as a supporting role member. Scott is the mercenary team leader of the "bad" mercenaries, and while he of course has many prominent fights his actual role and spoken parts are mostly "secondary". In this movie he is the bad guy, not the good guy, and as is often the case when he acts such a role he does it with gleeful abandon. I like Scott in everything he does and keep on hoping he will land a proper A list movie role that is deserving of his actual acting talents to accompany his superb action oriented skills.

This is a fun "movie for guys whp like action movies" type flick (plus it does have a couple of accomplished attractive women fighting as well). Its a great weekend evening popcorn flick. I knew what I was getting into and I quite enjoyed the movie and rate it a 7-7.5.
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Abduction (I) (2019)
Not really aimed at the western audience
24 March 2019
I gave this movie a 7. It had some good fight sequences and the overall production values were good. Looking at the executive producer and financing list I don't think its really aimed at a western audience but rather chinese and vietnamese audiences. Its sort of a hash of eastern mysticism/scifi/martial arts. So I can understand some of the low scores although they are not really warranted - nothing in this movie was a "2" and if you want to see a 2 score movie I can point the way to plenty.

Anyways it has a discernable plot, it flows forward with no obvious continuity errors, has a reasonable budget for cgi and special effects, and has some good martial arts sequences. Its not going to win any awards but if you like an action movie with a touch of scifi to it and have exhausted all the tier 1 and 2 level movies then this is an ok stop.
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Christmas Pen Pals (2018 TV Movie)
Just better all round then most of the Christmas fare
30 December 2018
The acting in this one was strong, especially on the male side with Niall Matter and a surprise appearance by Michael Gross. It took me awhile to warm up to Sarah Drew whom I am unfamiliar with but I did not dislike her by the end. The supporting characters, especially on the female side were very good.

Writing was better then average. Yes as usual with these movies much was already telegraphed 15 minutes in but there were quite a number of moments that brought a smile to the face. As with all these movies you have to overlook all the plotholes and make assumptions about the resolution of many secondary stories which is a bit unfortunate as several of the secondary characters had a nice way about them.
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The Rookie (2018– )
Very enjoyable - easy to watch, fast paced, mix of drama and humor
18 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this show. Great to see both Nathan Fillion and the very beautiful Melissa O'Neil in a tv series together - 2 Canadians who both have great pedigree with scifi fans. I wondered where Melissa would end up after the end of Dark Matter and had no idea she would be co-starring in such a heavily hyped network prime time show.

I generally like most facets of the first hour, and how the characters are set up although there were 2 aspects added for dramatic effect that I think are unnecessary: the hidden intimate relationship between 2 characters was totally an unnecessary plotline, as is the cowardice by another character. Neither of these add value to the show - we all came to watch Nathan with probably a few of us also interested in Melissa and Richard Jones - most of the rest of the cast is relatively unknown to my knowledge.

I think I recall reading about a rookie on a police force who was 54 so the age here is not at all implausible. I thought Nathan did real justice to the role and look forward to future episodes.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
I guess I am a contrarian as I quite enjoyed the show and so I think will many of you...
15 April 2018
It captivated us, and I think it will do fine for most of you as well.

I can understand the mixed reviews - the foreshadowing was a bit heavy leading to some predictable outcomes, there was to much sociological correctness, and a substantial portion of the focus was oriented to the children so some of the themes were on the surface not very adult.

But it was a pretty fair ride for the 10 episodes - I thought the acting was very believable (and Molly Parker in my eyes was looking quite fine) and this show had excellent production values and score. It certainly was on par with the new Star Trek series on both and in fact its continuity might even have been superior.

I saw some criticisms (in a few cases I might even term it "whining") that this reboot was not faithful to the original. And why should it. In my mind the original provided a premise and a vague structure, and really need not have provided more. I doubt one person in a 1000 even remembers the original beyond a few caricatures and with good reason - it was campy and really not very good.

It seems the deeper themes of redemption, love of family, coming of age, the transition of youth to adult, the difficulties of marriage, mixed into an action/scifi setting are not enough for some jaded viewers. But they were more then enough to hold the interest of I and my family. We wanted to see each episode and ended up binge watching this over the last 2 days.

This was a quality product. Not Oscar material, but certainly a good watch with some very captivating moments.
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Global Meltdown (2017 TV Movie)
It beats the pants of any of the Asylum movies
9 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is much better then the 3.5 rating it has when I write this comment. Its certainly not a blockbuster, but I thought most aspects of the movie were quite well done for the budget. If you are a die hard scifi fan like me, then you likely have sat through lots of real stinkers. This was not one of them. Its clearl a movie on a budget, but its not one of those awful stinkers like Range 15 or Tasmanian Devils, to name a couple that come to mind immediately.

The name actor of the movie Michael Pare plays a character that brings to mind the type of real danger one is likely to encounter in a widespread disaster - a ruthless survivalist. Almost always most scifi movies portray survivalists as a bunch of yahoos or hillbillies. Pare's character is much more realistic - someone who is mean, hard and has no interest in anything but their own survival with everyone else potential prey. I have no idea how he ended up in a local (Alberta) Canadian production but the character he plays is exactly the sort of person you need to be wary of in a disaster situation.

As the movie did not have a big special effects budget it kept most of that pretty grounded. The cinematography and editing were professional, as was the sound.

I have never understood the economics of making a direct to dvd movie in the first place, but i think if your a fan of the disaster genre its worth a watch. Of course it has plotholes and some absurd circumstances, but then its a movie!
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Frozen in Love (2018 TV Movie)
Easily one of the best Hallmark Winterfest themed movies I have seen
20 March 2018
I can see reading other reviews that some love the movie, and others where kinda "mehh" about it. I am a single dad and usually watch these movies with my teen daughter. I have also reviewed several other Hallmark Christmas movies since I started getting hooked on them in 2016. Others in their reviews have outlined the plot so I shall not touch on that in my comments and instead focus on our impressions of the movie.

Speaking for both of us, we really enjoyed this movie. We found it more realistic and relatable then many of the other hallmark holiday season themed movies and we thought the chemistry between the leads was great. I have never been a Rachel Cook fan, and even in this movie it took a bit of time to warm up to her, although at the end of the movie I thought she looked very pretty. On the other hand I have always really liked Niall Matter in these types of movies - he fits into the characters they have him portray very well and we thought he hit a home run in this movie. My daughter is reminding me we saw him as the lead in another Hallmark holiday movie last year which we also enjoyed.

There were many occasions during the movie where we laughed, and otherwise we always had a smile on our faces. It was an enjoyable movie. I think most Hallmark fans would be charmed by this movie.

We felt this movie deserved a very good rating. Please note we rate relative to the genre. For a Hallmark movie this was a home run, and so it gets a 9 in that context.
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Stargate: Atlantis (2004–2009)
Even in 2018 its holding up well
16 March 2018
IF ever there was a Stargate show that could be restarted its Stargate Atlantis. Having just watched it again from start to finish in Feb/Mar 2018 I was reminded why I loved it so much the first time round - great cast chemistry, mostly very interesting episodes, good humour, very good special effects, and more.

Many of the actors are available as well if they wanted to use any of them in a reboot.

I did realize this time more then my first go around that they relied on Rodney to much to resolve situations in fantastical ways, and so yes I could conclude the writing was a bit weak in that department. Yet the writers did succeed at great characterization for a number of the principals, so not everything fell down in that department.

They also lost their way a bit with a couple of them such as Teyla - the purposes of her being sort of "drifted" and it was clear the writing team in later seasons did not know what to do with her other then she be a strong member of the team. I will say this -Rachel Luttrell is really drop dead gorgeous - I had to be an adult to come to that realization....

There is so much unfinished business for this series - I know the Stargate Atlantis Legacy book series helps close many of the loose threads, but I would like to see them acted out onscreen.

Each Stargate series had something I liked, but I think this one had perhaps the best balance, and was the most "enjoyable" to watch. And to me at least it wore well.
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Really Atrocious Writing
16 March 2018
In which the main characters are all undeniably stupid and dense beyond belief. The writers go for a mixture of slapstick humor and idiocy, and by the end of the 2nd episode it commences to be grating, and by the end of the third your ready to murder someone given how it gets on your nerves.

There was the potential of a real prequel, and it got tossed away like so much sand in the wind. I just finished episode 5 and I don't think I can take anymore. If you make it that far you deserve a medal.

I say avoid at all costs.
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Marry Me at Christmas (2017 TV Movie)
It is better then some of the other reviews convey, and we thought a decent bit of escapism
27 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I and my daughter just watched this movie. So I am reflecting our opinions. They don't really jive very well with some of the very negative reviews I am reading here, and I am wondering if we watched the same movie.

We have been watching the Hallmark Christmas movies for a few years now, along with offerings we are seeing from some of the other stations. I have even posted a couple of other reviews last year. In the grand scheme of specialty channel Christmas movies, we felt this was one of the better offerings.

We found the leads charming and believable. Rachel in particular we thought was very good - she is able to convey a lot with her eyes, facial expression and slight body movement - she can actually act. She is a very attractive woman (that's me talking on that observation! LOL). The male star is also handsome, and we thought he did a good job. The supporting cast was fine.

These movies are made in a very short period of time and a very tight budget, sometimes filming is only 7-10 days! I am aware of this when I watch these movies, and sometimes its evident when you see a scene end a bit abruptly. And you can't blame an actor for the sometimes banal dialog - they have to work with what they get, and sometimes its only one take and then they have to move onto the next scene.

I thought the conclusion was a bit rushed and underwhelming, if only as I would like to have savored how it played out in a bit more depth. But all-in-all we enjoyed the movie. We sat through a real stinker the other day (Sweet Home Carolina with Heather McComb) and Marry Me at Christmas was superior in every respect.

You just have to know that all the Hallmark movies follow a very similar script - even when the concept is potentially somewhat original they always play it out via a formula. You will never find romance/Christmas movies with less sexual tension in them then a Hallmark movie, many of which only have one kiss at the end.

Another review noted the move Christmas Cookies with Jill Wagner. Both movies were the same - a beautiful woman trying not to find love finishes the movie with one kiss with the handsome interloper, said kiss intending to convey eternal love and happiness to the audience and the rest is up to us to fill in the blanks.

If you don't like the formula, don't watch the movies....
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Saw the 1st Ep, will watch more
17 September 2017
I remember reading the fall previews and the critics were pretty savage about this show.

But I enjoyed the first episode. It certainly steals from a lot of things and the humor is pretty low brow, but the cast were miles better then that of STNG, which was absolutely as stiff as a board the whole first season, let alone the 1st episode.

The special effects were outstanding. I was ecstatic to see Scott Grimes and he gets perhaps the best characterization and best lines in the first episode. It was also nice to see Penny Jerald from Castle.

I understand the show is a homage to the entire Star Trek franchise ala Seth Mcfarlane style. I can see that in many elements I saw in this episode - but none of the way it was done was bad.

I do wonder where the show is going to go as time progresses. Most scifi has some pretty serious dire cliffhangers after a serial format for the season. I don't recall a major scifi entry that was lighter in tone and did not have a dark menace of some sort in the background. So I am both curious, and a bit apprehensive, but definitely ready to sign on for more episodes.
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Alone (2015– )
These Survival Experts are an embarrassment
22 July 2017
I am admittedly way late to this series - its July 2017 and I only just found it now and just endured the first couple of hours. And by endured I mean suffered through alternate periods of disbelief, boredom and perhaps even rage, at the stupidity and lack of preparation and experience of most of these guys.

The premise of the show is not surprising, take a bunch of guys mostly from the USA, who think they know all about survival having been on a camping trip or two with the good old boys, read a couple of survival books (but ignored most of what was in them), watched a few youtube videos and probably been brought up on the typical "I am American" arrogant attitude of being experts at everything in their own mind.

They all thought they knew the basics - it was lovely to see each one of them recite the abc's of what they needed to do first I think to convince themselves if no one else. Of course the prime ingredient to surviving in the outdoors is first having a strong mind, and it seems almost all of them forgot that at home when they left Yahoo USA to experience the real outdoors.

Hoping to see some real bushcraft and display of knowledge and skill? Leave those hopes behind - there was almost none of it on display after the first 2 hours I watched. Just tears, moaning and groaning, in spades.

The only plausible explanation I can think of is the producers did not tell them where they were going. And when they heard Vancouver Island, they missed the island part and only heard "Vancouver" and thought they were going to get a room at Ritz Carlton.

Maybe there is something further along in the series, I hope so as after the first couple of episodes, had I been one of the participants I would have been afraid to ever show my face in public again.

So your forewarned if your trying to decide whether to watch this show.
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A good old fashioned kick ass action movie!
23 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
John Wick 2 is a 10, in fact it might even be higher.

Relentlessly paced from start to finish, JW rarely ever gets a chance to rest, every step someone is trying to kill him, and the tension will get to you, and by the end of the movie, your nerves will be like a wet dishrag.

This movie did flesh out the world John left behind, but my one mild criticism might be that there is not much time for characterization, I think the first movie delivered more in that regards.

But its a very minor criticism versus the outstanding cinematography, the incredible fight choreography made all the better by the fact you know Keanu was doing all his own fight scenes and stunt work - it was over the top, yet believable in a strange twisted way.

All fans are anticipating and wondering where Chapter 3 will take us: John has friends even though he has been declared persona non- grata, and will they be there for him when he needs them? Who will take care of dog? Will he get to his stash in the basement of his house allowing him to get on even terms with the horde after him? I can't wait to find out.

I am going to enjoy this movie many times more over the next few months, and I suspect this is true of all fans. Blue ray here I come!

To paraphrase an old expression" John Wick 2 is an action movie for men who like real action". If that is you then so is this movie.

2017 is looking to be a great year for movies, and yes there may be others that are better, but none will be its equal.

Thank you Keanu et al for this movie!
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The Halcyon (2017)
There are some good points..
1 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Reading the other reviews I find they are a bit harsh, but not completely without merit.

The sets are gorgeous, as is the costuming. I like most of the female characters, they feel less forced and and more nuanced and the 3 female leads: Hermione Corfield, Olivia Williams and Kara Tointon are all to my male eye, easy to watch and credible in their performances.

I have seen some suggestions online comparing Hermoine Corfield to Scarlett Johansson, but Hermoine is much prettier and more attractive physically. I think she is also a better actress in respect of dramatic contexts.

I will also add that I have since seen Kara Tointon inteviewed, and she self-deprecatingly refers to herself as a shower singer, but this is not true, as evidenced by her recent role in the Sound of Music. She has a wonderful voice and fine tonal quality and range. She will be able to do as much theater as she desires in the future. She plays the "minx" role in this show, and she has the figure and the attitude to carry it off with aplumb, and her vocal abilities are the icing on the cake.

As the episodes have progressed, some of the male characters have improved -> Steven Mackintosh is particularly strong, but the complaint that clichés abound in the writing particularly in respect of the male characterizations is regretfully quite true. It makes for some real plodding moments as a result.

Unfortunately, in episode #5 the clichés only got worse as the inevitable gay plot lines to appeal to every fringe audience were introduced as well. It is out of place for the show and just not of any interest to me whatsoever - dull and boring. It was unnecessary and detracts from the show.

Likely that was the final straw and I shall drop my viewership of the show. Its to bad as The Halcyon had potential, but I am honestly not interested in such indoctrination, it was the final straw in a mixed bag of writing, and so I shall have to pass.
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Cardinal (2017–2020)
I am hooked!
25 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers

Are you a fan of say the Jesse Stone movies with Tom Selleck, or perhaps The Tunnel or The Bridge series out of Europe? If so then Cardinal is for you. The same atmosphere, foreboding, characterization, quality writing, acting and direction are all present. The main protagonist Cardinal, is very much in the vain of Jesse Stone, moody, skilled, with warts and flaws, and secrets yet to be revealed. In the first episode saw a small glimmer of the man, although perhaps flawed or misdirection, peeled back.

This is apparently a Canadian production, and takes place in a nameless mid-sized city apparently in Northern Ontario, and which I think is supposed to be a mirror for Thunder Bay (correction, North Bay apparently).

Other then the weather (its a winter setting) the actual setting is incidental to the plot, and could easily be where you are. The quality of the production itself is exactly on par with the series I noted in the first paragraph, so no let down will be found there.

I look eagerly forward to the next episode. I suppose the one thing I do believe is more bodies will be found, other then that the suspense is palatable, and I relish it.


Mar 1, 2017 cont'd - Cardinal has been well received and has been picked up by quite a number of networks internationally. Which is a good thinkg since its budget is about $1.8MM per episode. But apparently it is a financial success as its primary sponsor CTV in Canada committed to not one but 2 more seasons of at least 6 episodes. 6 eps is very short by North American standards but from what I have seen quite common in many euro productions.

Each season is going to do a book or two from the written series.

I really enjoyed the entire season. It had very few lows, and many highs. Billy Campbell was superb as Cardinal. I feel my comparables above were accurate and relevant.
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Not great but its not another 30K production thankfully
24 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Having sat through so many true amateur productions that actually deserve their -1 ratings, I will give this a solid 5 in context of it being a direct to video production.

This had some name actors in it (while 3 anyways...) and it least it had professional production values. Money was spent on set, props and military co-operation. Yes, the script was likely written in a day, and some plot devices served no purpose whatsoever (like the reporter and her video camera) and there were some glaring holes as well but that is the way things go with these types of movies.

Anyone with a military background will of course spot tons of mistakes. I have learned to set that aside when watching B movies particularly in the action/sci-fi/zombie genres.

Its better then its current 3.9 IMDb rating, but not worth much more then the 5 I gave it.

IF you need to kill some time its watchable, and possibly bearable....
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It left me breathless
22 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
because the first half of the movie actually was relatively good versus most of the 3rd rate zombie movies we genre fans typically have to endure, but then the 2nd half of the movie descended to 4th rate clichés, and was almost unbearable.

The leads in this movie Andy On and Jessica Cambensy are the only ones who really scored - they fell in love while shooting the movie, and are now married and have a daughter.

The rest of us who watched this movie will never get those 95 minutes back and will be that much poorer for the loss.

The action and fight scenes were mostly quite good, some even almost A grade. The makeup was mostly very good as well, most of the zombie schek out these days is much worse.

There are scenes of not just violence, but rape and degradation in the movie so you are forewarned (in the stupid 2nd half of the movie).

Overall, I rate a 5. Had it not been for the 2nd half of the movie, it would have been an easy 6-6.5. The 2nd half of the movie is a 2, if that.

The surprising thing is that there are many, many worse zombie movies being churned out all the time. This one actually had a budget, and some known Asian action stars (Phillip Ng, Andy On) in it.

You will survive the movie, and the taste in your mouth be only modestly sour.
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