
4 Reviews
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Not Enough Explosions
1 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Now, I watched this on a Grindhouse collection DVD, in no way shape or form was I expecting it to be good. I wanted a bad movie, and I thought I knew what I was getting into. However, the poster lied to me. When I first saw the mustachioed police sergeant I thought I was going to get the Beastie Boys' "Sabotage".

Instead I got about 3 scenes of actual executioning and the majority about some teenage brat pack reject who spends the movie getting high and giving into peer pressure and becoming a hooker for heroin. Through this she effectively became the main character, and in her duty as protagonist, she cries while her friend yells at her about how easy it is to have sex with strangers for money and why she's a loser for not wanting to do such. She eventually gets kidnapped and raped, oh joy, and finally ends up accomplishing almost nothing in what felt like three hours.

Now, the executioning. There were some glorious scenes of grenades and greasers flash mobbing a deli. There was aforementioned mustache-man running into homeless people and boxes for no reason, there were random terribly choreographed fight scenes. This is about a total of 15 minutes, or so it feels. The majority of the movie is either the girl having a moral dilemma about how uncool and unhigh she will be if she doesn't allow herself to be raped by a mafia sadist, or Vietnam flashbacks.

Oh, and there's some random news anchor who talks like a gypsy and looks like a poor man's Fran Drescher. The pointlessness of her character, versus her screen time is astonishing. The only way you can really grasp how unimportant she is is to actually watch.

Stuff blew up, but not enough. Not enough to justify the hour and fifteen minutes of my life I dedicated to this viewing. Too much rape, not enough vigilante murder sprees.
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High School Musical (2006 TV Movie)
What is wrong with today's youth?
15 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It seems all these pre-teen girls are loving this movie trampling each other to get a copy of the DVD.

Why!? The movie was terrible! The music, the singing, the lyrics to the songs, the general writing and the old kiddy movie "We were mean to you but now we're sorry" act! I understand this is a kids movie but it doesn't have to be so cliché and terrible! Zack Effron...if I here that name one more time I will go insane. "Oooh he's so cuuuuute!" ENOUGH! He may be "cute" but his acting sucks! And he lyp synched the whole time. Check the trivia for this movie.

We get the stereotypical dumb guy from the stereotypical mean girl's brother. We get the cheesy love story that works out in the end through the most cliché ways.

Overall, bad singing, cheesy story, bad script, bad acting. The only way I would See this movie is if you paid me...Lots of money.
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Interesting Plot, decent series.
27 May 2006
Hmm...The general plot of the series, trying to capture rogue alien experiments is pretty cool. But the show does too many things wrong.

1. This would've been so much better as a series aimed at teenagers and such. Not messed up anime but more like an action show. With less child friendly stuff. Like epic battles and stuff.

2. To "After School Special-y." It always has a moral and such. It's really annoying.

I understand it's based off of a children's movie (a pretty good one for Disney's more recent works. *cough*homeontherange*cough*) But if the creators had decided to pitch this to a different channel with different characters and such with less childy things it'd be awesome. The show itself has it's moments. The characters do sort of grow on you although they can be annoying at times.

Overall, 5/10 stars. Great premise, bad execution.
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The Emperor's New School (2006–2008)
21 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
All this show is, is the same plot. Kuszko (spelling?) is in danger of failing school, he needs to pass to become emperor. He needs to learn something, which he thinks is stupid, he then uses it/ learns more about it and realizes it's not so stupid. Eezma, posing as the principal, tries to transform Kuszko into some animal to stop him. Every episode.

Jokes from the movie are copied (Eezma's incredibly complicated plans, Kuszko breaking the 4th wall constantly, squirrels.) They should try hiring some writers.

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