
14 Reviews
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Solid but weired bits
8 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the directos cut. So basically its a solid movie. The pros: Huge armies, Jerusalem, Medival France,... look is good

But there are some things weird:
  • orlando bloom is the incarnation of the good Leader. Good looking, well beaved, high morals, always on the rright path... the bad ones are bad, rally bad... black and white, not a lot in between. The character arc is non existent. The only one who get a character arc is orland blooms love interest... she is the most interesting character by far
  • orlando has one facial expression throughout the whole movie
  • lepracy is extremely contagious, people hold the kings hand, kiss his hand, touch his mask... thats silly, it would basically kill them
  • the fight sceenes are not so well choriographed. It is cut cut cut...
  • the romance is really cheese
  • orlando is a genius... he orders that wells are being dug... nobody ever thought of this before! His dad owned that property for years
  • orlando is the only survivor of the ship and a horse... no way
  • where did orlando learn to fight? At the beginning he has no clue and in the end leads the army...
  • why is the father returning back home after 20 years. He does not approach Orland and says hey, I am your dad, I am sorry, I have influence and property and wealth in jerusalem, join me. No. He on his way back to Jerusalem stopps and says can you fix our horses, he apologises but Orlando does not immediately follow him, he turns arround and says ok well good bye... its just weired
  • the second most important leader in the arab army travels alone through the desert and in the middle of nowhere meets Orlando... with 1 Bodyguard with him... sure.
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Fury (2014)
Call of Fury
14 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts with good scences, is technicaly well made and very well played. It in its best scenes shows the pain and cruelty of war but ends with being call of duty, let me explain

Just a view things to mention:
  • brad pits character wants to make a man out of his new gunman. So he shoots an unarmed soldier in the back (forcing the new gunman to do it). What a great leader! Its a warcrime by the way
  • in the end they are send to defend a crossing. Its daytime. The gunman runs back to the tank and tells them a whole batalion of soldiers is marching towards them. Then they start talking and preparing and drinking and talking. When the enemy soldiers arrive, its already dark. Come on! He was just positioned a view hundred meters away. What a plothole.

  • then they kill hundred of soldiers. I mean Call of duty is nothing compared to this tank crew.

  • and the new gunman who never got a training for a tank and is gentle and plays the pioano before, is now a badass soldier called "machine" killing hundets... Best character arc ever...
-there is a strange encounter where brad pit and the gunman see a woman in a window. They kick in the door and storm the building. I don't know why. Then there are two beautiful lightly dressed woman and in the end the gunman slepps with one of the women. Its just really weired. As if all german women just waited to sleep with american soldiers... And the dialogue with the crew afterwards where on of the wants to rape the girl and then talks about killing horses... Realy bizzare -and the soldiers (hundreds) can't destroy a tank. Its perfect call of duty. The enemys are just "set to easy difficulty" and therefore react stupid. So they run arround and get killed like flies.

(F.e. When they finally killed most of the tank crew, a solder opens the opening of the tank and: A) throws a granade inside or B) has a look first. Yes you guessed it
  • brad pitts character gets shot 3 times by a sniper who, in the dark, covered his face so nobody can see him (they attack a lonely tank at night)...I am not kidding. And brad pit doesn't die, he talks and talks...
  • the gunman escapes under the tank, an enemy soldier spots him but just stayes calm. He just doesn't tell anybody...

The movie wants to be a portrayal of war but ends without achieving to show that.
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Dumbest film ever watched
17 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The protagonists wife gets murdered by a serial killer. He swears vengance and that the murderer would suffer as his victims did. Early in the movie he find him and punches him a view times. Then he lets him go!!! What a well thought out idea! That must be better than torturing him or so. Yes really. That happens 3 times. I really can't believe it.

On their stupid journey they encounter the murderers canibalistic friends... I am not kidding.

In the end lots of people die because he let the serial killer go... In the end he kind of becomes a monster too because he lures the serial killers family to his execution... Bad acting, incredibly stubid story and lots of useless gore, don't watch it.
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Ran (1985)
Good premis but what a mess
11 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It starts really good but gets lost really badly. The storry is that the king is an ashole and a tyrant who gives his power to his oldest son. Then when he realises that he gave away his power he gets mad and argues with his oldest son who exiles him. Same story with his second son. Then they try to kill the old king, he gets spared (i don't know why) follwed by the old man getting mad. And mee too because the whole thing takes forever and is sooooooo slow. The conversations between the king and his jester... are just real madness... Then there is the mad wife of the firstborn son who spins a net of intrigues... It would be interesting but is just so predictable... I hoped the fight scenes would be great but they are not. Hundeed of solderd on horses ride and ride and ride and run and run... No suspence... People shoot their guns and people run arround... Then there is the third son who got exiled and predicted everything beforehand. He is not mad and loves his father who he doesn't love before the exile. Suddenly the old man is not mad any more and can talk again... Saburo the youngest son gets killed. The father dies for minutes. Followed by a monologue and bad acting. Revelation the the queen just wanted revenge for he family being killed by the old king who thought it would be good idea to marry her to one of his sons (facepalm).

Then horseriding... The queen gets killed.... It ends with the family of the king being erased. Everyone dies... The movie ends with the blind guy who got blinded by the king standing for minutes on a wall... What a mess There are some good moments but Not for me.
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Wrong target audience (30)
17 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't seen the original ghostbusters as a kid and just saw it 2 years ago 2020. I really liked it and found it entertaining, funny and wired. For me it didn't feel like a movie just for kids so adults can enjoynit too. But ghostbusters afterlife is definitely not a movie for adults (or just for those who really love the first one and want their portion of nostalgia).

  • The jokes are for kids, I didn't laugh once
  • the storry is predictable
  • there is zero suspence or feelinf of threat: for example when the evil lady (godess of the undead) sits on her throne and the girl tells her jokes...
  • the effects are not so good
  • the creature design (these two beasts didn't work for me)
  • everything mr podcast said was not funny
  • everyone can just use every gadget immediatly without any training
  • why did grandpa leave his family and everyone to built his farm trap and save the world? Why did he not bring his family along?! To save them? But at the same time breaking their hearts, leaving them behind...

For me it was a just for kids movie. It has good parts (charmant cast, lots of references to the original movie...). I really wanted to like it more but I started to use my phone what I never do otherwise and just wanted it to end.
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I rarely have been so divided
12 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie felt like two different movies in one. A great one and a bad one. Let me explain.

The good: I mostly loved the acting. I loved the storry between mother and daughter, drove me to tears! I actually cried.

I mostly liked the action and the african vibe!

Liked the african setting a lot and the dancing, the singing the joy...

But what I didn't like, robbed the movie of being great:
  • The love story of the muscular good looking guy swimming naked (bein one of the tribe) and the daughter is just so crinchy, I have no words for the embarrasment I felt.

  • so much felt so constructed and cliché: the bad whites, the poor africans, the jelous queen, the bad ass women fighters, viola davis is a fighter AND the economical most clever person arround, the good looking king, the love storry, the good looking sweet muscular hero who saves, the gorl is the best and wins, the grumpy looking bad guy who raped viola davis character, the ashole white guy as a sklave trader... I could just go on and on
  • every time the king just reminded me of a raper who would just start performing a hip hop song (his hairstyle, naked upperbody, no tattos or such, just I can't...)
  • the color grading just felt weired and also the lighting from time to time
  • the fight scenes were just not bloody enough, for me, it just didn't feel real.

R rating, a lot less cliché, more focus on the characters and no forced super crinchy love storry would have helped.

In total I was left with a touching coming of age kind of mother daughter drama with lots of weired stuff arround it.

I wanted to like it a lot more.
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Nope (2022)
The title is a review
26 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie feels like a parody of arrival. Whereas Denis Villeneuves movie is made like a documentary and is very realistic and tense, this one is very very strange and weired. I like strange movies but this one is on another level.

So there is a carnivorous alien looking like a jellyfish that hides in a cloud and eats horses at a ranch in the US. The cloud is always there so it just stays at that ranch. Reasons given to why it doesn't choose a place with more pray -NOPE. Ah and inside it basically looks like a inflatable kids bouncy castle.

At the beginning of the movie, it drops coins and kills the protagonists dad. Answeres to why it droped them - NOPE.

It then doesn't eat for 6 months and the it starts again to hunt... Must be starving by then... Soon in the movie the protagonists realize that there is a UFO and decide they want to be the first to take a video of it. Fair enough.

The storry is engadging at the beginning but falls apart as soon as you see the UFO.

It turns out the Alien just eats you when you look at it. When you look away, it doesn't eat you?! Does that make any sense - NOPE Does Daniel Kaluuya (Oj) do any different facial expressions - NOPE There is a whole side story where a monkey in a sitcom kills some people. Does it ad anything to the story - NOPE The guy who wants to buy the ranch also found the alien and his approach is that he wants to do a show... So he invites lots of people, the alien shows up and kills everyone... He deserves the most stupid award in Hollywoods history! Just NOPE And there is anstrange woman looking strange... Any explanation. Nope The alien finds them in the house and pours down blood... Explanation - NOPE, they are super frightened, then they decide lets film it again instead of fleeing.

They call a strange camera man and he brings a mechanical camera because electrical stuff turns off near the alien. At the end they have good material... He says "the light is good now"... walks on a hill and gets killed by the Alien... Ok so he deserves the most stupid award.... Just super NOPE In the end OJ faces the alien, looks at it but it doesn't eat him! Explanation - NOOOOOOPE Sometimes the alien is fast like ligtning, sometimes you can take your horse and gallop away easily- NOPE

This movie is strange for the sake of being strange like the titel implys For me this movie was just a NOPE.
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Insomnia (2002)
Insomnia, why?
18 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Two detectives travel to canada to help to solve a mysterious crime case (murder of a girl). Will Dormer is characterized es really smart and the best, detective around. Although the local police can't find enough evidence, it takes Will just a view interviews to kind of solve the case. He just "knows" things and people immediately tell him how it really was... They set a trap to find the suspect. Because it is extremely foggy, he shoots his colege in an accident. Then he doesn't say it was an accident, no, he tries to hide the evidence, changes stuff, lies... Which is not so smart and he must know better! Its just luck that he is not caught immediately. Mr Finch, the real murder, hears everything and sees everything except you could probably see 3m that foggy day... He must have stood right next to them... Then he blackmails Will and blames somebody else who gets arrested for the murder of the girl.

All that time Will can't sleep because in canada the sun doesn't set. In his room he tries to darken his room by using a kind of transparent tape to block the sun... Why? Why is he no just asking for a really dark room. Or use a kind of blindfold... This irritated me so much. The best detective in the world is not able to darken his room? And why the whole sleepdeprivation motive? In memento it really has a function in the movie. Here, Will is just always tired and the whole movie is called like that. Its just weired. It dorsn't add to the storry. He doesn't sleep for 6 days, right. He doesn't tell anybody... Doesn't use sleep medicarion... And why did Mr Finch clean the girls body after the murder, without any stress and then levae the backpack with his book inside? He is portraied as the smartesd guy arround, but makes the most stupid mistakes... The movie is not bad at all but feels a bit dumb and forced at times. The conversations between will and finch are great. The way the story goes is interesting but it's feels too constructed and at times not comprehensible.
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Season 1: the messy prologue
21 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Review of season 1: I found all the racism and hate the show got discusting. I don't care if a elf is black or the main character is female. But what I care about is story, characters + development, writing, acting, cgi, dialogue, sets, costumes... And there is a lot wrong here

The good: + some visuals are great (eruption of the volcano), some city shots + Liked the beautiful scenery, places + a lot less cgi orks (compared to the hobbit) and more real costumes and makeup, I love how the orks look + Sometimes LODR feeling (orks walk with their torches, orks bow before Adar, landscape views, horses riding, some city shots

The mixed and bad (a lot):
  • the biggest flaw is the STORY and the weak characters! Its so slow! LODR is so good because there is an amazing storry it tells! This series is badly written! Its hard to describe but for me it felt really emotionless. I didn't connect with most of the characters. Most of the people (elbs, nomenor,...) didn't feel like real living creatures. The cities feel lifeless. Its like a beautiful shell with no soul inside . The series has 8 episodes that feel like a prologe before it really starts.

Is sauron back? Yes we already know he is! Who is he? Galadriel chaces him... Hobbits walk, Elrond wants mithril., A stranger falls from the sky who doesn't know who he is... orks create mordor, the elb rings are made. Thats it basically
  • it mostly doesn't feel epic at all (this is the most expensice Series of all time!). Mostly it feels quite small ( f.e. 3 ships sail to middle erarth, what a huge army,... I miss huge markets, crowds, bussy city places, huge Armies, many many orks, huge battles, more than 3 seconds of the balrog, more Valinor....
And I just don't connect emotionally with the characters. Most of the I just didn't like a lot and so its hard to care about whats going on.

They made such a bug fuss in advance that the writers room is top secret and many people give their best that this storry is a epic story worth telling... And what they created is a mess. Thats is far from Tolkins writing quality!

  • Saurons sword thing is not used as a weapon, or a ritual. No, it's a key! Hidden in the basement of people. Opens a gate that releases water so that the vulcano can erupt to create mordor. Why was that not done when sauron was not hiding hundrets of years ago? He made that whole mecanism and then orks had to build a tunnel exactly where the elbs had there watchtower for years... They have eyesight like eagls... And why is he doing all that in the first place? He meets galadriel by accident on a float in the middle of the ocean. Whats the chace! Then he goes to numenor. Wants to stay but galadriel convines him to follow. He pretends to be a king of the southlands by wearing this little sign... For what reason? As soon as galadriel is suspicious, she finds out that he isn't... He fights Adar and the orks. Adar killed him first? Did he tell him to dig the tunnel before that? Then they bring him to kelebrimbur. He actually has all the good ideas how to create the rings. Then galadriel find out he is sauron, doesn't tell it anybody and he escapes to mordor... Its a mess. Was all that so he can learn how to create a ring of power?... Nothin is explained. What makes the rings special? Is it the mithril? There is tons of it... Is it the diamants? Nothing explained. Saurons ring gets his power because he bounds part of his sould to the ring. In LODR that ring felt so powerful and creepy... These elb rings not...
And to be honest, I do not want sauron to be totally demystified... I like it when he is eveil and thats it. I could connect with helbrand at all! And is sauron evil enough? With the old sauron, I connected the absolute evil. Hellbrand is kind of not evil enough...

Bad writing: -why is the queen of Numenor suddenly blind? She saw perfectly after the eruption! Helped to rescue people.

-Helbrand is sauron, nobody saw it comming. Not, every dialoge was ambiguous
  • Halbrand has a teribble wound, Galadriel says he needs special treatment, next second he gets up and off he rides on the horse. Mhm
-the sea is alwys right: isildurs mum dies drowning...
  • how are the southlands called, Adar doesn't say it. No. A terrible writing apears...Mordor... Why? They really think that the adience must be super stupid! Thanks

  • There is one rope that holds together the tower... Well build!

  • Ship burns, isildur is in the water, nobody cares

  • How did all the people escape the tower building and get to the village without being seen?

  • Nobody, Nobody could ever survive that vulcano eruption!!

  • the dialogue: f.e. "the sea is always right"... Really blown uo dialogue where people say epic things but you don't (f.e. Queen of numenor and the captain in the last episode on the ship), why does the stone sink.and the ship not, because it looks upwards...
  • why did the numenorians know where the village is and that its under attack? They just show up in full sprint
  • how did they fit all the horses on these 3 ships?

  • the "meteorit guy" lives with the hobbits for some time, nobody cares that he is dirty and filthy, give him sth to wash himself... He gets this filthy planket to cover himself and thats it
  • the hobits are heartless: if you break your foot, they don't support you, they leave you behind to die. At the same time Noris dad gives a speach where he says that their main thing is that they are strong and stay together
-the balrog is awakened by a leave (never shows up again)
  • how the old hobbit dies, they watch a sunrise, he tuns his eyes, he is gone, thats it
  • the stranger / gandalf can suddenly talk fluently in the last episode

  • I am not the biggest fan of the color grading and the colourful look the show often has. LODR was more dark and less colorfull
  • main characters don't devellop a lot, they stay flat (galadriel!)
  • love storry doesn't feel real and forced (elb and woman)
  • why did sauron love galadriel? She hates everything about him...
  • some character I didn't like (theo) AND Galadriel. She tells Adar I will kill every one of your children, she is just not likable st all!

  • the range of emotional expression is mostly staring. Galadriel always has the same facial expression
  • Citys like Numenor doesn't feel real, there are just a view places they show. No huge crowds. No places that make the city alive...
  • sometimes I couldn't beleave how bad the cgi looks: when the queen of numenor has her vision of numenor apocalypse and the waves coming is... pfui.

  • everythong No crowds, the amount of battles....
  • the warg looked like the hyena form lion king, I could not supress my laughter
  • slow mo is used far to often! Slow mo fight scenes, slow mo horse riding, slow mo entering a ship, slow mo dying...

The show is kind of ok if you are generous but I am super disappointed. I really love LODR (watch all 3 movies every year) and this felt heartless and didn't catch me.

Ps. This should have been a highlight of the year but i forgot.aboit it already.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Ad strange!
10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Brat pitt playes a guy, who is super cool. He falls from space due to an explosion and lands using his paracute. The movie tells you his puls stayed calm! So was mine the whole movie! When you compare that scene with the movie "gravity", omg there is 100% more suspence. The whole movie is really melancholy and there is a constant voice over telling you whats going on... No real good dialogue.

The storry is also stupid. Brad pitts dad is an astronaut that travelled to neptune to find extraterestrial live, his crew rebelled and he killed them. He is there since years... And the ship is somehow emitting waves that threates the earth millions of km away... Really? And they need sbd to fly there to destroy it. They need his son to do it. They can't just send a drone or sth else there. No. They need his son... When they finaly meet, their facial expressions are just emotionless. Hi dad, hi son, is it you? Didn't see you in years.... Then the son takes his fatger so they can fly back to earth. No resistence from dad.. Then the fatger wants to die. Also risking his sons live who he told he never gave a s*** about and didn't love.. He is the biggest a**** of a dad! What a bad chemistry

Then there is the thing with science. Moon car chaces. Nuclear explosions propelling a ship. Him using a plate to surf through an astroid belt. Him using a suuuper slow radar to sling him suuuuper fast into space. Him aproaching his ship very very fast but he can grab the leddar... There is just a lot wrong here. Ah yes and evil space apes... Mhm

The movie lookes really good and some scenes are very atmosperic and arty but thats not enough.
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Good but definitely not great
1 August 2022
+ really really cool dialogue!

The good: + awesome soundtrack + Good atmosphere + The chemistry of the team is awesome. Feels like playing a guardians movie + Nice humor + Story is ok + You get to know each character better which is cool

The bad:
  • okay grafics but not great
  • save points are strange, if you die you often have to see cutscenes all over again
  • often the gameplay is just all over the place, you can hardly figure out whats going on
  • why can you just play starlord, he has the most boring abilities of the team, why can't you switch between the characters?

  • i don't like the pathfinding / level design. I often got lost in a "non open world"!

  • who still thinks that quick time events are a good gameplay idea? It jist s***! Also the dialogue quick time events s***!

  • the "exploring and running/jumping" parts between the fight are just not fun. I didn't want to explore at all
  • Often you have to use the visor and everything looks terrible with the visor
  • for the puzzles I often needed mr google
  • many game elements like exploring, climbing,... You saw better in other adventures before (tomb raider,. Last of us..)
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oh no, Disney
28 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Many peple give that series a 10/10. OMG I saw a light lightsaber and darth vader fighting obi wan, its so amazing. It is not! If you think that obi-wan deserves that score, I forsee a great future for you. Disney sees that review and thinks, wow we did a good job... Lots of soulless content with that quality standard ob book of boba fett and this series will follow. 8 new series are in the making right now, what great news! Some people say: just turn of your brain and enjoy it. NO! I can just speak for myself but I request a lot more quality in the content I consume. I am not an idiot and I am not 12 years old! I watch Stranger things season 4 simultaniously and wow, that is how it is done. Well written in every line. Lots of suspense, great characters and characterization, engagin storry, well directed and well filmed. None of those things hold true to Obi-Wan. The series has really good moments I do like a lot but the countless plot holes totally ruin the viewing experience for me. Let me explain the most important issues: BAD skript, unispired score, no love for Star Wars and bad directing:

  • the chase sequence with Leia. The actress is 8 and plays a 10 year old. 3 adult men chase her... It is just laughable. I could not belive how bad this was done
  • Leia acts like a 25 year old, her dialogue is not of a 10 year old
  • Senator (Leias dad) can ask nobody, nobody else then a broken, the force not trusting, hidden jedi in the desert to help him. I mean ge has no resources or so whatsoever
  • Obi wan does not use the forec any more. He turned away from it. But he says to lukes stepfather that luke must be trained?!

  • the hangar is closed but an automatic ship can just fly away?

  • Great inquisitor dies, no wait, in this series nobody dies through a lightsaber. "I will be back"

E3 (here the real fun starts)
  • Reva chases Leia. She is behind her and suddenly she waites at the end of the tunnel? Seriously. I rarely came across such a plothole. How is that possible. I mean, is she captain kirk?

  • why does Tara know where obi wan and vader are, and the robot as well. They just are there at the right moment and the right place
  • vader chases obi wan for 10 years and then he leaves him because there is fire in the way?!! Come on. In E5 he rips apart a ship but he can't use the force to stop obi wan from escaping?!!! This is just so badly written. They needed another 3 Episodes so he can escape again and again ... Nobody could ever walk arround that fire right.

  • Obi wan, Leia and Tara flee. Obi wan sees vader torture people outside. He says: i will lure him away. Then he does nothing and vader follows him? Why?

  • Leia (a 10 year old) says suddenly: Obi Wan need your help, I flee alone, you help him (why does she know he needs help?). Tara OK, leaves her
  • why can vader sneak on obi wan? He has light on his suit and breathes like an asthma patient!

  • Why does vader know in which village obi wan is? There must be just one on that planet
  • they sit on the transporter, the stormtroupers search for a jedi and a girl. A guy who is dressed like a jedi and a girl sit in front of them. He calks her Leia. They believe his story + They have no found picture to identify them? In E2 they had one
  • they are stopped by a light gate. He shoots at the control unit. Yey, they can pass. Next scene you see the place from above. Left and right 10m space. Facepalm emoji

  • Tara is stopped by the gate. The guard says: you dont't belong here. She says I have a higher rank and a sekret message. He... Ok
  • Tara speaks on her walki talki thing with obi wan while a guy sits 2m away, doesnt care
  • tara kills a dude just behind all others, and lets him lie there openly, nobody cares
  • when they escape, Tara hits a stormtroupler on the helmet with her bare hands, instant knock out!

  • obi wan puts Leia under a huge coat he just foud and she looks out. Really? How sneaky!

  • the "rebells" arrive with their ships which can now hover like a helikopter, no suspense build up, they are suddenly there. Just in the right time. The Base of the inquisitors is easy to infiktrate, has no flight defence system and they don't chase them with their T fighters which we saw before.

  • a guy in his plane dies, 5 minutes if mourning. Me, who was that dude?

  • the whole "torture scene" was real torture to watch!

  • Leia is guarded by 2 stormtrouplers. Its save trust me.

  • vader lets Reva alive. In the old trilogy he kills a guy because he lookes at him in an odd way. And he knows at that point already, that she is a jedi survivor. Mhm.

  • they shoot at a door with big guns, later, she needs 2 seconds to open the door with her lightsaber
  • vader knows that she is betraying him all the time. Why would he use her? OK she wants to get close to vader and for that she does horrible things? Why is she not sneaking up to his bakda Tank oder something else. No she searches for obi wan like a maniac to impress vader. Impressive characterization and storyline.

  • vader rips apart the ship. Stops it from escaping. It must be remote controlled! Or they just leave the pilot to die there. Then, the ship with the peolple inside flies away. He does nothin. He must have been too surprised! (Again, he is stopped by fire in E3. Does that two scenes cobtradict each other)
  • obi wan and Reva talk about vader/Anakin, stormtrooplers, 5 m away. They talk, dont wisper
  • vader stabs Reva as a child and as an adult with his light saber. She survives it twice. Mhm. What a badguy!

  • the little flying rover has the evil red terminator eye. The color changes due to the remote control transmitter. Nobody recognices Arnold!

  • so many stormtruplers die. They are real soldiers with training. The civilians fight better. They are no soldiers. Mhm

  • a huge star destroyer ship cant really hit that small ship
  • first Obi Wan: how much time do you need? Answer: Not enough. Next scene. "I lure vader away". Everybody... Noo stay please we need you... come on!

  • so they really stay to fight an inquisitor/Sith. Nice plan that worked out well!

  • Obi Wan entrusts the "fals Jedi" Leia, they have such a strong connection
  • WHY does Obi Wan let Vader alive?!! He defeats him, could save millions of lives. But he just walks away. "He did not kill anakin, it was vader himslef who killed him - says vader". Wow, what great news, now Obi wan is free of fellings of guilt and can live happily ever after!

  • so Reva now wants to kill Luke to hurt Vader who doesnt know he has a son. So she wants to do, exactly why she hates vader. And then she cant do it and she says: Oh no, I soiled the memory of my fellow baby Jedi because I could not kill an innocent little boy! No wait. What?!

  • everything is over. Vader is still the number two badass in the galactic. Obi Wan meets Luke and tells his parents: Now, he dos not need me any more. The only protection he needs is you. Worked well before.

  • in the last scene of Vader he gets his original score, way to late!
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Scarlet witch is a strangely written character
25 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In Wanda Vision, Wanda is kidnapping a whole town to live a happy life with her dead husband and her imaginary kids. What does she learn at the end? That her actions were bad and that it is ok to let them go.

Now in dr strange she lives through exactly the same thing. She wants her chidren back and kills everyone to reach her goal. Did they just ignore Wanda Vision?! In the end of dr strange 2 she realizes that she did bad stuff and that she needs to let go of her family... Well written character. Facepalm emojy.
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Little Nightmares II (2021 Video Game)
The title just says it all
25 June 2021
The games art design and atmosphere are awesome. BUT the gameplay is extremely frustrating. The controles are as frightening as the game itself. Doing anything in the game is just a little nightmare. It redefines trial & error completely. For people with really strong nerves. I tried to like it but had to quit half way through because I was so frustrated. Never happened before with any game...
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