
60 Reviews
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Glass Onion (2022)
There are some issues but enjoyable
23 December 2022
I understand that there are some individuals that watch movies and pick them apart based on reality. Do we really need to care so much about reality when we are looking to be entertained? Yes, there are some unrealistic situations in this movie, but that is the premise of these type movies anyway. I mean "Andi" running through a massive amount of broken glass in flat sandals caused an eye roll, but otherwise, I kept the eye rolling to a minimum.

I do not believe it is as good as the first one, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. The actors are fun and the mystery had a twist. It reminded me more of an Agatha Christie story than the first movie. It has that 1 1/2 hours of setup, and then move everyone into one room for the big reveal for the last hour of the movie. It was a little more predictable than I would have liked. But a plus was seeing Edward Norton on screen again.

In conclusion, it's not the best movie I've seen lately but still fun to watch. Yes, there are political issues and undertones. Yes, there are some parts where you'll shake your head. But it's an all around fun movie with great actors. Just put your soapbox aside and enjoy.
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La Brea: The Storm (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
At this point, I watch it for the laughable moments
23 October 2022
This show keeps getting better and better, if better is the cheesiest dialogue and story line ever created. By this point, these people have been run through a gamut of crazy scenarios, but they all look as though they just stepped out of wardrobe. What makes this show so much fun is I can sit and make fun of everything and laugh. I feel for sure it was not created for that purpose, but I strongly believe they should create an Emmy for this show; "Best Comedy Trying to be a Drama." Watch this show with a friend so y'all can feel great about your life.

The son is about to make me scream. Grow up!
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House of the Dragon: Second of His Name (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
So many "are you kidding me" moments!
5 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I do not have an issue with the slow pace of this episode as some have mentioned. I understand it must be done to set up the characters and their backstories. I have an issue with the ending. Seriously, they are fighting the crab king for two years, can't make head way, then Daemon receives a letter from his brother that help is on the way, and he turns into a demigod seconds after reading it. I get that he walks into the enemy's camp because he's rather die than his brother get the glory. But, seriously, the man literally dodges 300 arrows and takes on 30 of the most feared men in the kingdom, alone. I found the last 10 minutes absurd, while others are praising the fight scenes.

The drama going on with the king could have been shortened and used that time to build up the ending. As it stands, what could have been a powerful portrayal of a cunning figure turned into a WTH moment.
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Well done documentary about a gut wrenching story
16 June 2022
I love a good documentary, and this is definitely one of the better ones. The subject matter is tough to hear and leaves you wondering "how does this happen?" It is an important lesson in that we should all pay more attention to what is happening around us.

Some will watch this documentary and make a snap judgment about these mothers. They will question these women, and say out loud, "I would never let a man do this to my child!" The writers and director of this story do an excellent job in guiding the viewer through what it is truly like to be brainwashed. They do not condemn these individuals for their religious beliefs, but instead, educated us all on what it is like to be held hostage mentally. These individuals were born into these ideas and theology and had no contact with the outside world. I'm amazed that anyone ever broke free. Those who did are the true heroes of this story.
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Generation gap issues
31 May 2022
This movie is going to find reviewers split down the middle between those who grew up in the late 80s, and those who did not. Even if your parents made you watch the first Top Gun twenty years after it came out; the nostalgia has to be different from those who experienced it first hand. THAT nostalgia is what makes this sequel so much fun. We've been waiting a very long time, and they definitely delivered. It's as action packed as the 1st one, they didn't stray from the original music, and the cheesy factor is all there. However, if you were never invested in the first movie; if you don't quote lines to this day from the original script, then you may find this movie not in your top ten. For me, it was like going home.

And a huge shoutout to Miles Teller. He nailed his role as Goose's son. He didn't do an impression of Goose, but he played it with such convincing mannerisms that you had to wonder if he really is Anthony Edwards' son.
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Turning Red (2022)
I'm riding the fence with this movie.
11 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the movie, but I can see why some parents are not happy about the content. Disney and Pixar movies, be nature, are geared toward young children. This movie is appropriate for preteens, but I do not believe the material is appropriate for inquisitive five year olds. Here are my reasons why:

(1) This is a movie about a 13 year old girl who may or may not started her period for the first time. I believe the "red panda" is a metaphor for the hormonal changes young girls go through at that age. Not a conversation a parent wants to have with a five year old.

(2) Yep, preteen girls have a raging attitude towards their parents. I've been one, I know. This movie comes dangerously close to saying "rage against the machine, it's totally ok." Again, not loving that message as a mom.

BUT: the movie is cute and it ends with the mom and daughter understanding each other. And I can totally relate with turning into a hormonal monster myself at times.

In conclusion, the movie is cute but marketed to the wrong age group, period.
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How I Met Your Father (2022–2023)
I was never invested in HIMYM.
17 February 2022
I watched a few episodes of HIMYM, and it was just ok. I'm not a huge fan of sitcoms with laugh tracks. It's annoying. This is definitely the quintessential sitcom; friends doing crazy things accompanied by a laugh track. So, it's just ok. I believe it will take a few more episodes to find its footing, but it's not as bad as others have said. If you watch the pilot of Friends, then you will understand how it takes awhile for these types of show to setup. I'll watch the first season and give it a chance. It is descent enough to give it that much of my time.
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Locke & Key (2020–2022)
Lost 3 points due to casting
16 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, I have enjoyed both seasons of this series. Yes, there are a few cringe worthy moments - Sam going into Gabe's body- however, aside from those things, it is a fun series. BUT, that brings me to the reason season 2 lost points from me; the casting of Gabe is completely off. It isn't that the actor is a terrible actor; he could have definitely pulled off the Scot with one "t" character. But, he is the least scary and unconvincing villain of all time. The guys who played the children of Disney villains in The Descendants were more villainous than this guy who is portraying a demon. I'm just asking, why the casting decision?
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Dr. Death (2021–2023)
Amazing acting, scary material, too many episodes
28 August 2021
This story is scary. I may actually think twice before ever saying yes to elective surgery after watching this. The acting- Alec Baldwin, Christian Slater, and especially Joshua Jackson- is passionate and amazing! They all deserve an Emmy for their work. Jackson plays a truly convincing sociopath, and Baldwin and Slater give their characters such respect that you walk away believing the two doctors they portrayed deserve a hero's medal. I agree with others that the series is too long. There are some unnecessary scenes. If it had been shortened, I believe no one would rate it lower than 10 stars.
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What is this???
19 August 2021
This has got to be the slowest moving show/series/movie I have ever witnessed. I thought at the very end of the 1st episode something interesting was about to happen. Nope. I was wrong. She just stood in the center of the circle. I realize that this show is adapted from the book. I'm going to assume those who have rated this show so highly are fans of the book. This is not Big Little Lies. This is straight up boring. Not even Melissa McCarthy can save this one.
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The Guest (I) (2014)
Seriously, y'all seriously!
5 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's not the actors, it is the storyline that ruined this movie. I honestly do not understand any rating above a four. It had potential, but went completely off the rails when the head of the military police shows up with the best assassin and sharpshooters in the state. DAVID literally kills every one of these supposed elite soldiers in less than two minutes. He is a "medical experiment" gone wrong and programmed to kill anyone who finds out. Roll eyes here. There are several questions I have: why show up to terrorize THIS family? (2) where are the police in this town? (3) can I get back the time I wasted watching this movie? (4) and who rates movie on IMDB?
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
This movie is teachable yet highly unrealistic.
25 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently, whoever wrote this movie found themselves in a "what if" scenario loop after a road rage incident. It's basically a look at the most unrealistic, extreme situation that could possibly play out if you were to upset someone while driving. Woman honks the horn at a lunatic (Crowe) whose having a really bad day, more like a psychotic break. Crowe's character basically chases this woman all over the place, while formulating this genius plan to show her what having a "bad day" is really like. And this is where the whole thing goes off the rails. Not one thing, aside from following her to a gas station, is realistic. If it is, then we do not need police because they truly are useless.

Now, will I think twice before I throw my hands up at someone in the car beside me? Absolutely. If that is the writer's and director's objective for this movie, then consider their objective met. That's why I gave it 3 stars.
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Cats (2019)
To be fair, I hated the stage version too.
20 February 2021
I have to agree with others that you either hate CATS or you love it. I did not like CATS when I saw the stage production. It was more tolerable because of the set design and makeup. That is lost in the film version. And the size ratio between the set and the "cats" was annoyingly off. For instance, the mice were the size of flies around the cats, but the cats looked like mice beside a stove.

Anyway, I did not like Phantom when I saw the stage production because I had no idea what was going on. However, I LOVE the movie and now appreciate the stage version. I watched this movie thinking it would change my mind about CATS. Nope, I still think it could only be enjoyed high.
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Kenan (2021–2022)
I wanted to love it.
20 February 2021
I love Kenan, and I love this cast. But, the show isn't funny. I might have had my expectations too high because of how much I believe Kenan saved SNL. Again, the actors are good, it's the material that's the problem. Maybe it will get better.
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Watch it for the dancing ONLY.
22 December 2020
It's Pretty Little Liars in toe shoes. This is definitely a series created for a certain age dynamic. Most of the casts are dancers and NOT actors. I guess you can't have it all. The story line is predictable and plagiarized. I've seen it before just cloaked in a different setting. Some episodes are just ok, however, the dancing is always on point.

Side note: there is a lot of totally unnecessary sex scenes. They seem to be thrown in for fillers and not much else. And come on with the hot tub scene, and I've never been to a school where there is an impromptu, mass skinny dip. Insert eye roll here.
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Mulan (2020)
The true story of the Ballad of Mulan
6 December 2020
The cartoon version of Mulan was created, I believe, by Disney for children. It is a cute version of the original story, but the Ballad of Mulan is a dark tale. I highly enjoyed this movie, and I love the cartoon version as well. As long as you put the cartoon out of your head before watching this movie, I think you will like it. Disney has followed their cartoon versions in their other live action movies but not this one. You will recognize some of the dialogue and background music, but this is definitely not a musical. There is a reason it's rated PG13.
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Virgin River (2019– )
PSA: Stop after Season 1!
3 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The first season was well written, but season 2 went off the rails. It is beyond annoying. Watching the drama unfold between all the characters is like being a chaperone at a middle school dance. It is that ridiculous. If you want to watch season 2 because you want to find out if Mel and Jack get together, then just watch episode 10 and you'll know. But, I can save you the trouble and tell you yes, they have a sex romp and profess their love for one another. Then, in season 2's crap fest fashion, tragedy strikes literally 20 minutes after. Insert BIG eye roll...
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That just ruined This is Us for me....
20 November 2020
This is just an ok movie. There are funny, not laugh out loud, moments, but it is not as good as the first one. It's like a crude and trashy version of Stepdad 2. Look, my mom can be super overwhelming; however, I have no problem telling her no. These women gotta man up. And what is up with Justin Hartley from This is Us? No, just no. You cannot unsee that! I would only suggest watching this movie if you have absolutely nothing else to watch.
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Haters need to stop rating Christmas movies!
20 November 2020
Is it "Miracle on 34th Street?" Is it "Christmas Carol?" No. But it is fun, and it's not Christmas without it. This movie and Christmas Vacation is a must in our family every year. No one, and I mean no one could pull off this character but Jim Carrey. I'm not sure what people expected when remaking a classic cartoon like "The Grinch who Stole Christmas," but I believe they exceeded expectations. The scenery is amazing, and Hannibal Lecter's narration just rounds the whole thing out! Stop being prudish people and love the movie for what it is, pure fun!
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 10: The Passenger (2020)
Season 2, Episode 2
Sorry, it's not necessary, again.
7 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If I was a few episodes behind and trying to catch up, then I would have stopped watching this one halfway through. Maybe they are setting up the story, or maybe the special effects/CGI team has a fascination with spiders. Either way, this episode was not worth the wait. And why do we have to wait even longer to find out if that was Bobo standing there at the end of episode 1? Ugggg, I could have gone out!
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 9: The Marshal (2020)
Season 2, Episode 1
Justified meets Star Wars
2 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Raylen Fett meets up with Mando in Luke's hometown of space Tombstone, and together they destroy a sand dragon Tremor's style. I was waiting for Reba and Kevin Bacon to pop up at the end with a "yippee!"

I'm not really sure what the importance of this episode is other than introducing the "Marshall" for later episodes. But, there are some fun references to the Star Wars of old, so that's why I gave it a 6.
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The Office: Stress Relief (2009)
Season 5, Episode 13
Best. Episode. Of ANY sitcom.
21 October 2020
I've never watched a comedy TV show and laughed so hard. That's all.
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Enola Holmes (2020)
Negative reviewers- know your history!
8 October 2020
First, I would love to address the reviewers who "hate" the movie due to feminist undertones and man bashing. If you knew your history, then you would understand the tone of the movie. It is set in the late 1800s; therefore, it is a movie about a young girl trying to find her way in a male dominated society. She's about breaking the norms. It's history; you can't argue with history.

Now, the movie is fun. I love the idea of Sherlock Holmes having a little sister, and I love the Nancy Drew vibe. Millie Bobby Brown is a wonderful actress, and really brings this character to life. Netflix has finally made a film that parents will enjoy watching with their preteens.

There are some far fetched moments while she is running through all of England looking for her mother and saving a boy's life. But there are some twists in the plot that you don't really see coming.

It's a fun who done it, whose doing what mystery movie. And Henry Cavanel is always a bonus!
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From a 40ish year olds point of view
21 August 2020
My husband and I will usually give a series a chance by watching the first episode of a season. We really did not expect anything good would come from this series and actually watched the first show after he lost in paper, rock and scissors. This show is funny on so many levels. It's even more funny because we are from the South and every southern cliche they could poke fun of they do. It's not in a pretentious way; it's just hilarious.

The series is basically twin teenage sisters who fall into bounty hunting by accident. It follows their lives through their accidental job, drama of high school and sister relationships. Netflix has some not so good series with subpar acting and horrible dialogue. This show saved Netflix's track record of crap.
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The Americans (2013–2018)
I'm sitting on the fence for now.
8 July 2020
We just finished season 1, and I'm sitting on the fence about this show. The fact the main characters do not speak Russian when they are alone I get. They were trained in the 80s NEVER to break character. They were taught customs, language, etc and they practiced until they could fool any American. I'm not sure why the fact they do not speak Russian is a problem for some reviewers. Even the over the top missions, that seem totally impossible, does not bother me. It's the "she loves me, she loves me not, but I sleep with everyone but I love her, I think" craziness between Phillip and Elizabeth that drives me insane! Elizabeth annoys the heck out of me. But, maybe it will get better.
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