
12 Reviews
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Moon Knight (2022)
Poe Dameron does Ricky Gervais
30 March 2022
Seems to be standard marvel fair. Got good action and some funny bits and I'm sure I'll watch the whole series BUT the CGI is terrible and why is Poe Dameron doing a really bad impression of Ricky Gervais? Even Dick Van Dyke would have cringed at the accent.
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Lucifer: A Chance at a Happy Ending (2021)
Season 5, Episode 16
Rushed and low budget
7 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not quite sure why this last episode has such a high score. I love the series generally but this last episode could have been so much more. I whole bunch of "joke" angels v 6 crims who died in a totally unrelated bus crash. Surely Lucifer and Maize would have had most of hell at their disposal but what we got was a high school rumble on a playing field. It came across as lazy hack writing ( so clearly nothing to do with Neil Gaiman ) and an end of term project with no funding. Shame.
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May I suggest a nice nap instead?
30 April 2021
Not sure how this got an 8.6 ( at time of writing ). The actual show was pretty good, although nowhere near as good as Wanda Vision, but this isn't a documentary about the making of the show, it is an incredibly dull hour long trailer. The constant dramatic music in the background doesn't help. It seems odd to me that DC tries do hard to be as successful as Marvel, and here is a documentary trying desperately hard to make Marvel as dull as DC.
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The Crew (II) (2021)
Why all the hate?
17 February 2021
Not sure why there is so much hate going on in the reviews for this show. It isn't exactly going to tax your old grey cells, or cause you to pull a muscle from laughing, but its not terrible. It is a standard, mass-produced US sitcom. Not clever, not laugh out loud funny but a perfectly good 30 min (ish) distraction from the unbelievable horrors of the real world in 2020.

Its mildly witty, good family fun in a similar vein to Home Improvement or Roseanne.

Don't expect to much, and if you find yourself with a gap in your evening viewing schedule give it a go.
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Star Trek: Lower Decks (2020–2024)
Way more Star Trek than Discovery
25 January 2021
Like many here I am a massive Star Trek fan. unlike others here I don't understand those that say this isn't Star Trek. it has all the usual core values but unlike Discovery it doesn't constantly preach at its audience and it has some genuinely funny scenes and excellent character definitions. if you are a genuine Star Trek fan you'll love the constant references and cameo appearances. I really hope they make another series. With "Discovery" stinking-up Netflix and Picard on hiatus, this is the best place to get your nerd on, and have a few laughs on the way.
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Not what I expected
1 October 2020
I've only ever seen Grayson Perry as that irritating left wing transvestite on Have I Got News for You. Turns out this probably says more about me and my assumptions than it ever will about Mr.Perry. This is a well thought-out, well executed ( if a little uncomfortable in places) view of the socio-political state of the US. It does not criticise or make fun of anyone and Grayson comes across as genuinely inquiring and interested rather than patronising, as others often do when they try to do this kind of program.

I will admit to some surprise how well he seems to have been accepted in the US given he is clearly the text book definition of an eccentric Brit questioning a fairly fundamental part of American life. Again maybe that says more about my assumptions than it does about the people in this show.

I hope he does many more of this kind of show, he does an excellent job.
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Long Way Up (2020)
Should be called "Range anxiety".
25 September 2020
A masterclass on why the world isn't ready for electric vehicles. Wont charge in the cold; had to be followed by petrol/diesel vehicles; had to have a network of charging points added etc.

The failed eco message aside, its really nice to see Ewan and Charlie back on the road. These guys could make a show about paint drying and it would still be entertaining. Any peril has been manufactured as it was all pretty straight forward, and on regular bikes there would be no story at all, but entertaining none the less.
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For All Mankind (2019– )
exceptional TV
6 July 2020
I can see why certain people wouldn't like this. it IS a bit heavy on political correctness and is a bit preach in places, and doesn't always show American society as the most wonderful / accepting thing. If you vote elephant you are probably not going to like this show. if you live outside the US or vote donkey, then I think you should stick with the occasional boring bits. This is a truly exceptional tv series with superb acting, great characters , great writing and an epic story line. The last episode is stunning, but make sure you hang around for the season 2 teaser at the end of the final credits.
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Top Gear: Nepal Special (2019)
Season 28, Episode 0
Maybe get someone that knows about cars
15 March 2020
I tried, i really tried. Matt LeBlanc and Chris Harris worked well together, and can close to getting Top Gear working again. Above all the knew about cars and were enthusiastic about them. The new boys are just awful. I can only assume some focus group at the beeb came to the conclusion that Top Gear was just a show for "lads", so they got a couple of laddish types and foist them upon poor Chris Harris. The outcome is just terrible. They have zero chemistry together and the show is truly awful. In the unlikely chance anyone from the beeb is reading this, please just let this show die. You really don't get what top gear is about and this terrible mess shows that.
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War of the Worlds (2019– )
I really don't understand the negative reviews
12 March 2020
Not all sci-fi is lasers and spaceships. I really don't understand why this is getting so many negative reviews. I accept it has only a parsing resemblance to the original ( well, mainly just the title ) but that aside this is a really good suspense show. Maybe some people don't like reading the occasional sub titles or don't like the heavy drama, or possibly the fact that the main protagonists dont seem to care much who they kill but for me this is an excellent series. War of the Worlds was the first "grown up book" i ever read, and i live around the area it was set, so i have a real love of the original and I really wish someone would have a go at making a proper version of it, but if you can ignore the title this is a great show.
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Doctor Who: Ascension of the Cybermen (2020)
Season 12, Episode 9
Desperate writers?
24 February 2020
Does anyone else remember when the show runner said it was all change with the Jodi Whittaker era Doctor and there would be no Daleks and no Cyber men? Funny how these decisions change when the rankings tank.

While I appreciate its impossible to say anything negative about Dr.Who without being accused of sexism, this series really needs to have a good long look at itself in the mirror. Since its return with Christoper Excleston it has always covered difficult ethical situations amongst the humour, the dodgy aliens and and all the running. But this series preaches and only focuses on telling everyone why they are terrible human beings. It also has terrible music and direction. Jodie Whitikar could be a great Dr.Who, she's already a great actor and definitely has the right personality to be the doctor. What she doesn't have is decent support from people that understand how to make good TV.
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6 Underground (2019)
If you like the expendables......
14 December 2019
The expendables is possibly one of the worst and most juvenile movies ever made. Correction "was" one of the most juvenile movies ever made. If you liked that film you'll like this. Lots of people dying in very unpleasant and graphic ways, lots a really bad language and a terrible story line. I'm sure there is a market for this kind of bilge, but as you can probably tell by now, I ain't it! If you've "been out with the lads", and you've all come back very drunk, and there's no football to watch then it may be for you. Just don't try watching it sober, or with an intact IQ above 3.
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