
25 Reviews
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Val (I) (2021)
Well done. The many stages of Val .
21 August 2021
I felt this was done very well for a documentary on ones own life. People who say he's a narcissist and that he is just acting like he's not or trying to clear his name, I disagree.

Not everyone is going to like any piece of art which is what this is.. a composite of his life.. from good moments, funny moments , egotistic moments and sad moments , that's life and he puts it all out there.

In his prime he was certainly a very handsome, popular and talented actor and of course he was egotistic , most would be too. .. but he very clearly shows his vulnerable side and the fact that he speaks with his voice, which is very hard to hear and he puts himself out there not looking like a movie star but more of an artist who is reflecting on his life and what he hopes for his future is very brave. He clearly has a good relationship with his children and was close to his mother and brother .. these are what is important. I actually thought I'd be switching the channel but I found it to be inspirational not sad... He got sick and was able to channel his acting art into painting. That's hard to do. As someone with s disability it's easy to wallow and just get into the darkest hole.. if this was able to pull him out and share it with the world I think it's s beautiful thing. Love is what helps heal and as he said he made mistakes in the past as we all do but ultimately it's Love that will pull us through. He's a true artist. Passion and emotion is what make great art.
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The Vault (2021)
It's a decent movie .. not a masterpiece but good enough
20 August 2021
I don't know why people can't just suspend reality and watch an ok action thriller. We used to all the time. I mean half of the Bond movies are completely unrealistic and this is very similar IMO. Take it for what it is.. it's a decent flick to kill time. Not everything is going to be a blockbuster huge hit to be good.
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Wireless (2020)
Good Acting but so dumb... here's why
15 August 2021
I have a 19 yo and a 22 yo and I cannot imagine them or any of their friends being this stupid. I mean really!!! He did nothing useful to try and get off the road... why wouldn't you even tell your brother where you are? A friend?? You don't immediately try to use something for traction under the tires?? Is a party that important your life is worth giving??

His dumb friends talking about Coachella with him while he's stuck on an abandoned road in the snow?? Good friends ! A mom who seems so concerned but doesn't even think to track his phone location?

Then he's stuck all jacked up looking at photos??? I mean your text works still .. text someone ! Call the operator or pin someone help!!! No just waste battery!!

If there are people out there this dumb then sorry you may deserve to stay stuck!
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Like watching a bad video game
12 August 2021
I'm 15 minutes in and am so confused as to how anyone would get so much money and produce and direct so badly!!! I mean the lighting, the effects, the constant close up shots, bad unrealistic cgi .. I mean it's NO attention to detail. Two guys standing on a moving flight deck and not one hair is blowing from the wind .. even while they're supposedly flying in their planes ( remember they had no tops) nothing on them is showing that they are flying.. are they flying with no wind hitting them? It's like watching someone on a virtual ride where they are going through the motions but nothing is really moving... it's just sad. That money could've gone to a good director who could've made something more realistic , simpler and actually told the amazing story of Midway. This movie is so distracting you will not learn anything if that's your objective. It actually makes you cringe. Poor Ponyboy!
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The way a comedy should be
3 August 2021
This is probably one of the best comedies ever written. You could rewatch 100 times and still laugh. It is timeless. The clash of cultures is perfectly done and the way the actors play off of eachother is perfect.
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I don't get the low reviews I love it!
25 June 2021
I think the concept is clever starting with ' would you marry me again if you could?' From the answer to that question it snowballs.

The problem is when people hear Hitchcock directed it they form a quick opinion before seeing it.
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Great cast and great story
25 June 2021
I've watched this movie a few times. It's a great movie with great characters.

Vincent Price Is so amazing.. he adds some dead Pan comedy relief .. I wish he made more movies that were serious but was able to use his over the top ham acting in more movies.

All in all a Goeat script , great actors and worth the watch.
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Emotional classic realistic WW2 movie.
17 June 2021
This is one of the few movies I can rewatch a million time and still have an emotional reaction.

I've watched many war movies, especially the classics and this is up there with all the best. I'm glad it wasn't made now as the war films in 2020's have all had too much CGI.
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Awake (III) (2021)
Watchable, really not that bad.. but the ending??
14 June 2021
I thought the film was pretty decent . I liked the subject matter of insomnia being a means of ending the world (as a chronic insomniac I could attest to the delirium) but the ending was completely lazy. It like they got to a point where the writers just said F it and ended it. Everyone is pretty much dead but then comes a fresh faced Coastie (how was he so focused, besides the fact that Coasties rule) and then the kid figures out what to do then bam ! Loose ends ruined it! It could've been a good movie imo

Try again.
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Feel Good (2020–2021)
Solid fun show that hits on lots of serious issues
6 June 2021
I came across this on Netflix watched the preview and binged the whole first season. The show has a lot of dead pan comedy and touches on real life issues that many people face in a pretty realistic fashion. It comes across as very realistic snd not forced. I admit it may not be for everyone but I enjoy that while it's serious issues there's still laughs and feel good moments. I'm not gay and you don't have to be to enjoy the show. There's other issues such as mental health , addiction etc that you may relate too. Mae's personality in the show is so good I think because it's raw and open about how people feel. Those who are saying things are happening too fast need to remember it's a series that may not have many seasons so its not as if you could make 6 episodes a years worth of someone's life.. and people do sometimes move fast.

I love Lisa Kudrow as well.. she's so good and perfect for the role as the cold yet caring mother. I am going to watch season 2 I hope it doesn't fail . I would've given it a 10 except the last episode of the 1st season was a bit over the top at the rehab.
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Die Hard Jumps the Shark
22 May 2021
I can tolerate the whole emo backstory of " you were the worse dad even though saved so many people)... let's kill people and talk about my childless childhood.. What I can't deal with is they've made the characters so invincible it's like they barely get winded after falling 20 stories or flipping over 10 times in a car. Even a military style Helo firing at them seems to miss !

I mean it's beyond suspending disbelief.. suddenly they've run out of story lines so decided we will just blow up everything , kill lots of innocent people , and stage it in Russia w a sexy woman in charge. So cliche its ridiculous !
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The Crew (II) (2021)
17 February 2021
I just can't watch a series that has a laugh track in it unless it was made before 1990 when everything was filmed in front of a studio audience.. but in 2021, especially on a Netflix series the irritating laugh track is so loud and stupid I actually laugh at that canned laughter not the show. It's pathetic.. I will admit I didn't make it through the first episode due to that so I really can't say much about the shows real story or if it's good or not , hence the 3 stars not 1.
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A light hearted comedy .. good entertainment
7 December 2020
I love this movie... it's a light hearted comedy and the kind of movie you can throw on and just laugh and be entertained for a while without thinking. Virna Lisi is absolutely beautiful and adorable and Jack Lemmon is, well Jack Lemmon in his usual neurotic roles. It's not a masterpiece but it serves it does what is sets out to do.. make you laugh.
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The 2nd (2020)
How NOT to act and make a movie
3 December 2020
They should use this movie in film school to show what not to do when you're acting or over acting or bad script writing or anything to do with making a movie. Literally the first 3 minutes you cringe at the bad acting and script .
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Diana: In Her Own Words (I) (2017 TV Movie)
Diana, the human princess
22 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I say human because so much of what Diana felt as a young woman is something many of us relate too but I can't imagine going through it with eyes constantly watching you.

Possible spoilers

Your first love who is cheating on you and clearly treats you like an object. An eating disorder to cope etc Insomnia, depression, meds etc...all these things that you would not imagine being the life of a princess as these are issues "normal" people deal with... but in private.

Then No one listening to her concerns of paparazzi from the very beginning. This poor woman was seriously a sacrificial lamb! I know there's 2 sides to each story but Prince Charles and Camilla are rotten people for torturing Diana so long... remember she was a lot younger and naive when they met. I love her !
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If I could only hold you til we were both dead.. ugh my heart
1 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Olivier is this movie and MO is his perfect love. How some people can say this is not a true love story because people who love RA other don't act that way are nuts!!! Take into consideration the class difference in that era .. even now true love comes out when tragedy hits like at the end of the film.. it's like someone is pulling your heart out and you feel so much the love!!! The love they wanted but couldn't have or wouldn't allow themselves to have due to their class differences. The expressions LO gives, he doesn't even need to speak and you melt!!! ' haunt me.....I cannot live without my life I cannot die without my soul'
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Erased (2012)
Average action thriller , with annoying teen daughter
29 December 2019
This movie had promise. They had a good lead with AE but the actress who played the daughter was getting in my nerves. It's more the scripting.. why do they have to make her so annoying and bratty! I wanted to scream stop complaining and listen to your father! Of course it's like most action thrillers where the 1 good guy fends off every bad guy .. run of the mill but watchable to pass time.
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The Hunger (1983)
Cult classic for All 80's Goth's
19 November 2019
I watched the Hunger in my teens as a young punk in the 80's. Honestly, back then the fact that Bowie, Peter Murphy and vampire lesbianism was in it made it a 'cool' movie.. flash forward to me now and it's nostalgic 80's with lots of bad makeup and a sub par plot. The lighting effects in the movie annoy me as they use a lot of shadows and dim lighting with blurred backgrounds and points of bright lights. I feel like I need to squint while watching it. Anyway the acting is good and the story is good (never read the book). Do you want to live forever? Do you like vampires, do you like over the top 1980's style ? If so then it's worth the watch.
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Intense, Depressing, Visceral and Amazing
12 November 2019
In my opinion it's in the top 3 movies when it comes to addiction and top 20 movies in general. The music score adds to the dark, psychedelic filming. It's the same repeated music but done so perfect it makes you anxious and depressed... just what this movie is trying to do. It does it so well. If you are an addict or know one, it may trigger some unwanted feelings. Just be prepared to feel like crap after the movie ends.
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Cape Fear (1962)
Mitchum was made for this role
2 September 2019
The original Cape Fear is scary and creepy without gore. Mitchum is so good in this role, he's really an amazing actor. The remake is good but uses a lot of the violence and gore to be effective. It's anazing how effective this thriller is just by the was the actors use their skills. It's easy to let your imagination fill in the blanks. If you're a Hitchcock fan you'll love this!
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4 Stars for Donald, the rest is 1 star maybe
9 August 2019
My first issue is the world is watching this, as are the police and they are not even scrambling to find where this is coming from... instead they are talking about retirement and the past. Plus the news lady is so awful and the FCC and FBI would never let this air on TV. Donald S is always a great actor, I only lasted watching it because of him. The end was RIDICULOUS .. these officers that go in don't just start shooting anything. Lastly I don't think as a society we've gotten so uncaring that we'd vote guilty to watch an old man be shot live SMH
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Living and Driving in NY I can appreciate this
6 July 2019
I think with this movie if you can't relate to any of the characters then it would be boring. The first few minutes driving in the city looking for a parking spot is totally relatable to me. I also went to school for art so that aspect made me laugh. I was getting bored with the monotone acting ..But anyway, It's a time killer .
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Boardwalk Empire (2010–2014)
Hard to rate season 1 a 10 but down from there..
30 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 I was sucked in.. I loved the characters Jimmy and the whole dynamic with his family and Nucky and Al Capone etc I could've done without Lucy as the actress was annoying me with her voice. I also liked season was good and so was the character developement, until it got a little weird with Jimmys mom incestious act.. I wish they left that to the imagination... let's face it, there's enough sex in this show to be a step away from porn but the mom son thing made me cringe more then anything else even the violence (which I'm ok with). I was so disappointed when the killed off Jimmy, it kind of felt like a waste of the first 2 episodes.. then there were so many new characters and gangs by the middle of season 3 that I was losing track and a little interest, but I still watched because I loved a few characters Margaret, Slater and Richard.. then what happens!? They kill of Slater and Marg leaves.. of course Nucky is going to stay because he's the main character but there is only one other character I really care about by the end of season 3. Now it seems like it's junped the shark. They should have left some of the other stories and omitted others as it's too confusing and when everyone's getting killed off you don't get invested anymore. All in all it's a good series and I love Steve B in everything he does. Definitely worth a watch especially for the first 2 seasons.
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When the Hunter is the Hunted!
1 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a must see classic for all who love classic films. In a time when big game sport was the top most sport for the elite this movie was ahead of its time by giving audiences the view of the hunted. The question on the boat asking how you would feel if you were the animal being hunted says it all. If you don't know what the movie is about you would venture at this point to guess that it is about a crazed man who has lost the thrill of hunting animals so he takes it to another level by hunting people. He sets up traps in the sea to catch his prey, like a true hunter. Then game on! I would love to see this gem remade... I'm curious how different the public would react since big game hunting is now so controversial.
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Some people don't get the charm of this gem! SPOILERS*
15 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Some reviewers are appalled by the fact that the characters are judged on their appearances but that is reality. It's something that occurs even in modern times. The person who feels they will never find love because they are too fat, too thin, not perfect in the eyes of society. That is what Laura is feeling.. This makes her quite shy and homely. Then there is Oliver the once popular socialite who in the outside world would have never even given Laura the time of day. The cottage brings them together and they share this mutual feeling of being lonely due to their appearance. I don't see this as something unrealistic or even disgusting as one reviewer stated. It's the way society is and it was worse in the older days. The division of classes and the fact that love is simply based on a physical attraction is shattered in this movie. The characters see beyond that once they fall in love. That is the key... They had already fallen in love before the change occurred in their eyes only.

The cinematography is so well done as is the direction. My favorite character is Mrs. Minnett who gives the tear jerker explanation that brings the story together.

This film for me expands on love.. I can see this also as the love a mother has for a child... Even when a child is grossly disfigured the Mother sees beyond that.. That see the child for who they are inside and the love of wanting to care for them forever. That's true love. Loving the person so much that their exterior always looks beautiful because their beautiful inside.
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