
17 Reviews
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Should have been lovely
23 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A Jewish son of holocaust survivors living in what was then called Palestine under British rule, is quite sure of his feelings concerning the British - they should be driven out of the land. That is until he meets and befriends a British soldier. But at what cost?

Despite being low budget, the movie had a lot going for it - a good plot, the beauty of Jerusalem, Alfred Molina....

Unfortunately, not only weren't these - with the exception of Molina - aptly taken advantage of, but the main character - the boy - delivered most lines as if he was taking dictation, thereby ruining the viewers' experience. What a shame!
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It's 2022 yet this film is rife with toxic male chauvinism
13 February 2023
It's fantasy, and not meant to be sophisticated or thought provoking. I simply expected a fun film with empathetic protagonists.

The plot was just average, the visuals were enjoyable, but I couldn't shake off so many moments throughout the film of toxic male chauvinism. Though the females fight, and at times you see the males looking to check that their partner approves of their decision, the male chauvinism in this film is hardcore; the males lead the tribes, the males are the only ones to speak on behalf of tribe and family, the males are the only ones to show any authority in the family or discipline the kids, and the only ones to come up with plans and strategies...seriously?!

This is not the film's only flaw, but to me it colored the whole watching experience; as a woman, it really alienated me and prevented me from enjoying the movie as much as I could have.
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Truth Be Told (2019–2023)
Severly lacking in emotional depth
8 February 2023
Despite the high profile cast, this show's biggest flaw is that it just fails to take the viewer on an emotional journey. Its characters are less than compelling, and serious issues such as murder, wrongful conviction, abandonment and abuse are somehow treated in a very matter-of-fact kind of way, without sufficiently exposing the viewer to the torment and emotional scarring suffered by their victims.

Also, while Octavia Spencer is a wonderful actress, I don't feel she's right for this role - she comes off as lacking in charisma.

But I guess some have enjoyed it more than I did, as while plenty of far better shows are quickly cancelled, this one is now in its third season. Go figure...
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A crash course in how to butcher a great true story
5 January 2023
Watched 3 episodes. I love crime documentaries and the story here is indeed quite interesting. However, I found this hard to watch, and I'll explain why.

Firstly, because Paul might be nice on the surface, but he is, in my opinion, not very sympathetic; he seams to have very low EQ (bringing your kid on 1st dates, having him there when discussing spliting from his mom over sex issues, 'sourcing' a woman to marry' and so many more inappropriate responses and ones that reflect bad judgement). He is also admittadly a liar.

Secondly, it's a really, really bad production. I can't fathom why they decided to structure it around enactments of Paul's screenplay predominant in which are supposendly 'witty utterances' that are in all honesty anything but. And as if that's not enough, the acting is absolutely terrible throughout. This is a Peacock production - did they not have the budget to hire half-way decent actors?

I got the feeling that they were aiming at emulating "The Jinx", but this doesn't come close. It's a shame because this story could have made for a facinating crime documentary, yet I'd have to sum up my impression of this with: WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!
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The Fabelmans (2022)
Not terrible, but long and dissapointing
14 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So...Steven Spielberg apparently was raised by two loving parents, with lovely sisters and good friends. Thank to his genious dad's success the family was comfortable and he got almost everything he wanted, including, of course, the chance to make movies even as a kid.

He was, in his high school years, bullied by 2 boys for being Jewish and his parents divorced - both events a depicted at lenth but quite superficially in this movie - such were his troubles. There was simply not much in this story that made it either compelling or moving, all the more so as the movie is so long...

I'm happy for Mr. Spielberg that he become so successful and he did make some wonderful movies. This one, though - despite pretty good acting by the leads - is all in all dissapointing.
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Really lovely film that would have been be better had it ended a few minutes before...
17 October 2022
It is largely because this is not a "Hollywood production" that this film is so appealing to viewers like me. Throughout it seems genuine; it prioritizes depicting the story rather than building a plot engineered to entertain us, the audience. The script and the acting were good. I was both charmed and emotionally engaged - sympathising with the protagonist - glad at her 'wins' and sad at her 'losses'.

I wasn't even dissapointed by the fact that I correctly guessed who committed the crime way before the filmed revealed it.

This, in my opinion, in a really good and thoroughly enjoyable film. That said, unless you're a sucker for the "hollywood film recipe" just skip the last few minutes - stop watching around 1:48:00 - the film would be so much better without the ending that follows.
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Gentleman Jack (2019–2022)
Doesn't live up to the hype
13 April 2022
Ann Lister's story is undoubtedly fascinating, but I struggle to understand the raving reviews, as it is utterly impossible for me to sympethize with the main character. She is depicted as extremely calculating and manipulative. Not to mention wholey unsexy, which makes some of the sex scenes agonising to watch. Add to that the countless cliches (e.g. The sister who isn't gay can hardly form a full sentence without stattering, because only a gay woman can be smart, strong and assertive, I guess).

Bottom line: a disapointing series.

I suspect this story really could have been made into a much, much better TV series.
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Schitt's Creek (2015–2020)
Not for everyone but corky and fun
6 November 2021
While I'd tend to agree with those who claim this isn't a consistently funny sitcom, it's unusual set of colorful characters and occasional wit make for good entertainment sprinkled with funny instances here and there.

Admittedly, in the beginning I had thought that while it was unique, the series would soon outlive the gimmicky appeal of its "formerly-rich-now-impoverished-city-folks in the country" premise. It did, of course, but by then it had managed to sufficiently develop its characters and storyline. Probably good that it ended when it did, but for 4 seasons it was corky and fun.
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Finch (2021)
You can see the end 1,811 miles a way
6 November 2021
There's something endearing in the concept - a man, a robot and a dog trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world - and Tom Hanks is after always sympathetic, but all that wasn't enough to compensate for the most orderly and expected chain of events, and the lack of depth to the storyline or the raw emotion you'd expect in such circumstances. So ultimately, this is just another truly mediocre movie, and that's a shame.
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Tango Shalom (2021)
Oi Va Voi what a disaster! Poor script, horrible acting, need I continue?
30 October 2021
I love dancing, so thought I would enjoy it, but it was so bad it was painful to watch! I couldn't make it to the end.

Beginning with the cognitive dissonance of trying to look at Moishe Yehuda - who looks 75 years old - as the Hassidic father of young children (given the age that they marry in that sector he could probably be their great-grandfather!).

Then there's the truly cringe worthy acting by nearly everyone, but most notably the actress playing the dancer (on a call supposedly hearing that her partner has abandoned her, she answers the phone and leaving no time the other side to actually talk - she just immediately starts shouting "I hate you" and crying - most unconvincingly, and no - she's no better in other scenes).

And finally the absurdity of the premise (looking straight into the tango dancer's eyes, Moishe tells her: 'I can't look you in the eye').

My advice? Just - don't do this to yourself.
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I thought some potential, but it got worse and worse....
15 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Everybody commenting on the accents is absolutely right - would have been better to hire Irish actors. But if you ask me that's the least of this film's problems... In the beginning I was intrigued...a story set in a beautiful landscape about farmers' connection to their land, about the difficulties between father and son, an introvert's difficulty expressing love - it was different than Hollywood movies and interesting, and the song was lovely, but there's nothing more worthy of praise here... Enter John Hamm as the rich cousin competing over the heart of the lovely lass...could they have chose a more cliché addition? I think Not! But wait! It gets worse...Anthony believes what?! That he's literally a bee?????????? True, the charms of Jaime Dornan were useful in trying to forget that that line was actually uttered, but before I that could be accomplished, I was struck by the ridiculousness of the final confrontational talk between him and Emily Blunt, which barely included a single believable line - it was shocking to me that successful actors had agreed to play in a film with such a poor script. Bottom line - skip it!
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The Masked Dancer (2020–2021)
Oy Vey....What have you done to dancing?! This is terrible!
15 January 2021
I love dancing, so I was looking forward to this, but what a disappointment of a show! What makes the masked singer work is that there are amazing talented singers on the show - so besides all the hype and guessing game you really enjoy the singing (The Sun's rendition of Billie Eillish's "When the pary's over" almost brought me to tears). The Masked Dancer doesn't seem to make any attempt to depict quality dancing - in fact it's an insult to the very art of dancing, and as a dance enthusiast that's actually upsetting! This show doesn't deserve to be on TV. Please avoid it!
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Aviva (2020)
Original, strange, interesting, but poorly executed.
25 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The story of Aviva and Eden's relationship unfolds, with each of them being played by two actors: a male and a female - representing each character's masculine and feminine sides. In some scenes the male and female sides of the same character converse/fight with each other. On the one hand it's somewhat confusing, but on the other hand it gives a fresh perspective on how conflict within the individual affects a romantic relationship.

Dance is a major language in this film, and much of it is in the nude - which I believe serves both to highlight the centrality of sex in the relationship and how exposed we are in a truly intimate relationship. Being a modern dance enthusiast, the concept was thrilling to me, and I was extremely excited watching the first dance numbers, but later thoroughly disappointed - as they are mostly well executed but very poorly choreographed.

The music, BTW - by the remarkable Asaf Avidan - is great.

Finally, I would have liked to be kinder, but honestly there's no other way to describe the acting but cringe-worthy, and thus I found it difficult to really sympathize with Aviva and Eden's moments of happiness and pain.

It's so sad, because here's a film with such original and fascinating premise and approach to telling the story - but at the end of the day due to bad acting and boring choreography I spent half of film literally wishing it had been better executed, so I could truly feel for the characters and enjoy the film.
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Rising Free (2019)
Surely one of the worst movies ever made...good reviews must be by family & friends
25 July 2020
Nothing here is right: the script - ridiculous, the dialogues - utterly unrealistic, the acting - cringe worthy. When the heroes are chased, rather than run for cover (there are woods around) they just keep to the clearing. When there's an emergency, they look on rather than jump into action. The characters are just flat. An over-acted tortured expression is the most common occurrence throughout the film. Watching this movie is like watching a human-like robot convey an algorithm written message of love - it follows the rules, but you can tell something's off; it just fails to elicit any feeling. The only thing I enjoyed in this film were the frequent images of nature and the ocean. Other than that - it's just terrible.
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Pride and Prejudice, Cut (2019 TV Movie)
Promising premise but ultimately - painful to watch
14 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The premise held some promise: a backstage look at the making of a movie adaptation of Pride & Prejudice in which the interactions between the actors seem to mirror those depicted in the story. Unfortunately, the writing is terrible and the acting is even worse, so not one character comes across as believable or sympathetic (there are a couple of scenes where the lead actress seems so utterly dumb! And even when she is supposedly kind her behavior lacks any depth whatsoever). One hour in, I've been forcing myself to go on watching for at least half an hour, but I doubt very much that I'll make it to the end. If you ask me - save yourselves the trouble and give this one a miss.
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Beecham House (2019)
What a disappointment!
23 July 2019
I really wanted this to be good - period drama set in an exotic landscape & culture - it had so much potential. But while the landscapes and costumes lived up to expectations, the story line is not only predictable it's a cluster of silly cliches, the writing is atrocious, and the acting does very little to upgrade the series. Even the 'romance' between the hero and his love interest is not in the least believable - what I saw was zero chemistry. Bottom line: Ouch!!! My recommendation: don't waste your time on this one...
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Strange Empire (2014–2015)
Poor writing and terrible acting kill an otherwise cool concept
15 June 2019
I should have been a sucker for this - I loved other feminist westerns - but this just keeps getting worse with every episode. Rather than make the most of an interesting struggle for survival in rough circumstances this story line just keeps piling on more and more cliches, including some absolutely unrealistic situations (e.g. Morgan Finn). The acting is generally atrocious; I've seen better acting in school plays than that displayed here by Cara Gee (Cat Loving) and Terry Chen (Ling). I'm sure you could find better ways to spend your time.
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