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Great to look at but few laughs
21 May 2011
This film is a mystery. It has great scenery, a wonderful cast and visually splendid stunts. For its time it was a a bit of a sleeper, perhaps as it was seen as a kind of imitation of Those Magnificent Men. The film seems to have all the right ingredients including a huge budget. So how come its tedious and frankly boring. It is rather fun looking at the who's who of film. The dashing Walter Chiari, the glorious Tony Curtis and Susan Hampshire and of course Gert Frobe. Pete and Dud come off best but there seems to be nothing much that can save what is unfortunately an over blown mish mash. Its a pity really because a great deal of heart and a even more money went into making it
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what were they thinking?
3 August 2010
Some movies can be so bad that they are funny. The trouble with this movie is that it tries desperately to be funny but isn't. Many looked forward to seeing a new Carry on movie but despite a very good and talented cast this movie is very hard to sit through. Its hard to say why it doesn't work but its probably because the genre has out lived its used by date. The old carry on movies had a loyal and faithful audience but they belonged to another time. These days we can watch them and they bring back sweet memories of sitting in an old theatre (like the Grosovenor in Melbourne)and licking on your Dixi ice cream. It is rather nice that the gay characters don't do the silly hinting and that Julian Clary can be quite open. He seems to be the only performer who seems to get a laugh. Thankfully most people support gay rights and same sex relationships are simply a life style choice. "Carry on Columbus" really is a terrible mess and there are no laughs.
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a brave series
18 June 2010
I would love to see this series again. I wonder how well it holds up. It made a star of Ken Shorter who was a superb television actor. Of course it was brave ground breaking television all about a young man who stood up against the authorities at a time when conscription was introduced. At the time many would have seen Shorter's central character as a coward but today I guess we would all see it differently. It was a brave anti war film. We live in very conservative times today with a huge swing to the right so its hard to really say. The acting was very good although it may look a little rough by todays standards. Still I would like to see it again as I would be very curious to see whether or not it holds up.
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A masterpiece
23 May 2010
I just purchased the whole series. Some things can look terrible with age and time is not very kind to some TV shows from the 50,s but I am pleased to say that Superman looks wonderful. Certainly some of the production values and effects look a bit stagy by today's standards but the stories and the acting is wonderful. Its true that people must have been really think not to recognize the fact that Kent was Superman but the show cleverly gets us to accept it. Both Phyllis Coates and Noell Neil were wonderful as Lois Lane. Coates was a more sophisticated and sexier Lane but Miss Neill is equally effective as a sweeter more humorous Lois. I loved them both. The real stand out for me is Jack Larson who is simply brilliant as Jimmy Olson. His subtle acting is beautiful today and works superbly. Of course John Hamilton as Perry and Robert Shane as the inspector are perfect in their roles. George Reeves is the definitive Superman. Sexy and noble. He is the best man of steel. I love the supporting performances, all these remarkable support players add so much to the show. I am so happy to find this old friend again.
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an untidy mess
24 April 2010
I am aware many think its a classic but the film is pretentious and actually quite stupid. The symbolism is heavy handed. I know that many think this is a masterpiece but its a confusing mess. There are some parts that are forgotten and never explained. A woman comes on denying Christ but we never find out why. The sets look beautiful and to be fair there is a certain glamor to the film. The cast do what they can and the fault is not with he actors but with the director who seems to have an over blown ego. This was made at a time when some directors were trying to be very arty, esoteric and too clever by half. Today its a shambles. Some of the interior locations look fine but the dream sequences are just ridiculous. This sadly is almost embarrassing to watch today.
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Bran Nue Dae (2009)
its good.. feel good
25 January 2010
"Bran Nue Day" was one of the most magical nights I ever had in the theatre. The young Aboriginal cast was a delight and although the young experienced cast may not have had the polish of more seasoned performers it was still a warm engaging production. I had reservations about seeing the movie; I was worried it would become too slick and too polished. Director Rachel Perkins has assembled a cast of slick professionals such as Geoffrey Rush and Ernie Dingo and both give fine over the top performances but she has also gathered some new faces such as Jessica Mauboy and Rocky McKenzie who hold their own really well against the seasoned performers. Dingo carries the film and gives a fabulous performance in what is a purposely corny contrived plot. The contrivances worked superbly with a live audience but I am not sure if a film audience will enjoy it. Wisely the director has kept the film character driven rather getting carried away with location. .The only jarring note is Missy Higgins who seems wooden and uncomfortable. I have always found her to be a mediocre singer but she is an even worse actress. Still there is plenty to enjoy in the feel good musical. I warn you it is contrived but that's its charm and there is plenty of energy in the film. Rocky McKenzie is a real scene stealer and one of the most delightful young actors I have seen
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King Corn (2007)
a superb documentary
17 December 2009
College buddies return to a place called Greene in Iowa which was their ancestral home. This is a disturbing documentary but handled with intelligence and warmth. Basically it deals with the fact that because we are all demanding cheap food we are prepared to ignore the enormous health and environmental repercussions of over production. The issue is handled brilliantly and it will be easy to see how the film makers will be (wrongly) accused of exaggeration. Just like climate skeptics today these guys will be accused of scare mongering. That's the sad reality. The film makers however have been fair and balanced. What's wrong with corn? Essentially nothing but the corn is being fed to cattle. This is where it gets very disturbing. Its clever how the industry has used the term "grain fed" as a positive. What is disturbing is the corn produced is nothing like the juicy variety we like smothered in butter, indeed it is almost inedible! The corn is fed to cattle. It gets worse. To help the cattle avoid disease there are anti biotics added to the corn.The potential dangers here are too horrible to think about.The humanitarian aspects of modern family are another issue but you will find the film disturbing. I had a look in my pantry and was shocked to see just how much corn syrup is used. We have a right to know what we are eating and King Corn is a revelation but not a very comforting one. I could speak more about the issue itself but others have done that. It is scary and it makes me think of the field of dreams as a field of nightmares and I doubt Elvira Madigan will be running through corn fields in America. The documentary itself is rational without being cloyingly provocative. No preaching and no bad guys. The directors treat the farmers as victims as well. The people in the film are just lovely. They are hard working Americans trapped in an unethical industry. We, the consumers, are the real culprits; our demand to keep food cheap has led us to a diet which causes diabetes and other health scares. The film must be seen and its got the zappiest cleverest little ending. Sadly a limited audience will see this. It wont be on main stream TV, indeed I only saw it as it was recommended by a friend. One thing is for certain is if is shown on television it will not be sponsored by any fast food chains.
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Samson & Delilah (II) (2009)
22 November 2009
This movie is one that demands something from the movie goer. It needs to grow on you slowly. The pace is slow and if the audience is patient and prepared to give something back to the film it will affect you. I found it repetitive at first but rather than switching off I stayed with it and was glad I did. The acting is excellent. It is not a movie for the feint hearted and it is depressing. It should be. It is a film about hopelessness. Its hard to like Samson yet there are moments he smiles and your heart goes out to him. Della is superb as is the old woman and the drunken man who lets them share his home. Films like this should be made as there is an honesty you rarely see, the film is not dogged by political correctness. There is a danger people will not feel compassion for the characters as they are not glamorous likable people. The more you allow the film to touch you and you open your heart and your mind you will feel great compassion and love.
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Annie (1982)
A delight
24 September 2009
Critics attacked the movie often saying it is over blown but the more I watch Annie the more I like it. The great thing is that it never becomes stage bound yet at the same time still manages to keep he charm of the live theatre production.The final scenes are actually very exciting and this could never be done on stage so director John Huston opened the story up to include the darker moments of the show. Although I would love to have seen Dorothy Loudon do the Hannigan role Carole Burnett does as creditable job as does Albert Finney. The glorious Bernadette Peters generously underplays as does Tim Curry and they are both fabulous, Easy Street is a real winner. What a pity we never saw more of Anne Reinkin as Grace. This elegant lady nearly steals the film and boosts what could be an annoying role into one of pure charm. The kids are great and Aileen Quinn is a lovely Annie. She does battle in the lower notes as a singer but who cares. Sandy the dog is a real trooper and does indeed get close to stealing the movie but for me Geoffrey Holder as Punjub steals the movie in a small role. A fine movie with the most wonderful songs.
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its a long journey
7 September 2009
Actually I was rather disappointed seeing it again after so many years. David Niven is perfect and its fun watching and guessing who is who. The end credits are just wonderful. The film looks beautiful and the score is perfect. I love the fact the wide screen DVD has an overture and entracte. The exit music is lovely. The balloon sequence is the highlight of the film with its breath taking arial photography. The plot is confusing and sadly it plods along even though its not without merit. The most annoying aspect of the film is Cantiflas who may well have been famous in his own country simply has little screen presence and clumps along quite incoherently. Cantiflas slows the movie down, you cannot understand what he is saying and the bottom line is that he is just not funny. When you think of the great clown Red Skelton who was also in the cast you cannot help wondering how much better the movie would be with a real talent opposite Niven. It still remains quite lovely to look at.
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Tom is great
7 September 2009
Kirk Douglas is great in two roles and Jack Thompson is there as he is in just about every other Aussie film these two fine actors get star billing. Jack plays Clancy of the Overflow but its really a cameo. The real star of the film is a young Tom Burlinson and he not only looks great he gives the most heart warming natural performance. It is Tom's film. The producers felt there needed to be a love interest and poor Tom gets Sigrid Thornton who is the only disappointment in the film. Thornton delivers her dialogue quite stiffly almost as though she is reading. There is more romance and chemistry between Tom and the horse than there is with poor old Singrid. The scene of her rescue is however spectacular. But forget all that and feast your eyes on Tom and enjoy the glorious scenery, listen to a magnificent score. Some of the dialogue is rather twee especially when there are direct quotes from Patterson's brilliant poetry. The poem is a great classic and Banjo is one of the greatest writers of all time.
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sad sad sad
4 September 2009
I generally loved the Carry on movies but this one is actually pretty awful. There are very few laughs because the whole thing is so forced.There is plenty of talent on the screen and some come off better than others. June Whitfield, Kenneth Williams, Hatti Jaques and Peter Butterworth are fine but Barbara Windsor looks tired and Sid James is just tacky. Joan Sims comes off well but in the case of the usually wonderful Charles Hawtrey its just plain sad. When you think of the sad end to his career the movie is almost too depressing to watch. The homophobia of the movie is nasty and its a very unpleasant experience. The set looks cheap and unlike other movies in the series the movie is very clearly set in England. The sea side looks cold and there is little attempt to create any illusions here. It looks like a cheap production. You will be surprised at how miserable you become watching this especially if you loved the series.
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it still has its magic
3 June 2009
Perhaps Disney was hoping for another Mary Poppins but this is a very different story and while Angela is delightful she was a very different performer to the great Julie Andrews. Having said that Lansbury is perfectly cast and delivers a magical performance. There is something deliciously dotty about her character and she is given wonderful support by David Tomlinson. Tomilinson can carry a tune but he is certainly not much chop as a singer. It does not matter he was such a gifted actor you hardly notice. There are some great cameos from much loved stars of another time like Roddy McDowel who gives a winning performance and the much loved Tessie OShea who does very little but its nice to see the old gal again. Its also lovely to see Sam Jaffe and the king of English television Bruce Forsythe in small roles. The score has a couple of beautiful songs especially The briny sea and The age of Not Believing. The big number Portabello Road is stretched to the limit but it has plenty of theatricality. The effects look a bit cliché today but the scene with the German invaders being attacked by the wildest army in film is pretty impressive. The kids are not as annoying as other movies but one does struggle to understand what the youngest boy is saying. I loved the marching song of the home army. The home guard were very important to Britain and this is a warm tribute. The animation is delightful, much better than Pixar which I find grotesque. A warm happy film and its a wonder its not done on stage.
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Hello, Dolly! (1969)
Its not Carol but hello Barbra
28 May 2009
The film was given, like many excellent musicals bad reviews by critics who either did not like musicals or were upset that Carol Channing was not cast as Dolly Levi. As much as we all loved Miss Channing Streisand makes Dolly her own and gives a bright vivacious and heart warming performance. Its a very Yiddish Dolly and as far as I am concerned she does it beautifully. The famous stair case scene in the Harmonia Gardens when we see Dolly in the stunning red dress has changed. I think out of respect to Miss Channing the directors and producers puts Barbra in gold and she carries it superbly. Walter Mathau is a wonderful Horace and the chemistry between him and Barbra is fabulous. Its even more fun knowing that they really did not like one another. Perhaps that's why it works so well. The whole cast do a great job although its a pity that we do not see more of the sexy brilliant Tommy Tune. What a shame so little of Mr Tune was captured on film. Danny Lockin is a real scene stealer. Marianne McAndrew seems to mime her songs but she never the less does a credible job in what is the shows most unrewarding role. I always felt that Ribbons down my back was the only weak song in a brilliant score. I am sorry Motherhood was cut from the musical as its a great number. Danny Lockin and Michael Crawford are perfect in their parts and Lockin in a small role is a real scene stealer. Judt Knaiz as Miss Simple gives a gem of a performance. Proof that even a small role can be memorable. Its impossible not to have a tear in your eye when you see the great Satchmo. Dolly is perhaps the greatest of all American musicals and the movie version gets better as the years go by.
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Helpman steals the film
12 May 2009
I confess I did not think much of this movie when I first saw it years ago. I recently saw it again and have changed my mind. Maybe I was too cynical back then, maybe we all were. The songs apart from the title number are not that memorable, in fact a couple are pretty awful but they are delivered with great gusto by the cast that you quite enjoy it. I think the effects are absolutely satisfactory, more remarkable when you remember that this was all pre computer days. I loved the car. The cast is great and Sally Ann Howes is a revelation, what a perfectly delicious performance. Van Dyke as always is delightful. The kids are a bit annoying but you get over that once the brilliant Robert Helpman as the child catcher comes on. Helpman steals the film. Its a graceful astonishingly scary performance. Its a great way to scare off annoying brats. I loved revisiting Chitty chitty bang bang. Nice to see the great Benny Hill and Gert Frobe and Lionel Williams again. A magical delight and if you have not seen it in years you will enjoy it. It was given a very hard time by critics but the public adored it. Its a fun film and like the original Doctor Doolittle with Rex Harrison is a film that deserves more respect.
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wolverine is a bitch
11 May 2009
Some movies can be so bad that you wonder why it was made in the first place. Melba once said of the public, "give the muck" Muck is served up in this shambles with abandon. The feeble plot is meant to give us an idea about the beginning of the character played by Hugh Jackman. I quite liked the other movies but this is all over the place. The special effects are as we predicted, special, but the movie is not backed up with any talent. The normally wonderful Hugh Jackman puts on a terrible American accent and wanders around the movie looking rather like a constipated poodle. Someone should put him on a leash and take him to the nearest Broadway stage. One wishes this fine performer would get back to musicals which he does better than any one. Maybe a few show tunes would help this mess. Hugh is not the worse actor in the movie because that distinction goes to the hopeless Liev Schrieber who has about as much screen presence as a block of wood. He grunts and mumbles and you hope a vet will put the poor sod down. Julia Blake and Max Cullen are dreadful in thankfully minor roles. You actually start feeling as though you want to cheer when the annoying old bag snuffs it. It is dreadful. The effects are good but play the video game instead.
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sweet nostalgia
29 April 2009
I think the reviews of the other posters has been pretty accurate. It is very nice in the era of pixar to see the lush animation of Disney. The special feature South of the Border is fascinating. I hope these Disney travelogues are preserved and digitally enhanced because it would be a great shame to lose them. The picture quality is poor but it is better than not having any recollection at all. The narration is pure Disney and its all about the research that went into the main feature. Of course its testimony to history that seen through the eyes of middle upper class Americans its not really as accurate as Walt thought it was. Some of the facts are not facts at all. They call one creature a rabbit in the documentary but its certainly not a rabbit. It is a capybara. In the cartoon they even have an ostrich in South America!! Still despite the flaws the documentary is a charming bonus with some nostalgic images. Saludos is a pretty good cartoon although I thought the little aeroplane story was quaint it is anthromorphism gone crazy. Everyone's favourite duck with a speech impediment is fun. I never understood a word Donald said but loved his attitude. Goofy steals the movie. It took me years to realise Goofy was a dog! Its a pleasant Disney movie while not being a great one.
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The Innocents (1961)
Kerr gives her greatest performance
17 March 2009
Even if you have not seen The Innocents for many years the film is as scary as it ever was. If you are looking for special effects forget it. There are no gimmicks, just skillful direction, a magnificent script, brilliant black and white photography, a remarkable use of the creepiest sounds imaginable and superb performances. One wonders if the younger film goers brought up on a diet of whizz bang special effects will be able to fall under the spell of the magic of this masterpiece. We live in a world where people are bombarded by visual images and have the modern cinema goers become too shallow? One could write a thesis about the film. As others have asked is it a brilliantly scary ghost story or something more? On my first viewing that is exactly how I saw it; a ghost story. Now I am convinced it is much darker. It is about perversion and there are plenty of very clear suggestions that the children were victims of abuse. Its not so clear but easy to presume that Kerr's character is a victim as well. Kerr's character was brought up by a religious zealots and fanatics, its a clear implication but it is never obvious. The film maybe too subtle for young cinema goers.THe death of Miles remains a topic for conjecture. In a world where a woman can die of a broken heart can a child be scared to death. I believe the governess scares the child to death. There are great performances in the film . The two children played by Pamela Franklin and especially Martin Stevens as Miles are haunting. Mrs Grose the house keeper is superbly played by Megs Jenkins. She holds the movie together and as she seems the only sane presence in the house we look to her for explanations. There are wonderful mysteries here such as the strange absence of the children's uncle played by Michael Redgrave. This is intelligent cinema, we do not see it very often today. The movie is full of remarkable images such as when a cricket creeps out of the mouth of a garden statue, images of the evil apparitions in the window and many more. Central to whole film is a performance of true power. It is towering performance of incredibly profound layers and artistic brilliance. Deborah Kerr is tremendous.The camera loves her and she knows how to use it. She looks beautiful and few actors have ever been able to capture pure style and elegance. The performance however is much more, indeed it is a tour de force. You will never forget it.
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its as thoroughly delightful as ever
15 March 2009
I had not seen the movie for a long time. Capriciously I bought the DVD but it remained on the shelf and I simply never got around to watching it. From the minute it started I felt like I had met an old friend. Firstly Julie never looked or sounded more lovely and she is perfectly cast. A few reviewers I think missed the point of Mary Tyler Moore's character. She is perfect but the character is hardly a pleasant one. She is sweet and shallow. John Gavin is incredibly handsome and perfectly cast as is the wonderful James Fox. The tapioca number is a real winner. We get to see the great Carol Channing and she is a joy and its a great pity that like Mart Martin and Ethel Merman she did not make more movies. Channing lights up the screen and try looking anywhere else once she is on the screen. The young who missed her on stage at least have a record to see what all the fuss was about and why so many of us loved her. The star of the film is Julie but she gets plenty of competition from a great cast. The real scene stealer is the legendary Beatrice Lillie who just about steals the film.
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Australia (2008)
Cheeky Bazz
3 February 2009
This will not please some people but I loved Bazz Lurman's "Australia". I will go further and say it was a brave movie and for the most part, very successful. Brave because it was a movie unlike most modern movies. It is perhaps a cliché but it was the kind of movie they do not make any more. Epics and sagas have all but disappeared but there is an audience crying out for old fashioned entertainment. It was easy on the eye. The scenery is magnificent and Nicole looks lovely. Hugh is the best eye candy in cinema today and the much discussed showering down over his macho torso is so dam hot that if you are not turned on by it you are sexually dead. It was brave also because it tackled the very tricky era of the stolen generation. In a time where one has to be so carefully politically correct I believe the issue was handled with great integrity and a lot of heart. The portrayal of the indigenous characters was respectful and dignified. I know Germaine Greer attacked the way some of the indigenous characters spoke but she is wrong and if she has ever travelled into the outback she would accept that it was not inaccurate. She is certainly off target with this one. Most directors would leave a tricky issue like this alone but Baz has tackled it with great style. Brave also because it is (arguably) the first time the bombing of Darwin has ever been given a mention in film. This was a much more significant event than many realise and I found it very powerful. The cinematography at times is magnificent. The beauty of the landscape is visually splendid. Brandon Wallis as Nulla, the half caste aboriginal boy is a real scene stealer. He dominates the film and the camera loves him. The great David Gulpilil is simply majestic and gives a perfect, memorable performance. Nicole Kidman has an incredibly difficult role as the aristocrat Lady Sarah and for the most part she handles it beautifully. She is not afraid to even camp it a bit at times and is often deliciously over the top. It's a very good performance although not a great one. There are some moments where she misses the mark but other moments are simply perfect. The scene where she stands up to genocidal Dr Barker, played by Bruce Spence is powerful. The reactions of the social set against her outburst are certainly accurate. The goal behind the stolen generation was to wipe out the race. It was considered the right and proper thing to do by many back then but the process certainly had its critics as well. The growing affection between Sarah and the boy is beautifully executed and Bazz tugs at the heart strings and manipulates you with pure sentimentality. Unlike many film makers Lurman is not scared of sentimentality. He is aware of his critics but he knows there are many of us who long for it and he unashamedly dishes it out to us in generous portions. I loved the moment Sarah tells the story of the Wizard of Oz and sings Over the Rainbow to the little boy. The eyes of the child light up the screen and your heart (if you have one). The chemistry between Kidman and Hugh is not as powerful as I would like it to be but having said that there are moments that are simply exquisite. In pure Hollywood style Lurman has moments where he celebrates the films of old with reverence. Its also dam cheeky in this cynical age and I adore him for it. One scene is a perfect example pf Bazz shunning the cynics. At a hugely stuffy party Sarah dances with the villain of the movie played by the ever reliable Bryan Brown. The drover is not there but in pure Hollywood style there he is. He stands at the top of the stairs. He is dressed in white. Everyone swoons. And Bazz has manipulated us once again. Cheeky bugger! Hugh Jackman is charming as drover. He does not do much but he doesn't have too. He is sex on a stick and the ladies (and many guys) swoon as much now as we did when we saw the dashing Aussie as Curly in his unforgettable Oklahoma. Even if the movie disappears into oblivion, the sexy soapy wet scene will live on for ever. They say that every good story needs a villain and Bazz gives us a couple of real cads in "Australia". David Wenham as Fletcher and the great Bryan Brown as King Carney look as though they love every minute of playing the nasties. This is pure Luhrmann, a real homage to the bad guys of Hollywood westerns. It is stereotypical and great fun! Bazz even has the gall to have King gobbled up by a crocodile. Our Bazz is deliciously cheeky. Once again you end up hating the bad guys. Its pretty two dimensional and that's clearly the intention. You are thrilled when they get what they deserve. Its pretty clever how these two move the story along, it should not work but it does. That poor croc probably got indigestion. David Wenham is very good in these roles! The movie is a rollicking good adventure story and a love story. Luhrmann is not only the cheekiest director in movies today he is also downright naughty. He loves old Hollywood and celebtrates it, he is not afraid of corn and he also loves pure fantasy. He is not afraid of contrivances. These can be negative but in the brilliant hands of Bazz its magic. We now use the phrase "that's pure Luhrmann".
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a right royal flush
11 December 2008
What stands out for me is the trip to the sea side. Oh what a sweet time! I never saw England back then but today it just looks charming. I would love to visit that pier complete with the tacky corny rides and attractions. It really is quite delightful. The film captures the period beautifully. The reliable cast are all there. Thankfully the annoying ones are not (especially Kenneth Connor). Hawtrey is superb in this and Sid James and Hatti are a delight. Its lovely seeing the sacred cows get a knocking. There is nothing PC about this film. If dear old Sid did some of the things he does to lovely Joan he would be up on harassment charges today. Its all good fun. They certainly did not think much of the union movement in this film. Not the best carry on but it has lovely moments.
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Video Village (1960– )
it was a great show
26 October 2008
Here in Australia it was a great hit. Firstly it was with adults (much funnier) but later with kids. I still recall the theme songs. It was compered by Danny Web and hostess Liz Harris. Harris was a joy and a great talent. She married Austrtalian iconic actor Leonard Teale. She was also Lisa in the classic kids show Adventure Island.The voice guy was Chris Christenson who died during the series. It was fun reading the previous post memories of this delightful show. I wonder if it would work today? Come ride with us on the village bus it takes all shapes and sizes

ah sweet memories.
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right royal fun
20 October 2008
This is a fabulously funny send up of history and the Carry on cast are in great form. Leading the fun is Sid James who plays Sid James playing Henry. Sid always played Sid and when he was in top form as a lovable rogue or old lecherous womaniser few could be better. He is wonderful here and I agree with others here who say the old boy was born to play this part. It is his movie but he does get great support. The great stalwarts are there Williams, Hawtrey and Sims. There's lovely work from Terry Scott. A real stand out is a brilliant cameo from an actor I know little about. Julian Orchard is brilliant and he camps it up deliciously.What a superb actor this man is, must read more about him. He had me in stitches. I normally found Kenneth Connor annoying but in this he shows he was actually a good actor when he was not stuck playing annoying mannerisms and clichés. His slap stick in other movies is awful and unfunny, here is restrained and good to watch. The carry on movies are attacked because they objectify women and are not politically correct. Not so. If you look at the movies very carefully surely it's at least commendable that the sexy women are not the anorexic women cast as sex idols today. Barbara Windsor is superb in this. She always was. She is certainly sexy but she was a full rounded, buxom woman with womanly features. She was not a match stick. The carry on movies are never given credit for this.Today anorexia is rife amongst young women and the carry on movies showed that you do not have to be slim to be sexy. Windsor was and even today is sexy. A glamorous great star.

The gag of the garlic does not work today because this was made at a time when garlic was not something popular with the conservative English diet. Today we have all developed a love and taste for garlic. Back then it was exotic and most people, including those who never tried it, hated it.It was odd continental stuff and it stunk. We are all over that now. Garlic actually smells quite sexy, especially if you both are eating it. We also know its very good for you, natrures medicine. It was never eaten here in Australia until Italians immigrated. So its odd to us today to quite connect with the attitude that garlic was something horrible. Henry is however a classic Carry On and I loved it. The pace of the movie is zesty and crackles along brightly. It looks great with lovely costumes and sets. The music is wonderful. Its one of the best. I loved it.
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its a scream
21 September 2008
The chemistry between Fenella Fielding and Harry H Corbett is outstanding. They just sparkle on screen together. She was a remarkable performer and added class to every movie she did. I love her sexy sultry voice. Harry H Cobett is as he always was perfect. he looks as though he had been doing these movies for years. He was a brilliant performer. I had to good fortune of seeing him on stage when he came here to Australia to star in the JCW production of Neil Simons LAST OF THE RED HOT LOVERS. He was brilliant. Intentional or other wise it was a great idea to change the cast and introduce guests and new faces every now and then. I must say I prefer Harry to Sid James, even though Sid was a fine performer in his own right.The rest of the cast are great. I had not taken much notice of Amanda Douglas in previous movies but her performance in this is quite delightful. Jim Dale of course is as sexy as ever and a fine performer. His physical comedy is quite brilliant. Its the first one for Peter Butterworth. I really liked him in this and his drag is pretty good.Joan Sims is the wife from hell and gives a suitably nasty performance. Its rather funny to note that British people slept wit potties under their beds. I wonder if they still do? I guess so. The film looks great. I love the opening credits. We don't see much of Charles Hawtry in this but he gives a much straighter performance in this and its fun. It looks rather like a Hammer film. Kenneth Williams hams it up superbly as always. Its a bright clever film. I gave it an eight.
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Still as funny
20 September 2008
It was years ago when I saw this great movie in the cinema and I can recall the belly laughs. Viewing again I was surprised and delighted that it is still hilariously funny. You don't get those belly laughs that often. THe basket ball game with the flubber is a scream, I was sick with laughter. The effects are as stunning now as when I first saw it. As for those scenes in the car it s simply amazing. I was surprised to see the film in colour as I thought it was in black and white, perhaps I am thinking of reruns on TV. Fred McMurray was perfect. You actually don't like him at first because missing the wedding three times is an incredibly cruel thing to do but once you see his passion for inventing and the love he really has for his fiancé it really does not matter. You warm to the character and he is just perfect for the role. Nancy Olson is no sickly sweet Disney leading lady and she gives a lively spirited performance. I used to hate it when women just stood back in fight scenes biting their hands looking terrified but Nancy is actually a gutsy gal. Keenan Wynn is a fine nasty and there's a lovely little cameo by the great Ed Wynn, Keenan's incredibly famous father. The gorgeous and brilliantly talented Tommy Kirk is there too. What a superb talent this guy was. I hope he is still alive and doing well. Tommy was loved by many fans! I loved the reliable older actors especially the two cops, great performances and of course the wonderful house keeper or maid. Its a gem.
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