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The Bold Type (2017–2021)
neow ...
23 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Idk why i started this but it was on my list for years and years and i love writing and would've loved to be a journalist so i gave it a viewage. Right off the bat, they made the POC lesbian characters into cheaters and i was SO FREAKING DONE ALREADY. WHY THAT???? Sutton was absolutely insufferable. She was so selfish at all times and everything somehow always worked out for these girls like really not allowing any complex development to occur. I LOVED oliver and jacqueline though, they were easily the very best characters of the show, i just wished that this showed some actual deep storylines, i feel like they wanted to be politically correct with everything that it just felt strange and like not genuine? I also stanned andrew LOVE HIM DOWNNNN, but dang this was kinda disappointing but good as background and to fly through.
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Dickinson (2019–2021)
i actually loved how unserious this was
15 April 2024
I mean, obviously i came for a sapphic hailee steinfeld but this show was kinda a breeze to get through. I loved the civil rights plot going on alongside emily dickinson's life, her preoccupation with death made me feel a little less crazy, and her solitude and very close relationship to her family (which may not be all that great of one) made me feel related to and seen. The fact that they included so much "slang" i guess, from the 2020s was actually so funny to me and got a giggle out of me multiple times. Some of these episodes were kinda weird in their way of being experimental, like the future episode and the one where she's invisible, but overall, it was cute and quick. I need another billion season show to watch soon though.
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Hart of Dixie (2011–2015)
such a comfort show hehe
23 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Awww im so sad im done with this show. Every episode captured me and i love small town tv shows but it was even better bc literally every main character was likeable by the end and there was no times where i was truly bored and over the show, they ended it in a great place too (even though that musical number was BIZARRE...). I have a bit of an issue with the fact that zoe and george tucker do not end up together in the end... that cheater did not deserve to be pined after but lemon and lavon and AB and rose and george and shelby and zoe and just UGH all of these characters and their individual storylines, which came together into the town storyline, was just so perfect and low stakes, there was never a time i felt stressed but i loved how this was out of my usual teen drama comfort zone and made me feel better about my current situations as a 24 year old bc all these 30 year olds in the show still didn't quite have it together. A breath of fresh air and this made living out in the country not seem oh so bad :)
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Red Band Society (2014–2015)
second time around
2 January 2024
I slightly recall viewing this when it was airing on tv and i thought i'd give it another go, since it was so short and i had forgotten close to everything about it. I liked how teen-esque it still was, even with the hospital setting. I guess i wanted it to be more like the book, i fell in love with hope, and be super depressing, which it wasn't, and maybe that's kind of good??? The anorexia storyline was personal to me and i'm not sure it quite hit the mark of what i wanted out of ED rep but it'll do because im obsessed with ciara bravo. When they tried invalidating her disorder all the time, saying she didn't HAVE to be in the hospital, practically saying she chose to have the disorder, that was wild and crazy nuh uh. With this said, blonde girl kara's eyebrows were always going crazy and it made me so mad LOLLL like girl pls...some of the show was unrealistic and it didn't really leave off on exciting cliffhangers but it was what it was!
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A Teacher (2020)
26 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I literally watched this because i needed a short show to finish the year off but like i don't get why this even had to be made idk. The time jumps between episodes BOTHERED ME, why are we jumping months, then YEARS and then getting 20 minutes of an episode before the next jump?? I did get closure, i did appreciate that part of it all, but like there was hardly anything of their relationship actually being developed in school or tutoring. Like she thought he was hot and he had home issues i think but like why would she TELL EVERYONE ABOUT THIS LITERAL ILLEGAL AFFAIR??? YOU OKAY GIRL??? I thought it would be juicier than this but it wasn't i just wanted to speed it up with finishing it.
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Spinning Out (2020)
i've got some things to say
20 December 2023
I saw kaya scods and i was so in. I cannot get her out of my head ever since she was effy stonem like the girl really knows how to play the glamorized mentally ill, which was great in skins because they never specifically said what it was that anyone was really suffering from, like they continuously stated the bipolar disorder here. The bipolar rep made sense until it didn't and left a horrid taste in my mouth. When she literally CAME OUT about having bipolar disorder and everyone acted like she was a monster and her mom was encouraging her to lie to her coach (who i LOVED) about it, i was like heh??? This is not how this happens... the mania felt overacted and idk i know every bipolar experience isn't the same in the slightest but seeing jenn turn on her was disgusting and i did not relate to her character later on. ANYWAYS i would not call this good representation but it got juicy at the end i guess.
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Grand Army (2020)
my brother is obsessed w this show
12 December 2023
This was extremely intense and gritty and dark but hit topics that most shows don't, like very poor families, extreme trauma and ptsd, an actual psychopath (leila), gayness in an Indian family, Blackness in public schools, just so much but it also did not feel rushed at all, like most netflix shows, because this show chose one storyline for each main character and actually developed it throughout the entirety of the show. It's honestly only rated this low because it was one season of very few episodes. My friends said this could have been the next degrassi if it got more time, and it was already way better than next class so it kinda sucks it didn't get the seasons it deserved ://
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i came for renee rapp, left unsatisfied
24 November 2023
I mean... season 1 was amazing. I binged that thing in two days and it took that long just bc i was so busy with school. It was actually funny like i'm one who does not do comedy, especially vulgar comedy and this was like still so good??? It made me wish i could go back to college and redo. The chalamet girl's character was incredibly insufferable, which made this hard to watch at times. But whitney, alicia, and of course LEIGHTONNNNN were definitely my cup of tea. Season 2 pacing was horrendous and i had whiplash from what all was happening in just 30 minute episodes but it was not as bad as all my friends were saying. The character of bela was completely obliterated though, which was upsetting. Overall, this was a great first season, then... it dropped off, but !!
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Switched at Birth (2011–2017)
bay kennish love of my life
6 November 2023
Wow i am in awe of this show. I started it so long ago, back in 2013 when it was airing, and finally finished it. This was beautiful, it is one of the shows that truly cuts deep and made me extremely emotional because of how relatable it was. I have also NEVER seen character development like i saw in bay kennish. I was convinced that i would hate her forever and ever but she has truly been traumatized and bounced back again and again, a true inspiration. This show was so crazy inclusive, with the deaf community being represented, as well as so many more stories, like the latina experience, being cheated on, being assaulted, BLM, downs syndrome, lots of political activism, sports issues, lgbtq issues, and so much more. I am so quick to recommend this now to so many people, they never veered from the plot and always kept the connection going between the "sisters". Stunning!!!
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Love, Victor (2020–2022)
so good until ***** opened the door
17 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Like how can you let such a good show go downhill so bad and so fast... don't get me wrong, the first two seasons were so great, i recommended it to people and watched really quickly and was so invested. I loved felix. Loved rahim. Loved benji. Loved pilar.... LOL. Season three occurred and everything started falling apart, with the exception of rahim staying absolutely spectacular the whole run of his show. Season three was extremely rushed but their addition of a wlw ava capri was what got me through,,, i just wish she wasn't with lake?? That seemed very random to me. And the parent's relationship was one i was rooting AGAINST. Anyways, the representation and the way they handled the latino catholic church view on queerness was pretty spot on but i had trouble with the bipolar representation here but maybe that's because i do act that bad and didn't like seeing it??? Either way, the last episode made me laugh hysterically and i don't think thats what it was going for.
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My So-Called Life (1994–1995)
rickie is the best friend anyone could have
26 June 2023
So i almost completely binged this after my stint in an ED clinic and it was the perfect breath of fresh air after that mess!! Couldn't stand angela or either of her parents for the majority of the tv show but i STAN rickie and sharon and loved the angst of brian's huge crush. I totally understood danielle's position and felt so bad that she felt so invisible :( rip queen. ANYways i adore the social themes in this like it was the mid 90s and they weren't scared of touching on the topics of gayness, homelessness, teen alcoholism, adultery (YES ... he was definitely cheating), and all that. Wish there were more seasons ;//
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The O.C. (2003–2007)
i <33 you pancakes
22 April 2023
Another teen drama down :(( summer roberts, seth cohen, taylor townsend, julie cooper YOU HAVE MY HEART !!! So much character development in so many of these characters (except marissa, she remains awful oops) and i love that they kept up kirsten's alcoholism throughout the show, not just as a one time fix sort of thing bc addiction is a forever struggle and i appreciate how they showed that here !! Season 4 did veer on the more weird and rushed side, especially that series finale but i cant fault the show because everything else was just so real,, it showed struggles and endings that aren't always so happy. I'll miss that theme song so much and this one was a JOURNEY but i would recommend to those of us who love those dramas that just have random thanksgiving christmas new years eps ,,, also marissa's mental health was so well done i just wish i didn't hate her so much like wow is this how i am???
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cute book adapt !!
10 April 2023
So i'm one of those who doesn't think every book has to be a tv/ movie adaptation but this one was actually pretty well done!! We finally got to hear the music that was written about and see the looks daisy and billy gave each other and the tours and concerts and things left unsaid in the interviews, all in a documentary type of format and it was close to the book while still showing that not everything should be trusted in interviews because a LOT more is actually happening behind the scenes. The last scene literally left me welling up and billy and daisy had AMAZING chemistry but i also loved the simone and bernie little side story as well, it was so cute and precious and just the casting in general was done so well :))
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Sharp Objects (2018)
hmm conflicted
27 December 2022
Okay so i read the book before watching the series, as one does, and i was already a tiny bit underwhelmed by the book but i HAD to see its limited series accompaniment. I continuously thought that not every book has to be turned into a live action thing because, while amy adams and the actress of amma did a great job as the characters they were supposed to be playing, it just wasn't enough. This did not have to be 7 hours, it just didn't. And the ending was SOOOO abrupt, i was left texting my friend in confusion about it, even though obviously i read the book and knew what really happened in clear detail. One of the pros was the episode centering around camille's psych ward stay, that was probably my favorite part of the series. The setting was also just very off-putting but it was supposed to be so i can't really complain about it much.
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Degrassi: Next Class (2016–2017)
netflix ruins everything
8 November 2022
Soooo i just finished degrassi tng before this and was super excited for the franchise to be expanded but what was THISSSSS... there were obviously the stannable characters (zoe, miles, and grace) but netlix really ruined almost every other character and introduced literally the insufferable esme, giving her zero redemption arc, even though she was bpd coded, which was very upsetting to watch. There were no slow burn storylines and a lot of things were wrapped up within a few episodes, when it used to take entire seasons for some issues to be worked out in tng. The issues in this seemed shallow, as well as the relationships (except that adorable miles and tristan moment in the prom ep i literally sobbed my eyes out). SO upset that hbo max seemed to have dropped their interest in making another spinoff, i would love for this not to be the lasting impression of degrassi on the world.
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welcome to emma, i'm degrassi
19 October 2022
Now now NOW... i could cry typing this, knowing my friends and i just went on the 5 month journey that it took to binge the entirety of this show. Going through multiple generations of middle/ high school students at degrassi, this show hit on SO. MANY. Social issues like it was insane. Almost every single character was so complex and got a redemption arc if they weren't aready likeable to begin with. The bipolar representation was especially just so well done.

While it is true that the show did go downhill eventually, this never stopped being a total comfort show for me every night and was so easy to discuss with my friends. I also literally met my girlfriend because of degrassi and i just idk, this show is so dear to me and i will cherish it forever.

The first season's version and the peter stone version of the theme song was truly the best ones and they will be playing at my wedding. It was also insane to see how many actors got their start on this show, from nina dobrev to the girls who played darcy edwards and ali bhandari to drake. Stunning show and so much more than i thought it would be. On to next class!!
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Finding Carter (2014–2015)
i'm full of hot takes for this one
17 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, the first season of this show was SO bingeable omg i think i finished it in just a few days because it was just that addicting!! Now while the second season was a bit long, i still enjoyed watching every episode because i could always could on SOMETHING dramatic to happen. Secondly, i saw someone say they wished megan prescott was the twin sister to carter and i couldn't get it out of my head just how good that would be like ughhh i couldn't really do it with taylor most of the time. Thirdly, the max and grant characters were so so good i loved them both but FOURTHLY... LORI STEVENS WAS MISUNDERSTOOD!!! As someone with bpd,,,, i just know lori had it, i could do a whole case study around it. Like, she was so mentally ill and the whole psychiatric ward storyline was just on point. I hate how i could definitely see audiences hating her and wishing her attempts worked but like no... she is redeemable and she was deserving of help. This is probably why i couldn't stand taylor and elizabeth because they just did notttt get it. I felt so connected to lori and thought this show did such a great job giving her an arc near the end<33.
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Downton Abbey (2010–2015)
BEAUTIFUL period drama with BEST ensemble cast!
23 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was so splendid to watch... i came into this very overwhelmed with the amount of characters i thought would be hard to remember, especially considering they were all under one roof, but within a few episodes, i was hooked and already had favorites. The best part of this was that so many characters had such amazing redemption arcs as well (BARROW!!!). Being able to see their complexity and their stories unfold during the time period was so fun! The costumes and settings were also so well done, award winning in my opinion. While the episodes were very dense and not very bingeable, i still looked forward to watching the storylines unravel every night that i watched. I found edith to be one of the most insufferable characters in a tv show i've seen, which i gather is an unpopular opinion, but it was fun to see her and mary's dynamic shift back and forth with mary's moods. It was hard to root against anyone and this world was one that i found so endearing! I hated how lord grantham had literally zero consquences for cheating on cora but ya know... i guess things happen. Can't wait to watch the movies!
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
the finale
28 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show was something i wasn't expecting,,, in the best way possible. Firstly, i absolutely loved the way it went back and forth from past to present because both storylines were engaging at the same time. I found the relationships w these characters to be amazingly complex and fleshed out, like i legit thought shauna was in love with jackie at first but when everything came out about the pregnancy, i was FLOORED. Then with shauna STILL being with jeff... bye she's the worst type. Then with natalie and trevor's whole thing, they almost made me sob when they told each other they loved each other like wahhhh. Anyways, it was engaging yah but that finale was what took the cake for me. That last 15 minutes was INSANE and i was left so freaked OUT like lowkey hyperventilating i wasn't expecting it to be that horrifying but it was so good, very graphic very intense very creepy and misty and natalie are deranged but the best <33.
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marry me takumi!!
28 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Okay okay okay so i read the book before watching the mini-series and honestly the book was so much better and packed way more of an emotional punch. I didn't think 8 episodes was necessary, OR if they really wanted more episodes, maybe add one more where they're grappling with the death of alaska. I didn't really care for the ways the show changed small plotlines, like the fact that alaska told jake to go date that other girl like that was so weird?? BUT i must say, i did love the inclusion of hyde's gayness and the storyline of his past lover dying of AIDS like yes that was very much needed... the way these kids talked was so funny to me because of how unbelievably cringey they sounded sometimes but like its fine. The casting was done very well, i just wished i actually felt emotionally connected to the characters and the story like the book made me feel :///
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Desperate Housewives (2004–2012)
seriously have never seen anything like it
20 January 2022
This show had a GRIP on me. I've never been one for comedies or shows that went outside the teen drama realm but this one is truly a masterpiece. Every single character has development, goes through an arc and is so complex. The fact that this show is narrated by the girls' friend who died of suicide... genius. The series finale... genius. The theme song... genius. The deaths... genius. And i must sidebar and talk about the unique and amazing use of mental illness throughout this show. The fact that this show gives representation to OCD, alcoholism, drug addiction, BPD, depression, narcissism, and suicide in multiple forms, is seriously comendable. I've never felt so attached to characters and friendships as i felt with this show, literally was balling when i finished it. Also small appreciation for all the "into the woods" lyrics that were used as episode titles, it was a small cool thing i was able to notice.
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finished it in one day!
17 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was so good... it's so crazy how netflix can release masterpieces like this alongside garbage like what?? Anyways i literally went into this thinking it was a true story (it's not) but that makes it so much better because the producers really mapped out a whole girl's journey through abandonment, addiction, alcoholism, all while making herself the world champion of chess. I loved how the last episode included everyone from her past returning, literally cried when she found the picture of her and sheibel in the basement, when jolene came back and when benny and the chess guys called her during her most important match. It really shows how greatness comes at a price and how you don't always have to be what other people want you to be. Thomas brodie-sangster was excellent and anya taylor-joy was a QUEEN...!
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Rebelde (2022)
it's not THAT bad... just nostalgic
10 January 2022
As a huge fan of the original rebelde series, i was so so excited for this to come out and didn't even try expecting for it to be at any level as good as the original. It wasn't but it wasn't as horrid as some people are making it out to be. It was so refreshing seeing pilar and celina back on my screen, as well as a colucci, even though so many people were trashing him for being exactly as a colucci would be.... it just made sm sense that mia's cousin would be the gay one it was so cute. The lesbian representation was also very cute... when it came to andi lol. The singing was obvi not as great as in the original but i loved that they brought a lot of songs back it literally filled my heart with joy. I was just so thrown off when there was a full on sex scene with like NAKED PEOPLE on my screen after just a few episodes like HELLO??? Where's the slow burn???
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
maybe this would get higher rate if they showed more alycia!!!
7 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Okokok so we all know i hate the twd universe BUT i find this to be the best one of the three shows. All because of strand and alycia debnam carey of course! Once alycia left the 100 i followed her to this show because she is seriously amazing but then with this most recent season of ftwd.... they chose to leave her out of every single episode other than the last two before the mid season finale and it was pretty bore until she showed up. Her and victor's relationship is one that is so complex i love following along with it and im so excited for madison to return but like lol why'd they have to make alycia lose a hand and be on the brink of death. If she goes they might as well cancel the show because they already got rid of nick who i LOVED SO MUCH. Idk it bothers me how they do the storyline with this show but the cast is pretty great so i guess its kinda mid but oh well.
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What If...? (2021– )
cartoon thor kinda hot
3 December 2021
Wow that cartoon man looked exactly like benedict cumberbatch...... i just watched this so i could be caught up and able to see my hailee in hawkeye <333.
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