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Not for everyone, but this is genuine horror at its finest
4 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Just got out of the theatre and I don't think I've seen a more tranquil and bloody slasher. Truly one of a kind and something I don't see enough people talking about is the sound design and lack of score. Makes everything that much more uneasy.

Spoilers section below!

The "casual movie goer" I'm pretty confident will absolutely hate this movie. It isn't the typical movie format and I think casual viewers will not appreciate it. I absolutely loved it. The Campfire and Car scene were the only real times we saw the victims, and I honestly think the movie would've worked equally as well if they had switched those two angles to never show us the actual victims as characters. The campfire scene could've just been over his shoulder as he stood there and listened to them and the car scene could just been a shot of her leg slowly bleeding more and more as they talked. I do understand the car scene though because it created so much tension. You were just waiting for Johnny to pop out. And that's what she'll live with for the rest of her life Everyone is talking about the yoga scene, but the Log Splitter scene made me have an adrenaline dump and get nauseous. No soundtrack save for the Walkman briefly, the radio in the car, and the credits song was a brilliant touch as well! I absolutely adore this movie. It was brilliant!!!
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Good one to watch for Valentine's Day
26 February 2024
If you're into sexy movies about human pork bun this is an awesome movie. Anthony Wong playing against type was the highlight for me. I have the Vinegar Syndrome restoration and I must say I wish they'd get their hands on the first one too, the colour grading and sound is unreal and amazing.

Depending on how well versed you are in Category III flicks this will either be too trashy or not trashy enough for you. For me I'd compare this to Erotic Nightmare - really sleazy but hypnotically enticing.

It's a sin they don't make movies like this anymore. The lens is so nihilistic, the events obscene and the playful tone makes the thrills and horror all that much more intense. Don't miss it!
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Madame Web (2024)
Embracing the Unapologetic Charm of a Cult Classic
18 February 2024
In a world where superhero films dominating the box office is almost a relic of the past, there's something refreshingly unique about the Madame Web. Despite receiving its fair share of criticism online from manchildren and bandwagon jumpers, this film stands as a testament to embracing the unconventional and reveling in its own absurdity. Do people forget what these films are supposed to be? While some may dismiss it as one of the worst films of all time, to do so is to miss the point entirely.

First and foremost, Madame Web is a film that knows exactly what it is. It's not striving to be a serious, Oscar-worthy masterpiece; instead, it unapologetically embraces its own campiness and eccentricity. From its over-the-top characters to its delightfully absurd motivation for the villain, every aspect of the film exudes a sense of self-awareness and playfulness (really brought home by Dakota Johnson's bored yet sultry delivery). And in a cinematic landscape often dominated by formulaic blockbusters, this willingness to break the mold and take risks within the limited IP should be celebrated, not ridiculed.

One of the film's greatest strengths lies in its casting, particularly Dakota Johnson's portrayal of the titular character. Johnson fully commits to the film's offbeat tone, delivering a performance that perfectly matches its quirky sensibility. As Madame Web, she exudes a captivating blend of wit, charm, and eccentricity, commanding every scene she's in with her magnetic presence. It's a testament to Johnson's versatility as an actress that she's able to effortlessly transition from more mainstream fare to the delightfully off-kilter world of Madame Web. The baby shower scene got one of the biggest belly laughs of any film I've seen in theatres in a long time.

Furthermore, the film's visual style and aesthetic are nothing short of mesmerizing. From its vibrant color palette to its imaginative set design, every frame of Madame Web is a visual feast for the eyes. I'm not familiar with the directors other work, and sad that based on the reaction to this there won't be much more to come.

But perhaps the most important thing to remember about Madame Web is that it's a film meant to be enjoyed on its own terms. Yes, it may not adhere to the traditional conventions of the modern superhero genre that the MCU has dictated and made into a disgusting formula, but that's precisely what makes it so special. In a world oversaturated with cookie-cutter superhero films, Madame Web dares to be different, offering audiences a breath of fresh air in an otherwise stagnant landscape.

Of course, no film is without its flaws, and Madame Web certainly has its fair share. Some may argue that its plot is convoluted or that its humor falls flat at times. For me the worst part is the ADR of the villain - makes for some nasty unintended comedy. However, these perceived shortcomings pale in comparison to the sheer joy and entertainment value that the film provides. At its core, Madame Web is a celebration of the power of imagination and the joy of storytelling, and in that regard, it more than succeeds.

Madame Web may not be everyone's cup of tea, but for those willing to embrace its idiosyncrasies, it offers a wildly entertaining and endlessly enjoyable cinematic experience. It's a film that knows exactly what it is and isn't afraid to own it, and in an age of conformity and mediocrity, that's something to be celebrated. So let the internet scoff and deride all they want; true fans of cinema know that Madame Web is a cult classic in the making, destined to be cherished for years to come.
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Pig Killer (2022)
Should have felt more like a modern day exploitation
27 December 2023
Pig Killer is a film that attempts to delve into the dark and disturbing world of Canadian serial killer Robert Pickton, but falls short on several fronts. The overall execution of the movie leaves much to be desired, making it an unsatisfying melodramatic experience.

One of the most glaring issues with Pig Killer is its use of a classic 80s soundtrack blaring non stop. While the intention might have been to create an atmosphere of nostalgia, it instead comes across as intrusive and out of place. The jarring juxtaposition of upbeat tunes with the grim subject matter becomes a constant distraction and interrupts any attempt at building tension or conveying the gravity of the story.

Perhaps the filmmakers were aiming for a gritty, exploitation-style approach to the narrative, akin to The Scary of Sixty-First. However, unlike The Scary of Sixty-First, which successfully captured the essence of exploitation films, Pig Killer fails to find the right balance. The tone of the movie wavers, never quite settling into a consistent style, leaving the audience unsure of what to expect or feel.

If you're gonna go full trashy like the exploitation films of yesteryear then why was there so much horrible melodrama? In the end, Pig Killer is a film that doesn't live up to its potential. The 2 hour run time didn't do much for it either - would love to see it recut to an hour and a half & see if it helps with the tone of the flick but for now it's a lot of missed potential.
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Vinegar Syndrome can do no wrong
2 July 2023
The Invisible Maniac is a hidden gem recently unearthed by Vinegar Syndrome that manages to strike the perfect balance between comedy and horror.

The movie has a self-awareness that allows it to cleverly poke fun at the tropes and clichés of horror films, resulting in numerous laugh-out-loud moments. Whether it's the exaggerated reactions of its characters or the witty dialogue filled with clever one-liners, this film never takes itself too seriously, providing a refreshing and entertaining twist on the genre.

While comedy takes center stage, The Invisible Maniac also manages to deliver genuine horror and suspense. The film seamlessly weaves together absurd humor and eerie suspense to create an atmosphere of tension that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The moments of horror are skillfully executed, with the invisible maniac lurking in the shadows, creating a sense of unease and anticipation. The blend of comedy and horror in this film is truly unique, making The Invisible Maniac a standout entry in both genres.

Furthermore, the performances by the cast are commendable. The actors fully embrace the campy nature of the film, delivering over-the-top performances that perfectly suit the tone. Their comedic timing and chemistry elevate the humor, while also portraying the fear and vulnerability needed for the horror elements of the story. It is clear that the cast had a great time making this film, and their enthusiasm is contagious, making it even more enjoyable for the audience.

Additionally, the practical effects used in The Invisible Maniac are surprisingly well done for its time. The film employs inventive techniques to create the illusion of an invisible antagonist, which adds an extra layer of intrigue and immersion. These practical effects stand the test of time, proving that sometimes old-school techniques can be just as impactful as modern CGI.

In conclusion, The Invisible Maniac is an underappreciated masterpiece that expertly blends comedy and horror. This film caters to those seeking a good laugh, while still managing to offer genuine scares. Its unique tone, memorable performances, and inventive practical effects make it a must-watch for fans of both genres. If you're looking for a movie that will keep you entertained from start to finish, The Invisible Maniac should be at the top of your list.
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Scream VI (2023)
Pretty good!
25 March 2023
Scream VI is a triumphant return to form for the beloved slasher franchise, with a fresh new take on the classic horror formula. One of the biggest highlights of the film is the stunning performance by rising star Jenna Ortega, who delivers a captivating and emotionally powerful portrayal of the lead character. Ortega brings a compelling depth and complexity to the role, making her character a relatable and engaging protagonist from start to finish.

The movie itself is a thrilling and unpredictable rollercoaster ride, with plenty of twists and turns that will leave you on the edge of your seat. The filmmakers have successfully injected new ideas and approaches into the franchise, giving us a fresh take on this beloved franchise that feels both nostalgic and modern at the same time.

All in all, Scream VI is a must-see for horror fans, whether you're a longtime fan of the franchise or a newcomer. With fantastic performances and a stellar production, this movie is a fun and entertaining ride that will leave you wanting more.
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Moon of the Wolf (1972 TV Movie)
This is a trash movie
16 March 2023
Watched the Vinegar Syndrome restoration and I genuinely wish it had remained in a dumpster. Boring and pointless characters bumble around debating what a loop de loo is. If you're thinking about wasting money on this only do so if you have very disposable income.

I must say the boy reason it's not a 1/10 is the make up of the actual werewolf (only seen in the climax), because he had a little doggy nose and reminded me of my little doggy friend Charlotte.

I must say that it's never easy to spend your hard-earned money on something that disappoints you in the end. It's especially difficult when you witness a film's restoration, and it still fails to make an impact on you. The Vinegar Syndrome restoration may have promised a new and improved version of the film, but sadly, it didn't deliver.

The lack of character development or engaging storytelling made the film tedious to watch. It's challenging to invest your time and money into films with dull and uninspired characters that add nothing to the overall narrative. Moreover, the "loop de loo" debate was a prime example of how uninteresting the dialogue was, making it difficult to care about the film's plot.

In conclusion, if you're a dog lover and want to marvel at a werewolf with a cute little nose, the climax may provide some moments of entertainment. However, if you're looking for a riveting film experience, this film is definitely not worth the investment. This review serves as a warning to other movie enthusiasts who may be considering watching this film. Make sure you have very disposable income before buying it.
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What Barbarian should have been - just watch it blind
4 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
No you won't be greeted by a naked old woman shouting ba ba. Yes you will be confused and mesmerised and absolutely terrified. It's a solemn but scary look at what exactly makes a monster. For these kinds of movies, they're typically "what did I just watch" but this one makes sure to separate the real and the surreal very very efficiently

Solid performances from all members of the cast, particularly the leading lady. The sound design is brilliant too, especially "that sound" during the end credits.

I'm a 30 year old man and I tend to like movies that make me feel a certain way rather than expose me to a certain narrative but this film has both. Can't recommend more.
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Cult Hero (2022)
This movie rocks
31 July 2022
Treat yourself - go in blind and enjoy. Saw this at Fantasia and Cult Hero was made by a small group of very passionate people who truly understand story telling and are not afraid of authenticity & showing their Canadian roots. Ry gave a performance of a lifetime, brilliant comedic timing, and perhaps the definitive on screen portrayal of a Karen by Liv Collins. Some of the best special effects I've seen outside of a Tom Savini flick, stuck around for the Q&A and the effects genius behind the blood and fun is a true master. We will ascend!
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Honeycomb (2022)
Oh, honey!
26 June 2022
Ah cool! Someone made a simulator for sitting at the food court eating pad Thai and listening to sexy teenagers talk about farting!!! Garbage trash fire not worth your time or money.
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X (II) (2022)
18 April 2022
This isn't like Ti West's other films. It's tasteless garbage with a few good scenes scattered throughout that end up being meaningless when the film descended into complete nonsense and shock value.
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Turning Red (2022)
Literal trash
12 March 2022
Unlikeable characters marketed to Canadians but meant for China money. If you wanted to make a movie for Canadians why not use indigenous characters? Harder to make money overseas but probably would be a more important movie.

It felt like a fake movie trailer in an Adam Sandler movie making fun of these kinds of movies. Amazing that all the reviews here are paid for by Disney social media interns.
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14 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like the name having a cuss word in it is the only marketing the film needs but it's really boring and doesn't go anywhere. The one scene with the (spoiler) eyeball and needle (spoiler) is great though
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Shook (2021)
It's pretty good
19 February 2021
I think Shudder thought it would be their next Host. It's definitely not. But it's pretty good I reckon. There's a drastic tone shift 3/4 the way through the movie and the twisted turn wasn't how I thought the whole thing would go down. It's a fun movie that tries to cut deeper with the whole "influencer in the wild" aesthetic that you're gonna see a lot of reviewers crap on it for
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The Pale Door (2020)
Big waste of time
21 January 2021
I waited like 9 months for this movie after hearing the premise and seeing the poster. It sucked. It's just pure irredeemable trash - whoever was involved with this should not be allowed to work again. It has the smudgy fingerprints of idiots all over it
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Hunted (IV) (2020)
Same idea has been done better in other movies
16 January 2021
Spends too much time with our antagonist and fails to make them likeable or interesting. Would have given it an 8/10 but the sound mixing is atrocious. There was a point where I farted and it overtook the soundtrack and I had to rewind to make out what they said.
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Boring piece of garbage
11 October 2020
They spend like 10 minutes in the VHS world. Really boring and I didn't like any of the characters. Stupid movie don't watch
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Criminally underrated
10 October 2020
Makes other movies look like trash. Go in blind and have a blast
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I hate X-Men movies but loved this
16 September 2020
Cool characters, small tight cast. Not a horror movie in the way dumb people think all horrors are slashers but has horror elements that make the film infinitely enjoyable.
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