
12 Reviews
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Ultraviolet (2006)
Very much worth a watch. A lot to like here.
16 June 2021
So apparently Sony was the main culprit for almost destroying this movie. No surprise there. It seems to suffer from a lack of budget too ( and somehow many of the scenes have big budget quality throughout)... though neither of these has to be a deal breaker if you know that there is still a ton of awesomeness in this film. First it has one of the sexiest and most beautiful leading lady's on phenomenal display. Guys ( and gals) if you like maxed out eye candy, this movie needs to be near top of your list. Speaking of eye candy, the super-stylized action is truly a joy and even a marvel to behold. Is every single shot award-worthy? No. In fact some scenes or shots are very cringe-worthy. This movie strangely represents both extremes of the quality spectrum. Some are C-movie level. Some are among the most beautiful and enjoyable ever. If you can be totally objective, and just let each scene be what it is, there is a LOT to enjoy in this movie. I own the DVD, and love putting it on about 3 to 6 times a year. It's original. You have to respect and appreciate that. It also took a lot of risks in its its originality. Big balls should get big appreciation. Especially when the end result is overall very enjoyable. Will you roll your eyes occasionally? Sure. But dont throw this one out because of that. Just know what your getting into beforehand, and everything will be fine. In fact it's going to be a lot better than fine. One of my favorite action sci fi movies of all time. A hell of an enjoyable movie if you let it be. I recommend watching more than once. It seems to grow on you with repeat viewings. Oh, did I mention the wonderful Milla is hotter than hell throughout 😉'll thank me. 😁
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HDD 1 & 2 : The BEST modern movie series!
3 May 2021
These movies go hand in hand and 1 plays off of 2. Hopefully, you get to see these in order. What a awesome surprise! Real, thoughtful, fun , quality movie making craft and storytelling in the modern era?!? Idiots will underrate these gems that are easy to kick back and have a great time. Stimulating for the the brain and the emotions. Real humanity. Character arc. Surprises. Laughs. No politics. Fortunately less gore and horror than you might expect, but enough to keep it real and intriguing. Kudos to all who worked on these great films. And heres hoping that we get a 3rd one!
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HDD 1 & 2 : The BEST modern movie series!
3 May 2021
Welcome to fun, creative, real-human story telling at it's best. In a sad dark ages for Hollywood and the movie industry, a breath of inspired fresh air appears so we can breathe and once again see the light. Intriguing plot, character arcs, surprises, twists and turns, humor and comedy throughout, real sense of urgency and danger, great camera work, great soundtrack and music, a plot that keeps you engrossed to the very end, what more could you want? Oh! Did we forget to mention: FUN! Thank the movie gods for this series and I soooo hope that we get a 3rd film.
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Sky Sharks (2020)
We need more movies like this.
13 December 2020
I'm 1/3 of the way through this movie, when I stopped to write this. We simply need more movies like this. Action, sci-fi, nudity, music videos, all beautifully shot. The nazi-zombie sub genre never gets old. We just need more ( slightly higher budget) films like this that are made with creativity and love......and FUN. I've seen attempts at this genre that miss the mark because either they simply dont have enough funding, or they forget the fun factor. Fortunately, so far, this first 1/3 of the movie has it!
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Grossly underated.
23 September 2020
Gross describes the gory geath scenes you will see in these well as their ratings. The first movie is the least of the series, actually. After that, they become technical marvels of ingenuity, imagination, and craftsmanship. Compelling characters, interesting plot and stories, sometimes chessy, but usually good or even awesome cgi. These is an amazing movie series. This last one didnt drop the ball. Why arent we shooting for 30 movies in this series??? If James Bond can do it..... Theres unlimited source material ( ways to die) . Exponitentially more than Bond could ever dream of. The movies are well shot, with interesting characters. Yes the whole thing with death and how it operates is " blown up " ( pardon the pun) to a point of making the plot pointless. Thats the real fault with these movies. Make the rules stick. And explain things. These two important points would lend a lot more credibility with the audience. Having free license to do whatever , whenever, and whyever, is the one bad thing in this movies series. That being said, i highly recommend these as great Twilight Zone style entertainment. Visually striking and imaginative and entertaining . Yes it is horror too...not too much though if you think of it more as sci-fi. Get your popcorn ready. Yes these can be really good in 3d too.
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The Wretched (2019)
Better than its rating.
16 August 2020
Best horror film I've seen in years. I wont say much else as I hate spoilers. Beautifully shot. Very well done. Not as cliche and formulaic as most horrors. Fresh and unique. Yes, like all movies it borrows from its predecessors. But I cant recall seeing a movie exactly like this. So for me it was original. Stays away from politics and agenda ( thank God!!!!!!) . Was far less annoying and more interesting than 95% of most horror films. Avoids a lot of the gimmicks and stereotypical tropes as far as screenplay, plot, and pacing, and dialogue. Honestly, for me, this is a classic! I am proud to recommend this high quality, original, engaging horror. Not a cheap jump scare, or by-the-numbers horror. This has heart AND soul. I hope there is a sequel. 8 out of ten stars from me.
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Trench 11 (2017)
Please make more ! I'm NOT tired of these movies.
29 December 2019
To any and all directors out there, please keep making these kind of movies . We love the nazi/ monster/ experiment thing. This , along with the zombie genre, is one we never get tired of. Please just put heart and soul into it...and at least a little money. While we are at it....will someone please pick up the resident evil franchise and keep that going?
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The Witcher (2019– )
2nd review. Just finished ep 6.
29 December 2019
Yes, there is some meanness to this but it still seems to be more varied and dare I say realistic and down-to-earth than GOT. I am really enjoying this. Season two better be here soon!
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The Witcher (2019– )
Fantastic 1st episode! Can't wait to watch more
21 December 2019
Soooooo much better than GOT. Not one dimensional , meaness , Taratino- style fetish, but more believable, interesting, characters with an enthralling story and plot so far. Love the camera work and effects. Very vested with 1sr epic. Hope this keeps up.
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Dead Space: Downfall (2008 Video)
More feminist bs?
23 November 2019
Men are stupid and need women to save them. Not just on a personal level, but apparently this applies to the entire human race. Noticing this theme in so many movies, TV shows, and commercials in 2019. Going back to watch this decade- earlier movie and its here too. Also, extreme violence and gore in this. That's not a deal breaker in itself, but if you have kids watching this , fyi. I like the space horror/ thriller genre, but this movie was a mess in terms of message and plot. The characters are so darn stupid in this. That plus the gender message makes this hard to enjoy.
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Beautiful, but is it TRUE???
5 May 2019
A beautiful and very well done movie. From what im reading, though, 90% of this film is NOT accurate and might even be outright lies. Im not sure, need time to do more research.
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Bird Box (2018)
One of netflix's best! Dont worry, no spoilers here.
31 December 2018
So glad a friend recommended this to me. Yes, it going to have some loose ends that are not going to be explained or wrapped up. ( I always hope in these instances, that there will be a second movie which will continue the story....we will see whether that happens or not, here. One can always hope) That does in no way detract from the quality of this film, fortunately. What they give us is absolute story-telling greatness. I know nothing about the book. ( Yes, the book is ALWAYS better....we know). I just know that I love a great thriller/ horror movie, and personally, I consider this to be one of the best. Great job! To everyone who helped make this very enjoyable film. And thank you to Netflix for this gem. I dont think too highly of most movies released under the Netflix name. But this one is great. Black Mirror: Bandersnatch was pretty good too, though I could see where some may not care for it as much. Also, I enjoyed Spectral.
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