
7 Reviews
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The Walking Dead: Mercy (2017)
Season 8, Episode 1
Definitely the worst episode I've ever seen. I had to fastfoward through most of the scene because of the unbarable bad acting and bad writing.
24 October 2017
Definitely the worst episode I've ever seen. I had to fastfoward through most of the scene because of the unbarable bad acting and bad writing.Definitely the worst episode I've ever seen. I had to fastfoward through most of the scene because of the unbarable bad acting and bad writing.Definitely the worst episode I've ever seen. I had to fastfoward through most of the scene because of the unbarable bad acting and bad writing.Definitely the worst episode I've ever seen. I had to fastfoward through most of the scene because of the unbarable bad acting and bad writing.Definitely the worst episode I've ever seen. I had to fastfoward through most of the scene because of the unbarable bad acting and bad writing.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Fool for Love (2000)
Season 5, Episode 7
BAD WRITING - Riley Was There And Then He Was Not???
19 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The very start of the episode shows Buffy getting (spoiler). Riley was there to (spoiler). Next scene Riley asked her questions that would indicate he was never there. This is by far the worst inconsistent writing I've ever seen. Sorry, I take that back this episode has another inconsistency and this one contradicts the entire series. In season 2 episode 3 School Hard, Spike says "You were my Sire, mate", to Angel because Angel is Spike's sire. In this outrageously inconsistent episode they show Drucilla as Spike's sire. Angel sired Drucilla, then a few years later sired Spike. This is horrible, Joss!!! I hope that awful producer fails as much in life as he did in Buffy and Angel and Firefly. He is the worst thing to ever happen to film and television.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Family (2000)
Season 5, Episode 6
How Does This Have An 8.2???
19 October 2017
How on Earth can this horribly written and horrifically acted episode have an 8.2????? This is by far the worst episode of Buffy out of the whole series. The person who is trying to act the Tera character is just god-awful!!!!! She's NOT an actress. Her idea of a stutter is an actual an insult to those with a stutter and those who are real actors. It's as if she didn't research the part at all!
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Star Trek: Voyager: Blink of an Eye (2000)
Season 6, Episode 12
Terribly Inconsistent
16 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers

Seven-of-Nine says that 1 second on Voyager is nearly a day on the planet. This means nearly 10 years would pass for every hour and roughly 230 years would pass for every day, yet many centuries pass on the planet while only a few minutes pass on Voyager. I don't know how someone could be that bad at math but that's one of the worst inconsistencies I've ever seen. This episode was very poorly written.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Thirty Days (1998)
Season 5, Episode 9
30 days with a 5 o'clock shadow
5 October 2017
How is it that Paris had a 5 o'clock shadow for 30 days straight, not shaving. How can anyone make such an unimaginably moronic mistake as that? I mean seriously! He grew a 5 o'clock shadow (stubble) within the first day and it never grew anymore for the next 29 days. That is honestly the worst writing I've ever seen.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Once Upon a Time (1998)
Season 5, Episode 5
The Worst Episode Of Any Star Trek Series
3 October 2017
I truly hope whoever created this episode, directed, wrote, produced was fired and never aloud to work anywhere remotely close to a film studio. This episode is by far the worst thing to ever be shown on television.

It's an embarrassment!
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American Gods: A Prayer for Mad Sweeney (2017)
Season 1, Episode 7
No Spoiler - But Honest Review
8 July 2017
This was by far the worst episode of any show I've ever seen. NOTHING HAPPENS!!! It's some Irish story that has nothing to do with the actual show. You can completely skip this episode and you won't miss any of the show's story line. I recommend skipping it. Now I have to fill 2 more lines of text to post my review. So I'll say this! I REALLY LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!! But whoever wrote and directed this episode needs to have their head examined. But most definitely, they need to be black-listed in the movie and TV industry. There! I hope that's enough text.
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