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John Wick (2014)
Action-packed, but has narrative issues
6 June 2024
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This movie, about an ex-hitman who comes out of retirement to track down the gangsters who killed his dog and stole his car, is an okay gun fu movie.

It is visually appealing with cool choreography, cinematography, color grading, lighting, scenery, and score. However, other elements make it difficult for me to let me enjoy it enough to like it.

First, the pacing is unnecessary odd. The first act feels like a third act, and for the rest of the movie, it is difficult to interpret what the movie wants to convey with its pacing. Second, the character development is poor. We get an introduction to the protagonist, John Wick, who recently lost his wife, but we still do not get enough time to know him. Therefore, the movie lacks character connection, which also making me not care for his fate in combat. Third, the dialogue is weak because it does not feel natural. It lacks flow and is hard to be impressed by. And last, the plot is thin. In the first place, I enjoy action movies with a small and simple plot, but is the one in John Wick worthy? I am personally not sure. I like to think about the dog and car of John as the last reminders and motivations after the death of his wife, but it bothers me to think that he tries to eliminate a whole mafia because of his dog and car. I can understand if some think he has nothing to lose, but I do not see the whole point of his extreme actions.

While this movie boasts stunning visuals and action choreography, its pacing issues, underdeveloped characters, and questionable plot logic hinder overall enjoyment. It throws us into a high-octane revenge quest with a character we barely know, driven by motivations that feel out of proportion. The thin plot relies heavily on visual spectacle, which may be enough for some action enthusiasts, but leaves others wanting more depth.
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6 June 2024
This series, about a vengeful young woman and a former Jedi who navigate the ruthless Galactic Empire during different eras, is good!

I honestly expected it to be more about central characters in the Star Wars universe like Count Dooku in Tales of the Jedi (2022), and not canon characters although it introduces a couple of well-known characters. This automatically makes it hard for the series itself to set a high bar in the first place. However, I think it is worthy for what it offers. Since the series is about the Empire, I expected it to be dark - and dark it is! To be completely honest, I wish it was even darker, but it is of course a children's series, which I respect. The tales the series tells are good with a mostly predictable but well-executed plot that focuses mostly on inner conflicts that is a central theme in the Star Wars universe with an addition of action and drama. It is definitely worth checking out if you are a Star Wars fan, or at least enjoying the other computer-animated installments of Star Wars.

Despite the absence of original characters, this series captures the grip of the dark side on the galaxy. Familiar plots are elevated by inner conflict and a child-friendly darkness, making it a good fit for Star Wars animation fans.
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Unstoppable (2010)
6 June 2024
Unstoppable (2010) Dynamic

This movie, about a veteran engineer and a young conductor who race against the clock to prevent a catastrophe, is a great action movie!

The story is monotonous, the movie has constant shaky camera, and the character development is thin, but you know what? I still love it!

I admire that the movie manages to get you to the edge of the seat by turning a monotonous, but true, story into an intense, action-packed train ride. As said, the character development is somewhat thin, but the characters themselves are easy to care somewhat for. In terms of technical aspects, this is what makes the movie a fantastic one. The cinematography is amazing the color grading is cinematic, the sound editing is breathtaking, the score is good, and the stunts are incredible. The movie contains a lot of elements for just a straightforward story.

Despite a predictable plot, shaky camerawork, and underdeveloped characters, this movie remains a thrilling ride. Its strength lies in its technical mastery. Breathtaking cinematography, expert color grading, a pulse-pounding score,and incredible stunts elevate this simple story into an intense, action-packed experience.
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Strays (2023)
Predictable and overloaded with comedy
24 May 2024
This movie, about an abandoned dog that teams up with other strays to get revenge on his former owner, is a bad buddy comedy movie.

How the production has trained the dogs is somewhat impressive, and the talking mouths on the dogs look good. The movie is not free of funny moments, but it is overloaded with coarse language and comedy, which are the main elements that leave me with a negative experience. It tries to be funny, but when it gets too much in every single scene, it does not speak to me. Unfortunately, the humor is not my type, and I think it speaks more to primary and middle school pupils. I rarely enjoy live-action animal movies, and despite that this movie stands out with its extreme coarse language, its plot and storyline are as predictable as they can be.

While the talking dogs and their impressive training deserve a nod, this movie fails to impress with its story and humor. The predictable plot and relentless barrage of coarse jokes aimed at a younger audience left me feeling like this movie belonged in detention, not the theater.
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Visually stunning
18 May 2024
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This movie, about a warrior named Raya who is determined to find the last dragon, is a good adventure epic movie!

It gets slightly overshadowed by the overload of comedy because it rarely relies on complete seriousness, especially with its important scenes, which makes some of the depth fade away. Also, while the backstory is strong, the overall plot is somewhat predictable, making it not as engaging as wanted. To add, I personally do not like the design of Sisu because she looks more like a dragon from a toy collection of a girl. I think Sisu would look much better with a more primitive look because she feels too cartoonish.

However, the strong elements shine the most. It is visually stunning with its incredible animation, beautiful colors, and impressive world building and design. The movie is a feast for the eyes because almost every frame looks like a wallpaper. The cinematography, choreography, and score make the movie even more captivating, and although the plot is somewhat predictable, the movie manages to mostly prioritize its storytelling by showing rather than telling.

In conclusion, despite some shortcomings in plot and character design, this movie is visually remarkable. The animation, world-building, and action sequences are a treat to watch. While the story itself might not surprise seasoned viewers, the movie prioritizes impactful visuals and storytelling through action over lengthy exposition.
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Stunning visuals, but a simplistic plot
16 May 2024
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This movie, about Soren who is kidnapped by the evil owls of St. Aegolious and want to turn him into a soldier, is an okay animal adventure movie.

What impresses me is the stunning animation. The lighting and colors are perfect, the details are exceptional, and the best of all are the movements of the characters. It is one of the best movement animations of birds I have ever seen. To add, the cinematography and score strengthen the visual and atmospheric joy.

However, the plot, script, and some parts of the concept downgrade my experience. On one hand, I love the animation of the birds because they look so primitive. But on the other hand, I do not think the primitive feeling fits the concept of letting the owls have metal armors where the movie also introduces army battles and supernatural powers. It gets too exaggerated, in my opinion. Combined with the story, I think it would be better with a more cartoonish animation or basically a live-action human movie. Speaking of the story, it is definitely overused, simple, and rushed. Its structure is something we have seen multiple times before and the cliché characters do not make it any better. Also, I think there is too much talking. I want more "Show. Don't tell." scenes. So overall, I am left with a mixed experience.

While this movie boasts phenomenal animation that brings the owl world to life, the overly familiar good-versus-evil plot and reliance on dialogue disappoint. The clash between the stunning visuals of the movie and its derivative story leaves me with a mixed experience.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Action-packed, but too melodramatic
10 May 2024
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This movie, about a secret government agency that recruits some of the most dangerous incarcerated super-villains to form a defensive task force, is an okay superhero movie.

It is definitely a feast for the eyes. Despite that the mostly appealing CGI has its flaws, the amount of characters and action is entertaining. However, the movie is way too melodramatic and the plot is simple. A simple plot is not necessarily a bad thing, but it gets dull without depth. I really like the first act, mostly because of the character introductions, but the third act is as cliche and simple as it can get. Speaking of the dullness, it is much because of the dialogues. It is fun to see a bunch of different characters interact with each other, but they rather just comment on unnecessary things rather than being serious. And when it first gets serious, it gets too cliche, which is unfortunate. So overall, it gets flat, honestly.

In conclusion, while this movie boasts impressive visuals and a fun first act with intriguing characters, the movie ultimately falls flat. The plot is overly simplistic, the dialogue lacks focus, and the story takes a turn for the melodramatic in the later acts. While the action sequences are entertaining, they cannot save the movie from its underdeveloped script.
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The Notebook (2004)
10 May 2024
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This movie, about an elderly man who reads to a woman with dementia the story of two young lovers whose romance is threatened by the difference in their respective social classes, is a great romantic epic movie!

Very well execution of a good story with talented actors, engaging drama, a beautiful score, and much more. The character developments feel natural as well as the character interactions, and although it is easy to guess who the elderly people really are, the movie manages to catch your heart. The third act feels quite stretched, but at the same time touches your emotions with its perfect ending.

Though the third act lingers, this movie shines with its emotional core, captivating characters, and beautiful execution. A timeless love story.
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Me Before You (2016)
A sweet story
10 May 2024
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This movie, about a girl in a small town who forms an unlikely bond with a recently-paralyzed man she is taking care of, is a good feel-good romance movie!

Despite that I have not read the book, I could guess how the movie would turn out based on the poster. Because I was right about when it comes to characters who "unlikely" fall in love with each other and that the disabled character passes away at the end of the movie, it is important for the sake of the movie to impress with its execution of the story.

I am surprised that I do not get as much connection to the characters as I expected, and while the plot is basically predictable, the dialogues are surprisingly predictable as well. I could several times, unintentionally, guess what the characters said sometimes, and that is not a good thing, especially along with a predictable plot. However, the movie still manages to touch your feelings, especially the sad ones, like the beach scene, and although the story is predictable, it is hard to avoid caring for it, at least for one bit.

Despite predictable plot elements and a familiar trope, this movie manages to tug at the heartstrings. The beach scene evokes a strong emotional response, and the characters, though somewhat expected, are still endearing. Even if the story unfolds as anticipated, it is hard not to get invested in its outcome.
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Non-stop silly fights
1 May 2024
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This movie, about a team of National Guardsmen who are threatened by angry and violent locals, is a weak psychological thriller movie.

I like the plot, and the locations, costumes, and props make sure of a real survival setup. However, the execution is flawed. I like the idea that chaos leads to more chaos, and while the enemy is the original problem, the conflict within the squad makes it the real challenge. Anyway, the fights are the main problem with the movie because it overshadows most of the movie. The soldiers are apparently the dumbest soldiers in the world because it is almost impossible for them to do any sorts of cooperation. I also sometimes struggle to interpret if the movie tries to be funny or serious, and the cliche dialogues do not make it any better. All of these things happen from start until the third act, and while the third act finally gets rid of the silly fights, it lacks compactness and intensity, leaving me disappointed.

This movie suffers from silly soldier fights that overshadow the intriguing plot and survival setting. The unclear tone and cliche dialogue further weaken the movie, leaving disappointment despite a promising third act.
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Not much more than a dramatic plot
29 April 2024
This movie, about the relationship of Laura and Massimo that hangs in the balance as they try to overcome trust issues and jealousy while a tenacious Nacho works to push them apart, is a bad sequel to 365 Days: This Day (2022).

What makes this the best one of The 365 Days Trilogy (2020-2022) is that it actually has a decent plot itself where the open ending is in fact decent, plot-wise. Alongside this, the lighting, locations, and costumes are nice like the predecessors, but that does not make the movie good in any way. The movie struggles with almost every single element, both narratively and technically, making it difficult to enjoy. I personally find it hard to believe how the production, or at least the directors, can leave the movie with any sense of satisfaction.

Disappointing sequel. Decent plot (supposedly) cannot save the movie from technical and narrative flaws. Still a frustrating watch despite visuals.
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A movie or a music video?
29 April 2024
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This movie, about the family of Massimo who ties and a mysterious man bidding for the heart of Laura who complicate the lives of the lovers, is a terrible sequel to 365 Days (2020).

I think the first movie is awful, but I did not expect 365 Day: This Day to be even worse. How did that happen? Well, more than the half of the movie consists of scenes that are basically "music videos" or montages with almost no dialogues. And there are not only "music videos". The movie has no directions with the story until like the last 45 minutes or so. From here, the story itself is decent, but the execution is still heavily flawed like the rest of the movie. Besides nice lighting, locations, and costumes, there is nothing to be impressed by, even the acting. It is surprising how untalented directing is. The movie is almost so bad that it gets entertaining to watch, but in the end, it is one of the worst movies I have ever seen - and it got released in 2022, which makes itself even more embarrassing considering how easy it is to at least make a decent movie nowadays...

In conclusion, despite some attractive visuals, this movie fails to impress. Excruciatingly long montages and a near-nonexistent plot until the final stretch make this sequel even worse than its critically panned predecessor. This poorly directed mess is a contender for one of the worst movies of 2022.
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365 Days (2020)
Narrative crisis
24 April 2024
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This movie, about Massimo who is a member of the Sicilian Mafia family and Laura who is a sales director, is an awful steamy-romance movie.

It is not much good to be said. The only elements I find appealing are the lighting, locations, and most of the sex scenes themselves. Otherwise, the movie is extremely flawed.

The narrative is its worst element because it is literally a disaster. It feels that it is not planned at all, many things may seem spontaneous and improvised, and there is no depth throughout. First, the backstory about the vision by Massimo Torricelli of Laura Biel is so rushed, and the relationship between Laura and Massimo does not make sense. I interpret their relationship as a battle of power through seduction, which is a good starting point, but the reactions of the characters are illogical based on the events. Laura gets kidnapped by Massimo overseas, Laura gets confused and afraid, but suddenly she gets confident. How does that make sense? Also, Massimo wants Laura to love him because of his vision, but how on earth is that possible when you kidnap Laura, get a blowjob by another woman in front of Laura, and have complete physical power over Laura? I do not see any point in that. Speaking of the confidence of Laura and her general personality, she is one of the most confusing characters I have ever seen - in a negative way. As said, first she gets afraid, then suddenly confident, then angry, and then, out of nowhere, she loves Massimo after their meaningless and spontaneous sex. Anna-Maria Sieklucha (as Laura Biel) and Michele Morrone (as Massimo Torricelli) are good-looking humans to most people, but that is worthless when their performances are bad. Everything just looks so silly and stupid.

In terms of technical aspects, while the lighting is very good, the rest is actually far from impressive despite being a movie from 2020. The shots are sharp and the focus is good enough, but the angles, editing, and sounds are poor. The switching between the close-ups and the wide ones is inconsistent, the scenes have weird structures, much due to the editing, and there is something with the microphone recordings that make the dialogues sound like they are dubbed. The volume is too loud compared to the environment, I think. So generally, the movie lacks technical flow and distracts the engagement, and that does not make anything better combined with the already disastrous narrative.

In conclusion, this movie is a frustrating mess. While the cinematography boasts good lighting and locations, the technical aspects fall flat with inconsistent editing and strange sound mixing. Even the steamy scenes, which could have been a saving grace, are forgettable. The true downfall, however, is the narrative. The nonsensical plot hinges on nonsensical character motivations and reactions. The personality of Laura swings wildly, and the actions of Massimo are contradictory. With shallow characters and a nonsensical story, the movie fails to deliver on even the promise of a trashy romance.
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Face/Off (1997)
Fun concept and action
21 April 2024
This movie, about FBI agent Sean Archer who assumes the identity of the criminal Castor Troy who murdered his son through facial transplant surgery, is a good action movie!

It is not without its issues, mainly because of its bad structure in the scenes with no action. In those scenes, the narrative has struggles, the dialogues are poor, the editing is inconsistent, and the movie could feel out of place sometimes. But hey, I enjoyed it after-all. The concept is fun and the movie obviously focuses on the action with the crazy amount of stunts, practical effects and much more. I like the score as well, and as long it was action, I had a good time!

Wild concept, non-stop action - this movie delivers! Enjoy the stunts, effects, and score - just hold on during the talky bits.
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Some actually good scenes, but a mixed experience overal
20 April 2024
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This movie, about Anastasia and Christian who get married, is an okay sequel to Fifty Shades Darker (2017).

While I think it is better than Fifty Shades Darker, I still think Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) is the best one because of the mysterious take on Christian Grey, but Fifty Shades Freed actually has some good scenes that its predecessors have a great lack of, like when the protagonist, Anastasia Grey, confronts her husband, Christian Grey, after seeing a message on the phone of Christian, and the closing sequence of Anastasia and Christian living as a happy family. And to add, the performance by Dakota Johnson is actually improved compared to the predecessors. Otherwise, the movie is flawed, which is unfortunate. The flaws are basically the general execution, especially narratively, where it lacks good flow and composition, which leaves me with a mixed experience.

While this move offers stronger performances and some well-done scenes, its narrative flaws and uneven execution leave a mixed impression, and it struggles to maintain a cohesive flow throughout the story.
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Bad structure
14 April 2024
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This movie, about Anastasia who must confront the anger and envy of the women who came before her, is a weak sequel to Fifty Shades of Grey (2015).

The story of the relationship between the protagonist, Anastasia Steele, and her lover, Christian Grey, continues. While the first movie is about love and mystery, this movie leans more towards past and jealousy. Despite a potentially good story, the execution is heavily flawed. First of all, the structure is bad. Some of the scenes themselves are good, but they kind of pop out of nowhere. Second, the dialogues are bad, and alongside the poor performance by Dakota Johnson (as Anastasia Steele), the movie makes me cringe. Third, the reactions and feelings of the characters are unrealistic, and the movie does not give enough time to settle things down. Last, the movie contains several plot holes, making it look like a movie without enough planning. Generally, a lot could have been done better, unfortunately.

Despite an intriguing premise, this movie disappoints. A weak structure, awkward dialogue, and unconvincing characters create a rushed, uneven movie. It fails to capture any sort of spark.
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The Servant (1963)
Excellent drama
12 April 2024
This movie, about upper-class Tony who hires servant Hugo Barrett, is a great psychological drama movie!

I had a wonderful time! Despite that the movie slightly drags a few times, it really has the whole package. The story is excellent, the acting is good, the cinematography is amazing, the editing is on point, and the pace is mostly appropriate. The movie also has such attention to detail and forces you to pay attention from start to finish with its discrete intensity, and while that I a few times was not sure how to interpret some scenes, they actually made my experience even better. It is genius in some aspects.

Despite pacing stumbles, this movie excels. Story, acting, visuals - all grip you. Ambiguity adds depth, making it a lasting cinematic experience.
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Wish (II) (2023)
12 April 2024
This movie, about a young girl named Asha who wishes on a star and gets a more direct answer than she bargained for when a trouble-making star comes down from the sky to join her, is a weak computer animation movie.

Well, I did not expect this from Disney. I have enjoyed most of Disney movies and maybe more than the average viewer, but this movie did disappoint. Its flaws make it feel more like a wannabe than an original and it is not what I thought Disney would go for. The story is a good idea and the inner story is valuable, but the rest is far from good. The movie is rushed, the structure is weird, the purpose of the characters are bit confusing, the (Norwegian) voice actors could have been better, and while the songs may appeal to some, the songs themselves feel random in terms of timing. It feels like the movie tries too much to be something else than to develop its own way. The animation style is new and honestly a nice try, but still, it does not work because it feels rather like cheap video game cut scenes than a work of art by Pixar. The movie has potential and I can see why some might like it, but I do not think it is a worthy Disney movie.

This movie disappoints. A good central story is overshadowed by a rushed plot, confusing characters, and forgettable songs. The unique animation, while interesting, feels like a video game cutscene, not Disney magic. While some might enjoy it, then movie misses the mark.
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Dying Young (1991)
Unnecessary predictable
10 April 2024
This movie, about a caregiver who falls in love with a terminally ill man, is a weak drama movie.

It is one of the most predictable movies I have ever seen. There is nothing to be surprised by from start to finish, and that is a huge mistake. I guess the main purpose with it is to experience it as a feel-good movie, but it does not work. I like the story because it is a good one, and despite that it has many great elements and ideas, the execution is meh. From the start of each scene you almost know what is going to happen, and my guesses were right most of the time - not that I sit here and constantly think about the outcomes of the scenes, but it surprises me how "inside the box" the movie is. It is definitely a "play safe" movie and that is not worthy to me. I would rather choose something ambitious and risky that potentially can disappoint my high expectations.

In conclusion, while this movie boasts a potentially good story, its predictable execution fails to deliver a satisfying experience. It prioritizes playing it safe over taking risks, resulting in a formulaic plot that fails to surprise or engage.
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8 April 2024
This movie, about a young man who comes to the last hometown of painter Vincent van Gogh to deliver the final letter of the troubled artist and ends up investigating his final days there, is a great adult animation movie!

This was a whole new experience for me. I have seen a lot of animation movies, but nothing like this one. It is mind-blowing how good the movie looks. Hand drawing with pencils is a masterful technique, but it is hard to put down details with a painting brush. The movie absolutely nails it with its choice of beautiful colors along with its mysterious story. In terms of story, I really enjoyed it. It did not get as intense as I hoped somewhere in the second half, but other than that, very compelling. My favorite part of the movie is the atmosphere. The amazing score by composer Clint Mansell sets a perfect tone to the movie, and I love the way we see flashbacks and backstories from the characters who meet the protagonist, Armand Roulin. I am not sure how the process was made from scratch to the final paintings, but my guess is that they first shot it in live-action and then painted the frames to make it look more realistic and natural. Anyway, no matter how they did it, it is a pure joy to see such art come to life as an inspiration from Van Gogh.

This movie stuns with its hand-painted animation, a feast for the eyes. While the mystery unravels at a measured pace, the atmosphere and score of the movie are captivating. A must-see for animation and art lovers.
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Technically impressive, but not narratively
8 April 2024
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This movie, about the life of literature student Anastasia Steele that changes forever when she meets handsome, yet tormented, billionaire Christian Grey, is an okay psychological drama movie.

My first impression is how pleasant the visuals are. Good color grading, sharp images, and captivating lighting are feast for the eyes and easily distract some of the downgrades I will mention. Despite the visual impression, the movie has narrative struggles. It contains less sex than I expected, considering what I have heard from others, which I do not know if it is a good thing or not. Anyway, I do not like the performance by Dakota Johnson (as Anastasia Steele). I like the idea of that the protagonist, Anastasia Steele, is supposed to be naive, inexperienced, and insecure, but the execution is weird. Speaking of naivety, she rather feels dumb. She frequently falls into the "trap" of the world of Christian Grey, and that is not a bad thing itself, but unfortunately, that leans more to feeling repetitive than developing. I watched the movie with my girlfriend and that automatically may spice up the movie experience, but if I look away from that part, my overall experience is mixed.

In conclusion, this movie offers a visually-appealing experience with strong technical aspects, but falters in its narrative. The story feels repetitive due to the constant gullibility of the protagonist. While the watch was enjoyable due to personal company, the overall experience is forgettable.
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Whiteout (2009)
Poorly executed
6 April 2024
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This movie, about U. S. Marshal Carrie Stetko who tracks a killer in Antarctica as the sun is about to set for six months, is a weak action movie.

It is one of the most average movies I have ever seen. It was never good, but it was never too bad, either. It has some good elements and ideas, but the execution has a constant need for improvement. It never reaches any peaks except from a couple of moments, like the twist with Dr. John Fury. The visuals are quite alright, but man, is it cliché and hollywoodish. I never care for the characters, the screenplay is poor, and I could never connect with it. The movie has some potential, but it disappoints and has a very long way to go.

This movie wastes potential with a clichéd plot, weak characters, and a poorly executed script. The visuals cannot save this forgettable experience.
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4 April 2024
This movie, about a knight returning to Sweden after the Crusades seeks answers about life, death, and the existence of God as he plays chess against the Grim Reaper during the Black Plague, is a weak psychological drama movie.

It is definitely a visual joy. Great cinematography with excellent lighting, and the costumes, locations, and practical effects are effective. However, the tiresome story easily overshadows the positive elements. I understand some parts of the story, but I guess I did not get the whole thing. Some of the pieces come together in the third act, but other than that, I do not get much out of it. I have nothing against elevated languages, but with an incomplete understanding alongside the slow story and pace, my experience gets pretty dull, unfortunately. Maybe a rewatch will change my mind.

Though beautiful, the slow story, complex dialogue, and cryptic elements of this movie make it a drag. A rewatch might help, but the initial effort may be a turnoff.
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TMNT (2007)
Darker than other animation movies
4 April 2024
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This movie, about the Ninja Turtles who must reunite and overcome their faults in order to stand against it, is a great computer animation movie!

It is not quite like other animation movies. It has its similarities to others, but what makes it somewhat unique is the dark conflict within the Ninja Turtles. I love the relationship between the Leonardo and Raphael because it feels both complex and simple at the same. That aside, I love the backstory and the inclusion of fascinating monsters terrorizing New York City. And it is not just the plot, but the style, atmosphere, and tone of the movie are amazing. The animation itself is outdated and looks like cutscenes from video games, but the good colors, cool cinematography, great choreography, accurate editing, and a great score make sure of a pretty cinematic experience.

Though the animation might feel dated, the dark themes of this movie, compelling characters, and thrilling action sequences deliver a visually striking and unforgettable experience.
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Chicken Run (2000)
4 April 2024
This movie, about a cockerel who apparently flies into a chicken farm, is a good animal adventure movie!

My nostalgic feelings flow through my body from start to finish after not rewatching the movie for at least 15 years. I could not remember anything until I saw the scenes with my own eyes, and it was like watching it for the first while I had the feeling of have been watching it a dozen of times, which I have. The movie itself is simple, predictable, and straightforward, but with the great animation, characters, score, humor, and lighthearted story alongside the nostalgia, it is definitely a worthwhile watch, at least for me.

Despite its simplicity, the humor of this movie, animation, and a powerful dose of nostalgia make it a delightful watch.
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