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Some Movies Are So Bad...
13 August 2023
Some movies are so bad they're actually good, Reefer Madness and Plan 9 From Outer Space come to mind for instance. This one doesn't even come close to that. It's a stinker in a bunch of different ways. If you want to waste the time, go for it, but I can't recommend it. Even veteran actor Tom Sizemore can't pretty up this pig, and the whole short time he's on screen, he's sweating profusely, like he's in a sauna or something. There's not even any dark humor or comic relief which might have helped a bit, though not nearly enough to make it enjoyable. I feel as if the producers should send me a check for taking the time to watch Megalodon Rising...It's that bad.
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The Pledge (I) (2001)
I liked this movie...well, mostly.
23 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was amazed that I'd never even heard of this twenty year old movie until it recently popped up on my movie streaming channel. I thought it was quite interesting and suspenseful, with well defined characters who were very ably acted by a stellar cast, and it's a compelling story to boot. Pretty much everything you'd like in a movie, right? Well, right up until the ending, that is. I'm not saying the ending didn't make sense or wasn't consistent with real life. After all, many murder cases go unsolved and many murderers are never caught. But...I think this movie did not benefit from its ending. I'd have been happier to see the traditional ''happily ever after" ending with Jerry and his new family together and enjoying their lives and the bad guy child killer dead by Jerry's hand or at least in prison. The ending made Jerry out to be some kind of drunken loser when he definitely was not. Anyway, it's definitely worth watching if you get the opportunity.
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I Really Liked This Movie
26 March 2023
Even though the critics didn't much. I liked the cast, the sword fighting action and I thought the production values were very high. My one problem with the story line is, our heroes put their very lives on the line to try to depose the evil Louis and replace him with his twin brother Phillipe, imprisoned these many years, but they really know nothing about Phillipe. For all they knew Philippe might have been a worse king than Louis! Still a fun movie, so give it a try and you will probably not be disappointed. I have been a fan of Musketeer movies since I was a child and have read the original Dumas novel two or three times. Great stuff!
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The Family (1970)
Bad, but I got some laughs out of it.
26 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Incomprehensible plot. Scenes where the dialog reverts capriciously from English to Italian with no subtitles, even during a scene that supposedly took place in Ohio! Our hero, Charles Bronson's character Jeff, gets shot up in an ambush, shooting three would be assassins somewhere in the Caribbean, yet ends up in an Italian prison, where he and two fellow prisoners are menaced by a Black Tarantula spider, which of course is not found anywhere in Europe. This movie almost, but not quite, attains a ''so good it's bad'' status. Jill Ireland was pretty sexy doing very brief nudes scenes, which gave this movie at least some saving grace. Overall though, pretty much a waste of time.
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Girls in Prison (1994 TV Movie)
Not a very good movie, but...
8 November 2019
This one is worth watching just to see Anne Heche in the shower scene.
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This movie really held my interest.
19 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If you were to go downtown to your city's main library and went into the reference section to find that fat Funk and Wagnalls dictionary, you know, the one that's so big it needs its own little table, and you looked up the word ''weird,'' the definition would reference this movie, Mulholland Drive. It plays like a dream ...all disjointed, making no logical sense at all, yet it's somehow quite captivating. It also has a couple of hot girl-girl sex scenes, about which I have no complaints whatsoever. To sum up, it is a strange but interesting film and well worth watching. Think, Coen brothers on LSD.
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Interrogation (I) (2016)
A so so movie but has an amazing twist at the end.
18 September 2019
I have always have been pretty darn good at predicting how any given movie is going to end. It's one of my completely useless talents. But this movie, I never had a clue and was pretty amazed that I never saw it coming. Makes it almost worth watching if you've got nothing better to do, like rearranging your spice rack or taking German lessons or something.
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Big Kill (2019)
I broke my own longstanding rule watching this movie.
31 July 2019
The rule is, never watch any movie with Danny Trejo in it. I give it three stars because it's a really good looking move and the production values are good. The story line is okay, acting is okay. But Silverado or Hondo it ain't
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I am almost speechless.
10 August 2018
I only found out this movie even existed yesterday when I ran into it on the shelves of my local library, which has a quite good DVD section where one can borrow DVD's for free. Thank goodness for that, free, I mean, because I'd really be embarrassed to admit I paid actual money to watch this abomination of a movie. It is bad, really really bad. So bad in fact, I'm thinking of writing to the production company and requesting they pay me for watching it!
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Way Back When I Was A Boy Scout,
31 July 2018
They taught us that if you're going out into the wilderness, you'd best bring everything you need to survive with you. And that still holds true today. I thought this flick was pretty good for a monster movie. About what you'd expect, maybe better than the average Big Foot story. I didn't 'get' the Sergio character, though. He seemed to me to be unnecessary and kind of annoying.
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There's a lot of good stuff in this movie.
1 April 2018
It's technically very well done, the scenery is wonderful and it's a pretty good story. The acting is pretty good, too. So, why did I give it only five out of ten stars? There's just something about it, pacing maybe, that put me off. Or the ''look'' of it. It looks like it was shot with HD digital cams, and looks like the old TV Soaps used to look when they were shot on Video Tape, and everything looks a bit too 'real.'..Or something. Hard to describe.
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The Vault (I) (2017)
This film is a good combination of my two favorite genres.
9 January 2018
I have always liked a good heist movie crime thriller. I have also always liked a good supernatural thriller. This movie blends those two things very nicely. It's a good looking movie, well produced and well acted. The plots gets a trifle murky for a stretch, but when you figure out what's going on you go, mmm...creepy...I say give this one a look. You won't be disappointed. Kudos to Francesca Eastwood. This is the first time I'd ever seen her in a film. She's very good.
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