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Wonder Woman (2017)
Of course it's not perfect, but...
7 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Wonder Woman was a serious breath of fresh air. It wasn't just a great comic book movie. It was a great movie period. The script contained no major flaws, though there were things I would have liked to see done a little different. The 'main villain' in almost all the more recent comic book movies have been rather poorly developed and this one is no exception. I guess that's the worst flaw in this movie.

I can tell you what wasn't a flaw. Gal Gadot. When I first heard who was going to play Wonder Woman I looked her up and was baffled. I didn't automatically assume she would suck because that's just not in my nature. I was also shocked that Ben Affleck was cast as Batman, but I actually saw some potential there and I think I was right despite Batman v Superman not being the greatest film. Gal Gadot's performance in that movie was fine but too brief for me to determine how she would do in a stand alone film. Well, she did great. I can, if I'm being honest, see some room for improvement, but I was more than merely satisfied with her performance. As I said, the movie was great and had no major flaws.

There was really only one other truly well developed character and that was played by Chris Pine who I feel might be one of the most underrated actors out there. He gets major roles frequently, sometimes HUGE roles like James T. Kirk, but you rarely hear all that much praise for his acting skills. I hope this movie helps change that. He is practically irresistible in this role and just oozes charm and confidence while somehow never overshadowing our other main hero. The chemistry between our leads is damn near perfect.

This will naturally lead into the romantic subplot. It is so organic and unforced that it is far superior to many 'love stories' that have been made. The mutual admiration, respect and more physical feelings that develop between the main characters is so natural and subtle that if they had tried to leave any romantic interest out it would have been almost obnoxious. She has never seen another man at all and he is far from lacking in good looks or charm. He's 'a little more than average' (hehe, you'll see) and as they travel together she will learn that he is a man of honor, integrity, and is obviously superior to the average man both physically and intellectually. And if you're thinking 'well she's super hot so he's obviously down for it' then you'd misjudge there as well. Of course they are initially physically attracted to each other, but that is the furthest thing from his mind. There's a brutal and horrible war going on killing more and more people everyday and he has to do what he can to stop it. The development of his feelings for her are just as gradual and understandable as hers. He's constantly surprised by her strength and skill for sure, but he is also shocked by her kind-hearted nature and blatant displays of intelligence (she speaks a hundred languages) He sees her almost disabling innocence and naivety slowly get stripped away by the horrors the world begins to show her. She plainly struggles yet she displays an inner strength that matches her physical powers. She shows persistent determination to meet a goal he finds ridiculous (she has to slay the god of war after all) but when faced with obstacles that might slow her down she fights despite being told 'we can't save them all' she tries and when she learns that he was right she doesn't break down. She grits her teeth and marches on. Of course he would fall for her.

Heroes. I've seen so many portrayed. Wonder Woman was possibly the best. Captain America did everything he could to be a hero. He tried desperately to join the military despite being too pathetic to serve. He agreed to risk death to try to become something more. He lead men into battle and fought with courage. But he wanted that glory and he got it.

Wonder Woman has no interest in glory. She wanted to be a warrior because that's what every single person she had ever known was. So what else COULD she have aspired to become? She has a singular goal to fulfill a destiny she never asked for. She goes out into the world knowing nothing about it except that she had a duty to protect it. All along the way she sees pain and suffering. She sees people she can help, but keeps going because she thinks she must. Her drive and determination are relentless and more than admirable, but then she breaks... or does she? She finally steps up. She climbs out of that trench and in that moment you realize that this woman is a freaking hero not just a superhero, she somehow makes THAT title seem like less. She puts her endless drive to the side and saves the day. When she wins the day and praise is heaped on her she accepts it graciously, but it is obvious that that was never the goal. When it all turns out to have been in vain she does not crumble, but she isn't perfectly stoic about it either. She feels more human to us than ever. When the final confrontation approaches and she is faced with the challenge of defeating the god of war himself she is not going into the fight thinking she is making some kind of sacrifice. She has some doubts, but she is confident. She believes in her ability to accomplish what seems impossible. But at no point does she ever seem actually arrogant in any way. She is simply performing a duty. Facing her destiny head on.
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Cheesy... but cheese is delicious
7 June 2017
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This movie is sorta ridiculous, but I love it anyway. There's not much to say about it except that it's the epitome of what a 'chick flick' should aspire to be. Though I'm a guy and I love is as much as most.

This movie hasn't aged all that well, but I still think it belongs on the watch list of anyone who enjoys romantic comedies, dramas or the ones like this that aren't really either one of those exactly but somewhere in the middle.

It's a classic and there's a reason it is. Give it a watch and if nothing else it's a harmless little movie intended to make you feel good.
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Too bad it doesn't age well
7 June 2017
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If you saw this movie in the late 90's you could be totally forgiven for claiming, perhaps somewhat absurdly, that it was one of the best modern love stories ever filmed.

If you were born after this movie came out it would be almost impossible for you to really get it. This movie has aged worse than almost any movie I've ever seen. I liked it a lot when it first came out, and I still liked it just fine when I recently re-watched it. But I can remember those times. Younger people are more likely to be able to empathize with Romeo and Juliet than this movie that takes place hundreds of years closer to modern times.

I can't give this movie the title 'classic' because a movie has to hold up for a lot longer than this movie did. But if you're over thirty-ish and have never seen it you might enjoy some fond memories of those times almost as much as the movie itself.

Really good movie. I loved it. But I can easily understand how younger people might disagree.
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Fight Club (1999)
Wish I gave it a 10
7 June 2017
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The moment I clicked on 9 I regretted it. I truly wish I could give movies a 9.5 when they deserved special praise. No movie is perfect after all.

There are some types of movies that are especially rare. Movies with huge twists and surprises that are actually well done and make freaking sense after a little reflection. Fight Club possibly has one of the biggest, and most amazingly executed, twists of all time. The Sixth Sense had an amazing twist as well, but it was much easier to see coming. I actually suspected that something was amiss long before it happened and by the reveal I knew it was coming (though I might not have if not for one brief shiver). But this movie actually got me! That is so rare that it deserved the extra star for that alone.

That aside this movie is fantastic and is a true gem of a movie. It's not for everyone, and parents should certainly watch it and consider carefully before letting their children watch it, but it is as deserving of a ten as any movie I've ever seen.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
Probably deserves a ten
7 June 2017
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On the very rare occasion that I give a movie a ten I always feel the need to add a little line about how no movie is perfect. Sometimes I slap that ten with a qualifier and leave it at that.

I probably should have done that with Forrest Gump. Tom Hanks is an acting legend that had never truly failed, but he took this character to a place I don't think any other actor could have. He was absolutely fantastic and he had a script to work with here that allowed him to shine like never before.

As I was watching this movie I knew, even as young as I was, that the performance was Academy Award winning good. I was so moved by the performance that I actually predicted Tom Hanks would win before the movie was half over. When the nominations were announced I predicted that Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Writer would all go to this movie (I never even thought about direction at that time and knew nothing about screenplays and all that) This movie is a classic and everyone should experience the laughter, sorrow, and inspiration it will almost certainly solicit in most viewers.

So wish I would have given it a ten.
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Logan (2017)
Must defend the 10 out of 10
7 June 2017
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No movie is perfect and neither is Logan. However this movie deserves a higher rating than it has in my humble opinion. Logan is absolutely fantastic and I feel like it is the perfect send off for Hugh Jackman's Wolverine.

I would have loved to see Wolverine in his prime tearing away through scores of bad guys, but the old man Logan story they went with instead was probably the better choice and it certainly better expressed all the torment Logan had been through in his incredibly long life without having to actually show it. Even if you had never seen a single X-men or Wolverine stand alone film you knew without doubt that this character had been through more than a normal man could ever survive. While on that subject if you'd never seen any of the previously mentioned films you could absolutely see just this one if you're not a particular fan of the comic book craze going on these days.

Logan is a great movie. Period. All on its own with no help from previous films or comic books required. I would go so far as to say that if you could barely stand comic book movies normally there is a really good chance that you'd enjoy this one... assuming you don't mind gratuitous violence and one very brief (and totally unnecessary) nude scene.

This movie is violent. Extremely violent might be more accurate. But, by god, it works in this movie. One of my biggest gripes with all the other Wolverine portrayals to this date (there are a lot of them) is that The Wolverine was never truly unleashed. He's more than a little run down now, he's way beyond his prime, but boy does he FINALLY truly get to unleash.

Fans of Wolverine rejoice. We may have never gotten to see one of our favorite characters go rage mode in his prime, but we did get, at least, to get a feel for what he was capable of. The fact that he isn't as invincible as he once was actually serves to make the movie better in many ways.
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Deadpool (2016)
Defend the 10 again
7 June 2017
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I've said it in other reviews that no movie is perfect. There aren't any movies that actually deserve a perfect score. But what if you were a dead pool fan and you heard that an actor that was a huge fan too, and had already played the character once with horrible results wished for redemption? What if you wanted a comic book movie that would rise above the whole PG-13 cesspool far too many movies are thrown into these days? What character would be completely drowned in such a pool? Wolverine somehow treads that water even with a metal skeleton, though he did finally get unleashed with an R rated send off film (possibly partly thanks to this movie). But Deadpool could never have been done right in a PG-13 movie. The Merc with the Mouth had to have his lips sowed shut the first go round and after that... well... most fans would say he was never truly Deadpool. Including the man who played him.

Ryan Reynolds deserves significant praise for his persistent pursuit of playing a real Deadpool. And boy does he. The R rating took the comic book genre to a sparkly place I wish it would have gone to years ago. Oh yeah is this movie satisfying for that alone and Reynolds nails it. Possibly thanks to the fact that he actually cared.

But how good is it as a movie aside from all that? Well, I gave it a ten. It might be more of a nine out of ten movie if it wasn't so special. It was the first R rated movie of its kind and it proved to the people, and the studios, that it could be extremely successful even with that rating. Thank you Deadpool. You deserve an extra star for that alone.
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The Sum of All Parts...
7 June 2017
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Whenever anyone mentions "The Prequels" you can almost be guaranteed to hear a collective moan filled with the pains of disappointment. Episode I was undeniably a horrible movie. I would go so far as to say that it is actually overrated when you look at its IMDb score here. I would be hard pressed to give the movie much higher than a four here.

Episode II was... eh... it was better than the trash of Episode I, but it had a lot to make up for and did not succeed. If I were asked to rate it here I would give it a six, but the 'fanboy' in me might be a little generous even at that.

But Episode III? The one I'm reviewing now? Seven out of ten and I don't feel like I'm being too generous. It is far from perfect, in fact much of it is pretty bad, but as a whole (and separate from its prequels) it was actually a pretty fun movie.

The trilogy as one movie probably doesn't deserve a five, but it's not one movie, it's three. This one is the third and is the best of the three by quite some margin. It probably doesn't deserve a seven, but it was such a breath of... semi-fresh air, that I gave it that.
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The Matrix (1999)
Can't give it a 9.5
7 June 2017
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The Matrix, ah, The Matrix. It is from a completely different era where action and scifi movies didn't require a comic book, or even novel, origin. I love many of those movies, but there is just something about a totally unique plot with compelling characters you've never heard of.

I was quite young (which makes me old now I guess) when the movie came to theaters. I only had to watch one trailer that showed before another movie to say to myself... I just gotta see that.

I was fiscally challenged at that age and I was already sitting down to watch one of the two or three movies I could afford to go see a year and a new Star Wars movie was just on the horizon and there was no way I was going to miss that. (In hindsight I would have gladly waited for a DVD release lol) Boy was it worth every valuable penny. I told myself, and my date, that I couldn't afford popcorn or candy and encouraged a little purse smuggling if she just couldn't go without. Despite not having any of the usual bonuses that generally improve movie going experiences, including that old fashion mid movie make out session that was a little more common back then, it was possibly the best theater trip I have ever made.

It's sad that no one is likely to get to see this movie in theaters again, and even if they did the special effects wouldn't have the same impact that they did at that time. The Matrix gave me the best movie going experience that I ever had to that point, and it has still never been topped. And since the wonder of special effects is almost blase now it is unlikely that it ever will.

If you are young and have never seen The Matrix and you think that the special effects and action scenes wouldn't impress you in this day and age see it anyway. You'll likely learn something about what truly makes a movie great. The Matrix isn't modern anymore, but it's a classic now. Watch it and you'll probably agree.
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Can't give it a 9.5
7 June 2017
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I am not one of those people that go around giving movies a perfect ten because, honestly, no movie is truly perfect. That being said if I have to chose between giving this movie a 9 or a 10 I have to go with ten. Perhaps it will help balance out all the ignorant 1 star votes even the greatest movies inevitably receive.

Batman begins was a great movie, but The Dark Knight was that cranked up to eleven. In a world persistently bombarded with comic book movies, many of which are great, The Dark Knight truly stands out. The main reason it deserves special recognition among its peers is the fact that it actually has a fantastic villain. Something rarely seen in 'cinematic universes' today.

If you want to see a fantastic comic book movie that's actually a good movie period... Give this one a chance. Then again, if you're a fan of comic book movies already you've almost certainly seen this one already anyway because, if you haven't, it's hard to actually consider you a comic book movie fan at all.
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