15 Reviews
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Unveiled (2013)
Interesting Concept, Executed Poorly
29 May 2024
The concept of an artist getting romantically involved with her muse, only for it to end badly, but they can't stop thinking about each other, could've been done well. However, in this film, it's unclear what's real and what's a dream and it's unclear whether the two were actually involved with each other.

The editing wasn't great, it didn't allow for scenes to breathe. Just showed what it wanted to show, moved on, making it difficult to process what was actually happening. The acting was sub-par, especially from Emanuela Lucaci. Her line delivery was poor, and she only had one line of dialogue, which sounded like it was ADR, and didn't quite fit. The portrayal of someone losing their mind over the situation was pretty poor too, and not remotely accurate. And then there's the sound. The sound's mixed poorly, sounds like brush strokes and the one line of dialogue is too loud, but none of the sound is important to the story. The music choice was weird too. In the most part, the score was great, until it got to the sequence of the painter doing some kind of dance, and it started playing some dubstep-influenced club track, or something, that didn't fit with the rest of the film. Nor did that scene. I get what they were going for, that she's losing her mind, too hung up on this guy, but, was executed poorly.

Cinematography was passable. Could've been much better.

On the whole, didn't enjoy it, not enough redeeming qualities to overshadow it's faults.
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Somnia (II) (2023)
Visually Incredible... Mostly
28 May 2024
On the whole, the visuals are incredible. However, there's one scene (the nude woman outside) where the lighting could be much better (looks like they used natural light for that scene). Other than that, it's pretty great.

Really loved the score too. Fit with the visuals almost perfectly. Only complain about that is the piano towards the end, which is maybe a bit too cliché.

Another thing worth noting, is the inclusion of MOPS DanceSyndrome felt exploitative (MOPS DanceSyndrome is a dance company made of dancers with Down Syndrome). Whether or not they were being exploited, I don't know. I assume not, but it felt that way, primarily because there was no reason (story wise) for the dancers to all have Down Syndrome.

Which leads me on to the story. Couldn't really figure out what things were meant to represent (didn't read the description on Vimeo, so perhaps that explains it). Perhaps more could've been done to explain it. That being said, it's abstract, so one could argue the story isn't the main focus and the visuals are, which it did really well at (in the most part).
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Defteri fysi (2005)
25 March 2024
I found this fascinating, and loved every second of it. The cinematography and sound design stood out to me the most.

The film achieves what it set out to do, and that is reflect what the forces of nature might do to us if we're left alone with them. Whether that is make us terrified, or joyous.

Despite the lack of dialogue, I was able to connect with the characters. In part the acting, and in part the aforementioned cinematography and sound design.

I tend not to give 10/10's, because I always think things could be better. But this, this, I feel, is closest to perfect as it could be. I cannot find fault in it.

Also, ignore the review from 2012. Whoever wrote that hasn't seen it. There's no old military guy in it at all.
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Naked Twister (2001)
Over-Acting & Over-Reacting
22 March 2024
Firstly, the plot revolves around one of the characters over-reacting to her husband supposedly not enjoying sex (although, definitely sounded like he just was uncomfortable talking about his sex life in front of friends, a perfectly normal and rational response). I found this woman to be insufferable, primarily because she seemed to want to start a fight, but also because of the over-acting from Libby Letlow. The characters were so infuriating to me I had to quit watching before the half-way point. If the acting and dialogue was more natural (and less comedic in parts), perhaps I'd enjoy it more.

Despite my low score, it had some positives. The premise could be interesting. Cinematography was ok. Justin Zachary and Erika Napoletano's acting was ok. Editing wasn't bad. However, since I was unable to sit through the entire thing (which is rare), I've given it a 2/10.
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Jennifer (1970)
I Have a High Tolerance for Poor Quality, But This is Awful
12 January 2024
An interesting idea, a woman who has become sexually frustrated because her husband quit paying attention to her. I can think of a few places it could've gone with that, all of which would be more interesting than what we got.

The entire film was shot in the same house (but they pretend it's 2 or 3 houses, but the decorations give it away), which bothers me, but, probably forgivable. What isn't forgivable, is the narration. It's awful. I hate it. The entire film, the main character, Jennifer, complains about her husband, and uses so many metaphors and euphemisms, but all of them are just weird. And not good weird, bad weird.

Jennifer's also an idiot. She's sexually frustrated, but apparently the thoughts of marriage counselling, or even just try talking to her husband, never occured to her. Or at least, could've figured out she can still please herself, even if her husband won't (something they made clear she actually sometimes does, and definitely did when she was 18, because that was clear too). Or, get a divorce. Or even just leave him for someone else. Even at the end where he notices her writhing about like she needs medical attention (not the only one who looks like they need medical attention, young Cosmo looks like he's having a seizure every time he supposedly having sex), and starts messing with himself, she could've said something. But no, just continues having a fit (think she's meant to be masturbating, but it doesn't look like it one bit).

Admittedly, don't generally watch pornographic films, but figured I'd give one a shot, see how bad they actually were. If they're all this bad, then I'm fine without, for sure.

And yes, sure, the sex is the main thing. Even those scenes were bad. Clearly simulated, and I'm pretty sure the guy that played young Cosmo didn't know what sex was before they started shooting. It would explain a lot.

Oh, and some idiot bumped the camera early on, and the next, like, 5 minutes were out of focus.

Gave it a 2 our of 10 because the lens cap wasn't on, and I can, unfortunately, make out what's being said (not that there's dialogue, it's all narration).

And before I forget, the music they used during one of the sex scenes had some guy shouting, so that was funny. I give 'em that.
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Not Awful, But Not Great
16 December 2023
The latter half wasn't bad, and thought it looked alright. However, the faux film elements in the intro and the 'fade in'/'fade out' text on screen in the intro and outro make it feel way too prententious for its own good. And they just come across as a pathetic attempt to make the filmmaker look self-aware or something. Too many quick edits towards the beginning too, and falls into too many clichés of 'zen films'. Those quick edits take away from the 'zen' aspect of the film also.

Although not part of the film itself, the poster is appauling too. You can see the YouTube progress bar, and the font is too generic.

All in all, as a someone who wishes to create similar films, I have to say this is a somewhat disappointing film, but has enough going for it in the latter half that it's not a failure. It's just ok.
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Naked Education (2023– )
Slightly Flawed but Very Educational
8 April 2023
'Naked Education' falls into some of the traps a lot of Channel 4 shows with nudity fall into, however, this series has a lot to teach us. It manages to illustrate the lack of understanding teenagers have of the human body, and why it's important for the education system and parents to teach children and teenagers about the human body. It shows us that most teenagers experience body image issues, seemingly because of the lack of understanding. I learned a lot about from it myself. So, for it's educational value, it's a must watch.

The backlash the show received for showing teenagers nude bodies is exactly why the show exists. To teach people that the human body isn't a thing to be ashamed of, and that each body is different, and that's okay.

The show also shows people with low body image pushing their limits to help achieve higher self-confidence, and to love their own body. Which could be beneficial for people going through similar things.

The segments where people with similar experiences share what they've been through is very eye-opening. To hear what people have been through, and about topics people tend not to talk about, is very fascinating, and hopefully has a positive impact on the viewers.

I do think it has it's flaws. The music is a bit emotionally manipulative (as is the case with many similar shows). I wasn't a massive fan of the host, Anna Richardson. She wasn't a bad host, but I think she was a bit too over-enthusiastic at times, pushing the show away from the serious tone it probably should've had. I also think it would've been better if they showed things the viewers could do if they were struggling with body image. Things they could do on their own, since we can't all go on a naked bike ride or do a bit of life modelling.

All in all, a good show, worth watching, and anyone giving it a 1 star review clearly hasn't seen it. Give it a chance, you'll definitely learn something valuable.
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Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 (2017 Video Game)
Not Bad, But Far From Good
7 March 2021
Honestly, it's not a bad game, but, it is a bad Lego game, and a bad Marvel game. Most people will complain about the voice acting, which is actually quite terrible, but the thing that annoys me the most is probably the small unnecessary changes to the UI and other parts which have generally been the same across most Lego games. For example, each time you unlock a character, the character roster will come up on screen and proceed to playthrough a several second long animation, for each character or variation. Similar to that, after completing a level, you have to wait a minute while it goes over your stats and awards for that level, something you could normally speed up each step, getting to the good bits quicker.

I know a lot of people have complained about the voice acting, as I briefly mentioned before, so I'll keep this short. It's bad. Okay, so there was a voice over artist strike, so most of the cast from previous games weren't available. Their replacements however, didn't really try to sound like their characters. Nor did they really try to do anything. Most of the voice acting is quite over the top and annoying. Speaking of annoying, paired with the lack of decent voice acting, the dialogue comes off as childish and generally dumb and low-tier comedy. Like Captain Marvel making a Brie joke (yeah, that low). As Ms. Marvel and Gwenpool are really annoying.

And finally, the levels are too long and you can barely navigate through the main hub.
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As Close to Perfection as One Could Imagine
18 February 2021
I can't think of anything negative to say. The video is as close to perfect as I can imagine. The visual effects are some of the greatest I've seen in any video production, and the the VFX paired with the choreography work in harmony with the music. Through the entire thing, I was in awe. I've seen it several times by this point, and I like it more and more each time I watch it.
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Swords and Claws (2019 Video Game)
Fairly Decent Game
4 August 2020
I've yet to complete the game, but from the first few levels, I've enjoyed it. Frustrating at times, but that's on me. The gameplay is great, the story and dialogue are okay and the illustrations are good too.

The use of nudity is great, the way it uses nudity in a non-sexual manner. The nudity in the game isn't too distracting, if at all.

The only negatives are a few spelling or grammatical errors, and sometimes it can get too difficult. All-in-all, great game.
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Halloween (2016 Music Video)
Excellent Choreography
31 October 2017
Although the choice in music was appalling to say the least, the choreography was great. Most of the time, Blaze's dancing and hula-hooping did not seem to match with the music, and the music did not generate a spine-tingling sensation one would expect from a video seemingly about Halloween. That being said, the visual effects used when editing the video do help generate an eerie feel to the video, albeit not very much due to the music choice.

Another few things I should say, the make-up was outstanding. I am not so sure who did the make-up, but they did a great job. The camera work was a decent quality as well, especially some of the close ups of Blaze's face, showing off the great quality of work put in by the make-up artist.

All in all, the video was a joy to watch, with the sound off that is.
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Nude Interviews (2011– )
Minor Level of Hypocrisy
31 October 2017
The interviews, on the whole, are great. Some of the earlier ones lack quality (as expected), but after those ones, the graphics are great and it appears that the interviewers are genuinely intrigued by the answers given. The answers themselves can range, of course, but the majority of them seem to be well thought out, and some of the opinions on the topic of nudity are well justified.

However, on the rare occasion that one of the models is involved in the sex industry, any attempts of justifying non-sexual nudity can be made void. In other words, there is a minor level of hypocrisy present in some episodes.

On the whole, a great series of videos with well thought out answers and the joking around between interviewer and interviewee certainly makes it entertaining.
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So Bad, It's Great
22 October 2017
First of all, I was actually able to watch the full thing without turning it off or pausing it, which is good, I guess. Anyway, in my own opinion, it was a great film, despite the fact it lacked decent acting and the volume didn't stay consistent.

Most of the actors seemed like they could do better if they just acted as they would if cameras weren't rolling. There was one scene which had people clapping, but the claps that could be heard did not match up with the actors hand movements. There was a few bits where children (or something else) can be heard making noise, yet it could be heard outside of a building, and inside at the same volume. Furthermore, some bits didn't have speech and only music and various, seemingly random, noises can be heard.

Nevertheless, the plot, albeit not too creative, was half-decent, and it did manage to make it look like these people were actual nudists (some of the actors are nudists, which helped, a lot). The film did a great job at knowing what it was, and what it was doing. It never seemed to be taking itself too seriously, which is what makes it so good. Matter of fact, one character talks about how the 'beast' could be a man in a suit, which it, as we all know, was.

All in all, the lack of quality actually makes it an enjoyable film. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, so to speak, but I'd recommend it to anyone who likes B-Movies.
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Betty's Bath (1928)
Lovely Little Thing
10 October 2017
A great piece from the 20's. Despite it's simplicity and short duration, it's very amusing. And I do love how it shows nudity in such an innocent, non-sexual way. Loved the ending as well. Certainly a great combination of comedy and plausibility.

Definitely one to watch if you have a few minutes spare. At could certainly be one to watch again for a good laugh or two.
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Déjà vu
24 September 2017
After watching the film and discussing it with my brother, he pointed out that the plot was similar to A New Hope. Upon further inspection, it is essentially just the same as A New Hope, aside from the cast and characters. I admit, some things did seem different and/or new, but it generally did not meet expectations, and felt familiar. Taking influence is one thing, but this is essentially the film version of plagiarism, but in a lesser form.

Nevertheless, the film had good points. It had a few minor characters and extras which make the Star Wars universe feel larger, like the original trilogy did with Mos Eisley and Jabba's Palace. Some memorable characters, like FN-2199.

Despite the universe expansion, it just seems like an example of a franchise which is too good, it should left alone. J.J. Abrams might not have been the best choice for the film.
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