
6 Reviews
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Watch for the facts; Plot is horrible!
31 October 2021
The foremost reason why I watched this movie was because of my interest in knowing about the mysterious death of our second Prime Minister, Lal Bahadur Shastri. So I was not disappointed in that front. The film is well-researched and presents the facts in a fairly appropriate way. It debates on the lesser known aspects related to the events surrounding our Prime Minister's death.

However, I was disappointed with the plot of the film. To be honest not much efforts were taken to develop the characters. The plot was loosely tied and seemed somewhat adapted from many new age cinemas; honest guy wanting to rip apart the system on the pretext of awakening the nation. Lol! Apart from that a few cliches, a motivational monologue, high pitched overacting, stereotyping, a little heated argument to try and get the viewers' attention, bad soundtrack with no relevance whatsoever make up The Tashkent Files.
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Shikara (2020)
Makers Publicised it Wrongly!
28 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, my God! What have I just seen! was my first reaction when I finished the film with emotions running high. To be honest, I was not aware of how the promoters have promoted this film. But after reading the reviews I came to the conclusion that they had publicised the film as the one which highlights the mass exodus of Kashmiri Pandits from Kashmir.

Let me tell everyone reading this that the film touches just the surface without going into the details of the mass exodus.

It's a story seen through the eyes of a lovely married couple who are shown to be the least interested in what politics propagated in the valley in those days. They were immensely in love with each other, with Kashmir and with their home. So emotions run high they had to leave their beautiful paradise and take refuge in a refugee camp. What follows are days of hardships and their sticking together through the thick and thin in the years to come, all the while hoping that they'd return to their beloved Kashmir one day. Both the actor and the actress have given their heart and soul to their characters. It's a beautiful journey that celebrates love. Forgive me, for my temerity but I was reminded of 'Notebook' while watching this.

You should watch it if you're a lover of a beautiful story, and not if you're expecting the why's of the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits, because frankly speaking, the issue is just too large to be explained in one single film. Afterall you'd have to begin from the very start when Pakistan invaded Kashmir way back in 1948 until it culminated in one of the most dreaded and shameful genocide and mass exodus of human history.
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Party of Five (1994–2000)
A Family You Become A Part Of...
2 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's 3rd of March, 2019 as I am writing this review and let me tell to whoever is reading this that I did not expect to watch this show at all; I simply wanted to try a new genre and thought of giving it a try.

So Party of Five is the story of 5 siblings belonging to the Salinger family who are suddenly faced with a tremendous task of keeping their family together after their parents are killed in a car accident.

Starting off pretty rough, the family comprising of an elder (not that elder), three teenagers, and a 6-month-old kid manage life as it throws itself on them; learning from their mistakes, toying with their adolescent feelings, all of this while prioritizing between their individual lives and that of the family as a whole.

The show covers practically everything that could go haywire in the lives of those orphaned kids who are on the verge of figuring out the important and unimportant stuff in life. Right from the emotional setback of losing parents to the art of parenting, from drug abuse to alcoholism, from teenage love to failed marriages, from education to job and business and from managing to screwing up - the show has it all.

Throughout the course of the show you will find yourself judging the characters out of your own free will but the moment you put on their shoes you'll find yourself in a totally new world imagining how could you have possibly done something different that makes sense.

All I can say is that I am glad to have come across this show and even more glad to have watched it. I can truly say that I'm a part of the Salinger Family.
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A Complete Package
1 December 2018
If I have to describe this series in one line, I would say, "A series worth your time". Never during the entire series will you feel the need to move an inch in your seat. The makers of the show have stuck to the facts and presented it in an ensemble of plot twists.

One thing which I found very interesting during the entire series was that I was constantly switching sides; often sympathizing with the prosecutors and often sympathizing with the defendants (read court drama).

Towards the end of the show you find it difficult to understand who the protagonists and who the antagonists are. And I believe that is what makes a series worth watching, isn't it?
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House of Cards (2013–2018)
Series is Highly Engaging But Season 6 Disappoints
26 November 2018
Whether you love politics or you don't, House of Cards is a show that you cannot miss. People can give me 'n' number of reasons why they won't watch House of Cards and I can give them 'n' number of reasons why they should watch House of Cards.

Anyway, this is a show that has kept me glued to my mobile screen for many hours and the main reason is the fantastic storyline, no nonsensical drama or dialogues (Yes, nowhere will you feel that the makers could have avoided this screetime). Every part, believe me, every part that is shown is important to understand the twists and turns in this nitty gritty political drama. Every single actor has done a justice to their role, I can bet on that.

The show comprises a total of 6 seasons and although the main protagonist for the first five seasons is Kevin Spacey, it is Robin Wright who steals the thunder in the sixth season. How? (Google Kevin Spacey controversy). Personally speaking, I loved the first five seasons and I was quite disappointed in the last season because of the storyline (Yes, yes, I know I appreciated the storyline but a show simply cannot be degraded because of one bad season, can it?).

I will be honest that if you watch House of Cards, you'd be learning many life lessons. Really? Yes! Just watch the show and, last but not the least, Frank Underwood is my President. All Hail!
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Roman Empire (2016–2019)
30 July 2018
It has the elements of both documentary and drama, so I would prefer to call it docu-drama. If you're looking for a pure drama then this is not for you. If you're looking for a pure documentary then this is not for you. The makers of the show have made it a point to keep the content highly engaging without missing out on the crucial turning points. The narrative is quick and yet you don't feel like the makers are rushing. Major details have been explicitly explained without unnecessary drama and actors have done justice to their roles. Of course a full fledged show encompassing the entire Roman History is a magnanimous task, and hence the idea of a docu-drama seems feasible.
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