
4 Reviews
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A better B-movie than I expected
15 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Having watched the trailer I was curious to see the movie. But I did not expect it to be good.

It seemed silly, and it is, but in the end, I found it to be quite entertaining (B-movie style).

The alien idea is outrageous and a lot of the events and characters are outrageous & cheesy. I especially liked the depiction of the Russian guys (hilarious).

I'm not sure if the movie was intended as a serious thing or more as a satire, but it does have some WTF & humorous moments, mixed with some pretty sad deaths (some unexpected).

They even tried to inject some scientific elements to fight the aliens, a rare thing in that type of movies.

The actions of the characters don't make much sense, they act fairly stupidly & mostly survive because of "luck" (also know as "because the story must go forward").

The sets & effects were not bad.

In summary, as a B-movie, it's entertaining.
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"We need more ATTITUDE!" Sexism & machismo galore
15 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The movie beginning is not too bad, but very soon the obnoxiousness of the hero starts to grate on my nerves.

Attitude, yeah. They certainly cranked it up! In the worst way! Seriously, it's embarrassing. The sexism, the macho behaviour, the gratuitous putting down of the nerd guy (despite the fact that he provided all the needed tool for the job), are some of the worst I've ever seen in any movie...

According to this movie, to be "A MAN" you must use plenty of guns, act violently -and without any brains-, love BIG cars, talk "tough" and all the absurd -obsolete- stereotypes you can imagine. PATHETIC.

And to be respected as "A WOMAN", you must be a top model and show that you know about BIG cars as much as the hero (so, she's in fact a man?). DOUBLE PATHETIC. (Seriously, that scene in the garage with the luxury cars was super cringy)

Too bad because despite being really over the top, the story is not that bad (for a B movie) and has some twists that are more clever than you'd expect. But it does not excuse the obnoxious characters.
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Skyline (2010)
Killed by the atrocious characters personalities
15 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is in my top 3 of the WORST "heroes" ever.

Rarely have I watched a movie where ALL the main characters are such a bunch of stereotyped stupid, whiny, obnoxious, bickering, self-centered jerks.

This KILLED the movie for me. The characters are so insufferable that it's painful to watch. In fact, you're relieved when they die/are abducted! In addition to that, the script was none too good, and the ending was stupid (total Deus ex machina, so lazy!).

Too bad, because as a B-movie (I really like those), despite -or because of- the outrageous main idea, it could have been funny, but in the end, it's not. What a waste.

I'm giving it a 3 because the effect were good, but I think I'm being generous here.
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"Do you personally have the capacity to do better?" Challenge accepted.
15 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
That movie is awful. I could write pages about it, but I chose instead to focus on one of the absurd arguments put forward by some reviewers.

I've read ALL the reviews (over 1,400 at the time of writing) and several tried to excuse the movie by asking people who disliked it if they could do a better job (ex: "Do you personally have the capacity to do better?"). Now, this is a ridiculous argument, because if you buy, say, a croissant, you expect it to be comestible, right? If it's burned to a coal-like lump, will you accept the "can you do better?" argument? I don't think so! You paid, you expect at least an acceptable product.

Still, I think that the script was ATROCIOUS and yes, despite not being a professional scriptwriter, I could have done better. Rewriting the whole story would be pointless, so I'll just present how a much better ending (with a real twist) could have easily been done. My proposal is not perfect because I chose to minimize the changes and to do a good job the whole story would have to be scrapped. It still has a few plot holes & excessive suspension of disbelief.

For my ending to work, there needs to be a few changes in 2 scenes.

1) The fight between David & Walter

  • We must see clearly Walter's face being cut in several places, then healing, during the fight (to establish that he has some auto-healing abilities)

  • The fight must end with Walter losing: we must clearly see him disabled, maybe after the stab in his neck.

2) The stapling scene

Back on board, "Walter" is stapling some cuts on his face. Daniels joins him and helps. We must have a closeup of the robot head that shows on the back of his neck, just below his skull, a wide (2 inches) cut, badly stitched, and a visible "lump", just below the cut, protruding at least half an inch (showing that there is something under his skin).

To the viewer, this scene should suggest that the robot is in fact David (because of the cuts not healing).


My ending: it takes place just as Daniels is about to enter her sleeping pod. The camera shows that her gun is behind the pod.


"Walter": You're next Captain. (she is about to enter the pod)

Daniels: Thanks Walter. Can you give me my towel, please? It's just on the rack behind you.

"Walter" turns, takes a couple of steps toward the door. The camera shows him from the back, we don't see Daniels.

Daniels: By the way, _DAVID_...

"David" (half turning his head back, with an interrogating look on his face): I beg your pard...

BOOM!, BOOM! (violent gunshots, the robot is ripped apart, limbs flaying & fake blood sprayed everywhere)

The camera turns and we see that Daniels is repeatedly shooting him in the back.

Daniels (screaming while shooting): F-ck you! (BOOM!) F-ck you! (BOOM!) F-CK YOOOOOU! (BOOM!)

click, click, click (empty gun noises)

We see the robot in pieces on the floor, a real mess. Some limbs still twitch a bit.

Daniels drops the gun and slumps on her pod, exhausted.

Daniels: all dead... All those deaths, just because of ONE crazy robot...

Tears come out of her eyes. This is a very emotional moment, grief mixed with exhaustion have taken a huge toll. This scene lasts at least one minute. Then, slowly, with a blank look on her face (too much grief), we watch her slowly preparing for sleep then enter her pod. One last look at the remains of the robot on the floor and she closes the pod. She shuts her eyes, waiting for sleep to come...

Ten seconds pass. The camera shows the pod from outside, when an OMINOUS human-like shadow looms over her pod.

A few dramatic seconds pass. Then we see Daniels (realizing that the light has suddenly changed) reopen her eyes.

Half a second passes and she screams "NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!". The camera turns around and we see _DAVID_ -with a half smile-, holding _WALTER_'s severed head in his left hand, waving with his right hand at Daniels.

David: You did not disappoint me Daniels. You see, as soon as I saw Walter, I imagined replacing him. But when I realized that Walter could heal his wounds, I had to change my plans. I knew one of you would probably notice that the cuts on my face were not healing... Plus I did not want to lose a hand. So after I had disabled that poor Walter, I added an additional circuit of my own design in his neck. You see, our brains are too complex to be directly modified without special equipment, but it is still possible to access the input/output stimuli processor. That's a flaw in our design that I had long been aware of. This allowed me to modify Walter's perception and make him "forget" about me then send him back to you. I also managed to disable his healing unit. I was curious to see how much time it'd take you to notice...

David is walking around the pod, gloating. Daniels frantically tries to open the pod, but they only open from the outside.

David: Think about it, if it had been ME, would I have helped you kill my creations? Anyway, now I have plenty of materials to experiment with. And, thanks to you, I will not have to kill Walter to protect myself from his possible interference. Thanks again!

A smile. A last wave of the hand, and David walks away.

We see Daniels with a distorted face, screaming, falling asleep as the pod puts her in hibernation, for a LONG, VERY LONG sleep full of nightmares.

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