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5/10 Is Just Right For The Garfield Movie. Surprisingly Very Boring.
29 May 2024
I grew up loving Garfield i had the books & the cartoon on video & soft toys & all sorts of Garfield stuff.

I enjoyed the Bill Murray voiced Garfield movie, but not the terrible sequel, but even that movie wasn't great but Garfield was done right especially with the voice of Bill Murray.

Now Chris Pratt is doing the voice of Garfield & to be honest he wasn't as bad as i thought he was gonna be. For some reason studios want Chris Pratt to voice iconic animated characters i don't know why? He voiced Mario too & he's bk as Garfield.

So Pratt wasn't too bad, not the voice ot should've been but he wasn't annoying anyway. The best voice & character wasn't Garfield in the movie it was his father perfectly voiced by the great Samuel L. Jackson as Vic. I loved the Vic character & Jackson has such a great voice he stole the show in my opinion. Surprisingly this animated adventure ended up being very boring & hard to get through even for small kids. How they can mess up Garfield is beyond me.

Anyway the first parts of the movie is done lovely with some touching moments & some fun & baby kitten Garfield was ridiculously cute but when the film gets its stupid villain, a female Cat that wants revenge on Garfield's father for something in the past, the film goes really OTT.

Yes this is obviously aimed at very little kids but it still goes too silly & becomes boring. The whole Milk heist is ridiculous & the big action sequence on the train near the end was overlong, boring & too silly.

The movie looks great with it's lovely colourful look & animation but it just goes too stupid like a Minion movie or something.

I saw it with my wife & kids & two of my girls enjoyed it & one of them got bored like myself.

It's a shame they can never get a Garfield movie right.
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Big Budget Nostalgic Sci-fi Action Spectacular From The Awesome 90's!!!
21 May 2024
Demolition Man is a pure early 90's Big Budget sci-fi action Thriller spectacular starring two mega action stars of that era, Stallone & Snipes.

I grew up watching all the old school 80's & 90's action stars & Stallone is obviously one of the greatest of all of Action Cinema History. Schwarzenegger, Stallone & Van Damme are probably the three kings of the action genre but of course there's lots of greats like Statham, Snipes, Willis, Lundgren, Adkins, Norris, Seagal & more, but Stallone, Schwarzenegger & Van Damme are the most well liked & most loved of the era.

Demolition Man holds a very special place in my movie-loving-heart because i was young like 10 or 11 at the time of it's release & my older bro brought it on video with Stallone's Cliffhanger & we watched the hell outta those two videos.

Demolition Man feels comforting watching it today in 2024, i feel the movie was ahead of it's time with how the future will be. Everything is almost censored today & we live in a silly "Woke" era where everything & everyone is getting shut down due to "Cancel Culture" see times have gotten ridiculous like in Demolition Man.

Anyway as a movie Demolition Man is a spectacular piece of action-packed Sci-fi entertainment with amazing production design of a futuristic Los Angeles & with a stunning music score & a fun kick-ass humourous tone & two top notch performances from Stallone & Snipes.

I miss the 90's it was a beautiful time for movies at the cinema & on video in Blockbuster & many video stores, movies felt magical back then.

Demolition Man is a lovely piece of Nostalgia of those times of Big Budget Blockbusters starring mega action stars.

Here Stallone plays 20th century legendary cop John Spartan (one of Stallone's best characters along with Cobra) & he's excellent in the role with a real human side to his gruff no-nonsense violent action cop persona.

I love Stallone & many of his movies are some of my all-time favorites like Cobra, Tango & Cash, Demolition Man, Nighthawks, Judge Dredd & more.

The Demolition Man role feels tailor-made for Stallone & that's why the movie is great. Equally the movie is so great because it has one of the greatest movie villains ever with Wesley Snipes as Simon Phoenix, a sadistic brutal killing machine of a criminal with a sly sense of humour & Snipes nailed the part & is probably his greatest performance.

Stallone & Snipes facing off, like on the movie poster, felt huge for action movie fans bk in the 90's & the movie pretty much became an instant CLASSIC.

Our hero & villain from the 90's are released into a futuristic world of a new Los Angeles in 2032 (San Angeles) where everything is banned & everything is like a peaceful utopia but these two old school rivals will tear this new gentle world apart.

The film is full of fun satires of a "Peaceful Utopia" but nothing is ever what it seems & like all governments there's corruption & John Spartan will take them all down whilst on his mission to finally destroy Simon Phone.

A hilarious script, beautifully designed sets, great performances from everyone (Sandra Bullock is great fun & best I've seen her & so is Rob Schneider who joined Stallone again in the Awesome Judge Dredd) there's so much to explore & Analyze in Demolition Man because its such a smarty made action movie but lets just say its hugely enjoyable & a stone cold 10/10 Classic.

Snipes is also great in Passenger 57, Murder at 1600, Money Train, Drop Zone, New Jack City, Blade 1&2, Boiling Point & more, he was a guy i loved on video back in the day too.

I watched the hell outta Passenger 57 on video.
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Outlaw (2007)
A Very Gritty-as-hell Bone-crunching British Vigilante Thriller
19 May 2024
Outlaw came out in 2007 when Britain was in a hell hole & even named Broken Britain & this gritty thriller was a reaction to the times.

I'm not a fan of mouthy blokey laddy Director Nick Love at all, i can't stand his crappy Chav flicks like "The Football Factory" or "The Business" & i have no interest in his later cop thriller "The Sweeney" but his product-of-it's-time angry revenge Thriller Outlaw is a movie i really liked.

From the horrendous Broken Britain era we had a bunch of movies that came out of that hoodie horror times such as: Harry Brown, Eden Lake, The Comedown, The Veteran, F, Shank & Kidulthood for an example. These films captured the fear of the times, the fear of the savage unprovoked attacks on innocent people by roaming feral Chavs. All of which was absolutely TRUE.

England had become a hell hole of police corruption, killer Chavs, free walking Paedophiles & non-stop horrendous crimes on the news & on every single front page of the papers.

The time was so dark & so depressing & absolutely hopeless. The anger of the victims & just people surviving in that sewer had to go somewhere & Nick Love cleverly captured it in his vigilante film.

In a place where the law doesn't help you & the most evil scum simply get a slap-on-the-wrist what would you do?

Outlaw is a violent movie that definitely doesn't glorify violence. The angry & hurt characters here use violence as their last option when they've lost everything.

Sean Bean gives an excellent performance as angry & lost soldier Bryant who has just returned to London from his tour in Afghanistan & turns up in a land he doesn't recognise. Britain/London is rubbish strewn shi#hole infested with mouthy violent moraless Chavs. These young thugs are everywhere & seem to be raised on hatred & violence & if that wasn't enough, the whole of England is a war zone where big Gangster thugs are protected by corrupted cops & criminals do what they want when they want & as usual (just like real life) they never pay the proper price for their crimes & are freed to do it all again. Outlaw almost feels like a true documentary of the time, its filmed with a jerky gritty & constantly moving style that works perfectly & the cinematography is dull, grim & depressing. Sean Beans Bryant has had enough & wants to do something about the state of his country that he has fought for & so bands together a bunch of victims of society & form a modern day posse.

Sean Bean is truly excellent & you agree with everything he says throughout the movie. Next best performance is from Sean Harris ('71, Harry Brown) as a very angry security guard that often goes OTT but has the real darkness to go through with what their mission is all about, Violent Revenge.

Danny Dyer is decent as a bullied city office worker, he is the voice of the real people & audience because he lives in fear of the thugs & violence that surrounds his everyday life & is full of anxiety & fear.

There's a judge that turns vigilante because his pregnant wife was murdered by a local crime boss & goes unpunished. There's a soft talking & well educated University guy that has been severely beaten & disfigured by a random attack from violent street thugs & wants to do something about it as his attackers are freed early, of course because the system is a joke.

We get a great powerhouse performance from legendary British actor Bob Hoskins as a bitter old cop fed-up of the police corruption & the scum walking the streets because of a bent justice system.

Nick Love definitely picked a cracking cast in this ensemble piece & tells his story as real as possible. In fact the film feels dark & very dangerous from how it's filmed & scored.

Not a Nick Love fan but i loved his best movie Outlaw.

Outlaw will ask a lot of hard questions & will put you in the shoes of the victims & ask what would you do?

I actually agree with the vigilante justice especially if the scum have taken everything from you but it's not glorified & you see both sides of the impact of violence & vigilante justice. What's interesting is the Outlaw posse really don't actually get hardly any scum that they want to because no everyone has that darkness to really do it so it's actually very realistic.

When there is violence is bone-crunching & impactful & horrible as it should be but also rewarding when some of the evil thugs get what they deserve.

Outlaw is like a grindhouse picture in how it's made, created on a small budget & is very shockingly violent a very dark subject matter, like The Exterminator (1980) & Taxi Driver (1976) & Death Wish (1974), Outlaw is crafted in the style of those old school 70's thriller's where they feel dangerous & unpredictable.

All in all Outlaw is a very thoughtful thriller & well made to make you think about society & where were heading.
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Trancers II (1991)
Good Fantasy Fun. A Decent Sequel & Nice Seeing Tim Thomerson & Helen Hunt Again.
7 May 2024
I really enjoyed Trancers (1984) & after that one i watched this sequel & it was a fun flick.

Trancers 2 is very low-budget like the first film but with a very early 90's cheesy charm & a cast of awesome B movie stars.

Both, Trancers & Trancers 2 are fantasy sci-fi B movie fun & both earned a solid 7/10 in my opinion.

I'm not bothered about all the other sequels as they look very bad in quality.

Anyway Trancers 2 is set six years after the original & hard-boiled future cop Jack Deth has been living in 80's turned 90's Los Angeles with his now wife Lena, played once again by a fun Helen Hunt. So nice having Helen Hunt back & a treat as she didn't have to at all as by the early 90's she was a fairly big star. This time old enemy Whistler is back, well his brother is. Yes Whistler had a bad brother know one knew about & he wants to continue his brothers evil plan to take over the world with his Trancers.

Things get complicated even more so for Jack when his wife (Megan Ward) returns to Los Angeles from a different time period before she was killed by Whistler. So we get some fun with Jack mixed up trying to please each wife whilst keeping everything cool. There's almost a fun cheesy situation comedy feel to the flick at times. The budget seems very low so we get more comic bits for our heroes. Like the first film Trancers 2 could've done with more action but for the low budgets of the films they are decent entertainment for what they are. I really enjoyed Trancers 1&2 but I'm not bothered about the rest of the sequels because the quality dropped massively.

Tim Thomerson is great once again as Jack Deth & his chemistry is still great with Helen Hunt.

This time the main base of evil is an insane asylum where the head of the place is Whistler's evil brother played by Villain expert Richard Lynch as Dr. Wardo. There's a bunch of B movie familiar faces scattered throughout the film, there's Jeffrey Combs, Megan Ward, Barbara Crampton & more, all game for some fun in this crazy cheesy fantasy action comedy.

Trancers 2 is simply a fun Video era B-movie piece entertainment with a nice Nostalgic feel to it with it's early 90's time period.

Charles Band made another good Trancers movie.

Trancers 2 really reminded me of the better times of the video stores & the gems you would discover there.
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Trancers (1984)
Good Old School B Movie Sci-fi Adventure Fun From The Great Charles Band.
7 May 2024
First off i love most stuff from the legendary B movie producer/director CHARLES BAND.

I grew up watching his, then Empire Pictures productions/ films like Troll, Dolls, Ghoulies 1,2 & 3, Robot Jox, Arena & then later onto his Full Moon Features like, Prehysteria, Demonic Toys & Puppet Master 1&2.

I always loved the fun fantasy worlds Band created & the wacky characters that existed in those worlds. Band created lots of fun & inventiveness on tiny budgets & created some loved Nostalgic B movies that thrived in the better video store days.

I finally watched TRANCERS!!! Well i double billed the first two TRANCERS films. I'm only interested in the first two because the others look so too silly & too cheap.

Trancers (1984) was a good low-budget sci-fi fun.

A nice mix of Terminator & Blade Runner with a dash of old fashioned Detective noir.

I loved B movie royalty TIM THOMERSON (Dollman, Nemesis, Dollman vs Demonic Toys) as the tough no-nonsense old school cop from the neon-lit Los Angeles of future of 2247. Thomerson plays Jack Deth, a trooper/cop/bounty hunter from Angel City (the future Los Angeles) who specialises in tracking down & eliminating Trancers. The Trancers are humans overtaken by an evil force that turns them into zombie-like killers. Trancers are created by an evil cultist warlord criminal known as Whistler. Whistler uses his psychic powers to control the weak minded of people as his violent soldiers. Trooper Jack Deth has a history with his arch Nemesis who killed his wife some time ago & now Jack is gonna track down Whistler by going bk in time to 1980's Los Angeles. I loved the sci-fi fantasy story & Tim Thomerson is awesome as the old fashioned hard boiled Detective that feels like he's straight out of an old black & white noir B movie.

Tim Thomerson owns the role & is a B movie legend in his own right & is awesome on screen.

The time travel is done smart & fun with future cops being able to transport their consciousness into an old ancestor of the time period they want, the 80's.

There's some fun gags with the ancestor stuff.

The spunky fun Helen Hunt (Twister) is great fun as Jack's girlfriend named Helena, she's a cool, punky girl who likes the adventure of the situation & Hunt is great in her role & works wonderfully with Thomerson.

The two race around 1980's LA trying to stop assassinations & to stop Whistler's evil plans. The Beginning of the movie used the best practical FX of the whole movie with its neon-lit nighttime futuristic opening sequence in a diner, great scene & introduction to the world & its characters.

There's a dark, punk tech-noir mood to the film & it's low-budget helps it feel trashy & rough around the edges in a good fun way.

The Trancers are ok for what they are, humans that turn quickly into Demonic faced killers in a few seconds & die just like any human would.

This first film could also be classed as a "Xmas movie" as its set over Christmas time in Los Angeles. We get some fun Xmas action scenes but it always feels weird & outta place when Xmas is portrayed in sunny LA.

Anyway Trancers is good fun, not Brilliant but damn good.

Trancers probably did need more action & stuff but for its very low-budget Charles Band did what he could with what he had & it's a definitely fun.

I liked the performances of Tim Thomerson & Helen Hunt as they keep movie fun & there's some good action & a good pure 80's synthesiser score.

The film looks decent enough for its time, like 40 years ago, & i really liked the Trancers universe that's created & directed by Charles Band. Trancers maybe the best film directed by Band.

Trancers 2 is good fun as well.

I love cult films & B movies & this is a damn good one.
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Sanctum (2011)
Rhys Wakefield is a Horrendous "Actor" & Ruined The Film.
21 April 2024
I love deep cave exploring films & underwater adventure flicks, my favourite is THE CAVE (2005).

I had been wanting to see this for a while, but i didn't know the movie cast one of the most bland, typical, leads ever!!! Rhys Wakefield.

Rhys Wakefield is horrendous, he's such a bland & boring & so typical actor it's painful to watch.

These typical Australian "Actors" or leading men are so bad, so bland & so the same it's ruining movies.

If you're blonde, muscular & have "Surf" style pretty-boy looks then you are guaranteed a movie career & to be the new Hot leading man. Hollywood has a conveyerbelt for these typical actors, we had the horrendous SAM WORTHINGTON given the lead role in James Cameron's Avatar, Funny thing is James Cameron is producer for this film lol, & then he was hot (totally bland) for a bit. Same for the horrendous JAI COURTNEY who was given numerous lead roles (Terminator Genissys, Suicide Squad, Die Hard 4) & yet he is one of the worst actors in cinema history. Even Chris Hemsworth is made by the same Conveyerbelt, but he's proven he's a damn good actor that can do it all, i like Chris lots.

These blonde, bland & wooden, soulless "actors" from Australia are ruining most movies. Fact.

Anyway this film has some suspense scenes & stuff but the blandness of the actors make you not care at all if they survive.
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On the Yard (1978)
Decent 70's Prison Drama With A Top Notch Performance from Thomas G. Waites
14 April 2024
RIP to John Heard, this guy i always remembered from Home Alone 1&2 as i grew up watching those on video, also John was great in the fun 80's cult horror favourite C. H. U. D

Here John plays a weirdo prisoner who wants to be alone constantly & is in for murdering his wife. It's hard to feel anything for John's character because he's so shut away emotionally & comes accross very weird & arrogant. His inmate character keeps to himself & doesn't abide by the prison codes. His character is annoying because everything that happens is his own fault, because he SMOKES!!!

IF he didn't smoke none of the films events with him wouldn't have happened, see Smoking is bad for your health...FACT.

Anyway John's weirdo inmate borrows a box of smokes & later can't pay his debt back to the head of a prison gang, the guy you go to when you want something, & it gets out of hand.

This go-to-guy is named Chilly & is played superbly by the underrated Thomas G. Waites (The Warriors, The Thing, McBain) this guy was excellent in those old school films & his best performance is right here as prison inmate go-to-guy. There's a small role for James Remar who would go on to be one of The Warriors with Waites in the 1979 Cult Classic.

Chilly is a fair dude, if you owe him he will collect & he does use violence, but if your cool with him & pay on time then he's a friendly dude actually & likeable.

Thomas Waites had an intensity in his eyes & should've been a much bigger a actor in my opinion. Waites would've made a great Serpico (yes Pacino was excellent but seeing Waites here with his long hair & beard he looks every bit Serpico) & should've been cast in much more dramas & thriller's.

On The Yard is a well made gritty prison drama with bunch of odd-ball characters who shuffle about in prison doing inmate stuff. There's a little side story of some of Chilly's pals who are building a big air balloon to escape but that part feels abit out of place to be honest.

I loved the gorgeous saxophone music score throughout the movie, it had a sad softness to it that contrasts the gritty harshness of the prison.

At the heart of On The Yard is how rules & codes are life in prison & this story is about two inmates butting heads over something so trivial as a carton of cigarettes. Small things mean so much in a prison environment & that is played out well here. The refreshing thing about this prison film is there's no horrific rape scenes, i was happy about that as the story didn't need that sort of vile stuff included.

All in all, On The Yard is very well acted gritty, sometimes violent story of inmate life in a 1970's prison. A reminder: Do Not Smoke.
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City of God (2002)
Definitely Worthy Of All The Praise It's Gotten Over The Years.
8 April 2024
I would call CITY OF GOD the best gangster film I've ever seen. Miles ahead, & better, than overrated gang films such as Goodfellas (i found that film ridiculously overrated & boring) better than Casino (again boring & overrated) & City of God is better than Menace To Society & Boys N the Hood, in my opinion.

Also this movie is better than any Tarantino crime film, yep beats his Fiction & Dogs.

City of God is fantastically & ferociously directed for maximum impact, excitement & power. The cinematography is outstanding-all-time & the music is just awesome, with it's 70's funk flavour.

The cast of unknowns was a masterful move & to get powerhouse performances from non professionals was lightning in a bottle greatness.

Such memorable characters like "Knockout Ned" & Rocket & Lil' Z & Benny & The Tender Three & The Runts, i remember all these & I've only seen it once!!! That's how great the characters were & what an impact the story has on a viewer.

Yeah the story is the basic good kid growing up in the tough ghetto & trying to break free, but few have done it this mesmerising before.

I can't wait to watch it again!!!

The movie is full of very colourful characters that often you can't help but like. Yes there's still some that you hate (Lil, Z) but most are just innocent kids with no way out of their desperate situation & so turn to selling or using drugs. It ain't pretty but the film shows it how it is, with the good times & the bad times like in real life.

The City of God is the ghetto slum city & that place is a constant dark entity of a character too.

The film discovered a fantastic actress in Alice Braga, she went to be in I AM LEGEND with Will Smith & PREDATORS.

A Brazilian Masterworks of a Gang land drama/ thriller. The opening chicken chase is a superb sequence into a movie that is drenched in clever camera work, editing & back stories galore that all create a single full story structure of the city & its people.

The movie is extremely gritty, grimy & brutal, but with purpose & a pure cinematic visual style.

A coming of age story set in the darkest slum city of Rio.
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Troll (1986)
I've Always Remembered TROLL!!! A Childhood Fantasy Favourite.
28 March 2024
From the deepest recesses of my movie obsessed mind I've always remembered the little Empire Pictures movie TROLL. Thank you Charles Band for producing these fun fantasy films of my childhood.

TROLL was a movie I've always known, or it feels like I always have, as it's a film we had on video when i was little. Troll always stayed with me because of how scary i thought the little Troll was back in my little years. I always remembered the Troll's magic ring & the glowing green light it had & the apartments full of forests & Puppet creatures lol, aaawww Nostalgia.

Troll was one of a bunch of rubbery creature features i grew up watching on video. I have such warm, fond memories of the old 80's rubbery monster flicks & i always loved them. We had Troll 1&2, Ghoulies 2, Ghoulies Go To College, Critters 1,2,3 & 4, Gremlins 1&2, Ghostbusters 1&2, The Gate, Puppet Master 1&2, Tremors, Poltergeist 1&2, Demonic Toys & more. I'm so glad i grew up on these types of weird, freaky & fun fantasy horror flicks.

So yeah i find comfort in these old B movies & the fun fantasy worlds they create, my comfort zone.

Troll is about the "Harry Potter" family (yes really) that have just moved into a tenement building in San Francisco. The apartment building has a bunch of odd characters that keep it interesting. The little girl of the Potter family in captured by a menacing Troll & keeps her in his forestry universe while he takes her place with magic. It's all very weird & fantastical, & lots of bizarre fun. Only the little girls big brother can see she's different & makes friends with one of the tenants, an old lady who lives in an awesome ancient looking apartment full of historic fantasy stuff. I remember Troll being very scary when i was tiny (probably shouldn't have watched it at a young age but i did, as i did many horror's) but now i see Troll as much more a fantasy adventure with comedy & some horror mixed in. The boy named Harry Potter Jr has to find his sister & save our world from the Troll. The little menace is turning each apartment into a fantastic world of little magical creatures (great fun Puppets) & wants to take over the whole complex. I could see the roots, ideas & story elements or the seed that helped create Del Toro's Hellboy: The Golden Army, come from Troll & it's bizarrely bad but fun, non-related sequel Troll 2 (NILBOG).

There's magical happenings going on in the apartment building & it's up to the boy & the ancient warrior princess of the old Troll world/universe to battle Torok the Troll & his army of creatures. Troll is very cheesy, corny & very 80's & that's awesome to me. Although probably low-budget the movie looks good, has decent production (the Apartment building & it's rooms look great) & a magical music score. The Puppets look awesome, slimy & rubbery & again, so of it's time the 80's. Thinking about it i love Troll & could watch it over & over.

A decent little cast with B movie regular, Michael Moriarty (The Stuff, Dark Tower) & Julia Louis- Dreyfus (Seinfeld, Christmas Vacation) & Phil Fondacaro (Ghoulies 2, The Garbage Pail Kids Movie) & June Lockhart (A fantastic veteran actress, & plays a great character in Troll as Miss St. Clair, A good witch with a rich history & back story, that could've been explored in a prequel or sequel.

Really fun special effects & a nice tone of magic & fantasy make Troll fun, easy entertainment that isn't scary lol.

The standout performance of Troll goes to the great little actor PHIL FONDACARO. This, yes very small actor has a very big heart & he gives a very sweet & touching performance as a professor (also plays Torok the Troll) that lives in the apartment & is very sick. This little guy was great in 80's movies & Empire Pictures used him again in the excellent GHOULIES 2 (1987) & stole the show there too. A little dude with a big heart that gave touching performances to his characters.

Anyway i really enjoy Troll, it's definitely a small film of it's time, the 80's but if you remember it from the better times on video then it will hold a special little place in your movie-loving-heart too.
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Fixed Most of the Problems i had with the Awful AFTERLIFE. A Fantastic Superior Sequel.
25 March 2024
First off I'm a Ghostbusters fan, I'm one of the originals from that era as i was born in 1984 (when Ghostbusters First came out) & the first movie i ever saw at the Cinema was Ghostbusters 2 in 1989 when i was 5 years old & that Cinema experience stayed with me all my life. I have major history with Ghostbusters, i also grew up watching the Real Ghostbusters animated series & then the excellent underrated Extreme Ghostbusters in the 90's. I had Ghostbusters 1&2 on video & growing up & watched them constantly i also had all the Real Ghostbusters toys. I'm a real proper Ghostbusters fan who literally grew up with the Ghostbusters.

Silly unpopular opinion is i absolutely loved the female lead 2016 Ghostbusters.

I saw the ladies Ghostbusters at the cinema with my wife & daughter & we loved it. The 2016 movie is a fantastic 8/10 in my opinion & that Ghostbusters I'm proud to say is my daughters Ghostbusters, a Ghostbusters for them & it was GREAT. The ladies were fantastic together & so funny. The gadgets & new proton packs were better than the originals in my opinion. Also the 2016 Ghostbusters remains the actually funniest of the whole franchise!!! Also the old 1970's Times Square big battle final action sequence is probably the best Ghostbusters action scene of the franchise. There's so much great stuff in the ladies version & the only reason it was hated was because of Misogynistic idiots. But hey i felt the 2016 Ghostbusters fingerprints on Frozen Empire like Ganine Melnitz small hand proton blaster is practically the same as used in the Ladies version!!!

Another unpopular opinion from me is i couldn't stand GHOSTBUSTERS: AFTERLIFE!!! I had huge problems with it as it was like an indie film mixed with a kids Nickelodeon version of Ghostbusters. Also the awful Afterlife ruined the main characters. The fact the Ghostbusters fell apart because Egon (Harold Ramis) believed a new supernatural Apocalypse with Gozer returning was NOT believed by his buddies & other Ghostbusters is ridiculous!!! The fact that Egon stole Ghostbusters equipment & done a runner to live in a small desolate town is ridiculous. Why would the Ghostbusters, that have Been through Gozer & Vigo & the River of slime & Mr. Staypuft Marshmallow man & everything else would suddenly not believe in Egon Spengler is insulting to the characters & the fans. Also Afterlife ignored the fact Ghostbusters 2 even happened? Thankfully the Awesome FROZEN EMPIRE fixed most of these problems.

Anyway Afterlife was garbage in my opinion.

Ghostbusters: FROZEN EMPIRE was a real blast of creativity with the franchise, we had strong Nostalgia & our old team that are like old friends by now were given bigger roles, especially Dan Aykroyd as Ray Stantz (my all-time favorite Ghostbuster) he was a the heart of this superior sequel. I pretended that Afterlife didn't exist & this movie was simply the old Ghostbusters that have recruited a new younger team like the 90's Extreme Ghostbusters. Afterlife doesn't exist.

We're back in New York City where the Ghostbusters should be for FROZEN EMPIRE. This is a big fun popcorn blockbuster & for that it's on point.

Major shout out for letting us know that GHOSTBUSTERS 2 (my fave) did happen & is definitely Cannon (the awful Afterlife ignored it) by a news report at the beginning of this superior sequel that shows the Statue of Liberty walking!!! I had a huge smile. Still there's stuff that's not great like how they never seem to really give us character depth, we never know if the old gang have families or have wives or husbands or kids???? Do they all live near each other? Do they meet up regularly? No real insight at all with our beloved characters but to be honest even the old films never dug into the characters at all.

Paul Rudd was awesome & really is a perfect choice to be a new GHOSTBUSTER.

The kids/teens were really great & are very gifted actors & very likeable.

In fact the whole cast was great in their roles. It was nice seeing Walter Peck back again, this time as the Mayor of New York & still with a bone-to-pick with the Ghostbusters. Thank you William Atherton for returning for his iconic character, a good sport.

There's new faces that are all fun & likable in parts. The humour is actually funny but it's not over silly & the spooky factor is done in the style of Ghostbusters 1&2.

We have a new demonic spirit that is Unleashed from an ancient artifact that ends up in Ray's supernatural store. The creature is eventually Unleashed & New York City is frozen over & evil spirit are on the rampage. I loved the creepy look of Garakka the Ice Demon that has a nice backstory & mythology. I felt this Ghostbusters dug into rich old mythology & ancient cursed & possessed artifacts. Ghostbusters could go the Conjuring universe way if it wanted with each cursed artifact getting a spooky movie about it. The drath chill created by the evil Garraka is done fantastically with super special fx that turns a hot & sweaty New York summer into a new ice age. This new villain is fantastically scary & taken seriously. I got vibes of the Real Ghostbusters cartoon which was obviously an inspiration for this movie. Also a nice use of the original '84 music score scattered throughout the movie, a nice Nostalgic touch.

I loved how the movie went into proper horror territory towards the end that made film actually feel threatening.

There's amazing special effects throughout & lots of awesome ghosts & new fun technology & traps.

Ernie Hudson is great in a bigger role (finally) as Winston Zeddemore.

I was nice seeing Annie Potts as Ganine Melnitz back in action & as a Ghostbuster, i love her character.

It was actually Bill Murray as Venkman that had the smallest part but was nice when he's there. The old team are great on screen.

There's some very nice little touching moments sprinkled throughout like when Ray & Winston are talking about how old they are & how these are their golden years.

Also nice little cameos from classic ghosts like the Library Ghost & Slimer, both done beautifully. So glad Dan Aykroyd had a main part back as Ray Stantz, he's older as they all are but still has that big excited heart for all things supernatural.

There's a nice sweet warm touch of Nostalgia sprinkled throughout the movie that makes you smile.

FROZEN EMPIRE has heart & Nostalgia for us old school fans who grew up loving these movies & characters.

Ghostbusters were a huge part of our childhoods.

Gil Kenan was a great choice of director & I'm a fsn of his excellent animated horror fantasy comedy MONSTER HOUSE, it's a Halloween staple in my house. Also he did a decent & fun remake of POLTERGEIST, the guy is great at family friendly scares.

All in all i had a blast watching this new Ghostbusters movie, fun & full of heart.

FOR IVAN (Just beautiful) My Ratings of the franchise: Ghostbusters (1984) 10/10 Ghostbusters 2 (1989) 10/10 Ghostbusters: Answer The Call (2016) 8/10 Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021) 2/10 Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (2024) 8/10.
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A Thrilling Remake & The Best Film Zack Snyder Has Ever Made.
3 March 2024
I grew up watching the classic original 1978 zombie epic DAWN OF THE DEAD, so i was so excited when i heard a remake was coming out. That was way back in 2004, twenty years ago!!!

So i saw the remake of Dawn of the Dead at the cinema & loved it.

This is the only movie i like that director Zack Snyder has made. Let's be honest Zack is a crappy director that relies too much on messy expensive CGI action scenes. Dawn of the Dead was a gritty, raw & ferocious Horror movie with little need for OTT CGI nonsense.

I was blown away by how cool this new version of Dawn of the Dead was, it's exciting, darkly funny & upgraded the Zombies to running ones which i much prefer to the silly shuffling ones that are easy to get away from. I loved the fact Dawn took note from how terrifying running Zombies can be after the success of the Masterpiece 28 DAYS LATER.

This Dawn is so much fun & has an ensemble cast of wacky characters that are all hiding out in a shopping mall. Sarah Polley as Ana steals the show, although Ving Rhaymes comes 2nd) a nurse who has to escape her way out of her suburban neighbourhood as it descends into chaos with a zombie invasion. The first 10 mins or so are ferociously bloody, intense as hell & exciting. The early 2000's Zombie films are some of the best of the genre with 28 Days Later & Resident Evil & Dawn of the Dead.

The action is exciting & suspenseful & edge-of-the-seat at times.

It's an exciting & thrilling wild ride as we follow this group of misfits as they try to survive a Zombie Apocalypse.

The greatest visual in this movie is when you actually see how many Zombies have surrounded the area when our group try to escape from the mall in battle ready trucks, there's hundreds & it's shockingly scary.
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Showtime (2002)
The Most Underrated Buddy-cop Movie Ever!!! Hilarious & So Much Fun I Loved It.
3 March 2024
I first saw Showtime on video way back when it was first released to buy (on video) that was over 20 years ago. I liked Showtime then & laughed my ass-off but then just completely forgot about it for ages & ages until i started re-watching the buddy-cop genre again, as the buddy-cop genre is my favourite sub-genre of Cinema.

Now watching Showtime with fresh & older eyes as of now in 2024 i can honestly say that this gem of a movie is nearly a forgotten Classic.

No one ever mentioned Showtime like ever & yet it starred two of the biggest stars of Cinema History. Eddie Murphy is a childhood hero of mine i grew up watching him in the Beverly Hills Cop films & Trading Places & The Nutty Professor & Metro & so many more. By the 2000's Eddie Murphy had stepped into more family friendly films like Dr. Dolittle 2, The Haunted Mansion, I Spy, Pluto Nash, Meet Dave & more. Eddie's is a king of comedy & is absolutely hilarious in this buddy-cop action comedy gem.

Also we have the legendary titan & veteran Robert De Niro, the legend that gave us Masterpieces such as Taxi Driver & The Deer Hunter & Cape Fear & many, many more.

Also by the late 90's & early 2000's Robert De Niro himself had taken on more Comedy roles & family fun with hits like Analyze This & Meet The Parents & Meet The Fockers & Shark Tale, to name a few.

The teaming of Eddie Murphy & Robert De Niro is absolutely brilliant & is one of the greatest team ups of the buddy-cop genre.

Eddie Murphy stars as fast-talking, smooth & cocky LAPD Rookie officer Trey Sellers, a uniformed cop on the beat that is so a wannabe actor & gets a chance at a "Reality" TV show about Cops when he's partnered up with veteran no-nonsense grumpy LAPD Detective Mitch Preston (Robert De Niro) who is pretty much a modern day Dirty Harry type. The ridiculously beautiful Rene Russo (Lethal Weapon 3&4) plays the show's excited producer, Chase Rensi. Together the mismatched pair of cops are poised to big the next big hit reality-based show.

For Mitch it's an embarrassing nightmare but for Trey it's a dream come true & hilarious situations become the norm for the pair.

Honestly the chemistry is perfectly done, you can tell De Niro is loving it & Murphy is in his element bouncing off of the legend. These two legends of Cinema are so much fun together & the there's also a hilarious part for William Shatner playing himself!!!

Honestly Showtime is such a blast, such a fun ride & is deserving of Cult Classic status in my opinion.

Every buddy-cop cliché is sprinkled throughout the film in a very knowing & funny way. The cameras are everywhere & Murphy's Trey loves it & shows off & De Niro's Mitch has to go along with it all & he's so funny.

There's loads of action, shootouts & car chases & everything that makes a buddy-cop movie & buddy-cop movie is in Showtime.

A top notch exciting score by the great Alan Silvestri (Predator 1&2, Judgment Night, i, Robot, Who Framed Roger Rabbit? & many many more) & with gorgeous Cinematography & produced by WILL SMITH, all the ingredients are here & work perfectly to create a fun Action-packed cop comedy.
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Imperium (I) (2016)
Daniel Radcliffe Is Excellent. An Excellent Undercover Tension-Filled Thriller.
25 February 2024
Daniel Radcliffe has come along way from his magical Harry Potter days & here gives his greatest performance (best I've seen him anyway) as nerdy FBI agent Nate Foster who is recruited to go deep undercover in the scary world of white supremacists to uncover future terrorist plans.

Imperium treads similar territory to The Departed & American History X, both excellent gritty films & Imperium felt like a nice mix of them both. Daniel Radcliffe is helped on the superb acting front by the always excellent Toni Collette who plays Nates superior FBI boss that chose him for this particular mission. Nate is picked because of his smarts he's super smart & quick thinking in situations & that helps him big time when he's undercover. Nate is always the smartest guy in the room & is an excellent FBI agent but this is his first time out in the field doing real dangerous work rather than doing it behind a computer screen sat at a desk.

Radcliffe really is excellent on screen & puts his all into his performance as he's constantly on edge & has to think quickly in many nerve-wracking moments. This is basically an undercover cop thriller that deals with real American problems of Neo-Nazi terrorist attacks & the gritty approach to the film feels even more real considering this is based on a true story.

Imperium doesn't show the constant vile racist action you would expect, it's not on the scarily seething scale of say American History X, this film concentrates more on the inner workings of the White supremacists groups. What was eye opening was the fact that most of the Neo-Nazi high up leaders are actually normal type family men without skinheads!!! I say "normal" because they are hidden in plain site as they're not streets thug skinheads who you can see coming a mile off oh no these are well respected, educated & unexpected. The evil of racism reaches high & goes to places that's unexpected & Nate is right in the middle of this bizarre Whites only society.

All the performances are top notch here & the film is tightly directed & filled with tension & a terrific moody score that compliments the movie.

I totally dug Imperium & could watch it over & over.

Daniel Radcliffe was truly excellent.

Toni Collette was equally excellent.

Imperium is a moody, suspenseful thriller that keeps you on the edge throughout.
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Green Room (2015)
A Thrilling Survival Shocker With Powerhouse Performances.
25 February 2024
Green Room was a big surprise, a small budget movie made with a passion for low-budget gritty & violent grindhouse cinema of the 70's & early 80's for its influence, & even some early 90's genre flicks.

A simple setup story about an indie rock group travelling around America trying to get any gigs they can anywhere they can. This leads the grungy rock group the "Aint-Rights" to an isolated club full of Nazi-skinheads & hostility. The Ain't-Rights are a decent bunch of early 20's rockers that consists of three guys & one girl & all very likeable characters. Anton Yelchin (Rest In Peace to an excellent actor) is excellent as Pat, the deep thinker of the band, dude was truly a great actor that could've gone on to do so much amazing work in movies (He did a lot in the time he had though) & the others of the band are all damn fine a actors that each deliver strong performances & as said are all likeable (which is very rare in ensemble films).

The Aint-Rights perform some songs in the dingy Nazi bar & after they head to the Green Room (a chillout waiting area for bands & staff) & walk in on a murder scene. From here the film gets extremely tense as our band teams up with a local girl to escape from the Green Room & get out the Club alive. The Nazi members want to Silence the band for what they've seen & so an intense battle of wits begins but who will out smart who? & will anyone survive the night.

A creepily in-control & cold as ice performance from Patrick Stewart as the main villain of the piece, he's excellent as the head leader of the Nazi movement, he controls everything that happens & waits patiently for his victims.

There's a slight feel of that 70's grit & grime here like say Assault on Precinct 13 (John Carpenter's original) & other cult flicks of that type. Green Room is a survival Thriller that's a low-budget B-movie at heart & loved that about it. Great cinematography, especially the rich greens of the surrounding forests & the dark moody interiors of the dingy club. Think From Dusk Till Dawn (1995) but without Vampires, Killer Nazi nutters instead. Green Room fits in with genre films like Judgment Night (1993) & Trespass (1992), survival thriller's that take place over one night.

The standout star (& character: Amber ) of the movie was Imogen Poots, she's one bad-ass smart-thinking & cool character here, she's excellent.

Who will survive this night? There's plenty of blood-soaked realistic violence that's often shocking & ferocious. Each gun shot is impactful with special practical effects that are beautifully shot, violence never looked cooler. Green Room is grounded in its gritty realism that's totally helped by the superb practical effects.

Truly an exciting, thrilling late-night survival flick. This is one ultra-violent ulta-cool thriller.
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Red State (2011)
24 February 2024
I'm not a Kevin Smith fan & i Don't like his weird indie stoner comedies but i absolutely loved his anti-religious horror thriller RED STATE. But Kevin Smith is a smart dude & says it as it is & i totally respect him for that & what he pulled off here with a tiny budget is pure Awesomeness & he should be so proud of this movie. This is Kevin Smith putting a middle finger up to critics & haters & making something totally different & experimental in a way & it worked.

Made low-budget gritty, ferocious & darkly funny, Smith finally made a movie really worth checking out.

I'm an Atheist so i loved all the undertones of religion causing chaos & how evil breeds within it.

Red State is about three horny American teens meeting up with an older lady through Internet chats & end up captured in a church compound full of religious fanatics.

Felt like a mix of Eli Roth's Hostel & a police thriller & with the ferocious frantic camera movements used in 28 Days Later & it's sequel & used extremely well to create a panicked state.

Veteran character actor legend MICHAEL PARKS gives the performance of his Career here as a psycho preacher hellbent on delivering holy justice to his victims. Parks is outstanding & Oscar worthy here. What a blistering, outrageous & hilarious performance by Parks!!!

Equally the great John Goodman packs a powerhouse performance as a ATF officer who lays seige to the religious compound with orders to kill all inside.

Two powerhouse performances that lift the film to a higher level of Cinema quality that defies its small budget.

Red State is better than most major studio Big Budget films!!!

All performances are top notch, intense & powerful, everyone is so game to deliver a power punch of a film.

Yep with it's gritty cinematography, no music score, blood-soaked action & a quality mix of Horror & Police Thriller Red State delivers.

Action, shocks, dark humour & knockout performances made Red State a cult survival Thriller.
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Expend4bles (2023)
STATHAM solely saves the film from being unwatchable!!!
12 February 2024
I've enjoyed The Expendables films so far, the first two being the best, & part 3 being fairly good but we really didn't need a new younger team.

Anyway the really BAD with Expendables 4 is the whole damn THING!!!

IF it wasn't for the always great Jason Statham Expendables 4 would be unwatchable!!!

Statham was always the most likeable of all the Expendables & was always my favourite so the one good thing this scrappy franchise film did was focus on Statham's Christmas character for a majority of the movie.

Statham was great on screen once again & seemed to be the ONLY actor giving a damn about his character or giving an little bit of depth.

When Barney (Stallone) was "Killed" off no one gave a damn, none of The Expendables really cared that their long time friend & leader had died, the whole thing was emotionless?

ONLY Statham seemed to really be bothered by his buddies death.

Most of the Expendables from the previous films are missing?

We got an annoying & pointless new Expendable that is supposed to be the son of Banderas's non-stop talking character from part 3. He's a terrible new addition & adds NOTHING.

The worst actress in cinema history Megan Fox joins the team & is ONLY here because some people think she's hot but she isn't unless you like really orange looking Aliens.

The Awesome addition of rapper actor 50 Cent is completely wasted & does nothing. 50 Cent was so perfect for the franchise & they wasted him? He should've Been the main new focus & a new team member but nope, they cared for about the sickly horrendous actress Megan Fox!!! Gutted for 50

The villain is Iko Uwais & he's good for the little he has but is wasted. Tony Jaa is decent for the little he has to do but again is wasted.

Dolph Lundgren looked fed-up & they gave him a scraggy scarecrow wig? Bizarre!!!!

This was not a well directed film.

Expendables 4 felt weird & so Bizarre, thankfully Statham was there to completely save the film. Statham singlehandedly saved Expendables 4.

The legendary Andy Garcia is totally wasted.

The cinematography or c.g.i looks like a cheap video game.

JASON STATHAM kept me watching & his scenes are good but the dialogue is so bad & forced, there is no chemistry except the little bits with Statham & Stallone.

I can't hate the film because there's bits & pieces that are good or fun, i liked the bit where Statham beats down a cocky YouTube'er brat & the whole big boat main action scenes where Statham is there to rescue his crappy team is very good. This movie was made with today's stupid culture in mind as we get (as said) cocky YouTube idiots & we get silly people at a party all sucking on pathetic Vapes & we get a scene where the terrible Megan Fox just gets home from the gym, all stuff that's totally the "now" that's fashionable & is our stupid culture craze. The Gym, Vapes & YouTube influencer lol its all here in this bizarre mess of an action film.

Thank goodness for the dependable Expendable STATHAM!!!
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Boss Level (2020)
Joe Carnahans Worst Movie!!!
7 February 2024
I'm a big fan of Director Joe Carnahan & have been since his brilliant gritty cop thriller debut NARC.

I'm also a fan of hard-ass tough guy actor Frank Grillo & have been since his explosive leading hard-ass performance in the best Purge film ever: The Purge: Anarchy.

But this film was garbage it really was in my opinion.

Mel Gibson was crap & just played the same bad guy role he played in Expendables 3 & Machete Kills.

The time travel, Groundhog Day type angle was just very, very annoying & ruined the film in my opinion.

The film just got very tedious & it kept trying to be funny but it wasn't funny at all.

Joe Carnahan & Frank Grillo did a much better team up with the outstanding winter survival Thriller THE GREY & the underrated COPSHOP.

YEP just wasn't a movie for me i just didn't enjoy this one at all.
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I Really Enjoy These Early 90's Billy Blanks Action Flicks From The Good Old Video Days.
26 January 2024
I love direct-to-video B-movies that used to stock up the shelves in video stores everywhere back in the 90's, especially the Awesome beautiful Blockbuster video store.

Billy Blanks was a star of the low-budget action B movie genre that consisted of mainly martial arts stuff & kickboxing.

Billy Blanks in his prime during the 90's was like a seriously shredded Wesley Snipes type & with a tough hood thugged out voice similar to 50 Cent. Blanks was ripped-to-shreds & was a professional ass-kicker that moved into movies & i think he was a decent actor with a tough screen presence but always seemed like a good-hearted guy.

I've discovered & loved many of Blanks low-budget action flicks such as: Talons of the Eagle, Back in Action, Tough & Deadly, TC-2000, Expect No Mercy & Hidden Dragon, i consider those films real fun entertaining gems. Again, i love 90's direct-to-video Action B-movies.

I love Billy Blanks work with Roddy Piper best (Back in Action & Tough & Deadly) they really had a fun chemistry that felt similar to 48 Hrs, Lethal Weapon & Tango & Cash.

Hidden Tiger is definitely a damn good 90's, at times cheesy, action-packed martial arts flick with a top Billy Blanks performance.

Blanks plays a good-hearted, peaceful guy named Nico that teaches local kids to defend themselves & learn respect at his training Karate/Kung-fu/Martial arts type Dojo Centre. Nico is like a father figure as well as the instructor, to the local street kids that live life hard in their hood & Nico wants to teach them something other than how to sell drugs or be in a gang.

I really liked the Nico character & of course Billy played him really well with his natural charisma & screen presence.

The story kicks off with a dark blast when one of Nico's troubled teens gets shot by the local Mafia because Nico refused to pay the thugs for protection. This leads a hurt & vengeful Nico to be trained even better as a fighter by an old mystical warriors trainer played by the always great MAKO (An Eye For An Eye, TMNT, Silent Assassins) & he wants Nico to become the ultimate warrior that can compete in the crime syndicates brutal Death Match fights that they bet on. If Nico defeats the Crime Boss's champion fighter then his gambling empire will fall.

I loved the story of good men taking a stand against a crime syndicate & Nico having to fight dirty in the underworld fight circuit. There's humour mixed in & plenty of awesome fights sequences & training montage stuff. This is a typical low-budget 90's martial arts movie but with a bit more heart & two really great stars of the low-budget genre (Billy Blanks & Mako) Also Hidden Tiger is filmed well with a decent, at times a little cheesy, score that all encapsulated its era, early 90's & i love it. You can never get those wonderful times again so it's nice, comforting & a boost of Nostalgia when i revisit these types of films.

ALSO this was the last of lead starring roles for Billy Blanks as from here he got bit-parts in a mix of stuff both films & t.v. So there's a litter sadness when you think about like that, & such a shame because Blanks should've been a bigger action star in my opinion. I like Blanks as much as say Snipes or The Rock or Diesel for example. What could've been? Maybe a cool team up with Statham or something along those lines. Just a shame because Billy Blanks was alot better than most of today's action stars & he was just as good as those action stars during his hey day in the 90's.

Anyway i will always enjoy revisiting Blanks films.
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Pulse (1988)
Cozy 80's Suburban Horror With Good Old Special Effects
13 January 2024
"PULSE" was a film i remember catching always on t.v in the middle of the night & never from the beginning but i always watched what i could of it.

Yep back in the 90's i would often catch Pulse nearly half way through or so but always liked what i saw & always remembered it.

You cannot beat old school 80's movies from any genre, but Horror was mind blowing because of the use of practical effects that seemed like real movie magic.

A young boy goes to stay with his father & his father's girlfriend in a lovely Los Angeles suburbs where all the houses are nice big beautiful Looking places of comfort. But there's a sinister paranormal or extraterrestrial pulse that has travelled through electricity into the family home. The young boy David, starts to notice all the weird happenings in his dad's high-tech home & of course his father Bill doesn't believe him until things start to get more & more serious. All performances are very good for this type of fun 80's horror thriller. Cliff De Young is decent as the dad that just can't believe there's something sinister out to hurt his family. Cliff De Young was a good choice because he's such an ordinary Looking guy & so can play a hard working suburban father easily. I loved the family house it's so 80's & so cozy & the cinematographer lit it perfectly. The house is a character as we never see the evil pulse entity thingy, we just see electronic equipment going haywire & becoming dangerous & it's done so well that it works fine that we don't actually see a monster.

There's a fun cautionary tale to Pulse that is basically about relying to much on high-tech stuff (abit like the futuristic Tom Selleck sci-fi thriller RUNWAY,1984) but that film was more about actual Robots rather than electric equipment & appliances but similar still in nature of the fear of a high-tech futuristic world. Pulse felt similar in spirit to Maximum Overdrive (1986) with it's otherworldly signal travelling through electricity & infecting electrical equipment. The 80's did all best & made these films so full of excitement & fun.

Joey Lawrence as David (Bills son) & Roxanne Hart as Ellen (Bills wife) are great.

The big house is used perfectly to feel menacing & as a huge threat. I totally enjoyed this film as i love cozy suburban horror fun & Pulse fits in with the likes of Poltergeist & The 'Burbs for an example. The music is an awesome pure 80's expected horror score & film has a nice easy relaxing vibe to it.

I love 80's horror movies & sci-fi stuff & that's exactly what Pulse is & it works. Pulse is old school 80's fun horror filmmaking through & through & because of all its nice little qualities it makes it a nice time capsule of 80's Los Angeles 'burbs & for its time, high-tech household gadgets.

There's definitely a comforting Nostalgic feel to Pulse that makes you long for those good old past times again & makes you want to watch it again.
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Above the Law (1988)
Seagal's Bone-Crunching Brutal Debut. Definitely An Action Thriller Cop CLASSIC.
23 October 2023
Watching Seagal's brutal, bone-crunching explosive debut in 2023 felt fresh & gave me a new respect for such an excellent movie.

I grew up watching & loving Steven Seagal films, especially a video boxset i had that contained 3 of his absolute best: Nico aka Above the Law, Hard to Kill & Out for Justice.

I also had Marked For Death, Under Siege & The Glimmer Man on video way back in the 90's & I've always claimed that his 1991 vigilante cop thriller OUT FOR JUSTICE as my absolute favourite Seagal film, Or Marked For Death (1990) i love both, But, as of 2023 having re-watched his brilliant debut movie NICO, i gotta admit that this is as great a movie!!! It's hard to pick a favourite because i love Nico, Out For Justice, Marked For Death & Hard to Kill, Seagal's Early movies were action staples of my childhood. Under Siege is great too.

We get a good backstory for our brutal movie hero Nico, he was a good-hearted soldier during the horrific war in Vietnam & became a specialist for the CIA, before leaving that murky world behind to enter a new murky world as a cop. Back home in America Nico is a tough-as-hell cop in a drug infested Chicago.

Since coming home in the 80's Chicago is a city on the verge of exploding with gang violence, thugs & drugs. Nico uncovers a connection between the CIA & the drugs lords of the streets, Nico is like a bloodhound on the case & will stop at nothing to expose them.

Nico is a guy that does it his way with a fist & a gun. Seagal gives a fantastic performance as young hot headed & short-tempered Nico. Still angry at what he witnessed in Vietnam he doesn't have any mercy for the scum he comes accross & i love it. Watching Nico with fresh 2023 eyes i can honest say that the then young Seagal gave such an explosive performance for a first film. Seagal's acting was solid, he was believable & seemed so fresh amongst the action stars of the 70's & 80's. Seagal looked totally different from the regular action stars, he's very tall, very lean & had that cool slick back black hair & dressed like an ultra-cool street cop. Seagal definitely gave the performance of his Career in Above the Law as Nico, his ego wasn't a big distracting problem at that moment in time, that came as his fame grew. Steven Seagal was Unleashed on movie goers back in the late 80's & pretty much exploded accross screens with Above the Law, an action movie that ranks as one of the best of the genre.

There's someone great about those early Seagal films, there's a real sense of time & place & are nice for Nostalgia of a better time & when movies were better.

Nico has a beautiful wife (a young Sharon Stone) a baby & a close family & his trusty partner Jackson, played perfectly by cult cinema legend PAM GRIER. The beautiful Pam Grier holds her own as Dolores Jackson, teamed up with the wild & loose cannon Nico as he wages war on Chicago's criminal underworld of drugs. Pam Grier is so likeable as Jackson, a cop that is as tough & fearless as Nico except she has control. Grier was perfect to balance Seagal's explosive Nico character & Jackson is the best character in the film after Nico. For the big bad villain we get B-movie bad guy regular Henry Silva in a very sadistic & evil role of ex-nam soldier turned drug kingpin, who Nico desperately wants to hurt.

The action is explosive, brutal & bloody with Seagal beating the shiznit out of anybody in his way & it's a blood-soaked good time.

From the Awesome clothing/fashion of the 80's to the excellent jazzy music score & gritty vibrant cinematography, Nico aka: Above the Law is top cop action thriller stuff, easy 10/10 in my opinion. Say what you will of Seagal now but back in his early years he was the best, a brutal specialist martial arts warrior who seemed the most deadly out of all the old school action stars!!! I always thought Seagal was the most brutal of the action stars & laughed so hard at how brutally he beat his enemies up, he really was fantastic to watch & with his short-fuse temper & savage mouth of street tough attitude. I love early Seagal films & consider his: Above the Law, Hard to Kill, Marked For Death & Out for Justice as all-time action Classic's, some of the greatest of the action thriller genre.

Nico deserves it's place up there with the Dirty Harry's & Lethal Weapons & many, many more great cop films.

Steven Seagal is excellent, fresh & savage in this blistering action thriller from the beautiful 80's.
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A Cracking, Gritty 70's Cop Thriller From Bronson & Winner
10 October 2023
Charles Bronson was a legendary tough guy actor from the good old days of kick-ass Cinema, & he's excellent here in director Michael Winners cop thriller.

Sandwiched between Michael Winners The Mechanic & Death Wish there was his other not ever mentioned, The Stone Killer. Michael Winner directed Bronson in many great & gritty action thriller films & along with the very first Death Wish (1974) & the crazy good-time violent fantasy Death Wish 3 (1985), his Stone Killer is possibly his best Bronson collaboration, or atleast right next to the first Death Wish.

As of now, in the seriously dark & Depressing times of 2023, watching 1973's The Stone Killer feels almost comforting with it's no tech world & no nonsense vigilante cops that do what needs to be done & seeing a old face of movie justice: Charles Bronson, i was definitely comforted by the simpler times of it's decade the 1970's.

In a world like ours now as of 2023, we need no nonsense tough justice fighters like Bronson's hard cop Lou Vescari, a Detective that plays by his own rules in Dirty Harry fashion, & fears no one. Bronson plays the part perfectly & created one of his best characters in my opinion. There's definitely a lovely feeling watching old 70's & 80's action stars taking out the evil scum of the world. There's something so nice about watching the likes of Charles Bronson, Chuck Norris, Roy Scheider, Gene Hackman, Clint Eastwood, Stallone, Schwarzenegger & others tearing through gritty places & shooting up street scum as they deal out death to those that deserve it. Its a rewarding watching experience because in real life we're powerless & the law protects the evil scum but in the movie world we get to witness the blood thirsty vengeance we all want.

The Stone Killer is a cracking 70's cop thriller that feels like it's made in the mould of an old noir Detective film.

Bronson is Detective Vascari, a New York City hard-ass that gets in serous trouble with his superiors, the newspapers & the city for gunning down a teenage thug that pulled a gun of him. Just another day in the bleak violent city but its enough for Bronson's cop to move to another dark, bleak & violent city: Los Angeles. Bronson is between New York & LA throughout the movie as he goes about trying to solve a crime & stop old mafioso boss Vescari, played by the great Martin Belsam (Death Wish 3, The Delta Force) from his planned revenge plot that would slaughter mob bosses from all over America. There's alot going on in Stone Killer but it all comes together fine in the end for a thrilling action-packed showdown. There's plenty of recognisable faces from other 70's films, especially from Bronson films & the music score is very cool.

The Stone Killer has plenty of cool car chases, shootouts, punches & fun dialogue, it's a great Bronson film that fits in with his other cult classic cop thrillers like: 10 To Midnight & Murphy's Law.
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Navy Seals (1990)
A Cracking Kick-ass, Adrenalin-Fuelled Action Thriller About Navy SEALS Vs Arab Terrorists!!!
15 September 2023
Navy SEALS is an Awesome, old-school action-packed thriller with a theme so relevant still- TERRORISM!!!

This Awesome, sometimes a little cheesy (but hey IT'S 80's early 90's) action thriller is about two buddies that work together as tough, hard-assed Navy SEALS that are after Arab terrorists (pretty much nothing has changed here in 2023) who have stolen Lethal nuclear weapons. Our two main specialists are CHARLIE SHEEN & MICHAEL BIEHN, with the late-great BILL PAXTON in a smaller role as one of their team, a sniper.

People forget how good Sheen was back in the day, back in the 80's & 90's Sheen was one of the best leading men in comedies & action thriller's. I've been a Sheen fan since his excellent performance in Clint Eastwood's underrated action cop thriller, THE ROOKIE (1990) also Sheen is Awesome in RED DAWN, HOT SHOTS 1&2, TERMINAL VELOCITY, SHADOW CONSPIRACY, THE ARRIVAL, MEN AT WORK, PLATOON, NO CODE OF CONDUCT & More. Here Sheen plays a cocky & fearless Daredevil of soldier (i saw a template in his performance/character of Jeremy Renner's in the excellent THE HURT LOCKER years later) Sheen is awesome once again & brings an exciting dangerous edge to his adrenalin junkie Navy Seals specialist.

Sheen's commander/leader is played by the excellent & underrated Michael Biehn, a guy i grew up watching from his iconic role as HICKS in Aliens & of course from Terminator. Biehn is great as the team leader as he has a real serious presence & a strong look. Both Sheen & Biehn give excellent heroic performances, this is miles above the crappy homo-erotic overrated "Top Gun" i hate that film.

Also the late-great Bill Paxton (Aliens, Predator 2, Trespass, Twister) stars as the teams super-sniper, & again he's an actor i grew up watching & loving in anything.

Our SEAL team of elite soldiers are after Arab terrorists & that leads them to the heavily war-torn & extremely dangerous Beirut. This film has great rescue scenes, great shootouts, great buddy chemistry, great bloody action & a heroic heart beat that thumps throughout the movie. Sheen really is on great form as the dangerous Daredevil of the team that likes to push it too close-to-the-edge.

The music is perfectly 80's, it's heroic, smaltzy & exciting.

The action is fast, Furious & bloody, the 3rd act big action sequence in Beirut is so exciting & thrilling.

The theme of extremists & foreign terrorists is all too real & still extremely relevant, so the film will always be a gem of an action-thriller that's steeped in real-world darkness. Middle East terrorists have nuclear weapons & the Seal team are dispatched to find them & secure the situation, this is a top-notch military action film full of suspense & kick-ass moments.

I loved NAVY SEALS & it seems to be a forgotten film, but it should be a cult classic atleast!!!

In these extremely dark & savage times of 2023, these movie heroes & heroics mean more to me than ever before. It's comforting watching good-hearted heroes taking out evil terrorist scum. Also watch the excellent RED DAWN for a nice double bill.

The trio of stars make the movie even more exciting with Sheen, Biehn & Paxton as American heroes.
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Solo (1996)
A Really Awesome 90's Action Adventure Sci-fi Flick. Definitely an unloved Gem.
3 September 2023
I loved "SOLO" & have wanted to see it since the 90's when it came out & i saw the cool looking cover, & read that one of my favourite actors of all-time was in: WILLIAM SADLER.

SOLO is like others of that awesome action sci-fi thriller genre with greats like: kurt Russell's SOLDIER & Van Damme's UNIVERSAL SOLDIER. The good news is Solo was exactly what i expected it to be & was worth finally tracking it down & watching it.

I love 90's movies & love 90's sci-fi action thriller's & Solo is one of my new favourites of the genre.

Mario Van Peebles (New Jack City, Jaws: The Revenge, Posse, Gunmen, Crazy Six) is a fine action star & a very good director too, & here he gets to play a Terminator type of character. Van Peebles plays Solo a specially designed super-soldier made for combat & precise strategic assaults on enemies.

Solo was designed by science wizard, a very young Adrian Brody (Predators) & he made him with a sense of morals & so Solo begins to think for himself & make decisions on what he thinks is right. There's a feel of Robocop here & abit of Terminator & definitely some Universal Soldier & a hint of Predator (with the tropical jungle setting) & Solo is a damn good movie to fit in with those I've mentioned.

Solo fails a mission because he thought about his actions & decided not to kill innocent people & therefore is gonna be decommissioned until he escapes the military compound & crashes into a latin American jungle.

Solo befriends the jungles small village peasants & helps them fight back against their enemies. Whilst Solo begins to find his humanity & meaning, he is being hunted down by the Armys most ruthless Soldier Col. Frank Madden (an excellent WILLIAM SADLER) who wants to destroy Solo & bring forward a new cyborg built in his own likeness.

William Sadler is wonderful in his ruthless & evil role & we know Sadler can play ruthless & evil to perfection, just look at his brilliant villain performance in DIE HARD 2.

SADLER is a favourite of mine & I've loved him in stuff since Die Hard 2 (the best one) & Trespass & Tales from the Crypt present: Demon Knight & other stuff. Sadler is a gem of an actor that is great in anything & i check out films just because he's in it.

Solo is a kick-ass sci-fi action adventure thriller full of cool battles, fun moments & two awesome actors facing off together (Peebles vs Sadler) I liked the music (pure 90's) & i loved the hot tropical jungle setting (like Predator & Congo) & i loved the ancient temple base that Solo hides out in, it's very well designed by the production team.

Solo is a top notch 90's action movie & anyone who loves this stuff should check it out!!!

Solo is a good character that could've continued in more movies, more adventures & a franchise as its left wide-open for his character at the end. I would've like more films of Solo.

I really liked Mario Van Peebles in this emotionless cyborg role, its actually very difficult to play this part because he has to constantly act Not out of breath or seem exhausted after his many action scenes. Big thumbs up to Peebles for pulling it off like a pro.
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Suspenseful, Totally Engrossing & Exciting Military Action Thriller With An Excellent Jeremy Renner.
20 August 2023
Kathryn Bigelow is an outstanding director that has blessed us with greats such as Point Break, Blue Steel, Near Dark, Zero Dark Thirty & more. Kathryn is a powerhouse movie maker that puts realistic grounded characters at the centre of her creative chaos.

She's a wonderful, visually powerful movie-maker that really specialises in gritty, sweaty, pulsing suspense.

The Hurt Locker is a military Thriller full of explosive action & deep characteristics.

The great, kinda underrated Jeremy Renner gives a blistering performance as a hot-shot, renegade & dangerously fearless bomb disposal expert called Sergeant Will James who is a man who thrives on being so close to the edge with everything he does. Renner plays Will like how Lethal Weapons Martin Riggs would be if he was in Iraq as a bomb disposal expert!!!

Renner is superb in this crazy, raw & very powerful role that is definitely one of his best. Renner is helped out by a well rounded cast of with Anthonie Mackie (in a great role of intensity & emotion) & Brian Geraghty (great role) & Evangelline Lilly, Ralph Fiennes, David Morse & Guy Pearce. A powerhouse cast.

Will gets closer to the edge, close to danger & his small but loyal team follow him in fear as the heat is on & the territory of war-torn Iraq is burning up.

There's powerful character moments & truly gritty & explosive action sequences that are terrifying. The movie is a Thriller made totally, totally realistic & also makes you hate those Rag heads, suicidal bombing cowards even more!!!

The Hurt Locker truly sizzles with it's suspense & sun-baked setting & tension, a masterclass of stunning, nerve-shredding suspense.

Jeremy Renner is a favourite actor of mine, i love the dude as Hawkeye from the MCU, i prefer him to all the other Avengers. I loved him in the extremely underrated fantasy adventure flick, Hansel & Gretal Witch Hunters & he made the best Bourne film of the lot (yes he's better than Matt Damon) with his Bourne Legacy film & he stole the show in 28 Weeks Later. Also Renner was top notch in Ben Affleck's Crime Thriller, The Town & he was outstanding in the cracking Conspiracy Thriller, Kill the Messenger. Renner gave an Oscar worthy performance in the dark & haunting crime thriller, Wind River.

Renner makes a movie better fact.
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Highwaymen (2004)
Lean, Mean Killer Thriller With The Awesome Jim Caviezel.
12 August 2023
Jim Caviezel is one of Hollywood's most underrated & undervalued stars, he's great to excellent in pretty much anything!!!

I love him in Unknown, Deja Vu, Long Weekend, Transit, Highwaymen & Outlander best, but he has done lots more cool stuff.

Caviezel is excellent in this lean mean road slasher, serial killer thriller that has hints of Mad Max, Duel, Breakdown, Joy Ride aka: Road Kill & of course, the directors own 80's cult classic The Hitcher. I actually like his Highwaymen more than his Hitcher, but that's my opinion.

Tarantino tried to do this type of road serial killer flick his Death Proof, but it wasn't very good at all & Highwaymen drove all over it.

Jim Caviezel plays a man haunted by his past, his wife was run down in the road by a serial killer that uses his car as his murder weapon. Caviezel gives a very weary & obsessive performance that comes through in his hurt eyes. Caviezel plays Rennie Cray & has been tracking the car killer for years & has a backstory full of vengeance that goes right back to that tragic day his wife was brutally murdered. Caviezel plays a hurt, jaded hero very well & comes across like a modern day Mad Max & he's so cool. Caviezel is on the hunt for vengeance & will not be stopped by anyone.

Thr supporting cast are excellent with Rhona Mitra as the car killer's next potential victim, Mitra is a damn good actress & very underrated in my opinion, she's excellent in Doomsday. Caviezel teams up with Mitra's terrified Molly to lure out the road killer played by a seriously demented Colm Feore as Fargo.

Fargo is a sadistic sicko serial killer that is so badly damaged by car accidents that he's lost most of his limbs & is made-up of mechanical parts, prosthetics, straps & harnesses to keep him going. His body & car are now one & his uses his car as an extension of his body- he's a killing machine.

The other great character of this suspenseful cat-and-mouse road thriller is a crash investigator played brilliantly by Frankie Faison, a character actor that has turned up in many awesome films & is a scene stealer here.

The cinematography is gorgeous, dusty back roads & lonely highways are the setting for this road warrior gem of a thriller, & there's a sharp gritty look that helps with the brutal car smash sequences.

Highwaymen is a good, cat-&-mouse chase thriller with a group of excellent actors & top notch performances.
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