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Hinterland (2013–2016)
Wales is a beautiful country, well North Wales is.
5 October 2020
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I am not sure about this series, I didn't see Series 1 and only Series 2 and quite honestly I wasn't overly impressed. Yes it was a film Noir, the cinematography wasn't exactly doing Wales a favor but the colour it was dull as were the characters. It was slow I felt and the main actor began to irritate me. Possibly if I saw Series 1 I may have had a better insight into his character. And I didn't know who Uwen Thomas was? Or the chief's involvement in the children's home.Sounds like a police coverup to me. Using Mathias in his fragile state may have been a ploy by both of these men.Although Uwen seems to me out for revenge but why? Last episode seemed a bit more interesting. North Wales is very undulating like Alstonville in Northern NSW. I don't know where they filmed it but the topography and scenery seems more like Scotland. No trees or green valleys. However the story lines with their sub plots was quite clever. That's why I gave it a 7 and not lower. But I think that we won't be getting a Series 4 not after 4 years since the last series was released.
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Falling Skies (2011–2015)
Well I loved it.
31 August 2020
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I don't think I have seen a production involving Stephen Spielberg that I didn't like. I thought the concept was very good what would we do? The special effects were excellent, Doug Jones of course followed a role in Star Trek Discovery and was very believable as Cochise. .

Colin Cunningham was excellent and I found him quite authenti as the survivor and had a sad ending.. We meet those type of people, well I have. In fact the whole cast was great, especially some of the old Battle Star Galactica cameo actors. And young Matt he grew into the role didn't he. I did not like some of the episodes as much as others, mainly because it left loose ends. However very good action, hardly an episode without someone getting murdered and shot at. I think i would place it as one of my favorite Sci-Fi series.
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I found the acting poor.
9 August 2020
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Wasn't my cup of tea, but it was a pity a third season might have consolidated the story. Either the acting or direction wasn't up to my standard but special effects were great. It was a strange story and I didn't read the books. But it was cancelled with words 'Will is alive -somewhere'. But somehow it was disjointed and that is editorial, bit confused. I skipped the 2nd disc of the 2nd Season as the first disc left me wondering what was happening.

No Game of Thrones, or The Hobbit or Fellowship of the rings. Mind you they were expensive feature films first. But Like Space - Above and beyond I really liked that but it was cancelled too. But Falling Skies is terrific I recommend that plenty of aliens, and action (nearly all the time) and the executive producer is Stephen Speilberg.(What do you expect).
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Space: Above and Beyond (1995–1996)
It was absolutely great watching on DVD
26 June 2020
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More or less, the same goes for Star Trek - Discovery, I had the DVDs and it does help with continuity. But Space - Above and Beyond was a very clever and thought provoking 23 episodes, and I was really miffed that they didn't go into a second series.It didn't really tie the ending up completely. Did the war continue, did they destroy the birth place of the aliens or natural inhabitants?. The authorities lied about knowing they were encroaching on the so called aliens planet. That I gave it only 9 because it was and I don't like an open ending. But to me the acting and even special effects were great. But have we seen any of the main characters since? Other than David D from the X Files. Same writer of the X Files. But if you get the DVD you will find it a complete story.

However the 5 disc set I got from the library was double sided. I couldn't work it out at first. All it had was a colored ring on one side then you turn it over to get the next episodes. Colored ring side first. And my son's DVD is not multi regional like mine, so check on the region first.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
More cerebal than ever and brilliant
20 June 2020
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Some of the spoilers and reviews were very unimaginative and as a Sci-fi fan, I can tell you know, Star Trek Discovery is a brilliantly conceived series with Gene Roddenberry's son Eugene as one of the executive producers. In series one I realized something was wrong went Captain Lucor played by Isaacs (seen as Lucius Malfoil in Harry Potter series) wanted the Admiral to take Sarek's place. And at the end of Series 1 I wondered how they very nicely brought in Captain Christoper Pike. Whether the third series can continue on will be another interesting concept, as we know from Star Trek Enterprise series, time travel was demonstrated. I look forward to series 3 and many more. The New look Klingons is not new if you have watched the Movie when they are introduced to Ulura on a planet and I can see that the writers have tied this in to the Star Trek Discovery rather than possibly looking like Commander Worf etc.

I can't fault it, bar just the introduction of Spock and Captain Pike (?) on Talos IV. From the original series. I am sure Jeffery Hunter played Kirk in the very first episode. Then William Shatner took over the role from him. I might be wrong. It wasn't necessary actually I felt and a bit of confusion.

Overall the characters were very likeable and professionally portrayed and consistent. I particularly like Doug Jones, (has this actor got Marvin's syndrome?) And the ex Emperor or reconstituted Captain Phillipa Georgio. It will be interesting to see how she gets on with the future inhabitants.
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The Fall (I) (2013–2016)
It had my very impressed but some continuity problems I am afraid.
28 January 2019
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Well I enjoyed it but it had me scratching my head and I think the continuity slipped up. I love Gillian and although she came under criticism for talking in a whisper, and presenting as a strong bi-sexual woman, a misogynistic theme, well it was.

I watched the DVD series several times, as I wasn't sure who was responsible for killing DS Olsen, and Olivia seemed to age incredibly in the third series. Also Spector was supposed to go to Scotland. Well Belfast is across the Irish sea from Scotland, and you can't drive or get a train there. If he went to Scotland as was suggested, he must have lied.

But it kept my interest throughout, and I thought the acting was good, but the script had some continuity problems. After all one has to say ' it is fiction' or 'just a film' but the time period was set over say four months from Sarah's murder, and Olivia must have grown a foot at least. The ending, well it was not a trial and retribution series. Paul/Peter was going to win and escape Gibson's wrath, and he did. Destroying Katie, Sally and all those that he influenced and murdered. I don't know what happened to Liam? Does anyone or his mum Sally, who should not have been charged with interferring with justice. She came clean in the end, but trying to kill herself and her children, bit like Medea. But it is only a film.
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Worst script and editing of all the Bond movies
11 November 2018
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Well I am afraid although Pierse did a credible job. I am afraid the script and editing had me a bit confused at the continuity of the movie. Where's Buku,Anyway it lacked the excitement of previous Bond movies. Plutonium is highly dangerous to handle, not sure how a weapon's grade would be safe to handle without some kind of protection. No not enjoyable, script all over the place. Carlyle was OK of course. But really why would he want to blow Instanbul up.
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The Borgias (2011–2013)
Sorry - I did not like it
12 September 2018
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Although it is inspired by historical facts, I did not like the script or acting. I am probably spoiled by the Game of Thrones that to me did borrow some of the facts for their dynasties, but it was cut dead after Series 3, leaving us wondering what really happened. Well historically, Cesare died of Syphilis, and his sister Lucretia actually survived and held a prominent role in Rome and their father the Pope died from natural causes.

This is a very short review, as I can not say much about it. I did not like Jeremy Irons in the role, was too neurotic and physically didn't fit. I suppose as I said, Game of Thrones was superior in every way, this series was not.
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Game of Thrones (2011– )
Can't wait for Series 8
12 September 2018
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Years ago, I watched the first series, I was not impressed, too violent and too many full frontal ladies. However, my son kept saying 'watch Series 2 and 3, you'll love it'. Well I did And do love it.

Not only the cinematography, special effects (particularly, love those dragons), but the editing and particularly the script, it is superior. The Main actors are without doubt, experienced and brilliantly cast. Peter particularly is outstanding, and commands his scenes. That sounds unfair to the others but they all hold their own so well, and equally.

The collection of true historical events, closely resembles the Borgias of Rome, when Italy was divided by provinces and war like. And to a point the War of the Roses, that ended with Henry Vll, and the start of the Tudor line. I like the way the actors from 'The North' usually have English North of England accents.

As a student of film studies at university level, I find it hard to fault the series, unless you realize that the Dark Ages and medieval period was as violent and unscrupulous as it is presented don't watch it. Mind you the 'R' rating should warn you, this is not a series for youngsters.

Well done all those involved in this production I hope the final series leaves us satisfied with he outcome.
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Earth: Final Conflict (1997–2002)
Basically it lost its way.
28 July 2018
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Don't watch this after Star Trek Discovery seasons 1 and 2. I was disappointed from word go. Kevin can't act how did he get the part of Boon? His monotonous dialect and I was pleased he got killed off at the end of Series 1, to reappear in a lack of importance episode in Series 5. There was some good acting needless to say. But after series three I got confused. Too many writers I am afraid, different perspectives. Very weak ending I felt, but as I said, wasn't to the standard of Star Trek generally. But - it lasted for 5 seasons so maybe then it would have had a better reception then. I think back in 1997 it would have been received well, but now of course with Star Trek movies reappearing and especially STar Trek Discovery it is not well produced I got mine free DVD from the Library.
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Lost (2004–2010)
LOST It sure lost me.
28 July 2018
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Somehow, Lost did bring you in to the story, that became so convoluted in the last two seasons, it totally confused me. I generally love J.J.Abrams work, but was he involved as much in the last two seasons. Yes and it is that reason that I gave it only five stars. I got the DVD series, so there was more continuity for me viewing the whole series over several days. One disc would not play, and I wonder if that was the key to me losing the thread of the story.

After all the trauma and parallel universities , they were dead all the time. Did they still survive in the Parallel universe? I don't think they did.

As I say I lost the plot during the fifth and sixth season. Best of luck, but it was not my style of Sci.Fi, unlike Babylon 5, Battlestar Gallactica, even Star Trek and Earth. If you are forced to the edge of your chair, at least you want a closure.
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Indian Summers (2015–2016)
Disappointing ending
26 April 2018
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I loved the first series, however, it was no Jewel in the Crown, or Gandhi. I studied Rudyard Kipling's India at Uni. And the period of 1932-35, was a strange period. Certainly the British were trying to evolve brown Englishmen such as Nehru, and most of the Indian civil service were still holding mediocre positions. Being Parsees they (like the Sikhs) were in the minority, and after the Indian Mutiny, few Hindu's remained in the Indian Army as their cast taboos etc., But a Parsee marrying a Muslim. I doubt it. Or a Parsee civil servant, being seen with a British woman who came from quite an influential family. Right until independence, cast and interracial snobbery and racial intermarriage, and segregation were the norm.

Anyway I was spellbound at first, but as the second series unfolded I found that it did not make much sense. But I did enjoy it. The British did treat the Indians roughly and growing resentment among the populace. To a point that there were massacres on both sides, and inter religious jealousy's and hatreds. Gandhi was for independence, eliminating the cast system and untouchables, and all Indians get on together irrespective of religious hatreds. It didn't work.

Although I did love the first series, I felt the second was a bit disappointing. The second world war was about to erupt, and with Hitler stating the Aryan race, actually they came from North India centuries before, never Nordic.

The acting flawless. I don't think a London accent would have been appreciated in the British polite society set then though. Or Cockney songs.

And what happened to the young orphan lad who towed the explosives 'A gift for the King' and survived it? And his patron dying and leaving a widow and two sons. The British Raj were not that forgiving.
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Not to the standard of Star Trek
2 March 2018
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This is one of the worst Star Trek movies I've seen. And I am including all the first ones with Shatner and Nemoy. The whole story line was wrong, and quite honestly didn't have J.J's magic touch. Sorry guys, but although the acting was again to character and interesting, the script and direction was not up to par, and I can't see this genre going further unless JJ takes over the whole management.

I agree whole heartedly with aiqbal66, and the general story theme was wrong. Star Trek pursues scientific themes and metaphors that keep the audience enthralled and thinking. This movie did not do that. I gave it a six but the cinematography and sound was good. If I had been meaner I think a 4 was adequate. Just did not reach expectations that the first two movies got, and most disappointing.
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Ørnen (2004–2006)
I would like to visit Denmark.
29 October 2017
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This is a great series, and I do like the fact we travel to parts of Scandanavia, they speak different languages, and the cast is so brilliant, I can't find fault with any of them. The signature song is great too, sung in English, and is aimed at the Eagle. It seems Icelanders like to attach themselves to an animal or bird spirit, bit like North American tribes. An eagle hovers and sees everything from a height.

Mind you he has a weakness for attractive women, but they are too smart to let him rule them. But that is the only spoiler in my review.

Halgrim and Maria are married in real life, and the intimacy they generate seems to reflect a deep affection.

Mind you Iceland with all its geothermal activity, and volcanoes must be a hazardous place to live, maybe breed a different type of human to the rest of Europe. He mentions as a young boy, they were evacuated because of a volcanic eruption. Good viewing, and should not be missed.
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Wallander (2008–2016)
Not Swedish, lacks verisimiltude
19 March 2017
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I an a fan of Kenneth, but I can not say I enjoyed his interpretation of Kurt. The big problem being the Swedish long running Wallander, was excellent. The same applies to Zen, and Inspector Donnetti. Indigenous languages are part of the spirit of the movie, if filmed say in Rome or Venice and the characters speak English or German instead of Italian it loses something. Same with the British Wallander. Kenneth rendition was to me over sentimental, especially he obviously had a nervous breakdown after shooting someone in self defense. One could identify with the Swedish Wallander, bit cranky and world weary, totally self absorbed but with some vulnerability. Kenneth showed too much vulnerability. I mean to say, he should not have been working in that emotional and weak frame of mind. We all go through bad low times, but if you have a gun, they have to watch your reactions to certain situations so you don't over or under react,especially to protect others.

I mean Wallander acted in haste that caused the GSPs to attack him, with his partner forced to shoot them. And the owners reaction that nearly killed her. No I would give the Swedish Wallander 9 out of 10. Zen well English speaking cops in Rome, no wonder it only went for 3 episodes. I like Inspector Donetti, but speaking in German, oh no. But I still enjoyed watching as it caught the spirit of Venice and the Venetian cops.
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Babylon 5 (1993–1998)
Inspiring writing and production
8 September 2015
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I rarely give a 10 and all I can say the full series, that I recently borrowed from the local library, I watched twice. Unfortunately I followed it with Battleship Gallacia, that I found wanting and had a very convoluted plot. Although it had also great actors, music scores, etc.

Considering this was made in the 1990s, it was revolutionary and it was very easy for me to identify with the screen writer's intentions and overall creative narrative, and see the characters evolve. The booklet attached to the various disc series was also helpful.

Who could not love the various characters, Londo and Vir, but one little thing puzzled me, what happened to the Drahk, who had the keepers. They seem to have disappeared from their captured planet when Vir became Emperor. Maybe they died out all but the one that given by Londo for David's coming of age. I believe he went off his head after a drinking bout.

I really can't say any more in praise of this series. I loved it. It was a masterpiece of concept, continuity, and the writer well you are a master. No other Sci-Fi series comes close, even though I am a Star Trek fan. I hope to get the five movie length discs sometime in the future.
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Battlestar Galactica (2004–2009)
Too many confusing flashbacks
7 September 2015
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Unfortunately I got only the third and fourth series from the local library, and then there were two missing discs, that I retrieved eventually, leaving me in a state of confusion. One disc I think it was disc one of season four part 1, was one episode of involving Admiral Caine. Why it was introduced I don't know, completely threw me. Then there were fillers thrown in flash backs through some episodes. Multiple cyclons and long blonde haired women. However, I do vaguely remember the first two series, and I have ordered them. I think if they had not delivered the fourth and third series in separate disc holders, may have made it easier. Parts one and twos, was a way to make more money perhaps.

However, one little complaint, they have found ways to travel through space and not cured cancer. Mind you, all that radiation around might have caused this. Hard drinking commanders and pilots, not really an image of astronauts eh? Starbuck, might be the best pilot they have but what a mixed up bitch who has cheated death to return. Mind you her childhood might have caused this and I didn't like the image that a lot of women were sexually aggressive. I watched the third and fourth series three times and eventually bar the flashbacks began to get a grip on the hidden agendas and overall message behind a somewhat convoluted plot. What happened to D'anna? OK she stayed behind the newked Earth, making way for Ellen Tye.

However, the acting was great, Jamie Bamba 'Apollo' and Gius (A Roman name) considering both are English were great as Jamie came over very American or Canadian.And all the main actors were terrific especially Mary McConnell as President suffering and dying from Cancer. And of course the great Admiral was outstanding.

The special effects, acting, cinematography, sets, and music score terrific, deserved all their nominations and wins. But structure of episodes and with the flashbacks were annoying. Maybe if I had the viewed the first two series it might have been clearer, but I watched the mini series, that gave me some idea. The theme which is present about Homo sapiens in Africa and Europe were influenced by ET is not new. Being an archaeologist and palaeoanthropologist student made me somewhat skepitical about their timelines regarding human evolution. My son loved it, so it's just me I suspect. Oh, what was the point of the pigeon. It was metaphoric of course.
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Grantchester (2014–2024)
Character not powerful enough.
20 July 2015
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I am a great lover of British mysteries, particularly Agatha Christie's, and Elizabeth George. Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries is one of the best Australian series ever, plus Dr Blake mysteries.

But for some reason I could not get into this series, in fact I turned off some episodes. I think the Characters make a TV series, and in this series the lead actors had less an impact than say other post war series Like Father Brown or even Foyle's War.

I can't see it going into a third series. Did it get into a second? It might have gone down better with the non-English, or rather British, say the Americans. Quite honestly I didn't like the lead Vicar, I thought him weak and not decisive enough for me. But there again I am only one voter.
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Ending left us in limbo?
20 July 2015
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It was a great episode, but the ending? I suspect the Ms George is one of the best detective writers on line with P.D.James and Ruth Randell. However, I would have liked a better ending. Both exhausted and depleted at the end of this horror case, one wonders if they questioned their career in the police. Or would they both shake themselves and get up to face more cases? That is what I felt, particularly after the tragic shooting of Helen, Tom's estranged wife.

The message was firmly placed in our minds. Not just the police's job is a hard one but often takes on that even if they solve a case, it affects them emotionally. They appeared totally drained and one wouldn't blame them for chucking in their job.

Possibly Ms George wanted us to wonder how much trauma a police officer can take but see them recover and go on to solve more cases. Probably too romantic, but to see Lynley tap Havers on the shoulder and say,'OK, let's go home and move on..." Might have been the ideal ending.
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I loved it.
14 July 2015
My son reckoned I wouldn't like this movie, but I did and would have watched it a second time but fell asleep. Action plus, great cast, special effects and as the director mentioned, one has to have a nasty villain that made the 007 movies so great.

I don't know if they can follow it up with a second sequel but they will have to follow it up with a great cast someone to replace Arthur (Michael Caine) and Colin Firth (Gallahad).

I thought the script and editing were brilliant, it brought smiles too my face, especially the ending. "Good manners maketh the man". It does, even though he might be a dangerous person inwardly if one crossed him badly. In other words, he or she, doesn't wear their heart on their sleeve and only attacks the unworthy.

I loved the approach and theme, and hope they dare to make a sequel that would also get a 10 out of 10. To coin a phrase, it will be a hard act to follow, but well done. About time the great spy movies got some humour in them, as they are what we would like reality to be, but unfortunately it isn't.
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The Returned (2012–2015)
A never ending story
6 June 2015
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I am sure there are many who love this type of never ending story, with irritating mum in laws coming back to spoil everyone's sanity. But although I enjoyed the first few episodes I found the second series somewhat boring and I started losing the plot and theme.

Did they ever decide who and why the deceased returned. Not knowing what the finale will bring I would say that the town living are also dead too. Bit far fetched or there is a shift in the time. Something is going on for sure, but as the series points out you can't kill the already dead.

Well I hope the final series does the whole series justice, I imagine it will, but so far to me it seems the writers don't know how to bring the series to an end that will suit everyone's ideas.
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Foyle's War: The Eternity Ring (2013)
Season 7, Episode 1
Cold war reality.
3 June 2015
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I am a great fan of Foyle's War and own some of the DVDs. This first series will put Foyle into a situation which can be viewed as almost unbearably devious and one doesn't know who are the real traitors within MI5 - MI6. I lived in London as from 1944 until the VIs and V2s started raining on Sth London and we, my mother and I went back to my grandfather's home in Liverpool until the end of the war. I remember the rationing very well, and I can assure you that London was bombed badly, and bomb sites still apparent everywhere.

Most people were not aware of the activities of spies or MI5 or MI6. Nor the political post war social scenes. Now we know what was going on with the Burgess and MacClane sagas etc., The Imitation Game, Russian defectors etc. The development of the atom bomb by the Russians. The Iron Curtain and division of West and East Berlin. However it is nice to have Honeysuckle Weeks back doing her thing again and Foyle still holding onto his integrity. You'll enjoy the second series too.
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Dig (2015)
Looks good
3 June 2015
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I watched the first episode and am looking forward to more. I am interested in archaeology and have a degree in it. BUT CONTINUITY? The red heifer? When the young man took it out for a walk it was definitely a bull calf. I mean to say folks, how could they miss that little bit of appendage?

My thoughts are that it seems to be anti-Orthodox Jews is it? That won't be popular with some. But it is fiction and I rather liked its setting and also it's actors. I just hope it doesn't end up like Returned, going on and on and getting no where. I lost interest in that series.

The genre is to my liking and actually it is supposed to take place under the Golden Dome Mosque there have been historical queries that possibly parts of the old Temple are still there. I am looking forward to more episodes.
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2 June 2015
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I saw the first episode on TV last night SBS and fell asleep so didn't see the ending. It started at 12 am! But I loved it as much as I enjoyed and re-watch Inspector Montalbana DVD's. I loved the way they introduced the young Fazio and Catarella, it just seemed to make great sense and continuity.

I hope they continue the series for sure. Yes he loved his food, and to me the actor displayed a feeling of menace if you crossed him the wrong way. But was not a bully and used tact and commonsense dealing with people men and woman alike. What I found in the both series was how they presented the hot blooded and sensual activities of both sexes. Me thought Italian women were somewhat rather conservative and sexually protected by parents, like Viola. Obviously the modern woman has the same freedoms as the men? I enjoyed that episode and hope there are many more. Maybe we English speaking viewers are less biased than the Italians?
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Noah (2014)
2 June 2015
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My adult son rather enjoyed it, but I didn't one bit and kept fast forwarding. Regarding the acting - very ordinary, no drama, a walk in the park for Noah faced with such odds. Was pathetic.

Where were the animals? The legend of Noah is known around Turkey and Mount Ararat, as well as in the Jewish bible (old testament) and still celebrated each year eating a Noah's soup. Geologists and archaeologists are convinced that this actually happened when the Black Sea formally separated from the fresh water lake below it by a land bridge and Mediterranean, broke and allowed water to pour through the Dardanelles and around the Pillars of Hercules. Obviously if people (the world to them on low ground would have known) were affected. This happened around 6,000 years ago after the ice began to melt and flooded low lying regions and the sea levels started to reach what they are today. The continent of Europe was separated from Great Britain. PNG and Tasmania from mainland Australia, etc.

But really Russell your lay back acting didn't gel with me. Hence the score of 4. Anthony Hopkins playing grandfather? The mind is still boggling.

But the special effects credits went on and on. Personally it looked like something from the Trilogy of the ring. Fallen angels? Looked like something out of Transformers. I much preferred other versions like John Houston's The Bible. This was too surreal for me, thanks.
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