
5 Reviews
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Surprising and Meaningful
27 June 2020
I will be completely honest, I just clicked this movie for background noise while I plaid a game on my computer and after it the movie ended, I realized not only did I not touch the game, I didn't do anything else but focus on this movie.

I was adopted along with my older brother and did go through foster homes and group homes so this is part reason it touched me so much however when writing reviews I like to be bias with my opinion so it is only fair to state this fact about me.

As for the movie, what amazing writing, directing and acting done here. The level of emotion from simple expressions made this feel like I was there. For all of the actors to be able to display that magnificence then this shows how good of a movie this is.

I recommend everyone to watch this movie because it will enlighten you and reading my review, I hope that after watching this movie you realize how many older children are out there living in institutions/group homes that need a family, a home and support. There is no excuse for letting a children suffer and be alone, no justification at all. All these children need a community and a family.

So if you are in any position emotionally and financially, reach out and find a kid who will finish their childhood in a group home or institution and save them from the hell of growing up alone, give them the chance that every child deserves.

This is everywhere, I hope this movie goes viral and starts a movement that is by far, way more important then most movements that is about selfish people and greed!
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The Neighborhood (I) (2018– )
Soul Entertainment
17 December 2019
In my opinion, the best way to describe this show is that it really touches the soul quite a bit. Even better, they don't do it in a direct way, more of a subtle side story and always with humor.

I am not into many sitcoms personally but really enjoy this one. Great for some laughs and also easy for people to relate since it is about the average family at home. Not about careers or well off people.

I recommend everyone to give this a try.
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Into the Badlands (2015–2019)
Updated Review.
30 April 2019
Quite some time has passed since the last review so I decided to update this a bit. I don't review just anything but this series is definitely under-rated. Now well into the 3rd season, much has changed throughout the plot.

I won't spoil anything but the intensity and passion has only gotten better and after the first season that is kind of hard to believe. Epic battles, politics, heroes, adventure and history set out in a surreal setting, post apocalyptic paradise is what I would say best describes it.

If you are looking for something to binge next, this series comes highly recommended to all (age appropriate of course).
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It's about time!
1 April 2019
The original show was extremely well done and most consider to be the live criminal version of family guy. Well to bring this to animation, amazing idea. The animated series was extremely well done and I felt like I was watching the same show.
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NSFW (Unless you want others seeing you cry)
6 October 2018
Very good episode, very well put out, however be prepared to get emotional as this episode is in relation to a current situation. That is only if you are watching close to the original air date.

SVU writers and cast once again did a great job at drawing you into the show and getting things pretty emotional. It actually lead me to researching more about what is really going on.

Finding out the reality of what is going on makes me hope it does the same for others. So you may want to do a bit of research of your own after you watch this episode. Get the Kleenex box close and google ready for after. Lol.

Everyone please ignore some of these replies. This is supposed to be reviews on the episode. How well it was written and played out with no spoilers. Not a place to post your comments on the current matter, they always consider there work to be "fictional".

They do a fantastic job almost always and definitely connecting current real life to episodes is a way to get people more involved in making sure things like what you see in the show, never happens in real life.

This show means something and in a way, possibly changes things in the world for the better.
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