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Grand and tragic.
6 May 2024
Heeramandi, is set in Lahore during the British rule of occupied India. The series lives between lives of the women in the brothels, the nawabs, rich men who would attend these brothels for entertainment and kiss the backsides of the British, and then the occupying power the British. The show explores how the Nawabs treat these women, although well, they see them as very low class people, having illegimate children with these women for Nawabs is no big thing.

The series also tracks the slow uprising against the British, the call for freedom grows slowly throughout the series.

The sets are grand, the costumes are amazing, the story however is a slow burner, I personally found the series quite boring until the last 3 episodes where for me the series took off and redeemed itself.

The number of characters in the series made it confusing to follow, either that or I was not paying attention, maybe I enjoyed the last few episodes was because the series focuses in on key characters.

Acting wise, I cannot point to any specific actor as there are many, but it's key to say the women of the series are the scene stealer, the men of the series enable the story to flow but that's it.

The series must be seen.
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Poor Things (2023)
Poor things indeed!!
26 March 2024
Can someone explain why this movie won so many Oscars?? Other than Emma Stone, who has played a complex role to perfection.

Putting this aside, the movie has a bit of frankenstein to it, a bit of get out, where a babies brain has been put into a woman's body.

The movie tries to show how a child deals with having an adult body, how she thinks sex is a toy etc..... On the other it's a movie about child exploitation, all the men having there way with her don't seem to take into account that they are dealing with a child.

Due to how the child has been treated, she sees now issue with selling herself for prostitution.

For me I see the artistry of the movie, but at its foundations this is a low life of movie, child exploitation wrapped up in an adults body.
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True Detective (2014– )
Season 4 is awake
23 January 2024
Season 4 of the true detective is here, 2 episodes in and I am hooked. The story, the atmosphere is on point. Some of the cinematography of Alaska by dark is stunning.

The actors are all quite good, but for it's the story, the mystery that is the selling point, the acting fits into it.

Call me old fashioned a few things that don't work for me, called me old fashioned, but in this town that is shown, there plenty of sexual activities going on, we all know that sex is part of life, but here all they are doing is filling in time as with most shows, there isn't even a reason, they just turn up at each other's place, have sex and leave, quite pathetic.

That aside the show so far is very good, never saw season 1, so may have to engage with it when I have time.
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Animal (I) (2023)
Animal, more like spoilt brat.
6 December 2023
Not sure how you can call this movie a father and son movie, there are elements, only elements, otherwise this is a love and hate relationship.

In India, only a rich man's spoilt brat can act the way Ranbir has in this movie, in fact I would not be surprised if he has based his character on an Indian tycoons or a politicians pathetic son. A spree of murders, and no sign of the police.

Similar to the directors previous movie, the alpha male seems to be something he is fixated with, but his definition of an alpha male is bizarre, for him and alpha male talks about sex all day long, threatens women with slaps, and kills people. I wonder what type of a childhood Mr Sandeep Reddy Vanga has had.

This movie, gets a rating of 5 from me the following reasons, an excellent soundtrack and the superb acting by Ranbir Kapoor, although I have to say his acting in Sanju was much better.

I think the directors needs to visit a neural surgeon.
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Slow but captivating
22 October 2023
Watching the killers of the flower moon, made me realise that nothing has changed, even today we see the same thing, in this movie we see white men marrying niaeve native Indian women so that they can slowly kill them and their families so that they can own the oil rich fields they own, today similar thing is happening Isreal, where local palestians are being killed and hounded out so that there wealth so that Isreal and it's settlers can have somewhere to live.

The movie is good, although slow, however somehow it keeps you engaged, I didn't know much about this piece of American history, not surprised tbh, greed is an interesting thing, a human driven by greed will do the most inhumane things.

Leo, Robert and lily are the heart and soul of the movie, Lily is excellent is her role, gentle yet strong, Leo plays the fool who loves money, which is uncle understood and used to manipulate him. Robert De Nitro is the star, he plays the hidden snake with perfection, he is your friend and but it's time to bite he takes the head, reminded me of today's politicians.

Worth a watch.
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Reptile (2023)
30 September 2023
I have no idea why this movie is called reptile,maybe it's because most reptiles are cold blooded like most characters in this movie.

My god is this movie slowwwww, it felt like it went on forever, plenty of close face shots, and Birdseye view of cars driving down country roads, the background music was more dramatic than the actual movie. The story is ok, and the twists are ok, nothing you haven't seen before.

The movie is blessed with a strong star cast, benicio del Toro, a personal favourite holds the movie together, supported by Alicia Silverstone and Justin Timberlake who has aged super

I wanted to give this movie a better rating, the star cast deserved better but the movie moves at a pace that is soooo slow, who needs a general anesthetic when you can watch this.
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Dracula is alive and well
31 August 2023
The last voyage of the Demeter details Dracula's journey to London on a vessel known as the Demeter. Really didn't know what to expect from the movie,but I have to say I really enjoyed it, the sets of the movie were fantastic, they set the tone for the movie, the actors, all of them did a great job. I found the movie to be tense, I could feel the fear of the crew once they realised an evil was onboard. The movie is a great addition to the Dracula movies as it explores a very specific chapter of the novel and for me it does it well. I will love to see a sequel to this movie as I think it deserves it. If your a fan of horror and Dracula go and watch this movie.
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Mafia Mamma (2023)
Mafia mia
7 May 2023
Attempting to watch this movie is the same as being cursed to eternal boredom. I have to admit I only watched 30mins of this movie, if it improved, oh well, there was only one way it could go from setting such a low benchmark in its first quarter.

I switched this movie on for two reason, one was Monica Belluci who I love and the other Toni Collette, bot actresses disappointed in a disaster of a movie. I mean what were these ladies thinking when they signed up to this movie, two things are possible, they were shown a totally different script or they were paid well.

There is nothing to really explain in the first 30 mins, other than Monica is a consultant to the mafia and Toni is the granddaughter of the mafia king who has come Italy to get laid.

That is where this movie stops for me and I don't think that I will ever return to complete it.
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Succession (2018–2023)
Repeat, repeat, repeat
17 April 2023
Initally I enjoyed this show, I felt the Roy's where based on the Murdochs somewhat. The first couple of seasons where fun, it shows the constant battles that families with so much wealth and power have to deal with. The show gives a glimpse as to how no one is loyal to anyone, son stabs father in the back, father teaches son lesson that they are the father for a reason, daughter is no different to the sons, selfish, power driven. The kids all have issues whether it is paranoia or drugs or sex, but they are all messed up. Scary that it is these people who will reign power at some point. After a certain point I really got bored with the show, why, every season is repeat, the underlying story doesn't change, maybe a slight shift and some new characters but that is it, if you have season 1 you pretty much have seen them all.

I have stopped watching succession, as it really started to bore me with it's repeat characters and same old backstabbing theme.
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Class (2023– )
5 February 2023
What a waste of a series, the only part of the show that to an extent was interesting to see was the class divide and how the wealthy of India live in their own bubble even though they live in India, their arrogance and how they look down others can be believed but it also shows that they are all ill, no peace of mind, which I can also believe, keeping up appearances can be taxing.

Other than this the show is full on rubbish, kids of the rich have nothing better to do that to back stab, have sex, snort a ton of drugs and drink copious amounts of alcohol. Brilliant, if that's was the rich kids of India or any country for that matter do, then I pity them.

Oh I forgot, a show like has to have its LBGTQ scene, this time in the form of a gay duo. Netflix probably would not have accepted the show unless a token gay couple were not added to the show.

Proper crap show, I will say some of the actors were OK. Rich kids, if this is your life, I feel so sorry for you all.
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Wakanda is strong....
29 January 2023
I have to be honest, when I saw this movie in cinema I did not like it one bit, I wanted to give it another chance and wayched it from the comfort of my own home, and quite honestly I loved the movie. God knows what changed between then and now.

Wakanda forever is probably the deepest marvel movie I have seen, full of soul, exploring loss, revival and to what lengths people can go to protect their own. In between all the human stuff was a marvel story which some great action.

The selfishness of humans is also explored, the typical dirty American tactics to get what is not theirs, funny how its the Americans that are the true antagonists of this movie and not the water people, yet you will think its them, just like in real life.

To conclude, this movie is bold and deep with amazing effects, every actor played their part, no one for me stood out, the true star was the background score.

Wakanda Forever!!!!!!
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Pathaan (2023)
Pathaan... Better than KGF2 and Kashmir Files.
28 January 2023
SRK returns with a bang, big budget movie, big stars, location etc.... the story of the movie has been taken from all sorts of Hollywood movies, bit let's face it if you are going to watch this movie its not to watch some highly intelligent movie, its too have fun and fun you will have.

The movie has some very good action sets, the one liners for me were hit or miss, I loved the songs. Direction wise this is by far Siddarths best movie, not that the bar was set very high in the first place. The two songs in the movie were brilliant, the scene stealer, by far John, his antagonist character made the movie.

Watch Pathaan....
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Titanic (1997)
If you jump I jump
15 January 2023
I saw this movie at whilst at university, 1997 at a cinema in Kingston Upon Thames. The talk of the town was that this was the most expensive movie ever made and will flop, still being a fan of James Cameron, my friends and I went to see this movie.

This movie had me glued to the screen, the chemistry between Jack and Rose was just wow. I still recall the last 90 mins of the movie, I watched the faces of my uni friends, every single one of the were in awe, no one blinked an eye lid.

When the movie ended, we all sat in our seats for sometime before deciding to stand up and leave, the emotion was so vivid on everyone's face.

I have seen this movie many times since and every time it leaves me with the same vivid emotions as I did in 1997.

Titanic, Jack and Rose will never feel old to matter how many times I was this movie.

Titanic, is not a movie, its an experience, every human emotion is tested during the 3 hour plus runtime, I laughed, I sighed, I felt anger and I cried.
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Blonde (2022)
What did I just watch!!!
1 October 2022
I want to sum this movie up in one word.. Rubbish, but I can't as IMDB requires a minimum 600 characters.

Firstly, the movie is a mess, personally I had lost interest after the first 15 mins, but the way the movie tries to reveal a story is awful.

I don't much about Marilyn Monroe, but I have seen documentaries, which don't portray her like this, in this movie she got to where she wanted because every man she met would have sex with her.

It's more of a soft porn movie than anything else, lots for naked people, in particular Ana de Armas and various sex acts.

Finally the act, the only person worth talking about is Ana de Armas, lots of review says she amazing, she was good no doubt, she the role a very disturbed women who probably saw her dad in every man to perfection but the role was so depressing.

Conclusion, probably the worst movie I have seen this year.
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The Invitation (II) (2022)
Good fun, vampire flick
17 September 2022
The invitation is a fun watch, without doubt could have been better for sure, acting could have been better etc etc the list can go on.

Some may say that the story of how the invitation comes about is not realistic... Agree with all that, however I enjoyed the movie, it was a fun one time forgot all about it 60 sec after watching the movie type of movie.

I thought the twist on the good old story of Dracula was cool, personally was not expecting that.

So there you go, not a great movie but by no means as terrible as some of the reviewers are calling, they must must hardcore twilight fans, bless them.
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Jogi (2022)
16 September 2022
This is an incident that the Indian government will never want anyone to tell. The story revolves around the killing of India Gandhi by her two Sikh guards and the aftermath. The systemic reaction from the government of India against the Sikh people.

The movie does not hold back, it shows the violence against the Sikh people, how the police supported goons by supplying them with ammunition to go out there and create chaos. Hit lists were made of which Sikh people need to be killed.

Pro hinduists using the situation to incite violence is nothing new to India, recently similar situations happened in Gujrat against Muslims.

From an acting perspective, solid performances from Diljit and Zeeshan, all the supporting cast were good to.

The sad thing is that the reality must have 100 times worse that what the movie depicts.

Expect a lot of Modi boys coming on a forum like this and giving this movie low scores to discourage people from watching this movie.

This is current face of India, everything else is just an illusion.

Thank god for streaming, I don't a movie like would be allowed to be shown on the big screens in India.
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Walked out halfway
10 September 2022
Firstly this movie is based on Hindu mthyology, so if you understand this then don't bother with this movie as it makes little to no attempt to explain it.

Coming back to the movie, total waste of time, if didn't know from the trailers. Ranbirs name is Shiva, you before the 1st half ends as Alia Bhatts must of stated his name about a 100 times.

Visual effects are OK, for me personally all the actors in the world could not save this movie as the story was weak.

I didn't stay for the 2nd half, 1st half was bad enough.

Acting wise, Rambir is OK, he was must better in Shamshera, Alia was brilliant in darlings, but in this she movie she is a drag.
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Beast (I) (2022)
Solid creature feature... With Idris Alba
29 August 2022
Firstly, for all the stupid people here comparing the lion to real lions and their predator instincts. People like you should not be allowed into movies like this and you lack the intelligence to understand the rules of a creature feature movie.

This movie was 90 mins, to the point full on creature feature. As with any creature feature you have characters that will do stupid things and make you want to cringe, but on the whole great movie, intense, the star of the movie for me was the lion.

Sharlto and Idris were good to, but the movie was not really about them.

Go and watch beast and have fun.
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Duranga (2022–2023)
Bor ranga
25 August 2022
The show was actually a decent watch, however the end was total rubbish, didn't realise there was going to be a season 2, I assume there is going to be a season 2.

Plot holes galore left open, personally I don't like shows that end like this and because of the time I invested in this show and to have it conclude the way it did, 2.stars all day long.
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14 August 2022
Another propaganda movie paid for by the Indian state. On the actual politicians came out during its promotion, never seen politicians do this ever.

One word sums up the movie..RUBBISH.
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Major (2022)
Give up Indians
29 July 2022
Another propaganda movie subsidised by the right wing racist fascist Indian government.

There is a seen where the lead actor is about to cross the line of control and he's states that he is going onto his land, seriously grow up Indians, you don't have the balls to take Pakistan back.

All I can say is dream on.
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Halftime (2022)
Repeat, Repeat and Repeat
16 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A typical celeb documentary, I said this, they did this, I am such a Saint, I have fought all adversities in life and have climbed through them. I have had multiple marriages but everytime it was the man and not me.

Sleeping material.
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One eyed Akshay
15 May 2022
I have to say watch not expecting much from this movie, however the 1st hour I really enjoyed, Akshay was in top form playing the antagonist, Kriti is dependable as ever and so is Arshad.

Each act the movie act by act runs out of ideas with the final act being very poor.

Never the less if you have time to burn, it's worth a watch.
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Beast (II) (2022)
100% better than kgf2
12 May 2022
I gave Kgf2 a score of 2 as it was total rubbish. Beast is made from the cloth, one man able to fight a whole army of terrorists whilst posing for the camera.

It was a fun movie with good action and the background music did not kill your ears.

Give it a go.
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MCU meet the world of Raimi
7 May 2022
The best MCU movie of late, recent movies like Shang Chi, The Eternals and Black Widow were average at best.

This movie for me is 100% a Sam Raimi movie without the craziness that makes his other movies A rated.

I loved the way he kept the multiverse simple, all these reviewers complaining that the movie does not concentrate on the multiverse would be complaining if he had made the multiverse over complicated.

Sam did an excellent job keeping the multiverse simple whilst getting the key concepts across to the viewers. Plenty of homage to the evil dead movies, especially evil dead 2.

Worth watching.
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