
16 Reviews
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American Horror Story: Multiply Thy Pain (2023)
Season 12, Episode 1
22 September 2023
We all know the past few seasons of AHS have been trash, especially whatever the heck they were trying to do with the alien season (seriously, why?) BUT this is the most promising first episode since Apocalypse. I'm sure there are going to be a lot of low ratings and trash talk just because of Kim Kardashian, but unless you just can't stand the sight of her face she's really not that bad of an actress. The part she's playing is believable and fits her well. Emma Roberts is wonderful as always. The story line is intriguing and psychological. Unless this just takes a weird turn (again-like the stupid alien season) it seems like this will be the best season in a long while! Keeping my fingers crossed!
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Lullaby (IV) (2022)
Not the Worst
22 April 2023
I would like to preface this by saying this movie only further solidified my decision to be child free. Five minutes in, I was hoping the witch or whatever she is would come take this incessantly crying infant immediately. Now that that's said...I mean, this isn't the worst horror movie ever made. The premise is interesting. I love horror movies based off religious ideas and aspects, makes it feel a little more creepy and "real". The story line is alright and keeps you guessing on who's bad and who's not. The ending also had a pretty good twist to it. But, the acting was subpar. The main character is so monotone you wonder if she even cares that her baby is in danger. The sister was the worst, though, not very believable at all. All in all, if you're bored on a Tuesday night and have nothing else to watch, you could pick worse things.
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Beef (2023– )
One of the Best Shows of 2023
20 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is the absolute best show I've watched this year, and I'll be surprised if it's not the best show I will watch all year. The acting is superb-from the small roles to the main, there is not one bad or unbelievable performance. The cinematography, the lighting, all of it works so well to create that feeling of existential dread deep in your stomach. But the best part is the WRITING. Goodness gracious, this is such a deep and complex idea that half the time I didn't know how we got from point A to point B, but we did. It's such a real look into the whole "be kind because you never know what's going on in someone's life," thing. I will think twice before I flip someone off in traffic now. It's also a deep look into how we may all be at different places in our lives, in different classes (rich vs. Poor), yet we all struggle with the same things. Just because the rich housewife next door has everything paid for and a "free ride" to life doesn't mean she doesn't want to end it all on any given day. Just beautifully done all around. So many twists and turns. At one point I was literally clutching my chest in surprise/horror. I will be SO upset if there isn't a season two 'cause I need to know what happens with these characters and if they finally get the love and luck they deserve.
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The Goldbergs (2013–2023)
The Ultimate Feel Good Show
16 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While I've heard about The Goldbergs for years, I just tuned in and binged the whole thing within a matter of weeks. I wasn't born until '92, but it still shot that pang of nostalgia right into my heart. I do feel like the last season is stretched a bit, especially Pop-pop that's barely been in the show randomly becoming a main character. I'm sure it was an effort to bring Murray's grumpy energy after Garlin was ousted. The first handful of seasons were particularly enjoyable to watch because of the real life footage of the real Adam Goldberg and family they had at the end of the episodes. This stopped when the real Adam left the show, which was noticeable for multiple reasons. All in all, though, this is a great family-friendly show, and it has been added to the "comfort shows" category for me.
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Tell Me Lies (2022– )
4 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First off, the sex scenes are not only WILDLY excessive (as in, like, five to an episode) they're just utterly painful to watch. I'm all for a good sex scene when it's beneficial to the story, but literally none of them are. It's like they had to fill a 45 minute requirement, only had enough for about 20, and filled the rest with awkward and completely not sexy scenes. The two main characters (Stephen and Lucy) are so infuriating to watch that it's...I don't even know how to explain it. I don't think I've ever hated characters in a show quite as much as I hate them. The only reason I kept watching was to see if they get their karma. I'm about to start episode ten, and I can assure you it will not be satisfactory to me. Nothing will be unless they both get killed off. Leaving a 2-star instead of a 1, because it is well-acted enough to keep me watching. (I'm a masochist, apparently)
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The Patient (2022)
Great Until the Last Episode
31 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First off, this is a great show. The story is gripping, the relationships are believable, the intellectual premise behind it is profound, the acting is superb. BUT the ending is an absolute crap shoot and a big part of me wishes I hadn't watched it all. While I'll admit it is the most realistic ending-and I expected it-it left me VERY angry and dissatisfied. Which, like I said, only a great show can do. But I mean, come on. Why couldn't the mom die AT LEAST?? She's the biggest villain in this story, in my opinion. Ugh. I'm giving this a 7 solely because I didn't like the ending. Otherwise, it's definitely a 10.
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Bel-Air (2022– )
Different, but Still Pretty Good
11 July 2022
I agree with the majority of reviewers saying this is totally different than the original Fresh Prince of Belair. If you're looking for a straight remake, or even just a comedy, you will not be satisfied. BUT, it is pretty good on its own. I like seeing the similarities and differences in the original vs new characters. I also particularly adore what they did with Geoffrey's character. It's a very fitting, witty re-imagination from the original character. Give this a shot with an open mind and you might like it!
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19 Years Later
23 April 2022
This was one of my absolute favorite movies when I was 11-12. Like, had it on repeat I loved it so much. I've always adored Queen Latifa, and that has never wavered. I was randomly scrolling through Hulu and found it, got very excited to relive a piece of my childhood, and watched it. I am now 30, and while I know times are VERY different, I couldn't help but cringe at all the racism. It's one of those movies that's at times funny, but then you feel bad for laughing. I know the overall theme is coming together through differences, so I do give it a little credit. It just definitely shows how gross and blatant racism was back then. (Not saying it's not now, but the fact that this was a huge production and was green lit without issue shows a lot)
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Seven Seconds (2018)
It Takes a Minute
4 April 2022
Seven Seconds is definitely slow to start, but the last half really picks up and keeps you on the edge of your seat. I'm glad I watched it on a day I had nothing to do, because I don't know that I would've stuck out the first half otherwise. The characters are well developed and every actor gives a great performance. Regina King is lovely as always. The content is relevant and makes you really think about the injustices in our world. Overall a pretty good watch, except for the incessant gum chewing and obnoxiously loud smacking by Fish.
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27 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I loved the way this was shot. The actors gave wonderful performances. I loved everything the movie had to say in terms of the film industry. I just cannot get behind the relationship aspect. Maybe it's just my experience, but I have never known anyone to sit and not say a word while their partner just rails into them saying the nastiest, meanest crap they can think of. This is NOT normal and it is NOT okay. Maybe that's what the movie was trying to say and I'm way off base thinking it's glamorizing toxicity, but d*mn. If this is how you and your partner speak to each other, I hate to tell you, but you don't need to be in that relationship.
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Life & Beth (2022– )
Not bad, not great
21 March 2022
As with most shows nowadays, this falls somewhere in the higher end of the middle. It is a slow burn with very dry humor. I wouldn't say it was the best thing I've watched this year, or even the 5th best, but it was entertaining enough. Michael Cera usually gets on my nerves- never liked him- but he's actually very likable in this series and compliments Amy well.
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Fresh (2022)
6 March 2022
I loved this. I was entertained throughout. Every aspect from the writing to the directing to the acting was well executed. The cinematography and look of it (heavy reds, dark colors) was well done. Sebastian Stan played a psycho very convincingly.
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Parenthood (2010–2015)
Overall good, but has its issues
6 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong, it's a good show and the majority of it is very positive and entertaining to watch. BUT some of these characters are just plain awful. Jasmine, Crosby's wife, and her family are so controlling and overbearing that it was painful to watch their scenes. The way Adam and Kristina parent Max, their autistic son, is problematic. I mean, Max literally harassed the girl he liked in school and Kristina praised him for it. It took the girl's parents threatening to take her out of school after he physically FORCED himself on her for them to realize that it wasn't okay. I truly hope that parents just finding out their child is autistic don't take this show as how to handle it. I understand that real life families contain awful people but some of it was just over the top.
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Archive 81 (2022)
Better than the reviews make it out to be!
15 January 2022
I'm not sure why this got such low ratings. I didn't find it slow at all. In fact, it reeled me in pretty quickly and I was hooked after the first episode. It's not your average slasher type of horror, it's more psychologically thrilling than cheap jump scares.

I also don't understand why people complained about not being able to understand the lead actor's voice. I can understand him just fine, he just has a deep monotone voice like Adam Driver.

Don't let the reviews turn you off, give it a chance!
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True Story (III) (2021)
27 November 2021
This is hands down the best show to come out in 2021. Kevin Hart absolutely blew me away and showed just versatile he can be. So many great twists and turns, and there was literally not one bad actor or one bad line in here. Great writing and great execution.
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The Rental (2020)
Not Bad
30 August 2020
I'm not sure why this is getting such a bad rep. I enjoyed it. Yes it was kind of slow, but this is more realistic than 90% of horror movies.
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