
82 Reviews
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A joyful surprise
18 September 2023
I am writing this after viewing this film multiple times. Seeing it on my first viewing was a magical experience and on later viewings the impact on me has not diminished.

Initially I was totally prepared to hate it . I'm not really a RomCon fan and reading about the plot did not impress me. Also I have found gay themed movies to be for the most part disappointing.

The film almost immediately won me over. In the opening sequences with the two leads Taylor Sakhar Perez and Nicholas Galtzine established a pairing I have rarely seen matched anywhere on screen. They bring such commitment and authenticity to their rolls in the later parts of the film it almost reaches to spiritual levels.

In short, it is one of the greatest film gay romance In history and in its own way a masterpiece.
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Sanctuary (I) (2022)
A kinky love story
8 June 2023
The best thing about his movie are the virtuoso performances by Christopher Abbott Hal and Margaret Qualley. It is essentially a two person film with these wonderful actors navigating the complex relationship of their characters. Both of them are capable of conveying a range of emotions ranging from homicidal anger, to fear and to tenderness. The film is beautifully casted. Both actors bring intense and believable erotic energy to the film.

Some people may find the sadomasochistic nature of the these characters difficult to understand or to relate to but the film brings home the fact romantic love and sexual satisfaction come in many manifestations.
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Aftersun (II) (2022)
28 February 2023
Aftersun is a beautiful work of art with stunning performances and courageous direction.

It is a reflection of memory - the memory of a father. He is a tormented person suffering from crippling depression. He attempts to not allow to his pain to ruin his limited time with his beloved preteen daughter.

Paul Mescal gives a brilliant performance. In my opinion it is the finest performance by an actor I have seen this year. He has the gift of connecting with his audience on a spiritual level. You can sense his characters inner life and suffering just by gazing into his eyes. I was mesmerized by his performance.

This is not a conventional film. It demands concentration and patience. It is, however, a brilliant journey well worth your time.
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Of an Age (2022)
Stunning performances and direction
23 February 2023
I found this film to be mesmerizing.

The film begins at a frantic and somewhat hysterical pace but shortly after tetreats into a long dialogue between two young men. The director focuses with close ups of both men Their expressions and their magnetic attraction to each other gradually become apparent. The actors handled the long periods dialogue with incredible skill and sublety. Their performances are some of the best film acting I've seen in a long while.

This film is deeply romantic but also profoundly realistic. Interestingly the actors do not wear any makeup during most of the film.

In short, it is a beautiful, realistic and heart felt film experience.
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Some nice dancing
12 February 2023
I went to this movie to have some escapist entertainment . The film delivers on that front for the most part. The dance sequences are sexy and exciting but the storyline is pretty pedestrian and the two leads do not really create a believable relationship. The first dance between the two stars is very hot but following that the dialogue between them is boring and hard to follow.

I feel the film projects a healthy eroticism which I appreciated .I think the film could have benefited from more dancing and better character development.

To sum up the film is fun and sexy. Its not a bad way to spend a couple hours though it is disappointing in some respects.
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Spoiler Alert (II) (2022)
A lovely, heartfelt film
10 December 2022
When I saw this film at my local multiplex this afternoon, the theater was almost full and I can honestly say I don't think there was a dry eye in the house by the time the film ended.

The film centers around a modern gay love story with the two lovers played Jim Parsons and Ben Aldridge. Both actors create believable and likable characters. Their relationship is also realistic in its presentation and is at times strained and troubled - yet the profound love the two characters have for each other survives everything. It was also wonderful to see Sally Fields playing Kit's (Aldridge's ) mother.

In spite of the tragic outcome of the story the film is surprisingly hopeful, funny and beautiful. I absolutely loved it.

I have noticed with recent films involving gay characters there are lots of unwarranted low ratings. Don't believe them. It is a great movie.
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Bones and All (2022)
Excellent performances
28 November 2022
I am always excited to see Timothee Chalamet in a new film. He is certainly one of the most gifted, young actors on the circuit today. His performance in this creepy, grotesque story does not disappoint. He along with Taylor Russell make us believe love is possible even among people engaged in monstrous murder and cannibalism. The chemistry between these two wonderful actors make the film worth seeing. Mark Rylance also gives fine and truly creepy performance as a sinister, obsessed, older "eater", The film itself has some problems. It is disturbing and disgusting but honestly I found some of the actual flesh eating sequences to be almost comical. The cinema photography was beautiful.

I hope this film finds an appreciative audience who can enjoy it for the great acting it possesses alone.
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Original and fantastically funny
26 October 2022
I throughly enjoyed this amazing film. It is a shameless satire and commentary on the excesses of the super rich, the super beautiful and the actions of those who serve them.

The film may contain a star making performance by the young actor Harris Dickinson. He has a fantastic command of the complex dialogue and possesses a strong screen presence.

Some of the comedy action in the film is grotesque and may be a little too extreme for some audiences.

To me the film pushes the theme that we humans have the same needs and desires no matter how rich or beautiful we may be. In the end we are all equal, no matter what we eat or what we wear. We all have to survive.
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Bros (I) (2022)
Deserves to be seen
2 October 2022
Bros is charming, funny and just a little bit raunchy. The film explores the dynamics and complications of two gay men falling in love amid a complicated, sexually charged subculture. The characters are beautifully drawn and believable.

The film is wonderfully unapologetic about gay life and gay sex as well as honoring other members of their community.

I also loved the way the film hallmarks the need to be forgiving and accepting of the imperfections of another person and loving that person regardless of them.

In the end it is wildly romantic and touching. You leave the film feeling happy and hopeful. I loved it.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
A stylized head trip
24 September 2022
This is a very entertaining and engrossing film. It is unashamedly stylized and beautifully photographed with note worthy performances by the entire cast. Chris Pine gives a commanding and chilling performance. Harry Styles is also excellent In his acting debut. He possesses a strong film presence and is very believable.

The design of the film is is also noteworthy as it transports us to an idealistically created 1950's paradise. There are a number of scenes that are truly creepy and mysterious but not overly violent.

The roll women play in this world is to be subservient with their only job being to please their men.

I disagree with some of the reviews I've read stating the film is slow and mediocre. I found it throughly entertaining.
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Father Stu (2022)
A moving spiritual journey
20 September 2022
Mark Wahlberg gives the performance of a lifetime in this gripping and gritty spiritual epic. Father Stu's journey is full of pain and loss but he finds fulfillment, wisdom and beauty through belief in his God and the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Although this man's spiritual quest is found through Christianity - it is a story that could easily be true of other great spiritual paths that lead to personal fulfillment and a deep connection to the divine.

Wahlberg's commitment to this story is in itself deeply spiritual and makes this wonderful film well worth seeing regardless of your religious or non religious orientation. It will take you on an emotional roller coaster ride well worth taking.
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Gigi & Nate (2022)
A sweet, heartfelt movie.
3 September 2022
I loved this film. Some critics have said it has a mediocre script but is saved by wonderful acting. I agree the acing is fantastic. I'm not familiar with Charlie Rowe's other work but I found his performance in this film to be deeply sincere and touching. I'm going to checkout some of his other work. He is certainly someone I will follow in the future. The supporting cast is also excellent especially Marcia Gay Harden and a knockout performance by Josephine Langford.

This film also explores the difficulty of a family coping with tragedy and the importance of a timely therapeutic intervention that ultimately leads to overcoming terrible obstacles. It is also about personal triumph and love.

Another factor important in this film is the damage caused by people who are zealots to a particular movement and who's beliefs can cause needless suffering and damage to innocent people and animals.

I feel these types of films are important. You leave the cinema filling good and full of hope, but you'll probably shed a lot of tears before you get there. I hoped a lot of people will see this film. It will open your heart.
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Compelling and beautifully acted
13 August 2022
This is a terrific movie with excellent performances and outstanding character development. Emily's decent into a life of crime is believable. It is also a commentary on the difficulty for people living on the edge with problems involving their background checks and being deeply debt in places like Los Angeles where this story takes place.
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Vengeance (II) (2022)
Engrossing and surprisingly wise
9 August 2022
I am deeply impressed by this wonderful film. It is beautifully written. It is a combination of dark comedy, murder mystery and a powerful moral tale.
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Billy the Kid (2022– )
Totally entertaining
30 July 2022
This is truly one of the best of the best western epics I have seen in a long while. Tom Blyth is perfectly casted Billy. He is a mixture innocence, toughness and subtle erotic energy. The direction and period depiction could not have been better. The cinematography is fantastic. I'm hoping for a second season.
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Capitani (2019–2022)
A terrific crime drama
21 July 2022
I started watching this show out of curiosity and binged until the first season had ended. I loved it. It is well acted. The direction and camera work are excellent. A great potion of the show is an outstanding character study of it's complex, main character Capitoni. Luc Schiltz the hunky actor playing Capitoni is a knockout in the roll.

I just started the second season and it looks equaling as compelling.
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Engrossing and truely frightening
25 June 2022
This was the best horror film I've seen in a long time. I was blown away by all the young actors in the film especially Mason Thames and Madeleine McGraw. I have a feeling Mason will a be force to be reckoned with in the future if he sticks with acting. His performance was fantastic. Ethan Hawke gave a convincing and masterful performance as the deranged child killer.

The direction was was beautifully conceived and keeps the audience deeply engrossed and frightened throughout the entire film.
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wonderful film
23 June 2022
I was trying to kill some time and take a little break from a boring conference I was attending. There was multiplex cinema next door to conference center and the film "Brian and Charles" was playing there. I had no idea what the film was about but decided to go on impulse. Wow, I couldn't be more delighted with what I experienced. It is a charming film about a relationship between a man and a robot he invented. It is funny and heartwarming with wonderful performances and beautiful cinematography depicting the rugged land and stark beauty of Wales.

The humor in the film is subtle and refreshingly clever. The main characters are well developed and believable. In short if you need a little pick me up and a feel good experience I cannot recommend this little film enough.
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Heartstopper (2022– )
A Joyful, Charming and Beautiful Story
12 May 2022
Once in while you see a program that moves you to the core - HEARTSTOPPER did that for me. I am a 68 year old gay guy. I could only fantasize about about something like that happening to me when I was in high school. I feel such joy now because the world is a kinder and better place. The show is beautifully acted. The casting is perfect. The story is beautifully written and directed. I truly loved every minute of it.
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11 December 2021
This Is a gorgeous, wildly entertaining film with a thrilling young cast, wonderful dancing and a beautifully sung score. Film entertainment doesn't get much better than this. I loved every minute of it.
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Very beautiful and moving
29 November 2021
This a heart felt and wonderful tribute to the late playwright and composer Jonathan Larson. The direction is well executed and Andy Garfield gives another knockout performance further proving he is one of finest film actors in the world.
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Brilliant,:funny and beautiful to behold
4 November 2021
I found this film to be a fun, fresh and unique experience. I loved it and plan to see it again. It is visually captivating. Each frame is richly detailed and the directors use of frozen moments in time is enchanting. Don't go to it expecting a conventional film. Just go, relax and be open to a completely new form of storytelling.
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BeaUtifully Acted
26 September 2021
Jessica Chastain and Andy Garfield give incredible performances in this enjoyable, thought provoking biopic. It is one of the best films I've seen this year and well worth seeing.
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The Defeated (2020)
Brilliant, dark and engaging
25 August 2021
This is one of the best shows I've seen so far this year. The design, acting and directing are all exceptional. I give it my strongest recommendation.
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Young Royals (2021–2024)
Excellent story and great casting
15 August 2021
This is fresh and beautifully acted young adult drama. It is refreshing to see characters who are teenagers who are actually played by real teenagers. The acting is realistic and the character development is nicely written. In short is a great show and deserves a second season.
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