7 Reviews
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Legacies (2018–2022)
Just Aweful
24 June 2022
Boring a monster each episode with a spell to defeat it no real story line.

Also no law with magic Bonnie always showed the consequences of magic but they use magic all the time and you see maybe a couple times when it had a bad consequence and it's not even that bad.

Hope is the daughter of two badass characters so to have a show and the main Character Hope to be boring is just sad. It's like her parents died for nothing for this show.
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Love, Inevitably (2019– )
Love it!!
11 June 2022
I wish this series had higher ratings because it's amazing!

I really love this series, it's different to other love stories.

I reckon if it was in English and advertised well it would be huge! Like the 'kissing booth' movie series and other rom coms.

I wish more people watched TV shows and movie with subtitles. Its a great way to experience different cultures and unique takes with different prospectives.
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Love, for Real (2021 TV Movie)
Loved it!
20 October 2021
It's a great Hallmark Movie!

I love hallmark movies they are not appreciated enough!

A movie doesn't have to have a high budget and expensive high tech to be good.

Give it a try and make your own opinion.

I like it's a bit different and I enjoyed the story.

I really like the actors in it and I believe they did a great job!

Movies are just another way of telling a story.
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More people need to watch.
2 September 2020
I watched this about 10 years ago now. My dad had it in DVD when that was still a thing. Now it's all about the tv/movie apps. Really wish Netflix, Stan or Amazon would add it. It's a great old comedy I love the Hippopotamus, Ravioli, Great Super! And of course I didn't get where I am today jokes. I love the running gag with the farting chairs. I'm in my 20s and more people should watch this. Let's bring it back! There's a fan FB page which I love it's a start and there's YouTube which you can search for videos of funny scenes. If you haven't watched it and like older British comedies give it a go!
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I would like either a reboot with similar story or a second with some of my questions answered or a back story in Max.
5 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this movie it has potential. The main female character annoyed me though. Max the actor I believe did a great job he was creepy and terrifying to me anyway. His acting was great but the others it's like you could tell they were acting. If they spent more time on this film and fixed the plot holes I reckon it could be great maybe in the future do a reboot and fix it up. I thought the stalker part made the film different to normal zombie movies it's just action and killing zombies with a bit of romance it's been done too many times. I feel like this was a unique take on it and just needed to be fixed up. Spoiler--- ---I reckon Max should have been kept a live for further studies and to cure the rodder virus. Max had me on the edge of my seat all the scenes he was in you weren't sure what he was going to do but the rest of the scenes were a bit boring and the main girl got -SPOILER- ----- Most of the people killed for her experiment which was a vaccine to stop it from spreading but it would be cooler to have done that then made a second movie curing Max and Rotters would have made a great plot twist I reckon. I feel like they killed Max just for Women power but not necessarily for the story. I would have liked to learn more about why his hormone levels were high and gone more in depth to what actually happened to him to make him not turn full Rotter and why his samples before it all happened were Soo important. Was he always like this or was there an imbalance? Did he get part of the infection before hand? Too many questions unaswered. I hope they make a reboot or a second one and fix it up and answer some of these questions.
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Charmed (1998–2006)
Charmed my Hero's
12 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Loves the old 1998 charmes series strong powerful women. I loved it when prue was in it i wish she did a cameo would have been cool to see her and paige meet. Loved this series wayy better than the new one thats come out. I do feel like Cole should have had a happy ending he just wanted to be good but evil kept taking him he was a victim. I love this series you can really feel the connection between the sisters and the bond they share. Definitely recommend :)
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Charmed (2018–2022)
Not impressed
22 December 2018
Its not what the fans wanted at all. If you are going to do a remake follow it like Sabrina they did it completely different and it works. This show is more like gossip girls and pretty little liars but woth dark magic. It's like they didn't respect the old show at all. I can't see this show lasting very long. They should have done it about their ancestors or the future generation that would have made more sense. The orginal wrapped up perfectly why try to ruin it? I'm sick of some of these remakes its like theres no original thought anymore so they have to being everything back because they can't pick up a book series and do that toouch work lets just re do the old series instead. Some worked but this definitly hasn't and i feel sprry for the actors past and present. The show needs to be respected and they have done it all wrong very disappointing.
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