
20 Reviews
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Barry (2018–2023)
A perfect blend of comedy, drama, and bad ass!
14 June 2019
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This show is great in every way! Each episode leaves you wanting more, which is one of the main things I look for in a show like this. The elemeents in this show also blend together extremely well. You have very subtle and sarcastic comedy, that blends seamlessly with an action scene, and none of it feels corny at all.

The dramatic elements of this show are alos on point, there are plot twists very often and you never really know what to expect. The drama is also very good in this show because it makes you feel for each of the characters and their little side stories. The flashbacks of Barry from the war also really help you understand what made Barry the man he is.

Another one of my favorite things about this series is the acting! Bill Hader does an amazing job! I am so used to him being a comedy actor, so seeing him in a role like this is a nice change of pace. The emotion he shows is uncanny, also acting like a beginner actor is a skill in and of itself. Hank is also absolutely fantastic, he whit and humor is so funny and adds a sense of casual to his gangster lifestyle, he just makes this show "suuuuper great!"
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Chernobyl (2019)
A groundbreaking masterpiece
9 June 2019
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This miniseries makes the viewer feel so many different emotions. This miniseries was done so well in every aspect. The best thing about this miniseries was the authenticity. The music, scenery, and acting all made me feel like I was there while it was happening. The facts presented were also done extremely well and I can't believe all of this stuff actually happened.

This miniseries was so captivating in showing all of the different perspectives that were a part of this catastrophe. I loved seeing what it was like from the perspective of the scientist, the common people, the firefighters, and even the brave men who had to go back into town to slay the dogs. Even though this was only a five episode series, there were so many powerful scenes that made you feel how real and truly massive this historical event really was.

The scene during the trial when the physicist was explaining how the reactor works with the red and blue cards was brilliant, and really helped the viewer understand why this night in Chernobyl went so terribly wrong. I would recommend this show to anyone, and I also think everyone should watch it. Both for the entertainment and the educational values it holds.

I also thought they did a great job with displaying the radiation sickness and made it feel so real and authentic. You could also feel how strained they were for resources, and how little they were equipped to deal with a disaster like this. I can't say enough how much I loved this miniseries!!
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Very enjoyable to watch
26 April 2019
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I love Gad, his comedy special on Netflix is absolutely hilarious! His acting in this show is actually pretty good as well, and his accent makes everything funnier. One of my favorite things about this show, especially in the beginning, is when Gad attempts to explain to people in LA why is famous. It is so amusing when he shows them the video of him in France, then the people still don't care. I also love how is shows a lot of the aspects of living in LA, along with the famous people it includes. I also love how it includes the famous comedy club, The comedy store. That is such an iconic comedy club in LA, and it makes it even better when Gad comes in, and right away is called out by Chris Delia. The story is also very good, entertaining and exciting to watch. IN the beginning I enjoyed seeing Jason get torn apart by Gad, and losing his relationship with Luke. But, then I started to feel bad for him, because it seemed that everything in his life was falling apart. Thats what makes this show great, the fact that they can have very goo comedy, but also make you feel for each of the characters. Hoping for a season 2, and another stand up special from Gad!
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Santa Clarita Diet (2017–2019)
Perfect combination of comedy and suspense!
26 April 2019
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This show is very enjoyable to watch! I love how the idea of it is super creepy and intense, because zombies are naturally scary and intense. But, the light music and added comedy in the show makes the supernatural aspect a little less corny. The acting in this show is also fantastic, Joel is my favorite character. I love all of the excuses he makes when he is getting questioned and almost gets himself into trouble. He has the best "nervous face" I've ever seen. Eric is also great, with all of this nerdy high jinks and sarcasm. This show is also pretty thrilling and suspenseful! Most of the time, each episode ends in a cliffhanger, and it is interesting to see how the Hammonds always get away with all of the murder and destruction they are causing. I also love the fact that the way that Sheila became undead is such a mystery still. I think it is such a nice aspect of the plot that adds excitement and mystery to the story. Most of the time zombies just come from a virus, then spreads. This is more interesting because it brings in elements from Serbia and some deadly clams! Definitely a must watch for comedy and suspense!
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Major disappointment, way too predicable
22 March 2019
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This is one of the worst Marvel movies I have ever seen. Not only was the story and the writing pretty bad, but so was the cinematic aspect of the movie. I will admit, the CGI in this movie was excellent, and the main character: Captain Marvel, did look very bad ass in the movie. But, good CGI can only go so far in a super hero, and if there is too much of it, that can also damage the film.

I also thought that the beginning of this film was very confusing, and I wasn't really sure what was going on untit about 3/4 of the way through. And when I say confusing, I don't mean in a good way. I love movies that make you guess what is happening until the last second, but this movie just seemed sloppy and left out a lot of explanation in the first half of the movie.

One major issue I also has with this movie is that the action scenes were LAME! Like really Marvel? you couldn't have done better than that? I've seen some of the most amazing fighting scenes ever in Marvel movies, and this movie didn't have any amazing fight scenes. The only cool action part was when Captain Marvel stopped the missiles and through them back into space. But all the fight scenes were just her pointing her fist at the enemy, then blasting them with bundles of energy, so lame! Like that is not even a fight scene, its just an overuse of power from the hero and too much CGI! Also after the first time she shot energy out of he fist, it became extremely predicable that she would just use that against everyone she faced, not exciting at all.

The emotional and heart warming scenes in this movie also seemed very forced and not natural in the writing. Also, Marvel usually does a pretty good job with humor in their movies, but not this one, the humor was terrible and almost always corny. The only reason I didn't give this movie a 1/10 was because of the crazy alien ocopus cat, that was the only funny and cool part of the movie. But overall I left the theater wanting my money and my time back.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Huge disappointment, way to corny
15 March 2019
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I was so excited for this movie and had great expectations because the Joker is included in the film. I was so disappointed with how little of the Joker and Harley Quinn was in the movie. I thought they made the Joker look pretty gangster, and I did like the some of the scenes he was in. I thought Letto did a pretty decent job as the joker, some of his lines were delivered poorly though.

I hated the characters in this movie, except for the Joker and Harley. Will Smith did a great job acting in the film, but his character was lame. All the other characters were also super lame, there has been so many movies with someone that can shoot fire out of their hands or someone that looks like an animal. This movie also had too much CGI and didn't have a solid story to follow.
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Entertaining and exciting, but confusing with plot holes
15 March 2019
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The action in this movie was great, and some of the scenes were very exciting and kept me on the edge of my seat. There is also some pretty good acting in this movie. but, the beginning of this movie was so random and confusing. it only showed a backstory of two of the characters, and all of the sudden they are in South America starting their mission. I had an idea of what the mission was from the trailer, but when they first arrived I had no idea what was going on. I also thought the initial mission happened a little too soon in the story and wasn't long enough.

The mission scene was kind of unrealistic as well, I don't think they would be able to carry out that many huge bags of money themselves and that quick, money is extremely heavy. Plus, when the money was on the helicopter, it looked like way more bags than could even fit in two vans. One realistic aspect they added that I liked was the fact that the helicopter could not make it over the mountain because of how heavy the money was. The helicopter going down and landing in the village was a great scene, and really started the thrilling aspect of the movie.

it is amazing how they still are able to recover all of the money and carry it all using mules from the village. Overall, this movie was decent, and entertaining for sure. My main complaint is the confusion aspect in the beginning and the missing plot points.
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Parks and Recreation (2009–2015)
A poor mans Office, but still amazing!
13 March 2019
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This show makes me laugh constantly and I love watching it! The characters are so silly and whimsical! Ron Swanson is always a classic and is the most quotable character on the show. The relationships between the characters keeps you enganged and sets up alot fo the funny moments! Amy Pohler does a great job of portraying the puppy type energy character of Leslie and keeps you laughing. Do yourself a favor and watch this show, so you can TREAT YOSELF.
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Schitt's Creek (2015–2020)
Love this show so much
13 March 2019
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This show is so enjoyable to watch. The acting is something else and really gives the show some spunk. All the characters in the town are so weird and unique in their own way. It is amazing seeing a wealthy family blend with the people of Schitt's Creek. The facial expressions and voices of the entire rose family makes me laugh every time. I also absolutely love the sarcasm from Stevie, as she continues to encourage the stuck up attitude of the entire Rose family. Very good show for laughing and casual viewing!
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Sons of Anarchy (2008–2014)
Absolutely amazing
13 March 2019
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This is my favorite drama series of all time. the acting in this show is extremely good, and it makes you hate some characters with a passion, and love others. This show gets you so emotionally invested, and I found myself choking up and shedding a tear on multiple episodes. watching this show makes you feel like you are a part of the SAMCRO family. The drama also keeps you on the edge of your seat, especially in the later seasons. This show is also extremely badass, all the gangsters on the show seem authentic, and the violence in the show does not hold back at all. This show has great violence, it is never overplayed or pointless. The death in this show is also planned out so well and really hits you hard when a character dies. They are also not afraid to kill off main characters, which is heart wrenching, but makes you love the show even more. If you like violent crime TV shows, this show is for you.
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The Office (2005–2013)
I will be watching this show until I die!
13 March 2019
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I would rate this 100/10 if I could. Everything about this show is perfect and I've been watching it for years and I still laugh super hard at everything. This show never gets old and is always enjoyable to watch, even though you know what is going to happen. The acting in this show is on another level, and the character development is amazing. Steve Carrell is just amazing and makes Michael Scott one of the funniest and lovable characters in a TV show ever. The humor is on point, and the relationships between the characters doesn't get better than this.
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The Good Doctor (2017–2024)
Pretty decent show, could be better
13 March 2019
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This show does contain some incredible acting, especially from Freddie Highmore. I absolutely loved him in Bates motel, and he does the same great job with playing a character that has very poor social skills, but is very intelligent. Another thing I enjoy about this show is when Dr. Murphy has a vision of his memory and it shows animations of anatomy and the disease inside the anatomy. The medical aspect of the show also has some pretty interesting cases, I am not a doctor so I can't tell how accurate some of the pathologies are, but they do present some rare and interesting pathologies.

Even though I am not a doctor, I do work in the medical field. A lot of advanced medical stuff in the show is something that I can't tell is accurate or not, but there are some things in the show that are horribly inaccurate. One thing that bothers me so much, and I see this in other medical shows too, is when the residents are operating the CT or MRI machine. This is insane because doctors are not meant to be operating this equipment, this is what we have radiologic technologists for. Also, when the residents are operating an MRI, the image pops up almost instantly with just one push of the button. Also it really bothers me that the surgeons on this show seem to be specialized in every kind of surgery. They have cardiothoracic surgeons performing orthiopedic cases, this is so inaccurate. Dr. Melendez is a good character, but he seems to be an expert on everything in medicine, which even the best doctors are not. One other inaccuracy that bothers me is the fact that surgeons and surgical residents are diagnosing people in the ER. I can understand if a surgeon has a consult with a patient in the ER, but why are surgeons in the ER doing things that ER doctors should be doing?

I know that I only gripe about these things because I am in the medical field, but overall this show is pretty good, with great acting. The drama in the show could be better, but it's not bad.
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Atlanta (2016–2022)
I love this show
8 February 2019
Everything about this show is great. The acting, the storyline, and the music. The music in this show really brings a perfect vibe to this show.
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A Quiet Place (2018)
Great movie, as long as you have an open mind
8 February 2019
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I don't understand why so many people hate on this movie. Maybe people just are not patient enough to keep an open mind with a film like this. Some parts were a little confusing, and it seemed like there was something missing. But, I think the writers did that on purpose so you could create your own interpretation of the film. Very thrilling and intense movie overall though! Also some heartwarming and sad moments that make the movie great!
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
Greact CGI, unsatisfying ending and story
8 February 2019
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This movie is very visually pleasing and also includes a lot of good acting. I really enjoyed the CGI in this movie because it blended nicely with what the earth really looks like. The story itself though wasn't very good and the ending left me unsatisfied and not really understanding the purpose of the movie. It seems like there are a lot of holes in the story that are unfilled. Although, I will say the scene when the polar bear opens its mouth and you can hear the girl screaming was very cool and creative, probably the most badasss part of the movie.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Beautiful scenery. great acting, great story
8 February 2019
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This movie is amazing, but I would say that not everyone will love it. You have to be patient to enjoy a film like this. Dicaprio is absolutely fantastic in this movie. Even though he does not have a lot of lines, the raw emotion he displays really makes you feel the pain and anger he feels. This movie is just great because of how rustik it is and how they make you realize how difificult life was back then. Also an amazing revenge story!
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Amazing and worth watching more than once
8 February 2019
This movie lived up to its potential fully! This is a movie that you HAVE TO watch twice, because knowing the ending is essential to understanding the Easter eggs throughout the movie. This movie has fantastic acting and really keeps you interested. I love the darkness of this movie and the message it sends.
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Mother! (2017)
Amazing movie if you understand it.
8 February 2019
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While watching this movie I was confused a lot of the times and just blown away by the chaos in some of the scenes. This movie does a great job of making the viewer feel like they are actually there experiencing the immense pain the characters are feeling. I did not understand this movie at all when I finished it. I got the just of the plot, but I didn't get the meaning behind it. I had to watch a YouTube video after to explain it. After doing that and understanding the message of the movie, it made me realize how amazing the movie really was. I love dark, sick and twisted movies with a hidden message, and this movie has all of that. But, this movie is not for the people with weak stomachs or people that take things too personally in movies.
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Escape Room (I) (2019)
Awesome movie! Better than I expected!
8 February 2019
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This movie was surprisingly great! The movie was actually better than the preview. There is a lot of thrilling and intense scenes throughout the entire movie! Very good acting in the movie as well. I really liked how each room related to each of the characters, it made the story so much better than just people randomly dying in an escape room.
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Decent movie, but WAY overhyped
8 February 2019
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This movie is definitely very pleasing to the eye with nothing short of amazing CGI. Even though the CGI looks very cool and gives you the illusion of being on another planet, I think this is a major downfall of the movie. Because there is so much CGI in the movie, it makes it that much more unrealistic. I know this is a superhero movie and it's not supposed to be very realistic, but I think they took it way to far with this. I believe that what makes a great superhero movie is being able to add those cool effects, while keeping things on a realistic level.

One aspect of the movie I liked a lot was the villain, Thanos. I thought that his appearance was amazing, he looked scary, but he also looked like he had a personality. Thanos was the best part of the movie by far. He has great lines and hes energy was amazing.

The main reason I do not like this movie is because of the ranging power levels of all the superheros. It is very annoying when three people will be against Thanos and not be able to do any damage, then one hero comes with one wave of their finger and knocks him on his ass. It is also very annoying how much power Thanos has. Everything seems so easy to him and he can just destroy anyone with a snap of his fingers. This is annoying to me because it takes away the fighting in a fight scene. It also makes the movie seem very corny, especially with all the jokes throughout the entire movie. With all the darkness that Thanos brings to the movie, you would think they would make the movie a lot more dark, and more of a superhero movie instead of a comedy. The fact that "the entire universe" is at stake, just seems extremely corny to me, they gave the villain too much power.
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