IMDb Polls

Poll: Movies I Wish Roger Ebert Reviewed

During his final years, legendary four-star critic Roger Ebert became both more prolific and selective: he reviewed movies he wished to see, but it didn't diminish the quantitative value of his writings just as disease and a permanent loss of voice didn't diminish their qualitative merit. You could agree or disagree with him, you would always enjoy his writing.

Thumbs down on that sad day of April 4, 2013 when Ebert left the world, an unparalleled legacy and also a taste of deception because we knew there were many great movies and classics to come, movies he would have enjoyed, some even more at the twilight of his life, movies from directors he respected and admired... but that he would never review, forever.

Which of these movies released less than a year after his death or at his lifetime but that (strangely enough) he didn't review, would you have most loved to see reviewed by the late Roger Ebert?

After voting, you might discuss the list here

(this poll adresses those who liked to know Ebert's take on a film before or after watching it, not everyone was or is still addicted to his website, if that's the case, the last option is for you)

Results of 715 votes:

  1. 1.
  2. 2.
  3. 3.

    Her (2013)


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