IMDb Polls

Poll: Big screen berserkers

Which of these characters (from theatrical films) had the most interesting outburst of berserker* rage?

*berserkers were ancient Norse warriors, known for the ability to get into uncontrollable rage before battle, which allowed them to fight with great strength and bloodlust, while also giving them immunity to fear and pain (thus giving rise to a modern term 'to go berserk')

Related poll: Small screen berserkers

Thanks to yrnej and ahmad-zia for their suggestions

Results of 4,720 votes:

  1. 1.

    Edward Norton and Lou Ferrigno in The Incredible Hulk (2008)

    HULK went berserk during his fight against Abomination
  2. 2.

    Al Pacino in Scarface (1983)

    TONY MONTANA went berserk during the mansion shootout
  3. 3.

    Hugh Jackman in X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

    WOLVERINE went berserk during his adamantium implantation process

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