IMDb Polls

Poll: Multiple Golden Globe Winning Directors

Who is your favorite director with multiple Golden Globe awards for Best Director?

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  1. Vote!

    Elia Kazan

  2. Vote!

    Martin Scorsese

    Wins: 3


    1. Gangs of New York (2002)

    2. The Departed (2006)

    3. Hugo (2011)

    Total Nominations: 9

  3. Vote!

    Clint Eastwood

    Wins: 3


    1. Bird (1988)

    2. Unforgiven (1992)

    3. Million Dollar Baby (2004)

    Total Nominations: 7

  4. Vote!

    David Lean

  5. Vote!

    Oliver Stone

    Wins: 3


    1. Platoon (1986)

    2. Born on the Fourth of July (1989)

    3. JFK (1991)

    Total Nominations: 4

  6. Vote!

    Milos Forman

  7. Vote!

    Steven Spielberg

    Wins: 2


    1. Schindler's List (1993)

    2. Saving Private Ryan (1998)

    Total Nominations: 12

  8. Vote!

    Fred Zinnemann

    Wins: 2


    1. From Here to Eternity (1953)

    2. A Man for All Seasons (1966)

    Total Nominations: 7

  9. Vote!

    Francis Ford Coppola

    Wins: 2


    1. The Godfather (1972)

    2. Apocalypse Now (1979)

    Total Nominations: 6

  10. Vote!

    John Huston

  11. Vote!

    Billy Wilder

    Wins: 2


    1. The Lost Weekend (1945)

    2. Sunset Boulevard (1950)

    Total Nominations: 5

  12. Vote!

    Ang Lee

  13. Vote!

    Sam Mendes

    Wins: 2


    1. American Beauty (1999)

    2. 1917 (2019)

    Total Nominations: 3

  14. Vote!

    James Cameron

    Wins: 2


    1. Titanic (1997)

    2. Avatar (2009)

    Total Nominations: 2

  15. Vote!

    Alfonso Cuarón

    Wins: 2


    1. Gravity (2013)

    2. Roma (2018)

    Total Nominations: 2

  16. Vote!

    William Friedkin

    Wins: 2


    1. The French Connection (1971)

    2. The Exorcist (1973)

    Total Nominations: 2

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