Since when is Bugs interested in buying a house?
20 March 2004
The three little pigs have finished reading the story of the big bad wolf and are now looking for a sucker to sell their straw and wood houses too, when along comes Bugs Bunny. After the straw house is blown down by the wolf (who also gets all his lines from the collected work of the brothers Grimm), Bugs is stupid enough to buy the wooden one as well. Even though this by-the-book wolf is not interested in any bunny, Bugs declares war on him all the same and points the wolf towards another chapter: Little red riding hood.

At this point in his career Bugs Bunny must have been so blasé with being chased in each of his outings, that he fails to realize the wolf means him no actual harm (this might be the first 'villain' Bugs ever encountered that he had to goat into chasing him). Wolfie also has all the best lines: when re-enacting Little Red Riding Hood with Bugs, he rightfully points out which one of them has the biggest ears. It takes some time for the both of them to realize that the real bad guys of this fairy tale are those filthy little pigs. When they do, Bugs helps the wolf blow the brick house down. Or up.

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