Review of Last Holiday

Last Holiday (1950)
Guinness Pure Genius
18 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
An unremarkable man is told he has Lampington's Disease and has only a few weeks to live, so he decides to spend his life savings on his remaining time left living a comfortable life in a seaside hotel. Straight away everything he touches turns to gold and he makes friends easily, gets golden business opportunities and even finds himself lucky in both the gambling and romance stakes.The staff at the hotel go on strike he rallies all the residents together and they fend for themselves, he bumps into the manufacturer of the farming implements he used to sell and tells him how to improve it and gets a partnership for his trouble.He even bumps into Sir Trevor Lampington the man who discovered the disease he's got and that's when our hero's luck changes again.When Sir Trevor tells him he hasn't got Lampingtons disease and it's confirmed, our man goes into deep joy as he's now able to take up all the offers he's received and truly lead a life of comfort. This is a tremendous film and Alec Guinness delivers a perfect performance of George Bird our main character who's luck changes from bad to worse to good to better and back again more than once throughout the film.With a couple of plot twists that you can see coming and a couple that come out of the blue so that the ending isn't obvious this is British film making at it's best. It's got a haunting violin theme also, and I'm not ashamed to say it made me shed a tear or two. This film is top of my list if it's ever released on VHS or DVD.
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