This short is a type that the animators called, "cheaters".
19 June 2002
This cartoon is what they call a "cheater"-it uses old footage from previously released shorts along with new footage used to frame the clips.

Animation is a very time-consuming and labor-intensive process. Studios contracted to produce a specific number of shorts in a specific time-frame, most often a year. As budgets got tighter and deadlines loomed, in order to work a bit longer on some shorts to do excellent work, Warner Brothers animators (MGM did so as well) started to do "cheaters", which were quicker and cheaper than a fully new short, to stay on deadline and within the allotted budget for the year. The time and money saved on a cheater was used on other projects, to take a bit longer and do it right. Rather than cut corners on every project, like some studios did, they cut corners on a handful of shorts a year. This is one of the better cheaters. Well worth watching. Recommended.
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