2 September 1999
This is one of those movies they showed alot on local television in the 1960's. The Million Dollar Movie in NYC let you see favorites ALOT in those days before there was adequate, cheap programming. I never tired of this one. Why tire? It's the state of the are science-fiction movie, pre-2001 and Star Wars. This movie was elegant in a time when "Ed Norton" was parodying Captain Video. It's wonderfully done, terrific sets and in COLOR too. "Robby the Robot" in all his splendor cost the studio $1 million to create (unheard of in that day). Robbie was famous and went on to make numerous TV and movie appearances, but this was his most memorable role.

On a recent Monstervision on TNT (a late night saturday movie show), a still gorgeous Anne Francis (now 69 years old) was interviewed at length between movie segments and gave alot of insight into the movie. I recommend looking for the re-run.

The intereraction of the crew is a little too "South Pacific" but considering the film's age, it fits. I find any comments looking at something with today's eyes and no "feel" for the time of filming naive and unfair (you had to be there). The stars do a fine job in a genre usually done cheaply and regularly assigned "B" movie status.

For the fans.... I was recently, pleasantly surprised to see, on a "Star Trek:Deep Space 9" episode, a tribute to the movie "Forbidden Planet" (not the first one they've done). Dr. Bashir had to travel to a conference where he was giving a lecture (and spying), he was transported on a ship called "The Belerefon", the same as one of the ships in "Forbidden Planet". It was not wasted on me. Thanks guys....
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