You won't walk away from this one feeling refreshed...
28 February 2003
I saw this film as part of the show Mystery Science Theater 3000. I am doubting I would have ever seen it without the aid of that show as horror films in the era this one was made tended to just not be very good and they usually age horribly. Sure, there are a few Hammer horror films from this era I like, as I enjoyed the Christopher Lee Dracula a lot, but for the most part the films feature ridiculous monsters. This movie for instance, though it does not look more foolish than those monsters with hot dogs in their mouths from, "Horror At Party Beach"; heck, the monster in this one even looks better than the monster in, "The Blood Waters of Dr. Z" which was in the 70's when generally the monsters looked pretty good. Still, it looked goofy as it had a bosom and its back fins looked like cushions. Then there is the cast which features a couple of guys who mumble nearly all their lines, two horrible foreign comic relief characters and an oily villain. Granted, the guy who played Dr. Carlo Lombardi at least did a relatively good job and his assistant was a pretty sight.

The story in this film has a man who uses hypnotism in an act that does not look all that entertaining. Dr. Vorelli from another MST3K riffed film, "Devil Doll" had a pretty lame act too, but the one in this film makes that one look positively mind blowing by comparison! Anyways a monster is killing people, the evil hypnotist predicts these deaths and uses it to get money. Meanwhile, a man is staying with a family and he mumbles constantly and seems to do his best to not maintain eye contact with anyone. He makes John Agar look like an Oscar caliber actor! Well this man falls for the evil hypnotist's assistant and wishes to break the hold Dr. Carlo Lombardi has on her because she is attractive leaving me to wonder why so many females fall for this guy.

This made for a very funny episode of MST3K featuring many good riffs as there was plenty to work with even if you only take into account Lance Fuller's acting ability. The one thing that they never riffed which seemed like a prime target was the house Fuller's character was staying at. My question is why was he there in the first place? It apparently belonged to a rich couple and their daughter was living there too and she seemed to like Lance, but he showed no real interest in her and seemed to positively loathe them all. Maybe it was cut out, but there seems to be no good reason for him to be staying with the family if he doesn't like them.

So not really a great movie in my eyes as it is one of a number of films that feature a monster that comes out so infrequently that at times you forget the movie features it. The acting was very bad with the exception of the guy playing Dr. Carlo Lombardi and he may not of been doing that great, but acting next to a guy who mumbles and looks at the floor is going to make anything look a lot better by comparison. I notice a lot of other films with the title She Creature and I wonder if they are a play on this film and I may check them out as they came out later which means perhaps a better looking monster, some good gore and maybe a topless assistant!
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